Researching the Genealogy and Family History of Orphan Heirlooms
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Wednesday, December 30, 2020
1922 Promotion Certificate for Dorothy Carr of Livermore Falls, Maine

Tuesday, December 29, 2020
1892 Dance Card for Supper & Dance at the Grange Hall at North Jay, Maine

- A. R. Kyes (twice) - perhaps Arthur R. Kyes (1869-1934)
- A. C. Macomber - perhaps Arthur C. Macomber (1871-1950)
- H. H. Allen - perhaps Heber H. Allen (1860-1936)
- J. W. Cox - perhaps John Wesley Cox (1859-1946)
- F. N. G.
Cabinet Photograph of "Uncle Frank Elwell, Gramp's Brother from N. Paris", Maine; by a Mechanic Falls, Maine studio

- Julia Offen in 1883 in Boston
- Emma Bourassa in 1895 in Lisbon, Maine - who indicated she was a widow
- Emma Shaw in 1901 in Brunswick, Maine - adopted by Shaw; perhaps related to Emma Bourassa
- Julia (Offen) Dow in 1909
Saturday, December 26, 2020
Autograph Album of December 25, 1888 from Lewiston, Maine; possibly owned by Alice G. Miller (1868-1930), future Wife of Calvin E. Hodgdon

- Brown
- Bucknam
- Lunt
- Merrill
- Miller (2)
- Peabody
- Rowe
- Torsey
- Mrs. E. G. Brown of Lewiston, Maine; inscribed on December 25, 1888.
- Grace G. Bucknam of Lewiston, Maine; inscribed on December 25, 1888. Grace G. Bucknam (1869-1953), teacher
- Grace A. Lunt of Lewiston, Maine; inscribed on December 25, 1888. Grace A. Lunt (1868-1940)
- Eddie Merrill of Lewiston, Maine; inscribed on December 25, 1888
- Gertrude W. Miller of Lewiston, Maine. Gertrude W. Miller (1858-1944), teacher
- Alice G. Miller of Lewiston, Maine; inscribed on December 25, 1888. Alice G. Miller (1868-1930), who would marry Calvin E. Hodgdon in 1892.
- Agnes L. Peabody of Lewiston, Maine. Agnes L. Peabody (1857-1950)
- Mrs. H. H. Rowe of Lewiston, Maine
- Archer V. Torsey of Lewiston, Maine. Archer V. Torsey (1876-1918)
c1900 Photographs of Nancy (Slack) Keeton (1820-1912); Son Cary Wilburn Keeton (1841-1926); his son Berimon Arthur Keeton (1871-1927) & other Family Members
3 photographs of the Keeton family of the Midwest and beyond. Shown above, a 4-generation photograph, dated October 25, 1901, of:
- Nancy (Slack) Keeton (1820-1912), born August 12, 1820; widow of Berimon Keeton (1818-1896)
- Cary Wilburn Keeton (1841-1926), born January 10, 1841
- Miles Jameson Keeton (1864-1943), born November 11, 1864
- Earl Wesley Keeton (1896-1928), born October 29, 1896
Thursday, December 24, 2020
1866 Letter from Dwight Francis Faulkner (1803-1885) of Boston, Massachusetts, to his son Francis T. Faulkner (1834-1905) in Turner, Maine

- Frances Ann Wedgewood, with whom he had daughter Anna Theresa Faulkner (1857-1920), who married Aquila Montrose Chase; and son Thomas C. Wedgewood (1858-1893)
- Mary Ann Eaton (1836-1919)
Wednesday, December 23, 2020
1890s Autograph Album of Huldah Hortense Whittemore (1878-1966), presumably then of Fayette, Maine; would marry James Lawrence Newton

? | Kent | Thompson | ||
Bishop | King | Trefethen [3] | ||
Caldwell | Knight | Tuck | ||
Cushman | Knowles [2] | Underwood | ||
Davis | Mank | Walton | ||
[2] | Nelson | Weston | ||
Fogg | Pease | Whittemore [5] | ||
Goodwin | Philbrick | |||
Haines | Smith | |||
Hodgkins [2] | Sylvester |
- Blanche Inez Whittemore, "Your Old Maidish Sister" - despite her self-description, Blanche Inez Whittemore (1876-1968) would marry Arthur True Royal in 1914.
