Sunday, August 31, 2014

1878-1895 Autograph Album that Perhaps Belonged to Etta Bell Pierce of St. Johnsbury, Vermont

1878-1895 autograph album that may have belonged to Etta Bell Pierce, or Etta Belle Pierce, of St. Johnsbury, Vermont.  Several people in the album mentioned family relationships, but, I believe some of these relationships were in-law or step relationships.

The album is approximately 7-3/4" x 4-3/4" and contains the sentiments of 65 people, including members of the Pierce, Williams, Bradley and Hallett families, members of whom indicated a family relationship with the album owner.  An alphabetical surname list and an alphabetical list of the signers, together with any personal information they offered, appear at the end of this post.

From online research, hopefully correct:  [corrections, additions and clarifications most welcome!]

My theory is that the album belonged to Etta Bell Pierce, or Etta Belle Pierce, who was born October 14, 1867 at St. Johnsbury, Vermont, the daughter of Abel Allin Pierce and Rosetta (Ayer) Pierce, themselves both born at St. Johnsbury, Vermont.

The A. A. Pierce who inscribed a page on October 14, 1879, was presumably Abel Allin Pierce.  Rosetta had died by that time.

The C. S. Pierce of Minneapolis, Minnesota, who signed a page at East Barnet, Vermont, on March 3, 1885 and called himself "your little brother", was presumably Charles Sumner Pierce, born November 6, 1859.

Abel Allin Pierce's sister Jacynthia (Pierce) Bradley, second wife of Darius Bradley, signed a page on August 9, 1883 and called herself the album owner's aunt.

Jacynthia's step-daughter-in-law, Nellie C. Bradley, wife of Elon Darius Bradley, and at least one step grandchild, Minnie Calista Bradley, also signed pages in the album.

Another of Etta Bell Pierce's brothers was Edmund Carlisle Pierce, who married Mary L. Williams, daughter of George S. and Louisa (Willey) Williams and sister of Kate S. Williams, who married George F. Hallett.  Mr. and Mrs. Williams and their daughter Nell M. Williams of St. Johnsbury, Vermont, signed pages in the album.  Nell called the album owner a sister.  George F. Hallett also signed a page and called himself the album owner's brother.

Someone, possibly Etta Bell Pierce herself, wrote the name Lettie on one page and "Little Sister Lettie" on another.  I believe Lettie was Lettie Viola Pierce, daughter Abel Allin Pierce and his second wife Sarah (McGrath) Pierce.  Lettie, born May 29, 1879, died young on October 8, 1882.  See the face of an angel here.

On February 12, 1891, Etta Bell Pierce married Pliny Worcester Chase, son of Amasa and Emma (Skinner) Chase.  Pliny was born 7 March 1869 at Sheffield, Vermont.  Etta and Pliny lived at St. Johnsbury, Vermont, and at some point moved to Brattleboro, Vermont.  They had at least two children, a son and daughter.

If you have corrections and/or additions to the information above, a theory as to a different album owner or information on any of the signers listed below, please leave a comment or contact me directly.  Thanks!

Surnames in the album

?     [3[
Bradley    [4]
Byron     [2]
Chamberlin     [2]
Cook     [2]
Hancock     [2]
Harriman     [2]
Humphrey     [2]
Norris     [2]
Palmer     [2]
Pierce     [5]
Severance     [2]
Smith     [2]
Waite     [2]
Willey     [2]
Williams     [3]

Signers in the album       [Note: Given names within a specific surname may not be in alphabetical order.]

