Boundary changes since 1820: part of Leeds annexed in 1859; land set off to Winthrop in 1839 and 1852; part of Livermore annexed in 1821; land set off to Readfield in 1821.
Note: the 1820 Census lists the names of heads of households only; see the original sheets for a tally of everyone in each household by age range and gender.
The enumeration of Wayne consists of all or parts of Sheets 664-672; use the arrow at top left of each image to page forward.
Total enumerated population of Wayne in 1820: 1051 inhabitants.
Enumerator: James Cochran of Monmouth, Maine
The enumerator used phonetic spellings; be prepared to check over the entire list for the person you're researching, as different spellings may have affected alphabetization.
If you find errors or have information to share on any of the people listed below, please leave a comment.
Heads of Households; Sheet Numbers
A | James Allen | 664 |
Nathaniel Atkins | 664 | |
Nathaniel Atkins, Jr. | 664 | |
Owen Atkins | 664 | |
B | Moses Bean | 665 |
Elias Berry | 664 | |
Richard Berry - very faint | 664 | |
Ebenezer Besse | 664 | |
Edmund Besse | 665 | |
Elisha Besse | 664 | |
Elisha Besse | 665 | |
Huldah Besse | 664 | |
Jabez Besse | 665 | |
Jabez Besse, Jr. | 665 | |
Reubin Besse | 664 | |
Reubin Besse | 665 | |
Reubin Besse, Jr. | 664 | |
Samuel Besse | 665 | |
Wooden Besse | 664 | |
Isaac Billington | 665 | |
Nathaniel Billington | 664 | |
Seth Billington | 665 | |
Hersey Bishop | 664 | |
Jesse Bishop | 665 | |
Nathan Bishop | 665 | |
Zadoc Bishop | 665 | |
Sylvanus Blackwell | 664 | |
John Bowles | 664 | |
Joshua Bowles | 664 | |
William Bowles | 664 | |
Thomas Brigham | 665 | |
Samuel Brown | 664 | |
Lemuel Bryant | 664 | |
Jesse Bullen | 665 | |
Benjamin Burgess | 665 | |
Elisha Burgess | 665 | |
Ichabod Burgess | 665 | |
Joseph Burgess | 665 | |
William Burgess | 665 | |
William Bussel | 665 | |
? Bussell - given name smeared, possibly Daniel | 665 | |
Daniel Bussell | 664 | |
Samuel Bussell | 665 | |
C | Solomon Carswell | 666 |
Asahel Chandler | 666 | |
Fayette Chandler | 666 | |
John Chandler | 666 | |
Noah Chandler | 666 | |
David B. Creech | 666 | |
James Crocker | 666 | |
Warren Crocker | 666 | |
Francis Cumner | 666 | |
John Cumner | 666 | |
David Curtis | 666 | |
D | Nathaniel Daily | 666 |
Amasa Dexter | 666 | |
Constant Dexter | 666 | |
Isaac Dexter | 666 | |
John B. Drew | 667 | |
Theophilus Duril | 667 | |
E | Robert Erskine | 667 |
F | Nathaniel Fairbanks | 667 |
Philo Fairbanks | 667 | |
Samuel Felch | 667 | |
Asa Foss | 667 | |
Cyrus Foss | 667 | |
George Foss | 667 | |
Gustavus Foss | 667 | |
Jeremiah Foss | 667 | |
Phinehas Foss | 667 | |
Samuel Foss | 667 | |
John B. Frost | 667 | |
John Frost | 667 | |
Richard Frost | 667 | |
Samuel Frost - surname smeared | 667 | |
William Frost | 667 | |
Job Fuller | 667 | |
G | James Gage | 666 |
James Gage, Jr. | 666 | |
George Gordon | 666 | |
Richard Gore | 666 | |
William Gott | 666 | |
Joseph Gould | 666 | |
Samuel Gould | 666 | |
H | Seth Hammond | 667 |
Sylvanus Hammond | 667 | |
Nathan Handy | 668 | |
Jacob Haskall | 668 | |
Peleg Haynes | 668 | |
Allen House | 668 | |
John House | 668 | |
J | Dennis Jenkins | 668 |
Hamilton Jenkins | 668 | |
Nathaniel Jennings | 668 | |
Samuel Jennings | 668 | |
Ezra Josselyn | 668 | |
Jacob Judkins | 668 | |
K | Amos Knights | 669 |
Francis Knights | 669 | |
William Knights | 669 | |
L | Joseph Lampson | 668 |
Alpheus Lane | 668 | |
Asa Lawrance | 668 | |
Jabez Leadbetter | 668 | |
John Lewis | 668 | |
William Lewis | 668 | |
Collins Lovejoy | 668 | |
Nathan Lovejoy | 668 | |
Shubull Lucas - not sure - names half obliterated | 668 | |
M | Jairus Mannuel | 669 |
Kezia Manter | 669 | |
Reubin Marrow | 669 | |
Ephraim Maxim | 669 | |
Jacob Maxim | 669 | |
Samuel Maxim | 669 | |
Seth Maxim | 669 | |
Elisha Morey | 669 | |
William Morey | 669 | |
John Morrison | 669 | |
N | Ebenezer Norris | 669 |
Ephraim Norris | 669 | |
Josiah Norris | 669 | |
Nathan Norris | 669 | |
Nathaniel Norris | 669 | |
Simeon Norris | 669 | |
Wooden Norris | 669 | |
P | Francis Perry | 670 |
Joseph Pettengill | 670 | |
R | Solomon Raymond | 670 |
William Raymond | 670 | |
William Raymond, Jr. | 670 | |
John Richards | 670 | |
Joseph Richards | 670 | |
Joseph Richards, Jr. | 670 | |
Daniel Ridley | 670 | |
David Ridley | 670 | |
Matthias Ridley | 670 | |
Matthias Ridley, Jr. | 670 | |
Love Roberts | 670 | |
S | Richard Seavy | 670 |
Amos Smith | 671 | |
Asa Smith | 671 | |
Comfort Smith | 671 | |
Daniel Smith | 670 | |
David Smith | 671 | |
John Smith | 671 | |
John Smith, Jr. | 671 | |
Samuel Smith | 671 | |
Lois Spears | 671 | |
John Stevens | 670 | |
John Stevens | 670 | |
John Sturdevant | 671 | |
Ellis Sweet | 670 | |
Alfred Swift | 670 | |
Enoch Swift | 670 | |
Jesse Swift | 671 | |
Josiah Swift | 671 | |
T | William Thompson | 671 |
Benjamin Tibbets | 671 | |
John True | 671 | |
Samuel True | 671 | |
W | John Walton | 671 |
Thomas Weeks | 672 | |
John White | 671 | |
Moses White | 672 | |
Aaron Wing | 671 | |
Allen Wing | 672 | |
Calvin Wing | 671 | |
Ebenezer Wing | 672 | |
James Wing | 671 | |
Moses Wing | 672 | |
Obed Wing | 672 | |
Simeon Wing | 671 | |
William Wing | 671 |
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