- Courtney Duane Whittemore (1875-1954), law degree from Syracuse University; coach
- Leona B. Whittemore, "your Wicked sister" - Leona Beatrice Whittemore (1879-1969) would marry Fred Moody Mank.
- Mildred A. Whittemore - Mildred A. Whittemore (1867-1958) would marry Fred Oliver Shipley in 1909
- "Chippie" of Fayette Mills, Fayette, Maine; inscribed on November 19, 1894
- Bertha A. Bishop of Winthrop, Maine; inscribed on November 14, 1893
- Guy A. Caldwell; inscribed on September 25, 1897
- Mildred A. Whittemore of Fayette, Maine; inscribed on March 11, 1895. Older sister of album owner Huldah Hortense Whittemore, Mildred A. Whittemore would marry Fred Oliver Shipley
- Cassie N. Davis of Wilton, Maine; inscribed at Fayette, Maine, on June 30, 1891. Not sure of middle initial, but possible the Cassie N. Davis (1877-1972) who married Ralph C. Moody in 1900; James V. Welch in 1906; and Lester Palmer Black in 1922.
- Grace L. Fifield of Manchester, Maine; inscribed on November 23, 1893
- Ida C. Fifield of Manchester, Maine; inscribed on November 23, 1893
- Edith S. Fogg; inscribed at Readfield, Maine, on September 4, 1891
- ? B. Goodwin of Farmington, Maine, possibly C. B. Goodwin; inscribed at Fayette, Maine, in 1891
- Clyde Haines of Readfield, Maine; inscribed at Fayette, Maine, on November 9, 1892
- Alice H. Hodgkins; inscribed at Fayette, Maine, on June 28, 1893
- W. S. Hodgkins; inscribed on November 5, 1893
- Rosabelle Kent of Wayne, Maine; inscribed at Chase Hall in the Fall of 1894.
- Flora M. King of West Mount Vernon, Maine; inscribed at Chase Hall of Maine Wesleyan Seminary on November 19, 1894
- Carrie E. Knight of Readfield, Maine; inscribed on November 2, 1894
- Gertrude M. Knowles of Manchester, Maine; inscribed at Chase Hall at Kents Hill, Maine, on November 19, presumably 1893. Class of 1893.
- May L. Knowles of Manchester, Maine; inscribed at Chase Hall at Kents Hill, Maine, on November 14, 1893
- Fred M. Mank of Fayette Mills, Fayette, Maine. Fred Moody Mank (1878-1965), who would marry album owner Huldah Hortense Whittemore's older sister Leona B. Whittemore.
- Florence A. Nelson of Livermore, Maine; inscribed at Fayette, Maine, in 1891
- Augustus Pease; inscribed at Fayette, Maine, on June 28, 1891
- Sidney G. Philbrick of Andover, Maine; inscribed in 1897
- Evie G. Smith of West Mount Vernon, Maine; inscribed at Kents Hill at Chase Hall at Maine Wesleyan Seminary on November 13, 1894
- Laura M. Sylvester of Leeds, Maine; inscribed on July 7, 1892
- Miss Jennie F. Thompson of Chebeague, Maine; inscribed at Chase Hall on November 13, 1894
- Grace M. Trefethen of Gorham, New Hampshire; inscribed on November 12, 1894 at Maine Wesleyan Seminary.
- Sadie S. Trefethen of Fayette, Maine; inscribed on September 4, 1891. Sadie (Smith) Trefethen (1866-1897), whose husband, William Joseph Trefethen, inscribed the left facing page.
- W. J. Trefethen of Fayette, Maine; inscribed on September 12, 1891. William Joseph Trefethen (1866-1938), whose first wife, Sadie (Smith) Trefethen, inscribed the right facing page. Fred A. Tuck of Fayette, Maine; inscribed on February 21, 1891
- Walter Underwood of Fayette, Maine; inscribed on February 20, 1891
- Inez M. Walton of West Mt. Vernon, Maine; inscribed on May 22, 1894
- Ruby M. Weston of Fayette Mills, Fayette, Maine; inscribed on November 12, 1894 at W. H. H. school
- Blanche Inez; inscribed in 1895. "Your 'Old Maidish' Sister". Blanche Inez Whittemore (1876-1968), older sister of album owner Huldah Hortense Whittemore. Blanche would marry Arthur True Royal in 1914.
