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Saturday, August 31, 2013
Photograph of Arthur Morris, by a Bangor, Maine studio
Photograph of a young man identified on the reverse as Arthur Morris. The photograph was taken by the Ramsdell studio of Bangor, Maine.
Researching online, I found a likely prospect in Arthur Hayden Morris who attended Bangor Theological Seminary during the 1908-1909 school year.
He was born 2 July 1884 at New York City, the date according to his World War I draft registration card, and the date and place according to a listing in a Seminary publication.
I believe his parents were James Hayden Morris and Hattie (Dietz) Morris. At the time of the enumeration of the 1900 Census, Arthur and his younger sister Sarah were living with their widowed father at Mount Vernon City, New York. James Hayden Morris was a music teacher and composer.
The 1910 Census lists Arthur as boarding at Steuben, Maine with Ada S. Noyes, with the occupation of student. He may have attended Bangor Theological Seminary in 1910 as well.
Ada (Stevens) Noyes was the widow of Lendell Boyd Noyes, who died in 1906. Ada, born 11 May 1850 at Steuben, Maine, was the daughter of Henry and Abigail C. (Nash) Stevens.
The Penobscot Marine Museum has a photograph of Arthur Morris driving a Model T at Steuben about 1909 or 1910.
Arthur's World War I draft registration card shows his occupation to be Farmer. It appears that he helped Ada Noyes run her farm, and he was still doing so at the time of the 1930 Census of Steuben.
On 9 August 1930, Arthur married Sadie G. (Stevens) Sumner of Steuben. She was the daughter of Alfred K. and Florence (Rankin) Stevens. Alfred K. Stevens' father, Pillsbury Stevens, was a paternal uncle of Ada (Stevens) Noyes.
Sadie was first married to Maurice M. Sumner of Amherst, Maine.
The 1940 Census shows the couple living at Stratham, New Hampshire. They weren't easy to find in one of my two go-to genealogy resources, as they were indexed as Auther and Lydia, with Auther's occupation shown as truck driver. A reading of the document itself shows that he was a truck gardener.
At Hope Baptist Cemetery in Bradford County, Florida, there's a gravestone of an Arthur H. and Sadie G. Morris, as shown on Find-a-Grave, with Arthur's birth year 1883 rather than 1884. If these are the correct Arthur and Sadie, Arthur died in 1967 and Sadie in 1968.
Coincidentally, this photograph was purchased with a few others from a dealer's collection of seemingly unrelated photographs, of which another one had a Steuben connection, showing Olive Cushman Young and Sophia Baker. I'm now wondering how many of the other photographs had a Steuben, Maine, connection. Most were unidentified, but had a studio imprint. I'll contact the dealer.
If you have corrections and/or additions to the information above, or if you feel that the Arthur Morris in the photograph is not Arthur Hayden Morris, please leave a comment or contact me directly. Thanks!
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Real Photo Postcard of the Lindgren Family who left for California in 1927
Real Photo Postcard of the Lindgren family, which consists of the parents and their daughter and son.
The identification on reverse mentions that the family left for California in 1927.
There's a notation at the bottom edge that I can't quite figure out. It could be contemporary seller's info, but not from the most recent seller, or could be some information relating to the family. There are two more Real Photo postcards, with unidentified couples, with the same (K) MV notation. Those postcards appear at the end of this post.
If you recognize the Lindgrens from your family albums or research, please leave a comment or contact me directly.
The two other postcards:
#1, front and reverse
#2, front and reverse
Hopefully someone will recognize the postcards from their family collection or from knowledge of a part of the family that left from somewhere for California in 1927.
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1913 Real Photo Postcard of the Wharff family
Real Photo Postcard of a family of four identified on the reverse as the Wharff family in 1913.
The postcard was purchased in Maine, but the setting could be anywhere. The parents appear to have started their family later in life.
If you recognize this family from your family albums or research, please leave a comment or contact me directly. Thanks!
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Friday, August 30, 2013
Photograph of Olive Cushman Young and Sophia Baker; by a Milbridge, Maine studio
Photograph of two women identified on the reverse as Olive Cushman Young and Sophia Baker. The photograph was taken by the G. H. Smyth studio of Milbridge, Maine.
