The book contains no personal notations.

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Township 16 Range 3 WELS, now Stockholm, Maine, in Aroostook County, Maine - 1894-1898 road repair taxes.
To be expended upon the county road in said township; and | |||||
Charles Marshall of Caribou, is appointed agent therefor. | |||||
Year | Owner | Lot | Acres | Value | Tax |
1894 | Parker P. Burleigh & Sons | West half of township | 10,018 | $5,100.00 | $62.50 |
1894 | John P. Donworth & Others | East half of township | 10,018 | $5,100.00 | $62.50 |
1894 | Totals | 20,036 | $10,200.00 | $125.00 | |
To be expended upon the county road in said township; and | |||||
Charles Marshall of Caribou, is appointed agent therefor. | |||||
Year | Owner | Lot | Acres | Value | Tax |
1895 | Parker P. Burleigh & Sons | West half of township | 10,018 | $5,100.00 | $62.50 |
1895 | John P. Donworth & Others | East half of township | 10,018 | $5,100.00 | $62.50 |
1895 | Totals | 20,036 | $10,200.00 | $125.00 | |
To be expended upon the county road in said township; and | |||||
Charles Marshall of Caribou, is appointed agent therefor. | |||||
Year | Owner | Lot | Acres | Value | Tax |
1896 | Parker P. Burleigh & Sons | West half of township | 10,018 | $5,100.00 | $112.50 |
1896 | John P. Donworth & Others | East half of township | 10,018 | $5,100.00 | $112.50 |
1896 | Totals | 20,036 | $10,200.00 | $225.00 | |
To be expended upon the county road in said township; and | |||||
Charles Marshall of Caribou, is appointed agent therefor. | |||||
Year | Owner | Lot | Acres | Value | Tax |
1897 | Parker P. Burleigh & Sons | West half of township | 10,018 | $5,100.00 | $112.50 |
1897 | John P. Donworth et al | East half of township | 10,018 | $5,100.00 | $112.50 |
1897 | Totals | 20,036 | $10,200.00 | $225.00 | |
To be expended upon the county road in said township; and | |||||
Charles Marshall of Caribou, is appointed agent therefor. | |||||
Year | Owner | Lot | Acres | Value | Tax |
1898 | Parker P. Burleigh & Sons | West half of township | 10,018 | $5,100.00 | $51.00 |
1898 | John P. Donworth et al | East half of township | 10,018 | $5,100.00 | $51.00 |
1898 | Totals | 20,036 | $10,200.00 | $102.00 |
Township 16 Range 4 WELS, in Aroostook County - Madawaska Lake area - 1894-1898 road repair taxes.
To be expended upon the county road in said township and | ||||
Charles Marshall of Caribou, is appointed agent therefor. | ||||
Year | Owner | Acres | Value | Tax |
1894 | Laura B. Hayford, Trustee | 7,013 | $7,013.00 | $50.14 |
1894 | E. G. Dunn and heirs of Peter Dunn | 3506 | $3,506.00 | $25.06 |
1894 | Walter Mansur | 10,520 | $10,520.00 | $75.22 |
1894 | Totals | 21,039 | $21,039.00 | $150.42 |
To be expended upon the county road in said township | ||||
Charles Marshall of Caribou, is appointed agent therefor. | ||||
Year | Owner | Acres | Value | Tax |
1895 | Laura B. Hayford, Trustee | 7,013 | $7,013.00 | $50.14 |
1895 | E. G. Dunn and heirs of Peter Dunn | 3506 | $3,506.00 | $25.06 |
1895 | Walter Mansur | 10,520 | $10,520.00 | $75.22 |
1895 | Totals | 21,039 | $21,039.00 | $150.42 |
To be expended upon the county road in said township | ||||
Charles Marshall of Caribou, is appointed agent therefor. | ||||
Year | Owner | Acres | Value | Tax |
1896 | Laura B. Hayford, Trustee | 7,013 | $7,013.00 | $50.14 |
1896 | E. G. Dunn and heirs of Peter Dunn | 3506 | $3,506.00 | $25.06 |
1896 | Walter Mansur | 10,520 | $10,520.00 | $75.22 |
1896 | Totals | 21,039 | $21,039.00 | $150.42 |
To be expended upon the county road in said township | ||||
Charles Marshall of Caribou, is appointed agent therefor. | ||||
Year | Owner | Acres | Value | Tax |
1897 | Laura B. Hayford, Trustee | 7,013 | $7,013.00 | $50.14 |
1897 | E. G. Dunn and heirs of Peter Dunn | 3506 | $3,506.00 | $25.06 |
1897 | Walter Mansur | 10,520 | $10,520.00 | $75.22 |
1897 | Totals | 21,039 | $21,039.00 | $150.42 |
To be expended upon the county road in said township | ||||
Charles Marshall of Caribou, is appointed agent therefor. | ||||
Year | Owner | Acres | Value | Tax |
1898 | Laura B. Hayford, Trustee | 7,013 | $7,013.00 | $50.14 |
1898 | E. G. Dunn and heirs of Peter Dunn | 3506 | $3,506.00 | $25.06 |
1898 | Walter Mansur | 10,520 | $10,520.00 | $75.22 |
1898 | Totals | 21,039 | $21,039.00 | $150.42 |