- Courtney D. Whittemore of Fayette, Maine; inscribed on March 11, 1895. Album owner Huldah Hortense Whittemore's older brother Courtney Duane Whittemore (1875-1954).
- H. Hortense Whittemore, album owner. She was Huldah Hortense Whittemore (1878-1966), who married James Lawrence Newton
- Leona B. Whittemore of Fayette, Maine; inscribed on March 11, 1895. "Your wicked sister". She was Leona Beatrice Whittemore (1879-1969), younger sister of album owner Huldah Hortense Whittemore. Leona would marry inscriber Fred Moody Mank.
- Mildred A. Whittemore of Fayette, Maine; inscribed on March 11, 1895. Older sister of album owner Huldah Hortense Whittemore. Mildred A. Whittemore (1867-1958) would marry Fred Oliver Shipley in 1909.
Monday, December 21, 2020
1884-1894 Autograph Album of May C. Peirce of Hudson, Maine

? [6] | F | Folsom [3] | R | Reeves | |
B | Barker | Furbish | Robbins | ||
Bickmore | H | Hills | Rogers [2] | ||
Burnham | Holt | Rowe | |||
Buzzell [2] | K | Kingsbury | S | Sanford [2] | |
C | Chase [3] | L | Lassell [2] | Speed | |
Clark | M | Maxfield | Strout | ||
Coy [3] | Mosher | T | Thompson | ||
D | Downing | P | Peirce [6] | W | Wentworth |
Duran | Plummer | Williams |
Aunt L?, who may have gifted the album to May E. L. Folsom of Old Town, Maine, cousin - may have been Eugene Leslie Folsom, son of David Sweet Folsom and Ann E. (Bridgham) Folsom, who was a sister to May's mother Jennie Frances (Bridgham) Peirce Blanche Lassell of Bradford, Maine; inscribed at Hudson, Maine, on February 22, 1885; "Your Cousin". Nellie Blanche Lassell (1870-1921), daughter of Navilah Lassell and Clara Marisa (Peirce) Lassell, who was a sister to Alexander Charles Peirce, possibly the album owner's father. Clara M. Lassell of Bradford, Maine; "your aunt"; inscribed on June 29, 1884. Clara Marisa (Peirce) Lassell (1845-1894), wife of Navilah Lassell and sister of Alexander Charles Peirce, possibly the album owner's father. - David Peirce of Hudson, Maine; "Your Cousin"; inscribed on April 11, 1888
- Lottie E. Peirce of Hudson, Maine; inscribed on January 21, 1884. "Your Loving Cousin"
- Sadie L. Peirce of Hudson, Maine; inscribed on April 7, 1888. "Your Cousin". Sadie L. Peirce (abt 1878-1924), daughter of Sarah L. (Bridgham) Peirce and John A. Peirce, who was a brother to Alexander Charles Peirce, who may have been the album owner's father. Sadie's FindaGrave memorial, which doesn't have a photograph of the stone, gives her birth year as 1873, but that conflicts what information on the 1900 Census.
- Aunt L?, who possibly gifted the album to May
- Written in code in 1886
- Spencer
- Written in code in 1886
- Unsigned on November 11, 1894
- Frank P. Barker of South Hudson, Maine; inscribed at Medway - possibly Maine or Massachusetts [another inscriber mentioned Medway, Massachusetts], on March 15, 1891
- Augusta E. Bickmore of Bradford Centre, Maine; inscribed in the Spring of 1888. May's schoolmate. Augusta E. Bickmore would marry Charles E. Ober.
- Mary Burnham of Harrisville, Alcona County, Michigan; inscribed on August 9, 1885
- Bina D. Buzzell of South LaGrange, Maine; inscribed in the Spring of 1888. Bina D. Buzzell would marry Charles Penney in 1891.
- Ida M. Buzzell of Hudson, Maine; inscribed on December 11, 1884. Presumably Ida M. Buswell (1871-1896).
