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Monday, July 19, 2021
1935 Waltham, Maine: End of Term Sunday School Booklet
Wednesday, July 14, 2021
February 1891 Letter from Philindia (Lombard) Bisbee of Canton, Maine, to George R. Henderson in Paulllina, Iowa
- work on behalf of candidate Dora Thompson
- Philindia commented on George's children or grandchildren, apparently included with his last letter
- Philindia's 3 grandchildren, children of her son Edward Lincoln Bisbee
- Old Mrs. Childs and Gus "down in the Pine woods"
- "the same as when you was here" - implying that George had lived in or visited Canton at length at some point and was familiar with people in town
- Philindia will send the bill for the apples - George is apparently always in the market for Maine apples
- Philindia asks that George send the apple payment by way of Postal note, to save on the check cashing fee
- Philindia F. (Lombard) Bisbee (1826-1904), wife of Daniel Bisbee (1826-1904). Note: they both died in October, perhaps from a disease making the rounds
- presumably George Robert Henderson (abt 1829-1897), a Quebec native; it would be interesting to know how Philindia, Daniel and George met, although this letter implies that George has lived in or visited Canton at length.
- Fred Parsons - possibly Fred Adelbert Parsons (1859-1951)
- Dora Thompson - perhaps Dora (Thompson) Fuller (1856-1914); more information here - if you have a theory as to the identity of Dora Thompson, please leave a comment.
- Bisbee Children
- Dr. Charles Melville Bisbee (1848-1939) - link is to a Bowdoin publication, which includes the Medical School - page 17, lower right
- Huldia L. Bisbee (1850-1942), who married Reuel G. Jackson - presumably in Auburn, Maine
- George E. Bisbee (1853-1933) - presumably in Auburn, Maine
- Edward Lincoln Bisbee (1860-1927) - presumably living on the farm in Canton at the time of this letter
- Elijah Frederick Bisbee (1862-1938) - perhaps in Auburn, Maine, in 1891, before moving to Ohio
- Old Mrs. Childs and Gus - Hannah (Farnum) Childs (1801-1902) and her son Julius Augustus Childs (1837-1901)
Tuesday, July 13, 2021
January 1891 Letter from Philindia (Lombard) Bisbee at Canton, Maine, to George R. Henderson at Paullina, Iowa
- discussion about the quantity of apples that George hopes to have sent to him from Maine
- an election, in which Dora Thompson is a candidate
- description of the Bisbee farm livestock and crops
- the Bisbee children and other family members/neighbors
- Melville is earning well enough - Dr. Charles Melville Bisbee
- the three children in Auburn are earning more than if they were farmers
- Ed, their son, is a dentist who works at that trade when he can, but lives at home and goes halves on the farm with his father
- Maria
- Daniel Bisbee, Philindia's husband - will be 65 on January 25. Philindia is readying his picture to be sent to George
- Philindia herself will be 65 "next July"
People Mentioned
- Philindia F. (Lombard) Bisbee (1826-1904), wife of Daniel Bisbee (1826-1904). Note: they both died in October, perhaps from a disease making the rounds
- presumably George Robert Henderson (abt 1829-1897), a Quebec native; it would be interesting to know how Philindia, Daniel and George met, although another letter implies that George had lived in or visited Canton, Maine, at length at some point
- Dora Thompson - perhaps Dora (Thompson) Fuller (1856-1914); more information here - if you have a theory as to the identity of Dora Thompson, please leave a comment.
- Bisbee Children
- Dr. Charles Melville Bisbee (1848-1939) - link is to a Bowdoin publication, which includes the Medical School - page 17, lower right
- Huldia L. Bisbee (1850-1942), who married Reuel G. Jackson - presumably in Auburn, Maine
- George E. Bisbee (1853-1933) - presumably in Auburn, Maine
- Edward Lincoln Bisbee (1860-1927) - presumably living on the farm in Canton at the time of this letter
- Elijah Frederick Bisbee (1862-1938) - perhaps in Auburn, Maine, in 1891, before moving to Ohio
March 1890 Letter from Philindia (Lombard) Bisbee in Canton, Maine, to George Henderson in Paullina, Iowa
March 23, 1890 letter from Philindia F. (Lombard) Bisbee (1826-1904), wife of Daniel Bisbee (1826-1904) at Canton, Maine, to George R. Henderson at Paullina, Iowa.
