Tuesday, March 31, 2015

1813 Act to Alter and Amend an Act Establishing The Fryeburgh Academy; Fryeburg, Maine

"An Act to alter and amend an act establishing The Fryeburgh Academy", in a description on parts of two pages in Laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Passed by the General Court at Their Session, which Commenced on Wednesday the 26th Day of May, and Which Ended on the 16th Day of June, 1813.  Now known as Fryeburg Academy at Fryeburg, Maine, the Academy was founded in 1792.

The amendment: repeal of the requirement that a major part of the Trustees of said Academy shall consist of men, who are not inhabitants of the town where the said seminary is situated.

The Act was approved by the Governor the Commonwealth of Massachusetts on June 16, 1813.

Click on an image to enlarge it.

1813 Act to incorporate The President, Directors, and Company of the Kennebunk Bank; Kennebunk, Maine

"An Act to incorporate The President, Directors, and Company of the Kennebunk Bank", as described on five pages in Laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Passed by the General Court at Their Session, which Commenced on Wednesday the 26th Day of May, and Which Ended on the 16th Day of June, 1813.  Kennebunk, Maine.

The Act was approved by the Governor of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts on June 16, 1813.

Names in the Act, in the order in which they appear, as the order may signify the amount of their investment and/or authority.

Eliphalet Perkins
Tobias Lord
Hugh McCullock
John Bourne
Joseph Moody
John U. Parsons
John Low

Click on any image to enlarge it.

1813 Act to Annex Nathaniel Wing Family and Estate to Hallowell, Maine

"An Act to annex Nathaniel Wing, with his family and estate, to the town of Hallowell", as described in parts of two pages from Laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Passed by the General Court at Their Session, which Commenced on Wednesday the 26th Day of May, and Which Ended on the 16th Day of June, 1813.  From Winthrop, Maine, to Hallowell, Maine.

The Act was approved by the Governor of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts on June 14, 1813.

Perhaps the Nathaniel Wing mentioned in a publication from the Maine Historical Society.  That Nathaniel Wing was born in Harwich, Massachusetts, now Brewster, Massachusetts, on December 25, 1768, the son of Barney and Hannah (Berry) Wing.  He married Polly Crosby and came to Maine in 1799; they had eight children.  He died November 30, 1834.

Click on an image to enlarge it.

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1813 Act to Incorporate The Bangor Manufacturing Company; Bangor, Maine

"An Act to incorporate the Bangor Manufacturing Company", as described in two pages from Laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Passed by the General Court at Their Session, which Commenced on Wednesday the 26th Day of May, and Which Ended on the 16th Day of June, 1813.  Bangor, Maine.

The Act was approved by the Governor of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts on June 14, 1813.

Names in the Act, listed in the order they were presented, in case the order reflects investment and/or authority in the company:

Samuel E. Dutton
Thomas A. Hill
Amos Patten
Moses Patten
Abner Taylor
Joseph Leavett

Click on an image to enlarge it.

Act to Incorporate Bath Fire and Marine Insurance Company, Bath, Maine

"An Act to incorporate The Bath Fire and Marine Insurance Company", as described in a five-page portion of Laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Passed by the General Court at Their Session, which Commenced on Wednesday the 26th Day of May, and Which Ended on the 16th Day of June, 1813.  Bath, Maine.

The act was approved by the Governor of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts on June 14, 1813.

Names of people mentioned in order of appearance, which might reflect the level of their investment and/or authority:

Peleg Tallman
David Trufant
Samuel Davis
John Richardson
Jerom Loring
Jonathan Hyde
Charles Clap
David Dunlap
Nathaniel Drummer
Thomas Agry
Peter Grant

1813 Act to Incorporate the Wiscasset Marine Insurance Company; Wiscasset, Maine

"An Act to Incorporate the Wiscasset Marine Insurance Company", a description that takes up nearly five full pages in the 1813 edition of Laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Passed by the General Court, at Their Session, Which Commenced on Wednesday the 26th Day of May, and Which Ended on the 16th Day of June, 1813.