- Albert F. Chase; inscribed at Hudson, Maine, in November 1888. May's teacher, Albert F. Chase would marry Effie D. Peavey in 1885.
- Emma E. Chase of Bradford, Maine; inscribed on June 2, 1885. Emma would marry James H. Gibbs at Old Town, Maine, in 1895.
- Fannie L. Chase of Bradford, Maine; inscribed on June 14, 1885 and an additional note on April 19, 1888. Fannie L. Chase (1871-1964) would marry Lyndon C. Fowles in 1897.
- Carrie E. Clark of Bradford, Maine; inscribed on April 18, 1888. Carrie E. Clark (1868-1957) would marry Alphonso G. Young.
- Blanche C. Coy of Bradford, Maine; inscribed on March 26, 1889. Blanche Clara Coy (1871-1955).
- Cora B. Coy; inscribed on March 23, 1889. Cora B. Coy (abt 1861-abt 1841) would marry Dr. Frank A. Bickford
- Fred R. Coy of North Bradford, Maine; inscribed at Hudson, Maine, on January 17, 1884. Fred Russ Coy (1859-1921).
- Maude Downing of Hudson, Maine; inscribed on May 1, 1885. Maude Zilpha Downing (abt 1870-)
- Bina A. Duran of Charleston, Maine; inscribed at Hudson, Maine, on August 9, 1884. Recorded as Bina A. Duren (1862-1929) here:
- E. C. Folsom of East Bradford, Maine; inscribed on May 1, 1888
- E. L. Folsom of Old Town, Maine; "Your Cousin". Perhaps Eugene Leslie Folsom, son of David Sweet Folsom and Ann E. (Bridgham) Folsom, who was a sister to May's mother Jennie Frances (Bridgham) Peirce
- Mira S. Folsom of Old Town, Maine
- Florence Mae Furbish of Bradford, Maine; inscribed on April 20, 1888; schoolmate. Presumably the Florence Mae Furbish (1873-1957) who would marry Orris E. Gerrish.
- Stella M. Hill or Hills of Bradford, Maine; inscribed during Spring term of 1888. Possibly Stella M. Hill (abt 1868-), daughter of Joseph and Abbie Hill
- Annie M. Holt; inscribed during Spring Term of 1888. Annie Mary Holt (abt 1870-), would marry Frank Edgar Pickering in Boston in 1912
- Annie J. Kingsbury; inscribed at Bradford, Maine, on April 26, 1888. Presumably the Annie J. Kingsbury (1873-1905) who would marry George H. Rogers in 1903.
- Blanche Lassell of Bradford, Maine; inscribed at Hudson, Maine, on February 22, 1885; "Your Cousin". Nellie Blanche Lassell (1870-1921), daughter of Navilah Lassell and Clara Marisa (Peirce) Lassell, who was a sister to Alexander Charles Peirce, possibly the album owner's father.
- Clara M. Lassell of Bradford, Maine; "your aunt"; inscribed on June 29, 1884. Clara Marisa (Peirce) Lassell (1845-1894), wife of Navilah Lassell and sister of Alexander Charles Peirce, who may have been the album owner's father.
- Edna A. Maxfield of Bradford, Maine; inscribed on April 27, 1888. Presumably the Edna A. Maxfield (abt 1875-1900) who would marry Fred R. Kingsbury in 1895.
- Nelly R. Mosher of Bradford, Maine; schoolmate; inscribed during Spring Term on April 13, 1888. Presumably the Nellie Rose Mosher (about 1873-1935), who would marry Wesley O. Cookson in 1896.
- A. C. Peirce - several possibilities, including Alexander Charles Peirce (1837-1912), who may have been the father of album owner May C. Peirce
- Charles A. Peirce of Hudson, Maine. Charles Albert Peirce (1876-1952), who may have been the brother of May C. Peirce, album owner.
- David Peirce of Hudson, Maine; "Your Cousin"; inscribed on April 11, 1888. Possibly David Peirce (1872-1955)
- Lottie E. Peirce of Hudson, Maine; inscribed on January 21, 1884. "Your Loving Cousin". Presumably Lottie Peirce (1870-1896)
- May C. Peirce of Hudson, Maine; album owner; inscribed a date of January 2, 1884; perhaps a Christmas present from Aunt L. She may have been Mary Clara Peirce (1873-1949) who married Fred R. Champlin in 1905.
