Note: the 1820 Census lists the names of heads of households only, with a tally of everyone in each household by age range and gender.
The enumerated total population for Newberg in 1820 was 328.
The enumeration of Newberg consists of three sheets, two of which are erroneously indexed in some sources online as Hampden (with the people on those sheets shown as residents of Hampden, rather than Newburgh).
- Sheet 71 - indexed in some places online as Hampden but should be indexed as Newberg
- Sheet 72 - indexed in some places online as Hampden but should be indexed as Newberg
- Sheet 73 - marked Newburg by the enumerator, but as a reader has pointed out, these people lived in Brewer
Note: The list of heads of households below contains several cases of what appears to be phonetic spelling and misspelling; you may need to check the entire list. Depending on what indexing site you use, some of these people will be shown as residents of Hampden, Maine.
If you notice errors or if you have information to share on any of the people listed below, please leave a comment.
Especially note those people listed on Sheet 73, marked with an asterisk, who may have instead been residents of Brewer, Maine.
Heads of Households
Heads of Households
Calvin H? - very smeared, but possibly two syllables * |
Sponer Alden |
Abijah Ausgood - presumably a variant of Osgood |
John Bartlet |
Weber Bartlet |
Isaac Bates * |
Ebenezar Beckford - variant of Bickford |
Thomas Beckford |
Wid Lydia Beckford |
Ichabod ? - very faint, but likely Ichabod Bickford |
Charles Blake * |
George Blake * |
John Blake, General * |
Solomon Blake |
Billings Brasto - presumably Billings Brastow * |
Daniel Brown |
John Chapman |
Assa Clark |
Samuel Cobb * |
Joseph Copland - presumably a variant of Copeland * |
Samuel Copland - presumably a variant of Copeland * |
William Copland - presumably a variant of Copeland * |
Jacob Cowen |
Ezekiel Crocksford |
John Crocksford |
Jacob Dearborn |
David O. Donald * |
Isaac Dore |
Nathan Dore |
Noah Edminster |
Benjamin Farington * |
Daniel Farington * |
John Farington, Jr. |
Charles Farnum |
Simeon Farnum |
Elias Field * |
Ebenezar Fisher |
Widow Anna Folsom |
Benjamin Folsom |
David Gilmore |
David Gilmore, Jr. |
Rufus Gilmore |
Abel Hardy |
James Hastings * |
Harlem Hodges * |
Luther Jones * |
Samuel Jones * |
Benjamin Kingsbury * |
Caleb Kingsbury * |
Willard Kingsbury * |
Stephen Levit |
Freeman Luce |
Seth Luce |
Thomas Morril |
James Morrison |
Levi Mudget |
Benjamin Nucomb - variant of Newcomb |
Henkiah Nucomb - variant of Newcomb |
Solomon Nucomb - variant of Newcomb |
Jonathan Packard |
Daniel Piper |
Widow Polley Piper |
Daniel Pray * |
William Rider * |
John Robertson * |
Allen Rogers * |
? Rogers - possibly William or Wilborn * |
Daniel Shed - presumably a variant of Shedd or Shead * |
James Simson |
William Simson |
Daniel Smith |
Ezekiel Smith |
Jeremiah Smith |
Joseph Smith |
Edward Snowe |
Samuel Staples |
Joseph Sweetser |
Abner Whitcomb |
John Whitney |
Robertson Whitney |
George Wiswell * |
* These heads of households appear on page 73 marked as Newburg, but they are actually residents of Brewer, Maine.
Sheet 73 is not Newburgh, Penobscot County. Many individuals on sheets 71 & 72 appear in 1810 or 1830, as well as land records. None of the individuals on sheet 73 are found elsewhere in Newburgh records.
ReplyDeleteWill take a look. Thanks for the heads up.
DeleteOMGoodness, you have opened a can of worms! I was trying to correct indexing errors, but you may have exposed a glaring ENUMERATOR error... Page 73 has Newburg written in the margin, but, on your heads up, I searched a few of the names on that page, and they sound as though they should be enumerated under BREWER, not Newburg. Is that your belief as well? Yikes!