The Act was approved by the Governor of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts on June 11, 1813.  Click on any page to enlarge.

Names mentioned, in alphabetical order:  [The first page shows the actual order, which might have indicated a higher level of investment and/or authority.]

William M. BoydJohn DoleWilliam NickelsBenjamin Sewall
John BoyingtonHThomas NickelsSamuel E. Smith
CJoshua HiltonPW
Moses Carleton, Jr.KDavid PaysonJoseph T. Wood
Samuel ConeyJames KavanaghRAbiel Wood
Matthew CottrillMHenry Roby
Thomas M. CrateSamuel Millar
Ezekiel Cutter

Monday, March 30, 2015

1813 Act to Incorporate The First Baptist Society in Wilton, Maine

"An Act to incorporate the First Baptist Society in Wilton, in the county of Kennebeck", a description that takes up nearly two pages in the 1813 edition of Laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Passed by the General Court, at Their Session, Which Commenced on Wednesday the 26th Day of May, and Which Ended on the 16th Day of June, 1813.

Wilton became part of Franklin County, Maine, in 1838.

The Act was approved by the Governor of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts on June 11, 1813.

Persons Incorporated:

Jedidiah AdamsMoses FarmerPeter ParkerIsaac Tripp
BHRHumphry Tripp
Samuel BakerDaniel HardyNehemiah RaingerW
Jeremy BeanJob HardyJohn ReedJoseph Willard
Ebenezer BrownLSJohn F. Wood
DJohn LakeEbenezer Seales
Levi DakinEdward LockJonah Spaulding
Levi Dakin, Jr.M
Rufus DresserLeonard Merry

Wilton, Maine

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1813 Act to Set Off Part of Monmouth, Maine, and Annex it to Winthrop, Maine

"An Act to Set Off Part of the Town of Monmouth, and to Annex the Same to the Town of Winthrop", a description that takes up part of two pages in the 1813 edition of Laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Passed by the General Court, at Their Session, Which Commenced on Wednesday the 26th Day of May, and Which Ended on the 16th Day of June, 1813.

"Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court assembled, and by the authority of the same, That the following described tracts of land, with the inhabitants thereon, be set off from the town of Monmouth in the county of Kennebeck, and annexed to the town of Winthrop in the same county, by the following described lines, to wit: beginning on a pond called Chandler's South Pond, where the line between great back lots, number twenty-one and twenty-two, as run by Obadiah Williams, strikes said pond; thence northerly on said pond to the south line of said town of Winthrop; thence west north-west about one mile and twenty-nine rods to the west end of lot number seventy-eight; thence on the easterly end of said lot to the south-east corner thereof; thence south, twenty-two and an [sic?] half degrees west, to the line between said great back lots, number twenty-one and twenty-two; thence on said lines easterly to the pond aforesaid.  And the said tract of land, with the inhabitants thereon, is hereby set off from said town of Monmouth and annexed to the town of Winthrop.  And the said inhabitants shall hereafter be considered inhabitants of said town of Winthrop, and shall there exercise and enjoy all their civil rights and privileges, and shall also be subject to all their civil duties and requisitions, in like manner with the other inhabitants of said town.  Provided however, That the said inhabitants shall be holden to pay all taxes heretofore legally assessed on them by the said town of Monmouth, in the same manner as if this act had not passed.  [Approved by the Governor, June 11, 1813.]

If anyone knows the current name of Chandler's South Pond, please leave a comment or contact me directly.  Thanks!

Pages 237 and 238 in their entirety:

Monmouth, Maine, and Winthrop, Maine

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1880s Autograph Album of, Presumably, Jeremiah Benton Farrar, "Jerry", of Woodstock, Maine

1880s autograph album that I believe belonged to Jeremiah Benton Farrar, "Jerry", of Woodstock, Maine.  Many of the inscribers gave Woodstock, Maine, or area towns, as their residence; many with the surnames Farrar and Felt and other surnames associated, either by blood or marriage, with the Farrar family.