- Sadie L. Peirce of Hudson, Maine; inscribed on April 7, 1888. "Your Cousin". Sadie L. Peirce (abt 1878-1924), daughter of Sarah L. (Bridgham) Peirce and John A. Peirce, who was a brother to Alexander Charles Peirce, who may have been the father of album owner May C. Peirce. Sadie's FindaGrave memorial, which doesn't have a photograph of the stone, gives her birth year as 1873, but that conflicts what information on the 1900 Census.
- Bertha M. Plummer of Bradford, Maine; inscribed on May 2, 1884. Presumably the Bertha Mabel Plummer who married Benjamin Frank Ochsner in 1887
- Tina M. Reeves of Bradford, Maine; inscribed on April 25, 1888. Tina May Reeves (1870-1952), who would marry Frank H. Harrington
- Blanche E. Robbins of Bradford, Maine; inscribed on April 13, 1888; mentions Spring Term. Blanche E. Robbins (abt 1869-abt 1932) would marry A. A. Huntington in 1890.
- Miss Bertha J. Rogers of Hudson, Maine; inscribed on July 8, 1889. Bertha J. Rogers (1871-1958) who would marry Horace E. Landick and William E. Quinn
- D. A. Rogers of Hudson, Maine; inscribed on January 18, 1884
- Almon F. Rowe of Hudson, Maine; inscribed on June 27, 1889. Almon Franklin Rowe (1874-1940), who married Myrtie E. Strout
- D. B. Sanford of Bradford Centre, Maine; inscribed on April 19, 1888. Presumably Daniel B. Sanford (1873-1907).
- Nellie M. Sanford of Bradford, Maine; inscribed on April 19, 1888 during Spring term. Presumably the Nellie M. Sanford (1870-1927), who would marry Sherman D. Page in 1890.
- Olive S. Speed of North Bradford, Maine; inscribed at Hudson, Maine, on April 18, 1884. Presumably the Olive S. Speed (1857-1918), who married Albion Strout
- Lillie Strout of Bradford, Maine; inscribed during Spring Term of 1888. Perhaps Lillie Belle Strout (1867-1950), daughter of Charles Franklin Strout and Nancy Jane (Lassell) Strout.
- Louis E. Thompson of Medway, Massachusetts; inscribed on January 4, 1890
- Stella A. Wentworth of Bradford, Maine; inscribed on April 14, 1888 during Spring Term. Presumably the Stella A. Wentworth (1868-1963), who would marry Lorenzo C. Vannah.
- H. R. Williams of East Bradford, Maine; inscribed on May 1, 1888
Saturday, December 19, 2020
1878-1883 Autograph Album of a Child of Sea Captain James Robbins Thurston and Paulina Seavey (Ackley) Thurston of Rockport, Maine
1878-1883 autograph album that belonged, presumably, to a child of Sea Captain James Robbins Thurston (1832-1895) and Paulina Seavey (Ackley) Thurston (1835-1915) of Rockport, Maine.
One inscriber, Asenath Haskell of Rockport, directed to sentiment to "Tina".
The album measures approximately 4-1/4" by 3" and contains the sentiments of 19 of the owner's relatives and friends, including, possibly, her father. An alphabetical list of the inscribers, together with any personal information they offered, appears at the end of this post.
Surnames in the Album
? [2] | H | Haskell | S | Small | |
A | Arey | Higgins | Sylvester [2] | ||
B | Bridges | I | Ingraham | T | Thurston [4] |
C | Carey | K | Knowles | Y | Young |
Crockett | O | Orr | |||
F | Fuller |
From brief online research, hopefully correct - corrections and additions requested:
The owner was presumably a child of Sea Captain James Robbins Thurston and his wife Pauline (Ackley) Thurston of Rockport, Maine. From the sources I checked, there were three sons and three daughters - one son died young and the youngest daughter was presumably too young to be the owner of the autograph album. Both of the sons inscribed pages in their sibling's album, and one sister died, but, sadly, she did not give her name.
The James R. Thurston who inscribed a page at Rockport, Maine, in 1881 might have been the album owner's father.