  • A Friend
  • A Friend
  • M. C., signed on February 16, 1879.
  • Mrs. A. L. Bailey, signed at St. Johnsbury, Vermont, on May 23, 1882
  • Preston D. Banfill of St. Johnsbury, Vermont, signed on September 29, 1878
  • Ermine Barrows of St. Johnsbury, Vermont, signed on February 5, 1882
  • Lena J. Blair of East Barnet, Vermont, signed on February 22, 1885
  • Frank E. Bowman of St. Johnsbury, Vermont, signed on January 10, 1879
  • Aunt Jacynthia P. Bradley, signed on August 9, 1883. She was Jacynthia (Pierce) Bradley, second wife of Darius Bradley; daughter of Abel and Mercy (Allin) Pierce; and sister of Etta Bell Pierce's father Abel Allin Pierce.
  • H. P. Bradley of Lyndon, Vermont, signed on February 4, 1879
  • Minnie Bradley, signed at St. Johnsbury, Vermont, on August 5, 1883. "Your Loving Cousin". She was the daughter of Elon D. and Nellie C. Bradley. Elon was the stepson of Jacynthia (Pierce) Bradley, second wife of Darius Bradley. Jacynthia was a sister to Etta Bell's father Abel Allin Pierce.
  • Nellie C. Bradley, signed at St. Johnsbury Centre, Vermont, on August 9, 1883; album owner's cousin. She was the wife of Elon Darius Bradley, stepson of Jacynthia (Pierce) Bradley, who was the aunt of Etta Bell Pierce.
  • Henry E. Byron of St. Johnsbury, Vermont, signed on April 2, 1882. I believe he was Henry Edmond Byron, whose wife Florentine Adelaide (Martin) Byron signed the right facing page.
  • Mrs. Henry E. Byron of St. Johnsbury, Vermont, signed on April 4, 1882. She was Florentine Adelaide (Martin) Byron, whose husband Henry Edmond Byron signed the left facing page.
  • Orrin Chamberlin of St. Johnsbury, Vermont, signed on March 2, 1882. His wife signed the right facing page.
  • Mrs. Orrin Chamberlin, signed at St. Johnsbury, Vermont, on March 2, 1882. Her husband Orrin Chamberlin signed the left facing page.
  • Helen M. Conant of Greensboro, Vermont, signed on June 25, 1879
  • Lucy A. Cook, signed at St. Johnsbury, Vermont, on November 11, 1878
  • Lizzie Cook. Her name is on a calling card that is inserted into slits in the page.
  • Fred S. Daniels of St. Johnsbury, Vermont, signed on September 27, 1878
  • Mary Dickinson, signed at St. Johnsbury Centre, Vermont, on November 4, 1879
  • Ella W. Dunklee of Lyndon, Vermont, signed on January 31, 1879
  • C. S. Frost
  • Mrs. E. E. Gagnon of Lyndon, Vermont, signed on February 12, 1880. Presumably Lizzie (McMullen) Gagnon, wife of Elmore E. Gagnon. She wrote what appeared to be "Gognon", and I did find an instance of that spelling in the records, but usually the records used the Gagnon spelling.
  • Helen A. Goss of Lower Waterford, Vermont, signed on February 15, 1886
  • Mrs. J. C. Gray of St. Johnsbury, Vermont, signed on September 5, 1879
  • George F. Hallett of St. Johnsbury Center, Vermont, signed on March 21, 1879; "your brother". He married Kate S. Williams, whose sister Mary L. Williams married Etta Bell's brother Edward Carlisle Williams.
  • Alice M. Hancock of St. Johnsbury, Vermont, signed on Thanksgiving Day, November 28, 1878
  • Nellie S. Hancock of St. Johnsbury, Vermont, signed on November 28, 1878; "after a Thanksgiving dinner"
  • Mary W. Hardy of East St. Johnsbury, Vermont, signed on February 19, 1879; not sure of middle initial
  • Lyman P. Harriman. Lyman Patridge Harriman; his wife Anna Catherine (Cook) Harriman signed the right facing page.
  • A. C. Harriman, signed at St. Johnsbury, Vermont, on November 9, 1878. She was Anna Catherine (Cook) Harriman, whose husband Lyman Patridge Harriman signed the left facing page.
  • May L. Hodge of Lyndon, Vermont, signed on "2-7-1879"
  • Mrs. C. A. Hoyt, signed at Lyndon, Vermont, on February 4, 1879
  • ? Humphrey, signed at E. St. Johnsbury, Vermont, on March 1, 1879. Initials could be F. P. or T. B. or ??
  • E. I. Humphrey, signed at St. Johnsbury, Vermont, on February 28, 1879
  • May A. Jones of McIndoes, Vermont, signed at East Barnet, Vermont
  • A. A. Kinney, signed at St. Johnsbury, Vermont, on June 6, 1879
  • Emily W. Norris, signed at East Barnet, Vermont, on July 11, 1882
  • Mamie Norris, signed at East Barnet, Vermont, on August 5, 1882
  • Carrie Olcott, signed at East St. Johnsbury, Vermont, on March 7, 1879; or Carrie of Olcott, Vermont.
  • Ella E. Palmer of Lyndon, Vermont, signed in January 1879
  • F. W. Palmer of Lyndon, Vermont, signed on February 4, 1879
  • Etta Bell Pierce, presumably the owner of this autograph album
  • A. A. Pierce, signed on October 14, 1879; presumably Abel Allin Pierce, Etta Bell Pierce's father.
  • Lettie. This may have been Lettie Viola Pierce, though handwritten by someone else, maybe even Etta Bell Pierce, as Lettie was too young. Lettie Viola Pierce was the half-sister of Etta Bell Pierce. Lettie's parents were Abel Allin Pierce and second wife Sarah (McGrath) Pierce. Sadly Lettie died on October 8, 1882; see her photograph here:
  • Edna M. Pierce of Olcott, Vermont, signed on October 13, 1895. She was the daughter of Etta Bell's brother Edward Carlisle Pierce and wife Mary L. (Williams) Pierce.
  • C. S. Pierce of Minneapolis, Minnesota, signed at East Barnet, Vermont, on March 3, 1885; "your little brother" He was Etta Bell's brother Charles Sumner Pierce, son of Abel Allin Pierce and Rosetta (Ayer) Pierce.
  • Katherine P. Prince of Boston, Massachusetts, signed on April 21, 1888; alternatively, surname could be Pierce or Peirce
  • Mrs. Clara A. Ranney of Lyndon, Vermont, signed on February 12, 1880
  • R. Risley, signed on February 14 [or 17], 1879
  • John A. Scribner of Haverhill, Massachusetts, signed at St. Johnsbury Centre, Vermont, on October 5, 1879
  • C. A. Severance of St. Johnsbury, Vermont, signed on March 7, 1879. He was Chandler A. Severance, whose wife Sophronia M. (Chapman) Severance signed the right facing page.
  • S. M. Severance of St. Johnsbury, Vermont, signed on March 7, 1878. She was Sophronia M. (Chapman) Severance, whose husband Chandler A. Severance signed the left facing page.
  • Mr. Jerome Smith, signed at St. Johnsbury, Vermont, on February 14, 1882
  • Mrs. J. Smith, signed at St. Johnsbury, Vermont, on February 14, 1882; middle initial might be W or G or T or ?
  • Maudie Somers of East Barnet, Vermont, signed on April 17, 1885
  • Anna May Streeter of St. Johnsbury, Vermont, signed on April 3, 1879
  • Charles D. Waite of St. Johnsbury, Vermont; his wife signed the right facing page.
  • Mrs. Charles D. Waite of St. Johnsbury, Vermont, signed on August 5, 1879; her husband Charles D. Waite signed the left facing page.
  • Jennie S. Willey of St. Johnsbury, Vermont, signed on September 21, 1878
  • Hattie P. Willey of St. Johnsbury, Vermont, signed on September 19, 1878
  • George S. Williams of St. Johnsbury, Vermont, signed on February 21, 1879. His wife Louisa (Willey) Williams signed the right facing page.
  • Louisa Williams of St. Johnsbury, Vermont. She was Louisa (Willey) Williams, whose husband George S. Williams signed the left facing page.
  • Nell M. Williams, signed at St. Johnsbury, Vermont, on October 7, 1878; called the album owner "sister". She was the daughter of signers George S. and Louisa (Willey) Williams; her sister Mary L. Williams married Etta Bell's brother, Edward Carlisle Pierce.
  • Abby T. Wills, signed at East St. Johnsbury, Vermont, on February 25, 1879
St. Johnsbury, Vermont

Thanks for stopping by!

Friday, August 29, 2014

1886-1888 Autograph Album of Samuel Archibald Smith, "Archie", of West Wilton, New Hampshire

1886-1888 autograph album of Samuel Archibald Smith, "Archie", of West Wilton, New Hampshire, kept while he was a student at South Lancaster Academy at South Lancaster, Massachusetts.  The Academy, founded in 1882 by Seventh-day Adventists, is still operating today.

The album is approximately 6-1/4" x 3-3/4" and contains the sentiments of 59 of Archie's relatives, friends and South Lancaster Academy schoolmates.  An alphabetical surname list and an alphabetical list of the signers, together with any personal information they offered, appear at the end of this post.  Students came from many states, in addition to Massachusetts and New Hampshire.  The album has illustrated pages interspersed throughout.

From online research, hopefully correct:  [corrections and additions welcome!]

Samuel Archibald Smith, "Archie", was born 27 November 1870 at Wilton, New Hampshire, the son of Samuel Wood Smith and Frances Cornelia (Jones) Smith.

Archie had an older brother, Frederick Glazier Smith, born 12 December 1867 at Wilton, New Hampshire.  Fred, then living at Fitchburg, Massachusetts, inscribed a page in his brother's album on November 7, 1886.  Among others, he wrote the words "Druggist" and "Apothecary".  He may have been a druggist in 1886 or have been studying to be one.  He became a physician and practiced at Somerville, Massachusetts.

One of Archie's teachers at South Lancaster Academy, E. E. Miles, signed a page at South Lancaster, Massachusetts, on November 5, 1886.  He was E. Edgar Miles.

After South Lancaster Academy, I believe Archie went on to graduate from the University of Michigan in 1894.