The album measures approximately 5-1/2" by 3-1/4" and contains the sentiments of over 80 of Jerry's relatives and friends.  An alphabetical surname list and an alphabetical list of the inscribers, together with any personal information they offered, appear at the end of this post.

From brief online research, hopefully correct and assuming that I have the correct Jerry:  [corrections and additions welcome!]

Jeremiah Benton Farrar was born July 4, 1869 at Woodstock, Maine, the son of Consider Fuller Farrar and Mary Perkins (Felt) Farrar.  He had at least one sibling, Eliza May Farrar, born about 1875; died in 1902, unmarried.  If she was nicknamed Lida, as some online references suggest, she may have been the Lida M. Farrar who inscribed a page in Jerry's album.

Several inscribers mentioned a cousin relationship, and there were no doubt many more who didn't express a relationship:
  • H. C. Bacon of Bryant Pond, Maine, inscribed on January 15, 1885.
  • H. H. Cushman of North Woodstock, Maine, inscribed on June 11, 1882. 
  • Minnie A. Cushman of North Woodstock, Maine. 
  • G. L. Cushman of North Woodstock, Maine. 
  • Verna M. Davis of West Paris, Maine, inscribed on February 18, 1882. 
  • Nettie Farrar, inscribed on November 13, 1882 at West Gloucester, Maine. 
  • Angie L. Farrar. 
On December 22, 1894, Jeremiah Benton Farrar married Alice P. Bowker, daughter of Levi and Hannah (Hasey) Bowker.  Many online references have the marriage in the town of Franklin in Hancock County, which would have been unusual, but not impossible, considering that the family was mostly situated in Oxford County.  However, I believe they were married in Franklin Plantation, now defunct, an Oxford County plantation which merged into the towns of Sumner, Peru and Rumford.

Jerry, a house carpenter, and Alice made their home at Woodstock, Maine, and had, I believe, four children.  Two died in infancy, Grace A. Farrar, who was born in 1905 and didn't live a full year, and a stillborn daughter born in 1898.  Daughter Florence Lillian Farrar, born in 1899, married Gerald Hobson Benson.  Daughter Helen M. Farrar was born about 1908; I'm not sure if she married.

Alice P. (Bowker) Farrar died in 1930, and Jeremiah Benton Farrar, "Jerry", in 1956.  If you have corrections and/or additions to the information above, or information on any of the inscribers listed below, please leave a comment or contact me directly.

On the facing pages below, left: cousin H. C. Bacon of Bryant Pond, Maine, who sketched a bird design, on January 15, 1885; and, right, Verna M. Davis of West Paris, Maine, who left her sentiment on February 18, 1882.

Surnames in the Album

? [2]CEH-TW
AChamberlin [2]EllisHoweWalker
AmesCole [2]EvansKimballWelch [2]
BCummings [4]FLaphamYork [5]
BaconCushman [4]Farnum [3]Maxim
BartlettDFarrar [11]Ordway [2]
BishopDanielsFelt [7]Perkins
BlanchardDavis [6]FordRowe
Bowker [3]DunhamFoxStevens [3]
BrockettFuller [2]Trull [2]