The children:
- Everett Thurston (1855-1858)
- Lillian Isaphone Thurston (1860-1936) - possibly the sister who inscribed a page
- George Everett Thurston (abt 1861-1937) - he inscribed a page in the album as "brother"
- Laronce E. Thurston or Elizabeth Bell Thurston (abt 1864-), who would marry Carlton E. Orcutt - possibly the sister who inscribed a page.
- Frank James Thurston (1869-1966) - he inscribed a page as "brother"
- Gertrude D. Thurston (1878-1971), would marry Luther Eugene Kneeland
- ? - Signed by Oliver or Obrien or ?; inscribed at Rockport, Maine, on May 12, 1880
- I. R. A. or ? R. A.; inscribed on March 6, 1879
- Laura E. H. Arey of Hampden, Maine. Laura Emily Heywood Arey (1853-1935), who would marry Professor Bela Malcolm Lawrence.
- Cora M. Bridges of Brooklin, Maine; inscribed on June 2, 1879. Perhaps Cora M. (Carter) Bridges (1861-1881), wife of Edward P. Bridges.
- Hattie E. Carey of Rockport, Maine; inscribed on June 19, 1880. Presumably the Harriet E. Carey (abt 1864-) who would marry Samuel Veazie Blanchard in 1883.
- Eben C. Crockett of Rockport, Maine; inscribed on January 10, 1879
- Fannie Fuller of Rockport, Maine; inscribed on February 12, 1880. Possibly Francena H. Fuller (1869-) daughter of John S. Fuller and Emma C. (Talbot) Fuller
- Asenath Haskell of Rockport, Maine; inscribed on March 31, 1879. Presumably Asenath R. Haskell (abt 1864-1935), daughter of Capt. Hiram Haskell and Susan Mary (Crockett) Haskell and future wife of Arthur Clyde Saunders
- Sadie Higgins of Rockport, Maine; inscribed on May 16, 1879. Several possibilities but perhaps Sarah B. Higgins (abt 1864-1912), daughter of Martin Higgins and Amelia (Thomas) Higgins of Lincolnville, Maine.
- N. Jeannette Ingraham of Rockport, Maine; inscribed in January 1879. Presumably schoolteacher Nancy Jeannette Ingraham (1855-1939), who would marry Galen Jones Tribou.
- Matilda S. Knowles of South Deer Isle; inscribed on July 23, 1879. Schoolteacher Matilda (Small) Knowles (1843-1933), wife of ? Knowles, but divorced at some point.
- S. J. Orr of Dorchester, Massachusetts; inscribed on September 2, 1883. Perhaps Sarah Jane (Downey) Orr or her husband James Sylvanus Orr or Sylvanus James Orr
- J. W. Small of Rockport, Maine; inscribed on February 18, 1879. Several possibilities but perhaps John W. Small (abt 1860-), who married Emma A. Ott. . Other records show 1859 or 1860
- Allen Sylvester of Rockport, Maine; inscribed on February 10, 1879; written upside down. Allan F. Sylvester (1848-1910), a ship carpenter, whose wife Philena H. (Andrews) Sylvester inscribed the right facing page.
- Philena Sylvester of Rockport, Maine; inscribed on February 10, 1879.; written upside down. Philena H. (Andrews) Sylvester (1850-1907), whose husband Allen F. Sylvester inscribed the left facing page.
- Frank Thurston of Rockport, Maine; inscribed on November 11, 1883. Brother of album owner. He was Frank James Thurston (1869-1966), whose ashes were scattered in Camden Harbor.
- George E. Thurston of Rockport, Maine; inscribed on February 18, 1878; "your brother". George Everett Thurston (abt 1861-1937).
- James R. Thurston of Rockport, Maine; inscribed on June 5, 1881. Perhaps Capt. James Robbins Thurston (1832-1895), the album owner's father
- Sister; inscribed on February 9, 1879. Presumably one of the daughters of Sea Capt. James Robbins Thurston and Paulina Seavey (Ackley) Thurston.
- J. Young of Camden, Maine; inscribed on February 18, 1879. Middle initial possibly G. Perhaps Jason G. Young (abt 1856-1940)