From online research, hopefully correct: [corrections and additions welcome!]
Sophia K. Baker was born about November 1879, the daughter of Colin and Elizabeth (Crowley) Baker of Steuben, Maine. She married Melbourne Owen Baltzer on 28 August 1912. She died at Brockton, Massachusetts, in 1931.
I found an Olive Cushman, about the same age as Sophia, in Steuben, Maine, the daughter of Silas K. and Elizabeth D. (Smith) Cushman, but she married Francis L. Wood of Bar Harbor. I didn't find an Olive Cushman Young. It's possible that the name Young came from a subsequent marriage.
Milbridge, Maine, which abuts Steuben, is a logical place for Steuben folks to have their photograph taken.
If you have information on Olive Cushman Young and Sophia Baker, please leave a comment or contact me directly. Thanks!
Milbridge, Maine
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1899 Photograph of Two Men IDed as Albert Davis and I. Barter or Barter Davis
8 January 1899 photograph of two well-dressed men who appear to be in their 40s. They're standing on a snowy sidewalk in an urban setting.
The photograph was purchased in Maine, but Maine may not have been the setting.
One of the men is Albert Davis. The other man is either Barter Davis or I. Barter. I'm interested in how readers interpret the identification.
After a bit of online research, I didn't find a Barter Davis with a brother Albert, but I could have missed one.
If you have a theory as to men's identity, please leave a comment or contact me directly.
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2 CDVs of young Edith Edna Crane of Arlington, Massachusetts; taken by James W. Turner studio of Boston
Two cartes de visite of young Edith Edna Crane, both taken by the studio of James W. Turner of 47 Hanover Street, Boston, Massachusetts.
From online research, hopefully correct: [corrections and additions welcome!]
Edith Edna Crane was born 13 July 1875 at Arlington, Massachusetts, the daughter of Charles Henry Crane and Adeline Celia (Kimball) Crane, who were born at Dorchester, Massachusetts, and Windsor, Vermont, respectively.
Charles Henry Crane was a farmer, and it appears that he moved his family to Iowa at some point, where they were listed living at Maple, in Monona County, in the 1885 Iowa Census.
Edith, if not all of the family, eventually went back to Massachusetts where she was listed in the 1910 Census of Arlington and was working in insurance. She later moved to Los Angeles, California and lived there for many years. Census records show her as involved in real estate. By the time of the 1940 Census, she was working as a matron in a children's home.
She died at Los Angeles in 1960. Her death record gives the surname Crane, so either she never married or took her maiden name back.
If you have corrections to the information above, or additions to it, please leave a comment or contact me directly. Thanks!
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Thursday, August 29, 2013
January 1916 issue of The Star and Crescent, Epsilon Deutron Chapter of Phi Sigma Kappa at Worcester Polytechnic Institute
January 1916 issue of "The Star and Crescent", published by the Epsilon Deutron Chapter of Phi Sigma Kappa, "The Chapter on the Hill", at Worcester, Massachusetts, likely at Worcester Polytechnic Institute, as several other WPI-related papers were found with this one.
See related posts:
- 1910-1912 Banquet Programs, of Kappa Xi Alpha, Theta Chi, one with Photos, two with Autographs, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Massachusetts
- 1912 booklet on Kappa Xi Alpha Fraternity at Worcester Polytechnic Instutute, Worcester, Massachusetts
- Program for Commencement Dance, Class of 1911, Worcester Polytechnic Institute at Worcester, Massachusetts
If you have information on any of the people mentioned in this issue, please leave a comment. Thanks!
Names on the page at top:
- Alexander Wilmer Duff, D. SC., number 77, more familiarly known as W. Wilmer, head of the physics department.