Inscribers in the Album   [Given names within a specific surname might not be in alphabetical order.]
  • Mary ?, possibly Mary L. or Mary P.. Surname possibly Turner or ? Inscribed on February 26, 1882 at South Woodstock, Maine
  • Edna
  • C. J. Ames of South Tamworth, New Hampshire
  • H. C. Bacon of Bryant Pond, Maine, inscribed on January 15, 1885. Jerry's cousin.
  • E. R. Bartlett of South Woodstock, Maine, inscribed on April 18, 1882
  • Stillman Bishop, inscribed on April 23, 1884
  • George E. Blanchard of East Rumford, Maine, inscribed on January 29, 1882
  • Albert L. Bowker of Bryant Pond, Maine, inscribed on January 8, 1885
  • Stella M. Bowker, inscribed at Bryant Pond, Maine, on December 2, 1883
  • Willie F. Bowker of Bryant Pond, Maine
  • Fannie E. Brockett, or Fannie E. Brackett, of Bryant Pond, Maine, inscribed on February 23, 1885
  • Fordyce B. Brooks of Upton, Maine, inscribed on October 7, 1883
  • A. B. Chamberlin, inscribed on August 19, 1884
  • L. C. Chamberlin of Bridgton, Maine, inscribed on July 20, 1882
  • Virgie L. Cole, inscribed on December 7, 188x [can't decipher last digit]
  • Jerry H. Cole of North Woodstock, Maine, inscribed on January 9, 1864
  • ? Cummings, inscribed at Bryant Pond, Maine, on January 12, 1882. Initials might be D. V. or A. V. Cummings or ?
  • Arthur Cummings of South Woodstock, Maine, inscribed on January 12, 1882
  • Rinaldo L. Cummings, inscribed on January 10, 1882 at Bryant Pond, Maine; he sketched an eagle and shield
  • Eliza Cummings, inscribed on January 12, 1882
  • H. H. Cushman of North Woodstock, Maine, inscribed on June 11, 1882. Jerry's cousin.
  • Minnie A. Cushman of North Woodstock, Maine. Jerry's cousin.
  • G. L. Cushman of North Woodstock, Maine. Jerry's cousin.
  • I. P. Cushman of North Woodstock, Maine, inscribed on June 19, 1883. She was presumably Isabella P. (Felt) Cushman, a sister of Jerry's mother Mary Perkins (Felt) Farrar
  • May Daniels of Paris, Maine, inscribed on June 20, 1882.
  • Ronello C. Davis of Bryant Pond, Maine, inscribed on January 15, 1885; Jerry's schoolmate
  • Mrs. Juliettia Davis of Woodstock, Maine, inscribed on March 17, 1883
  • J. H. Davis, or P. H. Davis, of South Woodstock, Maine, inscribed on March 17, 1873 [I believe the inscriber meant 1883]
  • Etta M. Davis, inscribed at Woodstock, Maine, on January 10, 1882
  • Verna M. Davis of West Paris, Maine, inscribed on February 18, 1882. Jerry's cousin.
  • Florence O. Davis of Bryant Pond, Maine, inscribed on December 31, 1882
  • F. A. Dunham of North Paris, Maine
  • George Ellis of Owatonna, Minnesota, inscribed on January 8, 1884
  • William Evans, inscribed at Woodstock, Maine, on March 24, 1885
  • Frank S. Farnum of West Paris, Maine, inscribed on March 23, 1885
  • S. R. Farnum of West Paris, Maine, inscribed on March 17, 1882. He was Sidney R. Farnum, whose wife Elsey inscribed the right facing page.
  • Mrs. Elsey Farnum of West Paris, Maine. She may have been Lois C. (Farrar) Farnum, wife of Sidney R. Farnum who inscribed the left facing page. Lois was a sister to Jerry's father Consider Fuller Farrar.
  • Jerry Benton Farrar of Woodstock, Maine; strong possibility as album owner
  • Nellie E. Farrar of West Gloucester, Maine, inscribed on November 15, 1882