On September 6, 1898, Archie married Isabelle Morse Blackburn, daughter of Alexander and Margaret Elizabeth (Hall) Blackburn.   Isabelle was born at Chicago, Illinois, on March 9, 1874.

At the time of the 1900 Census, Archie and Isabelle were living at Elizabeth, New Jersey; Archie was working as a teacher.  By 1910, they were still at Elizabeth, New Jersey, with four children; Archie was teaching at an academy.

By 1920, the family of six was at living at Oyster Bay, New York; Isabelle's brother Alexander Maxwell Blackburn and his family were also living in the household.  Archie was the principal at an academy, I think the Friends Academy, at Locust Valley on Long Island, New York.  By 1930, Archie and Isabelle and their two youngest children, both daughters, were living at Glen Cove, New York.  Archie was a principal and Isabelle, an assistant principal.  Archie was a one-time principal at the Brooklyn Friends School at Brooklyn, New York and at the Pingry School.

If you have corrections and/or additions to the information above, or information on any of the signers listed below, please leave a comment or contact me directly.

Surnames in the album

Andrews   [2]
Bradford   [2]
Edwards   [2]
Farnsworth   [2]
Hall   [2]
Mace   [2]
Mason   [2]
Ramsey    [2]
Smith   [2]
Van Slyke

Signers in the album      [Note: Given names within a specific surname may not be in alphabetical order.]

  • J. W. Adams; Archie's schoolmate, presumably at South Lancaster Academy at South Lancaster, Massachusetts
  • Luther L. Allen of South Lancaster, Massachusetts, signed on March 18, 1886; Archie's schoolmate, presumably at South Lancaster Academy
  • Cora Andrews, signed at South Lancaster Academy at South Lancaster, Massachusetts
  • Walter R. Andrews of South Lancaster, Massachusetts, signed on February 20, 1888. He wrote "New Hampshire Boys", so perhaps his home was in New Hampshire, and he was at South Lancaster to attend South Lancaster Academy.
  • H. D. Ayers of Rutland, Vermont, signed at South Lancaster Academy, at South Lancaster, Massachusetts, on September 29, 1886
  • Fred W. K. Baker of South Lancaster, Massachusetts, signed on October 17, 1886
  • C. A. Barnes of Hartland, Maine, signed at South Lancaster Academy, at South Lancaster, Massachusetts, on October 11, 1886. Presumably Cornell A. Barnes, son of Abraham and Abbie H. (Oakes) Barnes.
  • Joel P. Bradford of Acushnet, Massachusetts, signed at South Lancaster Academy at South Lancaster, Massachusetts, on November 27, 1886. He was Archie's roommate.
  • Melvin O. Bradford of Acushnet, Massachusetts, signed at South Lancaster Academy at South Lancaster, Massachusetts, on March 31, 1886
  • Bertha Butler of Worcester, Massachusetts, signed on April 14, 1886; presumably a student at South Lancaster Academy at South Lancaster, Massachusetts.
  • H. P. Buzzell of South Lancaster, Massachusetts, signed on October 21, 1886, at South Lancaster Academy
  • B. A. Byron of Linneus, Maine, signed at South Lancaster Academy at South Lancaster, Massachusetts, on April 13, 1886 [or 1885 - there's a strikeover]. Presumably Birdsell A. Byron, son of George L. and Melissa Etta (Webber) Byron of Linneus, Maine.
  • B. F. Colby of Bennington, Vermont, signed at South Lancaster Academy at South Lancaster, Massachusetts, on March 24, 1886
  • George R. Davis of Canton, Maine, signed at South Lancaster Academy at South Lancaster, Massachusetts, on April 11, 1886; Archie's schoolmate
  • W. M. Dow of Waterville, Maine, No. 20 Boutelle Avenue, signed at South Lancaster Academy at South Lancaster, Massachusetts
  • Charles H. Edwards of South Lancaster, Massachusetts, signed at South Lancaster Academy
  • Written so that it shows correctly in a mirror: Sanford S. Edwards of Delaware, Ohio; presumably a student at South Lancaster Academy at South Lancaster, Massachusetts.
  • Walter G. Ellis of Danforth, Maine, signed on March 17, 1886 at South Lancaster Academy at South Lancaster, Massachusetts
  • Emma M. Farnsworth of South Lancaster, Massachusetts, signed on February 19, 1888 at South Lancaster Academy.
  • Orvil O. Farnsworth of Washington, New Hampshire, signed at South Lancaster Academy at South Lancaster, Massachusetts, on November 1, 1886.
  • Lambert Felton of Lynn, Massachusetts, signed at South Lancaster Academy at South Lancaster, Massachusetts, on October 18, 1886
  • Tessa Goodsell of South Lancaster, Massachusetts, signed on April 12, 1886, presumably at South Lancaster Academy
  • Mary L. Gould of Greenville, New Hampshire, signed at South Lancaster, Massachusetts, on April 11 [or 17], 1886, presumably at South Lancaster Academy
  • Sadie Graham of South Lancaster, Massachusetts
  • Alfred Hager of South Lancaster, Massachusetts, signed on November 2, 1887
  • Susie Hall of Fort Scott, Kansas, signed on April 14, 1886. [Perhaps a student at South Lancaster Academy at South Lancaster, Massachusetts]
  • Sara J. Hall, signed at South Lancaster Academy at South Lancaster, Massachusetts, on "4-1-1886"
  • Charles Hersum of Portland, Maine, signed at South Lancaster Academy at South Lancaster, Massachusetts, on March 13, 1886
  • Calvin J. Jones of South Norridgewock, Maine; signed presumably at South Lancaster Academy at South Lancaster, Massachusetts
  • Edgar Kelsey, signed at South Lancaster Academy at South Lancaster, Massachusetts, on April 4, 1886; Archie's schoolmate and fellow-compositor.
  • Charles W. Keniston of Houlton, Maine, signed at South Lancaster Academy at South Lancaster, Massachusetts, on October 19, 1886
  • Carrie M. Mace of South Lancaster, Massachusetts, signed at South Lancaster Academy
  • J. W. Mace of South Lancaster, Massachusetts, signed at South Lancaster Academy on March 27, 1886
  • Ada Marr. In addition to her regular sentiment, she wrote "I hope you will not always have to do dining room work." Presumably signed at South Lancaster Academy at South Lancaster, Massachusetts.
  • Hattie I. Mason of South Lancaster, Massachusetts, signed on October 30, 1886 at South Lancaster Academy
  • George B. Mason of South Lancaster, Massachusetts, signed on April 14, 1886; Archie's schoolmate, presumably at South Lancaster Academy.
  • Eva Maynard, signed on April 14, 1886 at South Lancaster Academy at South Lancaster, Massachusetts
  • G. F. Merry of Vineyard Haven, Massachusetts, signed at South Lancaster Academy at South Lancaster, Massachusetts; Archie's schoolmate.
  • E. E. Miles, signed at South Lancaster, Massachusetts, on November 5, 1886; Archie's teacher. Presumably E. Edgar Miles.
  • Jennie A. Miller of Moosup, Connecticut, signed at South Lancaster Academy at South Lancaster, Massachusetts, on October 19, 1887
  • E. D. Orton of New York, signed on April 27, 1887
  • Edwin R. Palmer of West Charleston, Vermont, signed at South Lancaster, Massachusetts, on November 11, 1886, presumably at South Lancaster Academy.
  • Arthur W. Payne of South Lancaster, Massachusetts, signed on April 2, 1886
  • S. Edith Pierce, signed at South Lancaster Academy at South Lancaster, Massachusetts, on December 7, 1886
  • Charles A. Ramsey, signed at South Lancaster Academy, at South Lancaster, Massachusetts, on May 14, 1888. Called himself Archie's "brother", possibly in a fraternity or church.
  • Carrie E. F. Ramsey of Battle Creek, Michigan, signed at South Lancaster Academy at South Lancaster, Massachusetts, '88
  • A. J. Sanderson of South Amherst, Massachusetts, signed on November 20, 1887; possibly a student at South Lancaster Academy at South Lancaster, Massachusetts
  • Willie Shedd of South Lancaster, Massachusetts, signed on October 18, 1886; Archie's schoolmate at South Lancaster Academy
  • Archie Smith of West Wilton, New Hampshire, dated March 16, 1886. Album owner Samuel Archibald Smith, "Archie", who kept the album while he was a student at South Lancaster Academy at South Lancaster, Massachusetts.
  • Fred G. Smith of Fitchburg, Massachusetts, signed on November 7, 1886; Archie's brother Frederick Glazier Smith. He wrote these words around the page: "Druggist" "Apothecary" "Chestnuts" "Pumpkins" "Rats". He may have been a druggist or wanted to be one, but he was also a physician at Somerville, Massachusetts.
  • C. M. Snow of Bridgewater, Maine, signed at South Lancaster Academy at South Lancaster, Massachusetts, on March 16, 1886. Presumably Charles M. Snow.
  • H. Snyder of Vineland, New Jersey, signed at South Lancaster Academy at South Lancaster, Massachusetts
  • Fred W. Stillman, signed at South Lancaster Academy at South Lancaster, Massachusetts, on March 22, 1886
  • Amos P. Tefft of Peace Dale, Rhode Island, signed at South Lancaster Academy at South Lancaster, Massachusetts
  • M. H. Thomas of Humphrey, New York, signed at South Lancaster, Massachusetts, on January 8, 1887, presumably at South Lancaster Academy.
  • C. A. Townsend of No. 6 Church St., Rutland, Vermont, signed at South Lancaster, Massachusetts, presumably at South Lancaster Academy, on December 21, 1887.
  • Josie Van Slyke of Hamilton, Missouri, signed at South Lancaster Academy at South Lancaster, Massachusetts, on April 5, 1888
  • Horace A. Walker of Brooklyn, New York, signed at South Lancaster, Massachusetts, presumably at South Lancaster Academy
  • Edgar N. Washbond of 205 State Street, Albany, New York, signed at South Lancaster, Massachusetts, on "11-7-1886", presumably at South Lancaster Academy.
  • William F. Weston of P.O. Box 25, South Lancaster, Massachusetts, signed on March 21, 1886