- Religious beliefs
- Pleasantries
- Weather and crops
- Health and family
- Apple shortage - the Bisbees haven't yet found a good source of the dried apples that George hopes to procure. Apparently there were not yet enough orchards in Iowa to satisfy demand.
A partially edited transcription and information on people mentioned appear at the end of this post.
Partially edited transcription
Canton March 23 - 90
Our Dear Friend George
It is neither sleighing nor wheeling and so we are at home today but our usual custom is when Sunday comes to attend worship in the House of God. I believe in one true God but there are many modes of worship of different names, and different beliefs but if the motive of the heart is right they are the Lords, whether (as you say) they are black or white, bond or free, rich or poor. God is no respecter of persons. He that doeth good and worketh righteousness is accepted of him. I think your opinion of Church people a little wrong, or as far as I know of them. In order to be Christians we must be Christ like, and his mission to earth was to save the unsaved. He said he came not to call the righteous but sinners to repentance, and it seemed to important a thing that he said there was joy in Heaven over one sinner that repenteth, and so if we are what we ought to be we shall feel a deep interest for every one ever so low and try and help them to a better life. A professed Christian that sets himself up above others is a Pharisee, you know they thanked God that they were not like the Poor Publicans but did God accept their offering, no, He says woe unto you scribes and Pharisees for you rob the widows and orphans and was the same as some of our rich men now that would jam a poor laboring man to death if they could make a few dollars by it. No, George, such men are not Christians, no matter what they profess or how much money they pay to support their Churches. It is the motive of the heart not the outward act that God rewards. You say your religion is to love all and do as you would be done by. George, this is all right so far, but you remind me of a Bible story a young man in Christ's day came to him and says to him, good Master, what shall I do to inherit eternal life? Then He goes on to tell him these good deeds that you do, and he says, all these I have kept from my youth up what lack I yet, and He says thou shall love the Lord with all thy heart, and when we do this the whole duty is done not only to God but all around us.
Now I will answer some of your questions. We are quite well this winter. Daniel has the rheumatism, his legs pain him a good deal but he keeps to work but does a good deal of grunting about legs aching. I was quite sick last fall 4 or 5 weeks but lived through it, last year was a hard year for farmers here. We did not plant any corn. We raised oats and barley, potatoes, Beans, Turnips but on a very small scale to what you harvest. We raised some apples enough for our own use by being saving but not an apple to sell. They have cut & hauled some wood so we make out to live but they tax us most to death. The Democrats rule generally in this town so the republicans are not to blame for this. I think the time has come when the laboring class, farmers especially, should look after their own interest when the time comes for their votes more than simply to elect a man because he is a Republican or Democrat. There needs to be a change in Politics and there will be sooner or later. Farmers are surely coming to the front and the quicker they realize the importance of their votes, the sooner it will come. About those dried apples we cannot find any yet. Our traders have not bought any. Most of the fruit here is grafted and when the apple buyers come around in the fall they pay so much for No. 1, so much for seconds and they do better to sell them green than to dry them. If there should be any I will let you know but have not found any yet.
Daniel has not had any picture. There is no Artist here and he hates so bad to have one, you would see an old grey haired, full Bearded old man.
Our family are all well, the same as when I wrote you before and all live in the same place, all busy; some are making money enough. I think it's enough. I don't know as they do but they are all comfortable. We have not had much snow this winter and spring's work will soon be here.