- Austin Welch, number 78, treasurer of the Freshman Class
- Edward Bates, number 79, nicknamed "Beau", news editor of the Tech News
Names on the page above:
- President Conley
- Secretary John Adams Lowe
- Brother John Spaulding
- Brother Robert Shattuck, President of the K.X.A. Corporation
- Brother Harris Whiting
- Brother L. A. Gardner
- Myron Dewey Chace, number 80, in the Mandolin Club, "Cherub"
- "Bones" Whiting
- Eldridge Loyd, number 81, Vice-President of the Freshman Class, cheerleader
- Edward Burleigh, number 82, Freshman delegate from Florida
- Kenneth Russell, number 83
- Maxton Flint number 84
- James Arnold, numbered 85, "Ben"
- Lawrence Ropes, number 86, "Mac" or "Lazarus"
- Brother Lowe
- Brother Stebbins
- Brother Rogers
- Brother Lawrence
- Brother Jaeggli
- Brother Loyd
- Brother Clark
- "Jinny" Haynes
- Edgar George Woodward, '18 of Andover, New Hampshire
- Samuel Paul Jones, '19, of Columbus, Indiana (1014 Union St.)
- Dana Dudley Goodwin, '19, of Fitchburg, Massachusetts (224 Blossom St.) [See a reader's comment for more information]
- Brother John Adams Lowe, '06
- Brother "Bill" Boynton, '13
- Brother "Bob" Shattuck
- Gustafson, '09
- Johnnie Allen
- "Pete" Eaton
- "Jig" Bond
- "Jig" Jaeggli. '15
- Frederick Gordon Barber, 1918, of Cristobal, Canal Zone
- Frederick Pexton, 1918, of Rutland, Vermont
- Donald Hamilton, 1911
- Cyril Raymond, 1911
- Pete Eaton
- Brother Carl Dietz, Iota, '01
- Brother "Sid" Hazleton
- "Jig" Bond
- Brother Gustafson, '08
- Brother John Adams Lowe
- Bill Boynton"
- "Jig" Jaeggli
- H. Fay Baldwin
- Robert Shattuck
- Matthew Fish
- John Allen
- Pete Eaton
- "Flop" Bullard (new father)
- "Buck" Pierson (new father)
- Kenneth Allen (new father)
- Harold Woods (new father)
- "Pete" Eaton, '14, engaged to Miss Pauline Bell Hartwell
- "Elsie" Jones, ex-'16, studying law with his father at Rutland, Vermont and "offers to marry any brother who will make the trip."
- "Shorty" Shaw, ex-'18, employed by Western Union at Rutland, Vermont
- "Paddy" Pexton, ex-'18, at Norwich University, learning to be a soldier
- "Swede" Gerald, '15, in Chicago with Pullman Car Co.
- "Pop" Roy, '15, in Springfield helping in family contracting business
- "Jig" Bond, '15, in Worcester working for American Steel and Wire Co.
- "Tommy" Alexander, '15, post grad at Tech, studying for E. E. degree
- "Bones" Whiting, '15, working with Marconi Wireless Co., in New Jersey
- George Plaisted, '15, working for "Big Four" RR in Cicinnati
- "Ray" Hicks, ex-'17, living in New York and tutoring
- "Johnnie" Allen, '15, working for Aberthaw Construction Co.
- Brother H. Fay Baldwin
- Harris E. Whiting, 1916, North Attleboro, Massachusetts
- Ellery E. Royal, 1916, Harvard, Massachusetts
- Valentine B. Libbey, 1916, Longmeadow, Massachusetts
- John M. Bond, 1915, 417 West 120th St., New York, New York
- Donald F. Whiting, 1915, 133 East First Ave., Roselle, New Jersey
- Joseph E. Roy, 1915, 907 Armory St., Springfield, Massachusetts
- 7. Arthur H. Gerald, 1915, 12 Kingsbury St., Roxbury, Massachusetts
- 8. John E. Allen, 1915, 8 Beacon St., Boston, Massachusetts
- 9. Philip P. Murdick, 1916, 16 Washington St., Rutland, Vermont
- 10. Lawrence C. Jones, 1916, 15 Mansfield Place, Rutland, Vermont
- 11. Joel Manson, 1916, Greenbush, Massachusetts
- 12. Frederick P. Church, 1915, Norwich, Connecticut