  • Mary A. Farrar of Groveton, New Hampshire, inscribed on December 20, 1883
  • C. F. Farrar of Bryant Pond, Maine, inscribed on January 29 [or 27], 1882
  • George W. Farrar of South Weymouth, Massachusetts, inscribed on June 16, 1883
  • Nettie Farrar, inscribed on November 13, 1882 at West Gloucester, Maine. Jerry's cousin.
  • Miss Edna Farrar of Groveton, New Hampshire, inscribed on November 21, 1884
  • Angie L. Farrar. Jerry's cousin
  • Lida M. Farrar of Bryant Pond, Maine; possibly Jerry's sister.
  • Col. Frank R. Farrar of Hooksett, New Hampshire, inscribed on February 14, 1884
  • Jennie Farrar of Manchester, New Hampshire
  • Albert J. Felt, or Albert G. Felt, of Locke Mills, Maine, inscribed on March 27, 1885
  • Mr. Charles H. Felt of Locke Mills, Maine, inscribed on March 27, 1885
  • Lena M. Felt of Bryant Pond, Maine, inscribed on February 28, 1885
  • Emily J. Felt of Bryant Pond, Maine, inscribed on February 25, 1885; shared the page with Archie D. Felt
  • Archie D. Felt; shared the page with Emily J. Felt
  • Earl G. Felt of Bryant Pond, Maine
  • Eliza A. Felt of Bryant Pond, Maine, inscribed on December 5, 1883
  • E. Ford of South Woodstock, Maine; middle initial might be H
  • Charles K. Fox, inscribed on October 1, 1882
  • Charles C. Fuller of No. 21 Bluehill Avenue, Boston Highlands, inscribed on February 13, 1882.
  • Hadley G. Fuller of Boston, Massachusetts, inscribed on July 25, 1883
  • Fred J. Howe of West Paris, Maine, inscribed on May 14, 1882
  • C. P. Kimball of South Woodstock, Maine, inscribed on November 1, 1882
  • Ben W. Lapham of Augusta, Maine, inscribed on April 22, 1883
  • Howard F. Maxim, inscribed at South Woodstock, Maine, on January 10, 1881
  • Walter B. Ordway of North Woodstock, Maine, inscribed in January 1884.
  • Sherman C. Ordway of North Woodstock, Maine, inscribed on "1-8-85" or "7-8-85"
  • Kilbon Perham of Bryant Pond, Maine, inscribed on January 9, 1882
  • Clifford G. Perham of Bryant Pond, Maine, inscribed on March 16, 1882
  • Ladurney A. Perham of Bryant Pond, Maine, inscribed on May 21, 1882
  • George H. Perham of Bryant Pond, Maine, inscriber on January 17, 1885
  • Sidney M. Perham of Bryant Pond, Maine, inscribed on January 8, 1885
  • George Quinby Perham of Bryant Pond, Maine, inscribed on January 6, 1882. Possibly Quimby but looks more like Quinby
  • Mabel Perkins, inscribed on March 22, 1882
  • Ed. W. Rowe, inscribed on January 27, 1885
  • George E. Stevens
  • Ida M. Stevens, inscribed on January 22, 1882
  • Emma Stevens
  • Alice M. Trull of Bryant Pond, Maine, inscribed on January 9, 1884
  • Helen A. Trull of Bryant Pond, Maine, inscribed on January 9, 1885
  • Anna V. Walker of Oxford, Maine, inscribed on March 25, 1882
  • ? M. Welch of East Rumford, Maine. Given name possibly Lewis M. Welch or Lucia M. Welch
  • Ruth A. Welch of East Rumford, Maine
  • Dora B. York, inscribed at Woodstock, Maine, on December 1, 1883. Jerry's teacher.
  • Oneida M. York of South Woodstock, Maine, inscribed on December 7, 1883
  • Alton M. York of South Woodstock, Maine, inscribed on December 9, 1883
  • Frankie R. York of South Woodstock, Maine, inscribed on December 8, 188x [can't decipher last digit, possibly 1883]
  • Mrs. M. E. York, inscribed at Woodstock, Maine, on December 1, 1883
Woodstock, Maine