Yes, George, we are growing old. We shall soon be gone and somebody else will have to do the work, will it be well with us. Write when convenient; don't wait a year. I begun to think you were dead but I hope some of your folks would let us know if that should be the case. Yours with respect, Mrs. D. Bisbee
People Mentioned
- Philindia F. (Lombard) Bisbee (1826-1904), wife of Daniel Bisbee (1826-1904). Note: they both died in October, perhaps from a disease making the rounds
- presumably George Robert Henderson (abt 1829-1897), a Quebec native; it would be interesting to know how Philindia, Daniel and George met, althoug another letter implies that George had lived in Canton or visited there at length at some point
- Bisbee Children - who are all "comfortable"
- Dr. Charles Melville Bisbee (1848-1939) - link is to a Bowdoin publication, which includes the Medical School - page 17, lower right
- Huldia L. Bisbee (1850-1942), who married Reuel G. Jackson
- George E. Bisbee (1853-1933)
- Edward Lincoln Bisbee (1860-1927)
- Elijah Frederick Bisbee (1862-1938)
Monday, July 12, 2021
1847 Letter from Hannibal Ingalls at Mercer, Maine, to James Holland at Canton, Maine; re: Potatoes
- Hannibal Ingalls (1798-1871), a Mercer, Maine, businessman
- James Monroe Holland (1818-1847), Postmaster - if the correct James,M. Holland, he apparently died and was buried in South Carolina, just a few months after this letter was written
- Farmer Childs
- Mixer & Pitman - starch merchants in Boston, Massachusetts
- Hearsey Farm in Canton - perhaps that of John Hearsey (1795-1870) or his son
- Mr. Foster
- Holland Farm - presumably that of Samuel Holland - perhaps Samuel Holland (1785-1868) or his son Samuel Holland (1817-1864)
- E. Phinney - perhaps Edmund Phinney (1818-1874)
If you have corrections to any of the information and transcription above, or information to share on any of the people mentioned, please leave a comment or contact me directly.
Saturday, July 10, 2021
February 1869 Canton, Maine, Document: Selectmen Calvin S. Brown, Caleb P. Holland & William Dunn; Payee Amos Child
Small paper; nothing on reverse. The men mentioned were, presumably:
- Calvin S. Brown (1826-1902), Selectman
- Caleb P. Holland (abt 1805-1878), Selectman
- William Dunn (abt 1810-1892), Selectman or another William Dunn
- Amos Child - perhaps Amos Childs (abt 1822-1907)
February 1869 Canton, Maine, Document: Selectmen Calvin S. Brown & Caleb P. Holland; Teacher George H. Newman
February 13, 1869 Canton, Maine, document where Selectmen Calvin S. Brown and Caleb P. Holland direct the Town Treasurer to pay George H. Newman $75 for teaching school in District No. 3 the present Winter.
Click here to see a list of more 19th century documents and correspondence relating to Canton, Maine.
Small paper; minimal handwriting on reverse.
These men were, presumably:
- Calvin S. Brown (1826-1902), Selectman
- Caleb P. Holland (abt 1805-1878), Selectman
- George Henry Newman (1844-1914)
September 1868 Canton, Maine, Document: Selectmen Calvin S. Brown and Caleb P. Holland; Treasurer Roscoe H. Thompson
September 15, 1868 Canton, Maine, document where Selectman Calvin S. Brown and Caleb P. Holland direct the Town Treasurer Roscoe H. Thompson to pay $65.27, for cash advanced to the Selectmen.
Click here to see a list of more 19th century documents and correspondence relating to Canton, Maine.
Small paper; nothing on reverse. These men were, presumably:
- Calvin S. Brown (1826-1902), Selectman
- Caleb P. Holland (abt 1805-1878), Selectman
- Roscoe Henry Thompson (1836-1921), Town Treasurer - obituary, page 4, second column, top
If you have corrections and/or information to share, please leave a comment or contact me directly.
1868 Canton, Maine Bond: Selectman Calvin S. Brown, Caleb P. Holland & William Dunn; Treasurer Roscoe H. Thompson
March 6, 1863 Canton, Maine, Bond in the value of $100, which matured on June 1, 1868 and is marked on the reverse as Paid. Signed by Selectmen Calvin S. Brown, Caleb P. Holland and William Dunn and by Treasurer Roscoe H. Thompson.
Click here to see a list of more 19th century documents and correspondence relating to Canton, Maine.
Approximately 10-1/2" by 6-1/2"; minimal handwriting on reverse.
These men were, presumably:
- Calvin S. Brown (1826-1902), Selectman
- Caleb P. Holland (abt 1805-1878), Selectman
- William Dunn (abt 1810-1892), Selectman or another William Dunn
- Roscoe Henry Thompson (1836-1921), Town Treasurer - obituary, page 4, second column, top
March 1868 Canton, Maine, Document: Selectmen Calvin S. Brown & Caleb P. Holland; Payee Origen Barker
March 18, 1868 Canton, Maine, document where Selectmen Calvin S. Brown and C. P. Holland direct the Town Treasurer to pay Origen Barker $98 for supporting the Poor in the town of Canton for the past year.
- Calvin S. Brown (1826-1902), Selectman
- Caleb P. Holland (abt 1805-1878), Selectman
- Origen Barker (1827-1909), Payee
If you have corrections and/or information to share on any of these men, please leave a comment or contact me directly.