- 13. David Wyman, 1916, 46 Pleasant Park Rd., Winthrop, Massachusetts
- 14. Albert E. Luke, 1916, Putnam, Connecticut
- 15. Elmer H. Gardner, 1916, Franklin, New Hampshire
- 16. Leland A. Gardner, 1917, 15 Woodstock Ave., Rutland, Vermont
- 17. Carl H. Burgess, 1916, Salisbury St., Worcester, Massachusetts
- 18. Alfred W. Francis, 1917, 53 Sargent St., Hartford, Connecticut
- 19. Clarence Alexander, 1915, Franconia St., Worcester, Massachusetts
- 20. Richard D. Lambert, 1917, 141 St. Marks Place, New Brighton, New York
- 21. Richard W. Young, 1916, 20 Conell St., Norwich, Connecticut
- 22. Raymond W. Hicks, 1917
- 23. Lester W. Kimball, 1917, 16 Birch St., Cliftondale, Massachusetts
- 24. George W. Plaisted, 1915, 1302 Locus St., Walnut Hills, Cincinnati, Ohio
- 25. Harrison I. Turner, 1918, 22 Gage St., Methuen, Massachusetts
- 26. William H. Knowles, 1916, Jamestown, Rhode Island
- 27. Everett B. Janvrin, 1917, Hampden Falls, New Hampshire
- 28. Sylvester B. Bubier, 1918, 22 Powow St., Amesbury, Massachusetts
- 29. Richard M. Thackeray, 1916, 251 Mount Pleasant St., Fall River, Massachusetts
- 30. Wilfred D. Chapman, 1917, Providence, Rhode Island
- 31. Robert W. Adams, 1904, 1012 Turk's Head Building, Providence, Rhode Island
- 32. Henry Fay Baldwin, 1903, 4 Hadwen Lane, Worcester, Massachusetts
- 33. Edward W. Kimball, 1903, 50 Oliver St., Boston, Massachusetts
- 34. George E. Pellissier, 1904, 796 Sumner Ave., Springfield, Massachusetts
- 35. Robert K. Shattuck, 1907, 16 Grove St., Wellesley, Massachusetts
- 36. Jarvis Williams, Jr., 1907, 1928 North Ave., Bridgeport, Connecticut
- 37. Herbert V. Leckie, 1911, 1125 Central Ave., Bridgeport, Connecticut
- 38. Timothy R. Lyons, 1910, 8 Beacon St., Boston, Massachusetts
- 39. Charles B. Wagner, 1908, Auburndale, Massachusetts
- 40. Francis W. Roys, 1909, W. P. I., Worcester, Massachusetts
- 41. Alden W. Baldwin, 1908, 720 Hampden St., Holyoke, Massachusetts
- 42. Kenneth R. Allen, 1911, 57 Eddy St., Providence, Rhode Island
- 43. Arthur C. Merrill, 1909, 5829 Ellsworth St., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
- 44. Samuel E. Nims, 1911, 12 Tirrell St., Worcester, Massachusetts
- 45. John A. Remon, 1909, 15 Day St., New York City, c/o A. T. and T. Co.
- 46. Waldo L. Sherman, 1912, Harrisville, Rhode Island
- 47. Vaughn B. Griffin, 1912, 729 Chestnut St., Manchester, New Hampshire
- 48. Guy F. Whitney, 1912, New Hartford, Connecticut
- 49. William H. Acton, 1913, 1422 River St., Hyde Park, Massachusetts
- 50. Harold L. Nickerson, 1912, 17 Beaver St., Worcester, Massachusetts
- 51. Lewis F. Wheeler, 1912, c/o Singer Mfg., Co., Elizabethport, New Jersey
- 52. Walter G. Bullard, 1913, New Hampshire State College, Durham, New Hampshire
- 53. Albert L. Brown, 1913, 15 Cherry St., Hudson, Massachusetts
- 54. Rodney E. Lancey, 1914, 6 Court St., New Haven, Connecticut
- 55. Earl H. Thomas, 1913, 7 Farren Ave., New Haven, Connecticut
- 56. Harlold B. Woods, sic Harold B. Woods, 1913, 49 Washington St., Hudson, Massachusetts
- 57. John E. Stripp, 1913, 110 Union Ave., South Framingham, Massachusetts
- 58. Arthur W. Knowlton, 1914, Rockport, Massachusetts
- 59. Stuart A. Craig, 1914, 517 Dickenson St., Springfield, Massachusetts
- 60. Charles O. Snow, 1914, 15 Day St., New York City, c/o A. T. and T. Co.