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Thursday, March 26, 2015

#2 of 2 1880s Autograph Albums of Ina B. Durgin of Mechanic Falls, Maine

1880s autograph album of Ina B. Durgin of Mechanic Falls, Maine.  She inscribed her name on the page after the title page, on December 25, 1882; the album was presumably a Christmas present.

See another post that features an earlier autograph album presented to Ina by her brother Albert L. Morrill on April 2, 1881, with many sentiments collected at Norway, Maine, where Ina may have been working, possibly at the Norway Shoe Shop.

The album measures approximately 7" x 4-1/4" and contains the sentiments of 81 of Ina's relatives and friends.  An alphabetical surname list and an alphabetical list of the inscribers, together with any personal information they offered, appear at the end of this post.

From brief online research, hopefully correct:  [corrections and additions welcome!]

Ina B. Durgin was born February 10, 1865 in Maine, the daughter of William R. Durgin and Esther Ann (Turner) Durgin.  Ina had at least four siblings: Julia; Albert; Merrill and Elmer.  Merrill M. Durgin, and his wife Mary Flora (Tubbs) Durgin, inscribed pages in Ina's album in September 1884 when they were living at Haverhill, Massachusetts.

Two of Ina's cousins inscribed pages.
  • Jennie G. Davis, "your black-eyed cousin" inscribed an individual page on October 2, 1883 and a shared page with Ina's cousin Lizzie K. Turner of Portland, Maine.
  • Lizzie K. Turner of Portland, Maine, who shared the page with Jennie G. Davis.
I found two marriage records for Ina B. Durgin and Edwin Henry Downs, one at Minot, Maine, on January 7, 1887, and another at Lewiston, Maine, on January 25, 1888.  Edwin Henry Downs, born February 17, 1862, was the son of Asa L. Downs and Clara Jane (Perkins) Downs.   Edwin inscribed a page in Ina's album on July 21, 1884.

Ina and Edwin lived at Minot, Maine, and Mechanic Falls, Maine.  They had at least two children, daughters Ola Francena Downs and Esther Jane Downs.  Edwin died in 1941 and Ina in 1944.  If you have corrections and/or additions to the information above, please leave a comment or contact me directly.

Surnames in the Album

AdamsEatonLemos [2]Royal
BEverett [2]LurveySawyer [2]
Bartlett [2]FMSeavey
BerryFarrarMarston [4]Sholes
Bradbury [2]FarrowMason [2]Smith [2]
BridgeFrenchMerrill [2]Staples
BurnsFullerMilliken [3]T
CummingsJPWhittle [2]
DJacobs [3]Perkins
Davis [5]Jordan [2]Perry [2]
DeCosterKPettie [2]
Durgin [3]

Inscribers in the Album  [Given names within a specific surname might not be in alphabetical order.]