Thanks for stopping by!

Thursday, August 28, 2014

1878-1883 Autograph Album of Ellen (Fulford) Huse of Littleton, New Hampshire

1878-1883 autograph album that was presented to Ellen Fulford of Littleton, New Hampshire, by her future husband Daniel Francis Huse at Christmas in 1878.  Ellen used the same page to write a welcome to the future inscribers.

The album measures approximately 7-3/4" x 4-3/4" and contains the sentiments of 50 of Ellen's relatives, friends and schoolmates.  An alphabetical surname list and an alphabetical list of the signers, together with any personal information they offered, appear at the end of this post.

From online research, hopefully correct:  [corrections and additions welcome!]

Ellen Fulford was born 27 January 1859 at Littleton, New Hampshire, the daughter of Eliphalet and Ruth Brown (Parker) Fulford.  Eliphalet Fulford of Littleton, New Hampshire, inscribed a page in his daughter's album.

Thanks to the generosity of a person who rescues orphan photographs: a Carte de Visite made at St. Johnsbury, Vermont, of Ellen and her parents.

Ellen had several older brothers, but only one of them inscribed a page in her album.  George Fulford, by then living at Peacham, Vermont, signed a page on February 28, 1879.  His wife, Mary H. (Graham) Fulford, also signed a page.

Some of the entries by Littleton, New Hampshire, folks appear to have been written in response to Ellen's imminent move to Franconia, New Hampshire, perhaps after her marriage to Daniel Francis Huse on November 4, 1879.  Some were written after her move by Franconia, New Hampshire, folks.

Abbie M. Marsh of Concord, New Hampshire, mentioned the homesickness that Ellen suffered after the move.

As the map below shows, the distance between Littleton and Franconia is not great by modern standards, but it must have been a challenge in the 1870s and 1880s, especially during the winter season.

Sadly, Ellen (Fulford) Huse died on 19 May 1888 at Littleton, New Hampshire.  Ellen herself had inscribed a page in her album on the subject of the sea as a cemetery, where all were viewed the same, the rich, the poor, the famous, the unheralded.  Perhaps she had suffered with illness for some years and knew that her life would be cut short.

Daniel Francis Huse married Harriet Graves in 1889.  He lived until 1940.

If you have corrections and/or additions to the information above, or information on any of the signers listed below, please leave a comment or contact me directly.  Thanks!

Surnames in the album

?                 [2]
Berry           [2]
Dexter          [2]
Foster           [2]
Fulford          [4]
Glovier          [2]
Hoffman         [2]
Little                [2]
Perkins             [2]
Richardson        [2]
Taylor               [2]

Signers in the album          [Note: Given names within a specific surname may not be in alphabetical order.]