November 1867 Canton, Maine, Document: Selectmen Hiram A. Ellis & C. S. Brown; Ephraim Childs, Jr., Payee
- Hiram Augustus Ellis (1826-1904), Selectman
- Calvin S. Brown (1826-1902), Selectman
- Ephraim Childs, Jr., (1829-1921), Payee
If you have corrections and/or information to share on any of these men, please leave a comment or contact me directly.
August 1867 Canton, Maine, Document: Selectmen Hiram A. Ellis & Albion Thorne; Treasurer John P. Swasey; Teacher Zoradia Lothrop
These people were, presumably:
- Hiram Augustus Ellis (1826-1904), Selectman
- Albion Thorne (1836-1910), Selectman
- Zoradia Howard Whitney Lothrop (1849-1911), Teacher, who would marry Aaron W. Jackson in 1868
- John Philip Swasey (1839-1928), Town Treasurer
March 1867 Canton, Maine, Document: Selectmen Hiram A. Ellis & Albion Thorne; Treasurer John T. Severy; Rev. Carlton Parker
These men were, presumably:
- Hiram Augustus Ellis (1826-1904), Selectman
- Albion Thorne (1836-1910), Selectman
- John T. Severy (1814-1887), Town Treasurer - although his middle initial appears to be a P, it was presumably a T.
- Rev. Carlton Parker (abt 1806-1874)
January 1866 Canton, Maine, Document: John H. Wait, Payee; Oscar Hayford, Town Treasurer
- John Hinkley Wait (1810-1880), Payee
- Oscar Hayford (1833-1908), Town Treasurer
Friday, July 9, 2021
June 1864 Canton, Maine, Document: Hiram A. Ellis; John D. Hodge; Isaac N. Stanley; Cyrus Wait
These men were presumably:
- Hiram Augustus Ellis (1826-1904), Selectman
- John Davis Hodge (1811-aft 1880), Selectman
- Isaac Newton Stanley (1804-1881), Town Treasurer
- Cyrus Wait (1819-1869), Payee
If you have corrections and/or information to share on any of these men, please leave a comment or contact me directly.
June 1864 Canton, Maine, Document: Hiram A. Ellis; John D. Hodge; Isaac N. Stanley; C. A. Coolidge; Stephen Cushman
These men were presumably:
- Hiram Augustus Ellis (1826-1904), Selectman
- John Davis Hodge (1811-aft 1880), Selectman
- Isaac Newton Stanley (1804-1881), Town Treasurer
- Dr. Charles Archelaus Coolidge (1830-1911)
- Stephen L. Cushman (1832-1904)
March 1864 Canton, Maine, Document: Hiram A. Ellis; John D. Hodge; Nathaniel Whittemore; John McCollister
- Hiram Augustus Ellis (1826-1904), Selectman
- John Davis Hodge (1811-aft 1880), Selectman
- Nathaniel Whittemore - perhaps Rev. Nathaniel Kendall Whittemore (1825-1905), Town Treasurer
- John McCollister (abt 1802-1875), Payee
If you have corrections and/or information to share on any of these men, please leave a comment or contact me directly.
Thursday, July 8, 2021
May 1864 Canton, Maine, Document: Hiram A. Ellis; Farnum Austin; Isaac N. Stanley; H. A. Ellis
- Hiram Augustus Ellis (1826-1904), Selectman
- Farnum Austin (1816-1901), Selectman
- Isaac Newton Stanley (1804-1881), Town Treasurer
- H. A. Ellis - presumably Hiram Augustus Ellis, above
August 1860 Canton, Maine, Document: John McCollister; Granville Child; Nathaniel Whittemore; teacher Emily Hersey
August 27, 1861 Canton, Maine, document where Selectmen John McCollister and Granville Child direct Town Treasurer Nathaniel Whittemore to pay Emily Hersey or bearer $49.50 for teaching school in District No. 2 in the present Summer.
These people were presumably:
- John McCollister (abt 1802-1875), Selectman of Canton, Maine
- Granville Childs (1823-1903), Selectman
- Nathaniel Whittemore, Town Treasurer - perhaps Rev. Nathaniel Whittemore (1825-1905)
- Emily Hersey, Teacher - perhaps Emily Hearsey (1832-1906), who would marry Thomas C. Wright in 1864