  • Myrtie M. Adams of Mechanic Falls, Maine, inscribed on December 27, 1882
  • Will N. Allen of Mechanic Falls, Maine. "Bashful Bill". Not sure of middle initial.
  • Minta Andrews of Mechanic Falls, Maine, inscribed on March 23, 1883
  • Belle Bartlett of Mechanic Falls, Maine, inscribed on March 13, 1883
  • Rose E. Bartlett of Mechanic Falls, Maine, inscribed on March 13, 1883
  • C. Pearl Berry of Mechanic Falls, Maine, inscribed on January 3, 1883. M.F.H.S., presumably Mechanic Falls High School
  • J. H. Bradbury of Auburn, Maine, inscribed on February 1, 1885
  • Edith E. Bradbury, inscribed at Auburn, Maine, on January 29, 1885
  • Daniel F. Bray of Mechanic Falls, Maine, inscribed on March 5, 1883
  • C. S. Bridge of Lewiston, Maine, inscribed on March 11, 1883. Not sure of initials.
  • Josie L. Burns of Mechanic Falls, Maine, inscribed on June 26, 1886
  • Fannie M. Clark, inscribed on May 13, 1883
  • Miss N. B. Cole of Haverhill, Massachusetts; not sure of first initial.
  • Bertha A. Cummings, inscribed at Mechanic Falls, Maine, on August 2, 1884
  • Jennie G. Davis of Fall River, Massachusetts, inscribed on October 2, 1883
  • M. F. Davis of Fall River, Massachusetts, inscribed on September 30, 1883.
  • Maynard A. Davis of Pawtucket, Rhode Island, inscribed at Mechanic Falls, Maine, on September 16, 1883
  • Jennie G. Davis of Fall River, Massachusetts, inscribed on October 2, 1883. S.B.O. Ina's "black-eyed Cousin".  She also inscribed another page, which she shared with another of Ina's cousins, Lizzie K. Turner.
  • Mrs. Anna E. Davis of Poland, Maine, inscribed on September 18, 1883
  • Harry W. DeCoster of Mechanic Falls, Maine, inscribed on August 12, 1884
  • Ed H. Downs of Mechanic Falls, Maine, inscribed on July 21, 1884. Presumably Ina's future husband Edwin Henry Downs.
  • Ina B. Durgin of Mechanic Falls, Maine, inscribed on December 25, 1882. Album owner
  • M. M. Durgin, inscribed at Haverhill, Massachusetts, on September 17, 1884. Ina's brother Merrill M. Durgin.
  • May, inscribed at Haverhill, Massachusetts, on September 16, 1884. "your Sister". Presumably Mary Flora (Tubbs) Durgin, wife of Ina's brother Merrill M. Durgin.
  • Bertha E. Eaton of Eastport, Maine, inscribed at Mechanic Falls, Maine, on August 24, 1886
  • Nellie E. Elden of Welchville, Maine, inscribed at Mechanic Falls, Maine, on February 3, 1884. Welchville is a village in the town of Oxford, Maine.
  • Howard L. Elwell of Portland, Maine, inscribed at Mechanic Falls, Maine, on August 27
  • C. F. Everett of Auburn, Maine; shared the page with Eliza E. Everett
  • Eliza E. Everett of Auburn, Maine, inscribed on January 19, 1885; shared the page with C. F. Everett.
  • Minnie Farrar of Mechanic Falls, Maine, inscribed on March 28, 1883
  • Lilla M. Farrow of Mechanic Falls, Maine, inscribed on November 23, 1884
  • Lottie A. Foster of Mechanic Falls, Maine, inscribed on April 15, 1883
  • Arthur French of Kingfield, Maine, inscribed at Mechanic Falls, Maine, on September 24, 1883. I.? G. T.
  • Carrie B. Fuller of Berlin Mills, New Hampshire, inscribed at Mechanic Falls, Maine, on August 2, 1884
  • E. A. Harris, inscribed at Mechanic Falls, Maine, on August 3, 1886
  • Marnie E. Hayes, or Mamie E. Hayes, of Mechanic Falls, Maine
  • Elsie Jacobs of Mechanic Falls. She was Elsie H. (Williams) Jacobs, wife of Herbert Jacobs, who shared the page.  They were married November 24, 1883 at Minot, Maine.
  • Herbert Jacobs of Mechanic Falls, Maine, husband of Elsie H. (Williams) Jacobs, who shared the page. They were married November 24, 1883 at Minot, Maine.
  • Carrie M. Jacobs of Mechanic Falls, Maine
  • Nellie Mae Jordan, inscribed at Home on January 10, 1883
  • Harry S. Jordan of Mechanic Falls, Maine, inscribed on January 9, 1882. "Over to Harry's Hill)
  • Lizzie E. King, inscribed at Mechanic Falls, Maine, on December 21, 1884
  • Clarence E. Lemos of Mechanic Falls, Maine, inscribed on February 8, 1885; shared the page with his wife Ella A. (Young) Lemos.  They were married on January 29, 1878 at Minot, Maine.