  • Sue
  • N. F. T. or V. F. T., signed on January 21, 1883
  • Ellen L. Albee of Littleton, New Hampshire, signed on June 19, 1879; Ellen Fulford's schoolmate
  • C. S. Berry of Franconia, New Hampshire, signed on August 12, 1880
  • Gerty Berry of West ?, signed on August 12, 1880
  • Ida A. Bishop of Littleton, New Hampshire, signed on February 2, 1883
  • Irena H. Bowman of Lower Waterford, Vermont, signed on January 31, 1879. She was Irene H. (Richardson) Bowman, wife of Edwin Bowman and daughter of Abial and Jane Richardson.
  • Mrs. O. Chamberlin. Perhaps Mrs. Otis Chamberlin
  • Katie Collins of Boston, Massachusetts, signed "7-8-79"
  • Lydia J. Dexter of Lisbon, New Hampshire, signed on August 4, 1880
  • Harvey A. Dexter of North Lisbon, New Hampshire, signed on March 4, 1879
  • Mrs. [or Mr.] S. H. Dow of Littleton, New Hampshire, signed on August 25, 1882
  • Ida M. Dyke, signed at Littleton, New Hampshire, on February 18, 1883
  • Ellen L. Foster of Littleton, New Hampshire, signed on January 27, 1879
  • Florence Foster, signed at Franconia, New Hampshire, on July 30, 1879
  • Ellen Fulford of Littleton, New Hampshire, album owner.  The album was presented to Ellen by her future husband Daniel Francis Huse at Christmas in 1878.  Elen wrote another page in the album after her marriage to Daniel F. Huse
  • Eliphalet Fulford of Littleton, New Hampshire; Ellen's father
  • George Fulford of Peacham, Vermont, signed on February 28, 1879; Ellen's older brother George Fulford, whose wife Mary H. (Graham) Fulford also signed a page in the album.
  • Mary H. Fulford of Peacham Corner, Vermont, signed on February 28, 1879. She was Mary H. (Graham) Fulford, wife of Ellen's brother, signer George Fulford.
  • Nellie Fuller of Littleton, New Hampshire, signed on January 10, 1878
  • Henry M. Giffin of Littleton, New Hampshire, signed on July 27, 1880
  • Charles A. Glovier of Littleton, New Hampshire, signed on January 31, 1881; his wife Alma J. (Remick) Glovier signed the right facing page.
  • Alma J. Glovier, signed at Littleton, New Hampshire, on January 31, 1881. She was Alma J. (Remick) Glovier, whose husband Charles A. Glovier signed the left facing page.
  • Mr. and Mrs. P. S. Graham, signed on December 2, 1881. Presumably Mr. and Mrs. Percival Sobieski Graham. The page was also signed by May Robinson, but she may have been Mrs. Graham, adding her maiden name, for memory's sake.
  • G. W. Guy of Littleton, New Hampshire, signed on March 1, 1886. Possibly George W. Guy.
  • Mrs. Antonie Hoffman, signed at Franconia, New Hampshire, on August 22, 1879; her husband A. Hoffman signed the overleaf.
  • A. Hoffman, signed at Franconia, New Hampshire, on August 22, 1879; his wife signed the overleaf.
  • R. I. Huntoon of Littleton, New Hampshire, signed on May 15, 1878. Presumably Richard I. Huntoon.
  • Daniel F. Huse, who presented the album to his future wife Ellen Fulford at Christmas in 1878
  • Ella J. Ide of Littleton, New Hampshire, signed on April 21, 1880
  • G. E. Ingraham of Littleton, New Hampshire, signed on April 2, 1882; not sure of first initial
  • Eliza C. Kinne, signed on January 7, 1879
  • B. A. Little [not sure of first initial] of, or signed at, Des Moines, Iowa, on June 27, 1879
  • Maria Little, signed at Littleton, New Hampshire, on January 14, 1879
  • Abbie M. Marsh of Concord, New Hampshire. "Hope you'll never be as homesick again as at S.F. Village"
  • Ella M. Mason of Woodsville, New Hampshire, signed on March 4, 1879
  • M. H. Perkins, signed at Woodsville, New Hampshire, on March 4, 1879
  • Clara E. Perkins of Woodsville, New Hampshire, signed on March 4, 1879
  • Hattie L. Phillips of Waterford, Vermont, signed on January 6, 1880
  • Charles W. Prescott of Littleton, New Hampshire, signed on March 1, 1886
  • H. W. Priest of Franconia, New Hampshire, signed on July 25, 1879. Perhaps Harry W. Priest.
  • G. W. Ramsay of Woodsville, New Hampshire, signed on March 4, 1879. Perhaps George W. Ramsay.
  • B. C. Richardson of Littleton, New Hampshire, signed on July 18, 1880.
  • Jane Richardson of Lower Waterford [presumably Vermont]
  • Jennie L. Stevens of Littleton, New Hampshire, signed on March 12, 1883
  • Arabelle S. Taylor, signed at Franconia, New Hampshire, on August 14, 1879
  • Sarah L. Taylor of Brooklyn, Long Island, signed at Franconia, New Hampshire, on August 15, 1879
  • C. A. Thomas of Apthorp, New Hampshire; not sure of first initial
  • Mrs. S. T. Thompson of Littleton, New Hampshire
  • Belle M. Townsend of Waterford, Vermont, signed on November 20, 1880
  • Angie B. Watson of Littleton, New Hampshire, signed on August 10, 1880
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Wednesday, August 27, 2014

1870s+ Autograph Album of Ozro Julius Corliss of Saint Albans, Vermont, while a Student at Barre Academy

1870s/1880s autograph album of Ozro Julius Corliss of Saint Albans, Vermont, kept mainly while he was a student at Barre Academy at Barre, Vermont, with a few from his service on the U.S.S. Richmond and a few from his years in Kansas.   He left notes on a few pages indicating careers, marriages and deaths, though he was off on a few dates.  Perhaps the album had come to light in his later years, and he was relying on his memory.

There was more than one Ozro Julius or Julius Ozro in the Corliss family but fortunately I found a multi-page biography of an Ozro Julius Corliss in "A Biographical History of Central Kansas", Volume II, published in 1902.  This Ozro was born in Vermont, attended Barre Academy, served in the U.S. Navy and moved to Kansas, so I feel confident that he was the owner of this autograph album.  The article goes into some detail of his family history, military service and years in Kansas.

From online research, hopefully correct:  [corrections and additions welcome!]

Ozro Julius Corliss was born at Swanton, Vermont, on 12 April 1857, the son of John Rae Corliss and Lovica (Eaton) Corliss.  One of Ozro's brothers, Clark Alonzo Corliss of Saint Albans, Vermont, signed a page in the album.

According to the biography, Ozro was at Barre Academy from the age of 16 to 19.  A few of the faculty and many students at Barre Academy signed pages in the album, as did a few from Swanton Academy.

The alphabetical list of Barre Academy students online at the Morgan Library of Ohio website was an enormous help in deciphering the identities of signers who used initials for their first and middle names.

Jacob Shedd Spaulding was principal of Barre Academy from 1852 to 1880; his wife Mary W. (Taylor) Spaulding also taught there.  They signed facing pages in the album in 1876.  In the late 1880s, Barre Academy was renamed Spaulding High School in honor of Jacob Shedd Spaulding.

One of the Barre Academy students who signed a page, in 1877, was Chauncey Hoyt Hayden of Underhill, Vermont.  He was the future husband of Mary Alice Lane, whose autograph album, in which Chauncey also signed, was featured in another post.

After Barre Academy, Ozro worked at the home farm in Vermont before enlisting in the U.S. Navy in 1878 at the Charlestown Navy Yard at Boston, Massachusetts.  His first ship was the U.S.S. Wabash; he was then transferred to the man-of-war U.S.S. Richmond and traveled around the world for the next three years.  He was on the ship near Corsica when it was damaged during the Great Storm of 1879.  He left the service in 1881.

