Boundary changes since 1820: land set off to Jefferson in 1829
Note: the 1820 Census lists the names of heads of households only; see the original sheets for a tally of everyone in each household by age range and gender.
The enumeration of the Plantation of Patricktown shows 292 inhabitants.
Enumerator: Eli Ayer
The enumeration of the Plantation of Patricktown appears on Sheets 306 and 307; use the arrow at top left of each image to page forward.
The enumerator 's occasional use of phonetic spellings may have affected alphabetization of the list below.
If you find errors or have information to share on any of the people listed below, please leave a comment.
Heads of Households; Sheet Numbers
Alexander - just the one name, presumably the surname | 306 |
Nathan Avery | 307 |
Solomon Baker | 306 |
John Bartlett | 307 |
Thomas Bates | 307 |
Gersham Bickford | 307 |
William Bickford | 306 |
Rufus Boynton | 306 |
Daniel Brand | 307 |
Jeremiah Brand | 306 |
Thomas Brand | 307 |
Betsy Bruce | 307 |
Peter Clifford | 306 |
Samuel Cochran | 306 |
John Colby | 307 |
Mercy Cressy | 306 |
Nathaniel Crommet | 306 |
Cebra Crooker | 306 |
Asa Day | 306 |
Elihu Day | 307 |
Benjamin Dennis | 307 |
David Dodge | 306 |
Porter Dodge | 306 |
Moses Dow | 307 |
Elijah Eastman | 306 |
Enos Eastman | 306 |
Steward Eastman | 306 |
Timothy Eastman | 306 |
John Evens | 307 |
Simon Fish | 306 |
Hawley Folsom | 307 |
Jonathan Folsom | 307 |
David Gillpatrick | 306 |
William Gillpatrick | 306 |
Benjamin Glidden | 307 |
Charles Glidden | 307 |
William Glidden | 307 |
Enoch Goe | 306 |
Daniel Hibbard | 306 |
Samuel Kinneda | 306 |
William Lewis | 307 |
Icabod Mars | 306 |
Andrew McCobb | 307 |
John McDonald | 307 |
Walter Powers | 307 |
William Rich or Rick | 306 |
Elizer Shearman | 306 |
Joseph Toby | 306 |
David Weeks | 307 |
Josiah Weeks | 307 |
Wannah Weeks - perhaps not W, but Hannah (Hopkins) Weeks ? | 307 |
Walter H. Wilson | 306 |
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