- 61. Lewis H. Eaton, 1914, 8 High St., Gardner, Massachusetts
- 62. Arthur W. Peters, 1914, 953 Main St., South Manchester, Connecticut
- 63. Henry E. Phelps, 1914, University of Purdue, West Lafayette, Indiana
- 64. George L. Roy, 1917, 14 St. Botolph St., Boston, Massachusetts
- 65. Raymond H. Shaw, 1918, 10 East Washington St., Rutland, Vermont
- 66. Gordan K. Berry, 1918, Northbridge, Massachusetts
- 67. John A. Spaulding, Hon., Tewksbury, Massachusetts
- 68. Edgar R. Jones, 1917, 6 Newton Ave., Worcester, Massachusetts
- 69. Oscar A. Nierendorf, 1918, 700 Broadview Terrace, Hartford, Connecticut
- 70. Walter E. Spicer, 1914
- 71. Harold C. Edgarton, 1914, 235 Vine St., Bridgeport, Connecticut
- 72. Stuart Nims, 1911, 81 Park St., Keeney, New Hampshire [Keene, New Hampshire?]
- 73. Arthur E. Luce, 1909, 6 Richardson Court, South Framingham, Massachusetts
- 74. Matthew R. Fish, 1909, 24 Clearview Ave., Worcester, Massachusetts
- 75. Frederick G. Barber, 1918, Cristobal, Canal Zone
- 76. Frederick L. Pexton, 1918, 17 Chaplin Ave., Rutland, Vermont
- 77. Alexander W. Duff, Hon., 43 Harvard St., Worcester, Massachusetts
- 78. Austin Welch, 1919, 22 Atlantic Ave., Fitchburg, Massachusetts
- 79. Edward M. Bates, 1917, Westboro, Massachusetts
- 80. Myron Chase, 1919, 7 Norwood Ave., Worcester, Massachusetts
- 81. Eldridge Lloyd, 1919, 22 Holtan St., Lawrence, Massachusetts
- 82. Edward I. Burleigh, 1919, Tavares, Florida
- 83. Kenneth Russell, 1919, Still River, Massachusetts
- 84. Maxton H. Flint, 1917, Chester, Massachusetts
- 85. James E. Arnold, 1919, South St., Westboro, Massachusetts
- 86. Lawrence Ropes, 1919, 45 West 75th St., New York, New York
- 87. Edgar Woodward, 1918, Andover, New Hampshire
- 88. S. Paul Jones, 1919, 1640 Union St., Columbus, Indiana
- 89. Dana D. Goodwin, 1919, 224 Blossom St., Fitchburg, Massachusetts [See a reader's comment for more information.]
- 90. Don Hamilton, 1911, Cleveland, Ohio
- 91. Cyril B. Raymond, 1911, 15 Ashburton Place, Boston, Massachusetts
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Program for Commencement Dance, Class of 1911, Worcester Polytechnic Institute at Worcester, Massachusetts
Program for the Class of 1911 Commencement Dance at Worcester Polytechnic Institute at Worcester, Massachusetts.
The Dance was held Thursday, June 8, 1911 at Terpsichorean Hall, with music provided by Hardy's Orchestra.
Patrons and Patronesses
Dr. and Mrs. Edmund A. Engler
Prof. and Mrs. Edward L. Hancock
Floor Director
Horace Z. Landon
Stanley P. Stewart
E. Donald Beach
James A. Patch
Carl R. Weidenmiller
Robert H. Wolcott
1912 booklet on Kappa Xi Alpha Fraternity at Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, Massachusetts
1912 booklet about Kappa Xi Alpha Fraternity at Worcester Polytechnic Institute at Worcester, Massachusetts.
The booklet measures 9" x 6" and contains 27 pages of text and photographs. It was printed at Worcester, Massachusetts, by the fraternity.
An earlier post features programs for the annual banquets of the fraternity in the years 1910 and 1912.
The booklet contains a histories of Worcester Polytechnic Institute and the fraternity, as well as a description of Worcester, Massachusetts. There are several photographs of the grounds, building exteriors and interiors and photographs of students, with one of them named, Baseball Captain Nims, '11.
If you have information to share on any of the people mentioned, please leave a comment for the benefit of other researchers.
Below, the pages in order: [see a slideshow here]
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Below, the pages in order: [see a slideshow here]
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