A fellow shipmate on the U.S.S. Richmond was Samuel A. Moore, Engineer Yeoman, who signed while the ship was at Panama on September 27, 1881.

Ozro had been very careful with his money while in the service and had lent it out with interest over his tour so that he had a nest egg of over a thousand dollars when his tour ended.  He went back to Vermont and, on April 12, 1882 at Saint Albans, married Udella Mary Dutton, daughter of Lucius and Mary (Keeler, according to the biography) Dutton.

After a couple years, the couple moved to Sylvan Grove, Kansas, where they purchased the first of several farms they owned over the years.  Ozro worked for a while as a druggist at Sun City, Kansas, which explains the several pages signed by Sun City, Kansas, residents, including that of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Douglas, who signed shared page in 1890.

They lived for a short while in Oklahoma before returning to Barber County, Kansas, where they purchased a fine farm; Ozro was involved in civic affairs.  The couple had two sons, Clark Lucius Corliss and Bruce Ray Corliss.  The biography mentioned that the sons were educated back East; they apparently stayed there or returned there at some point as Clark died in Connecticut and Bruce in Vermont, both after long lives.

If you have corrections and/or additions to the information above, or information on any of the signers listed below, please leave a comment or contact me directly.

Surname list

Allen           [3[
Corliss          [3]
Dodds           [3]
Douglas          [2]
Flint              [2]
Kingsley          [2]
Lamson            [2]
Moore             [2]
Morris             [2]
Rice                   [2]
Richardson          [2]
Spaulding           [2]
Townsend          [2]
Tupper               [2]
Whittemore          [2]

Signers in the album         [Note: Given names within a specific surname may not be in alphabetical order.]