  • Ella Lemos, inscribed at Mechanic Falls, Maine, on February 8, 1885.  She was Ella A. (Young) Lemos, whose husband Clarence E. Lemos shared the page.  They were married on January 29, 1878 at Minot, Maine.
  • J. B. Littlefield of Auburn, Maine.
  • Hattie B. Lucas of Mechanic Falls, Maine, inscribed on August 12, 1884
  • May L. Lurvey of West Paris, Maine, inscribed on April 10, 1883
  • Clara Marston of Mechanic Falls, Maine.  She was Clara L. (Irish) Marston, who shared the page with her husband George E. Marston.  They married November 24, 1883 at Minot, Maine.  Page has initials M.F.S.S.
  • G. E. Marston of Mechanic Falls, Maine, inscribed on July 2,7, 1884.  He was George E. Marston, whose wife Clara L. (Irish) Marston, shared the page.  They married November 24, 1883 at Minot, Maine.  Page has initials M.F.S.S.
  • Wilda E. Marston of Mechanic Falls, Maine, inscribed on March 22, 1885
  • W. A. Marston of Mechanic Falls, Maine, inscribed on January 14, 1883
  • Lizzie G. Mason of Mechanic Falls, Maine, inscribed on March 16, 1883. Later note: "Married"
  • Leslie Mason of Mechanic Falls, Maine, inscribed on March 16, 1883
  • Fannie E. McCullock of Mechanic Falls, Maine, inscribed at Adams, Massachusetts on July 28, 1884
  • Eliza Merrill of Mechanic Falls, Maine, inscribed on June 25, 1883
  • W. W. Merrill, inscribed at Mechanic Falls, Maine, on July 20, 1883
  • Ed Milliken, inscribed at Mechanics Falls, Maine, on May 11, 1884
  • Jennie N. Milliken, inscribed at Mechanic Falls, Maine, on July 6, 1884
  • Flora S. Milliken, inscribed at Mechanic Falls, Maine, on July 14, 1884
  • James H. Newbegin of Mechanic Falls, Maine, inscribed on February 18, 1883
  • Hattie E. Noyes, inscribed at Mechanic Falls, Maine, on July 28, 1884
  • Fred L. Perkins of Mechanic Falls, Maine, inscribed on June 23, 1883
  • Edith G. Perry of Mechanic Falls, Maine, inscribed on December 6, 1885.  She was Edith G. (Haskell) Perry, who shared the page with her husband Jason B. Perry.  They married at Minot, Maine, on February 11, 1885.
  • J. B. Perry of Mechanic Falls, Maine, inscribed on December 6, 1885.  He was Jason B. Perry, who shared the page with his wife Edith G. (Haskell) Perry.  They married at Minot, Maine, on February 11, 1885.
  • Minnie Pettie of Mechanic Falls, Maine, inscribed on August 11, 1884.  She was Minnie Ella (Mitchell) Pettie, whose husband H. Eugene Pettie shared the page.  They were married on September 11, 1880 at Lewiston, Maine.
  • Eugene Pettie of Mechanic Falls, Maine.  He was H. Eugene Pettie, who shared the page with his wife Minnie Ella (Mitchell) Pettie.  They were married on September 1, 1880 at Lewiston, Maine.
  • Virgie M. Pulsifer of Mechanic Falls, Maine, inscribed on April 25, 1885
  • Melvin N. Royal of Mechanic Falls, Maine, inscribed on September 28, 1883
  • Nettie Saunders, inscribed at Mechanic Falls, Maine, on January 21, 1885
  • G. W. Sawyer.  He was George W. Sawyer, who shared the page with his wife Rose H. (Farris) Sawyer.  They married on March 15, 1875 at Minot, Maine.
  • Rose H. Sawyer.  She was Rose H. (Farris) Sawyer, who shared the page with her husband George W. Sawyer.  They married on March 15, 1875 at Minot, Maine.
  • Sadie M. Seavey of Norway, Maine
  • George W. Sholes, Jr., of Mechanic Falls, Maine, inscribed on December 30, 1882. "Age 17"
  • Ernest F. Smith
  • Nora A. Smith of Mechanic Falls, Maine
  • Tildie Smullen
  • Lizzie F. Staples of Welchville, Maine, inscribed at Mechanic Falls, Maine, on August 7, 1886. Welchville is a village in the town of Oxford, Maine.
  • Cousin Lizzie K. Turner of Portland, Maine, inscribed on September 23, 1885; shared the page with Ina's cousin Miss Jennie G. Davis.
  • Nellie Waterhouse of Poland, Maine, inscribed at Mechanic Falls, Maine, on December 27, 1884
  • Josie L. Whittle, inscribed at Mechanic Falls, Maine, on July 20, 1884. "Remember July 17th"
  • Edna D. Whittle, inscribed at Mechanic Falls, Maine, on February 4, 1885

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