  • H. H. of Philipsburg, Quebec, signed on January 18, 1877; not sure of initials
  • Left of facing pages entitled "Chums": Fred O. Allen of Westford, Vermont, B.B.H., signed on March 22, 1875. Fred Otis Allen, a student at Barre Academy. The right page has the inscription of Hermon Oliver Webster.
  • George A. Allen of Westford, Vermont, signed at Barre, Vermont, on October 14, 1875. He was George Arthur Allen, a student at Barre Academy.
  • Hattie M. Allen of South Hero, Vermont, signed at Barre Academy in 1876. She was Hattie Manda Allen and mentions that the owner was her brother, though it must have been a religious, social or in-law relationship.
  • Frank B. Babcock of Northport, New York, on Long Island, signed at Barre Academy on April 17, 1875.
  • Surname is Bailey, and I think the initials are G. W., signed at Barre Academy in 1876. Possibly George Whitefield Bailey of Greensboro, Vermont.
  • George E. Bass of Williamstown, Vermont, signed at Barre, Vermont, on October 1, 1875. He was a student at Barre Academy.
  • Ivers B. Batchelder of South Woodbury, Vermont, signed at Barre, Vermont, on April 17, 1875. Student at Barre Academy.
  • Charles H. Beckett of Williamstown, Vermont, signed on September 28, 1875. Later note: "Clerk Serogate [Surrogate?], N.Y. City N.Y." He was Charles Henry Beckett.
  • Fred D. Beckley of Barre, Vermont, signed on November 10, 1875. He was Fred David Beckley, a student at Barre Academy.
  • W. A. B?, possibly William Albert Bigelow of Brookfield, Vermont, a student at Barre Academy
  • A. B. Bisbee of Waitsfield, Vermont, signed at Barre Academy. He was Arthur Brown Bisbee.  Shared the page with H. C. Gleason
  • Julia Bradley of Fairfield, Vermont, signed at Barre Academy in the Spring of 76.
  • Clayton F. Camp of Orange, Vermont, signed at Barre Academy on September 27, 1875
  • Elroy Clark of North Hero, Vermont, signed on December 15, 1875 at Barre Academy. Later note: "Attorney for Denver & Rio Grande, Denver, Colo". Elroy N. Clark.
  • M. F. Conlan of New York City, signed on the U.S.S. Richmond at Panama, on September 28, 1881
  • Edmund W. Corey of Grand Isle, Vermont, signed at Barre Academy on October 14, 1875. He was Edmund Walworth Corey.
  • O. J. Corliss of St. Albans, Vermont. Ozro Julius Corliss, the album owner, son John Rae Corliss and Lovica (Eaton) Corliss
  • Rev. H. G. Corliss; cousin of Julius Ozro Corliss. Presumably Herbert George Corliss, son of Levi Orson Corliss and first wife Almira Pierce (Griffin) Corliss
  • Clark A. Corliss of St. Albans, Vermont; brother of album owner Ozro Julius Corliss.
  • Alice Crane, signed on February 15, 1876. Later note: "Married Lelan Tupper, died in the 90s in Kan." She was Alice Eliza Crane who married Leland Ellis Tupper. Alice died in 1901.
  • H. H. Cushman of Rochester, Vermont. He was Henry Herbert Cushman, a student at Barre Academy.
  • Eugene Willard Davis of Rutland, Vermont, signed at Barre Academy on March 22, 1875
  • Martha P. Day of South Barre, Vermont
  • Minnie E. Dickinson of Williamstown, Vermont, B.B.H., signed during the Spring Term, 1877. Student at Barre Academy.
  • Willie W. Dinsmore of Alstead, New Hampshire, signed at Barre Academy on October 13, 1875. He was Willie Warner Dinsmore.
  • J. W. Dodds of North Hero, Vermont, signed at Barre, Vermont, on April 2, 1874. James Watson Dodds, a student at Barre Academy.
  • Emma J. Dodds of North Hero, Vermont, signed on March 12, 1876 at Barre Academy. Emma Jane Dodds.
  • Mary C. Dodds of North Hero, Vermont, signed at Barre Academy on January 14, 1876.
  • C. H. Douglas; shared the page with Mrs. C. H. Douglas who signed at Sun City, Kansas, on March 16, 1890.  
  • Mrs. C. H. Douglas, signed at Sun City, Kansas, on March 16, 1890; shared the page with her husband C. H. Douglas
  • W. A. Downer of Rochester, Vermont, signed at Barre Academy on September 5, 1876. Willard A. Downer.
  • A. A. Edmiston of Bloomfield, New Jersey, signed on the U.S.S. Richmond at Panama on September 28, 1881
  • W. V. Evans of Sun City, Kansas, signed on April 29, 1887
  • H. E. Ferrin of Hinesburgh, Vermont, signed at Barre Academy on September 25, 1875. He was Holman Ela Ferrin.
  • Amy B. Fisk of Waitsfield, Vermont, signed at Barre, Vermont, on March 7, 1876. Teacher and Preceptress at Barre Academy.
  • Eleanor S. Flint of Barre, Vermont
  • Hattie L. Flint of Barre, Vermont, signed at Barre Academy on April 17, 1875. She was Harriet Lillie Flint or Hattie Lillie Flint.
  • Genora A. Fuller of Huntington Center, Vermont, signed on August 17, 1875
  • Carrie H. Gile of West Hartford, Vermont, signed at B.B.H. on January 12, 1876. She was Carrie Hannah Gile, a student at Barre Academy.
  • H. C. Gleason of Waitsfield, Vermont, signed at Barre Academy. He was Herbert Carlisle Gleason of Waitsfield, Vermont; shared the page with Arthur Brown Bisbee.
  • Len K. Graves of Waterbury, Vermont, signed at Barre Academy in 1875. Leonard Knight Graves.
  • Chauncey H. Hayden of Underhill, Vermont, signed at Barre Academy in 1877. He was Chauncey Hoyt Hayden; see another post featuring the album of his future wife Mary Alice Lane of Underhill, Vermont:
  • W. A. Haynes of Natick, Massachusetts, signed at Barre Academy, '75. Presumably Willard Augustus Haynes.
  • Left of facing pages entitled "Chums": A. H. Hazen of North Hero, Vermont, signed in the Spring term 1875. He was Arthur Herbert Hazen, a student at Barre Academy. The right facing page was signed by Darwin Pearl Kingsley.
  • O. M. Hempleman of Richmond, Indiana, signed on the U.S.S. "Richmond", at Panama U.S.C., on September 28, 1881
  • Walter S. Henry of Waterbury, Vermont, signed at Barre Academy on April 17, 1875. He was Walter Scott Henry.
  • Arthur H. Hill of Isle La Mott, Vermont, signed on March 27, 1876 at B.A., Barre Academy, Class of '78. Arthur Henry Hill.
  • Kitty E. House of Oconto, Wisconsin, signed at Barre Academy on March 28, 1876. She was Kitty Emily House.
  • Hattie R. Hovey of Jericho Centre, Vermont, signed at Barre Academy on March 20, 1876. She was Harriet Rhoda Hovey.
  • Written on the page upside down: W. D. Huntington of Rochester, Vermont, signed at Barre Academy on March 5, 1875. Later note: "Died in Rochester Vt about 1910". William Daniel Huntington.
  • George R. Huse of Waterbury Centre of Vermont, signed at Barre Academy on April 16, 1875
  • Fannie E. Hutchinson of Barre, Vermont
  • George A. Jewett of Swanton, Vermont. Later note: "Died about 84 or 5"
  • C. A. Ketchum of Barre, Vermont, signed on March 7, 1875. He was Charles A. Ketchum.
  • Lena P. Kingsley of Alburgh Centre, Vermont, signed on May 12, 1876 at B. B. H., presumably at Barre Academy. Lena Parmilla Kingsley
  • Right of facing pages entitled "Chums": D. P. Kingsley of Alburgh Center, Vermont, signed at Barre Academy on March 24, 1875. Later note: "President N.Y. Life Insurance Co." The left facing page was signed by Arthur Herbert Hazen.
  • H. A. Knight of North Hero, Vermont, signed at Barre Academy in the Fall Term of 1875. He was Homer Albert Knight.
  • George Lamson of Brookfield, Vermont, signed on February 13, 1876 at Barre Academy
  • William Lamson of Brookfield, Vermont, signed at B.B.H. on February 13, 1876
  • Dora E. Lockert, signed at Sun City, Kansas on March 7, 1891. Later note: "Died Chicago, Ill, August 1917"
  • W. B. Locklin of Fairfield, Vermont, signed at Barre, Vermont, on January 5, 1876. Wallace Byron Locklin, a student at Barre Academy.
  • John H. Manning of U.S.S. Richmond
  • L. A. Merrill of Williamstown, Vermont. He was Leroy Albert Merrill, a student at Barre Academy.
  • James A. Moore, Engineer Yeoman, signed on the U.S.S. Richmond at Panama on September 27, 1881. "Your Old Shipmate" "Europe, India, China, Japan"
  • W. J. Moore of Champlain, New York, signed at Barre Academy on April 16, 1875
  • W. C. Morris of Rochester, Vermont, signed at Barre Academy during the Fall Term, on October 22, 1875. He was Wilson Cooper Morris.
  • E. S. Morris, signed at Sun City, Kansas, on March 22, 1890
  • Mandie C. Northrop of Fairfield, Vermont, signed at Barre Academy
  • Edward L. Parsons of Swanton, Vermont, signed on January 17, 1877
  • O. W. Peck of Montgomery, Vermont, signed at Barre Academy on March 4, 1876. Presumably Oscar Wait Peck.
  • N. F. Perkins, signed on the U.S.S. Richmond, 2nd Rate, at Panama, on September 27, 1881
  • Helen Perrin of Berlin, Vermont, signed at Barre Academy on March 22, 1876.
  • Alger W. Rice of Barre, Vermont, signed at Barre Academy on October 22, 1875. Alger William Rice
  • J. E. Rice of Westford, Vermont, signed at Barre Academy during the Fall Term of 1874. Possibly John E. Rice.
  • J. B. Richardson of Barre, Vermont, signed on January 25, 1876. Perhaps John Burton Richardson, an instructor and assistant principal at Barre Academy
  • Annie May Richardson of Leavenworth, Kansas, signed at Barre Academy, Class of 1876.
  • Emma H. Robinson of South Hero, Vermont, signed at Barre Academy in 1876. She was Emma Harriet Robinson.
  • Edmund Seymour of Saint Albans, Vermont, signed at Barre Academy in 1875.
  • W. D. Simonds of Roxbury, Vermont, signed in November 1875 at Barre Academy. Class of 1876. Presumably William Day Simonds who would go on to Amherst College in the fall of 1876.
  • A. C. Skeels of Swanton, Vermont, signed on January 18, 1877. Presumably Amos C. Skeels
  • J. S. Spaulding, signed in 1876. Added note: "Died in 1879". Jacob Shedd Spaulding, principal of Barre Academy at Barre, Vermont; his wife Mary W. (Taylor) Spaulding of Barre, Vermont, signed the right facing page.
  • M. W. Spaulding of Barre, Vermont, signed on February 14, 1876. Mary W. (Taylor) Spaulding, whose husband Jacob S. Spaulding signed the left facing page. She was a teacher at Barre Academy.
  • Wendell P. Stafford of Barre, Vermont, signed on October 27, 1875, Class of 1877. Later note: "Judge Supreme Court Dist. Columbia" Wendell Phillips Stafford, a student at Barre Academy.
  • W. M. Stiles of Montgomery Center, Vermont, signed on January 4, 1876 at Barre Academy. He was William Miller Stiles.
  • D. R. Story of North Fairfax, Vermont, B.B.H. No. 12. Later note: "Died several years ago." He was Daniel Richardson Story, a student at Barre Academy.
  • G. T. Swasey of Waterbury, Vermont, signed at Barre Academy in March 1875; "your old schoolfellow". George Truman Swasey.
  • Emily S. Townsend of Barre, Vermont, signed on February 26, 1876. Late note: "Died about 1879 or 80".
  • Ella M. Townsend of Barre, Vermont. She was Ella Mary Townsend, a student at Barre Academy.
  • Leland E. Tupper of Bakersfield, Vermont. Leland Ellis Tupper, a student at Barre Academy.
  • Fred S. Tupper of Bakersfield, Vermont. Later note: "Died Fairfield, Vt., about 1915". He was Frederick Simon Tupper.
  • Henry Wade of Waterbury, Vermont, signed at Barre Academy on March 22, 1875
  • Ida B. Watson of Swanton, Vermont, signed on January 17, 1877 at S. A., presumably Swanton Academy
  • Right of facing pages entitled "Chums": Hermon O. Webster of Alstead, New Hampshire, B.B.H., signed on March 22, 1875. He was Hermon Oliver Webster, a student at Barre Academy. The left facing page was signed by Fred Otis Allen.
  • Carrie M. Wheelock, Class of 1877. She was Carrie Mandana Wheelock of Barre, Vermont.
  • J. F. White of Lonsdale, Rhode Island; not sure of initials.
  • Evelyn D. Whittemore of Northfield, Vermont, signed at Barre Academy on February 15, 1876. She was Evelyn Dorcas Whittemore.
  • L. D. Whittemore of Northfield, Vermont, signed at Barre Academy on April 16, 1875. He was Luther Denny Whittemore.
  • Fred Wood of Shelburne, Vermont, student at Barre Academy
  • T. C. Wright of Waterbury, Vermont, signed at Barre Academy on March 25, 1875. Tillman Christopher Wright.

Thanks for stopping by!

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

1882-1888 Autograph Album of Mary Alice Lane of Underhill, Vermont

1882-1888 autograph album of Mary Alice Lane, "Allie", of Underhill, Vermont.  The album contains the sentiments of many students at Essex Classical Institute at Essex, Vermont, and several of people associated with the Boston Farm and Trade School on Thompson Island in the harbor of Boston, Massachusetts.

The University of Massachusetts at Boston has an archive of Boston Farm and Trade School items, including some of the newsletters, "The Beacon", from a later era.

On the page below, Allie directed a message to future inscribers in her album.

The album measures approximately 7-3/4" x 5" and contains the sentiments of 96 of Allie's relatives, schoolmates, friends and possibly teachers.  An alphabetical surname list and alphabetical list of the signers, together with any personal information they offered, appear at the end of this post.

From online research, hopefully correct:  [corrections and additions welcome!]

Mary Alice Lane, "Allie", was born August 15, 1862 at Underhill, Vermont, the daughter of Asa Liscum Lane and Mary Arretta (Lee) Lane, who were Jericho, Vermont, natives.   They signed facing pages in the album a year apart and gave their birth dates: July 24, 1817 at Jericho, Vermont, for Asa, and October 8, 1816 for Mary.

Allie had, I believe, five siblings, three of whom signed pages in her album.  They were Andalucia Orrilla Lane, "Lucia"; Olive Lovina Lane; and Edmund Conde Lane.  Her sister Phebe Sophia Lane did not sign a page in the album, but her husband Theron Howard Porter did.  They were married on November 25, 1880, earlier than any dated pages in the album.

On November 25, 1886 in Vermont, Mary Alice Lane married educator Chauncey Hoyt Hayden, son of James and Sarah Freelove (Morse) Hayden.  They settled at Jericho, Vermont, and six children, one of whom, a daughter, died young.

Chauncey co-edited the History of Jericho, Vermont, published in 1916, which contains information on the Lane and Hayden families, and on his own family in particular.

Because the list of signers is so long, there's no room for many additional images in the album.  A couple, however, stand out.   One is the page signed by W. Homer Rockwood, who signed his page at Underhill, Vermont, on February 14, 1885 and included a sketch entitled "Drugs" with an apothecary working mortar and pestle.  I believe he was Homer Wilkins Rockwood who later became a druggist.

The other page I found so interesting was that signed by Agustus L. Morse at Thompson Island in Boston harbor, on August 14, 1885.  He sketched the vessel "Puritan", which was the means of transportation from the island to Kelly's Landing in South Boston.  The "Puritan" name lived on through at least 5 vessels. Agustus was the son of John R. Morse, teacher and bandleader at the Boston Farm and Trade School and author of "History of the Farm School Band".  John R. Morse, his wife Sarah and three other children also signed in the album; refer to the list of signers below.

If you have corrections and/or additions to the information above, or information on any of the signers listed below, please leave a comment or contact me directly.

Surnames in the album

?                  [2]
Adams         [2]
Brown         [2]
Buker          [2]
Day               [2]
Donaldson     [2]
Eastman        [2]
Edwards       [3]
Ellsworth       [3]
Hazen          [3]
Jackson       [2]
Lane            [6]
Morse         [6]
Partridge     [2]
Rogers        [2]
Safford        [2]
Warner        [2]

Signers in the album     [Note: Given names within a specific surname may not be in alphabetical order.]

  • Unsigned
  • L. F. V., signed at North Tisbury on Martha's Vineyard. "Remember the 24th of Oct 1885 at the B.F.S. [presumably the Boston Farm and Trade School]
  • C. C. Abbott of Underhill, Vermont, signed on March 7, 1885 "St. Patricks day in the afternoon"
  • T. D. Adams, signed on February 10, 1883 at E.C.I., presumably Essex Classical Institute
  • Tommie G. Adams of Westerly, Rhode Island, signed on March 19, 1883, at E.C.I., presumably Essex Classical Institute
  • Frank E. Allard of Boston, Massachusetts, signed on January 25, 1886
  • Hattie K. Andrews of West Berkshire, Vermont, signed on November 10, 1888 at E.C.I., presumably Essex Classical Institute
  • Bertha Atherton of Essex, Vermont, signed on April 24, 1883 "Our trip to Brigham Hill"
  • Lucia E. Barney of Essex, Vermont, signed on February 5, 1883; Allie's schoolmate
  • Tade Bates of Colchester, Vermont, signed at E.C.I. at Essex, Vermont, on February 23, 1883. I wonder if the signer was Thaddeus Bates, son of Clark and Julia Bates
  • Edna S. Bellows of Essex, Vermont, signed on February 22, 1883, at E.C.I., presumably Essex Classical Institute
  • Jessie L. Bissonett of Burlington, Vermont, signed at E.C.I., presumably Essex Classical Institute
  • Jennie S. Bixby of Essex, Vermont, signed on February 23, 1883
  • Arthur D. Bliss of Attleboro, Massachusetts, signed on March 20, 1886
  • Nellie C. Booth of Boston, Massachusetts, signed at Thompson's Island in Boston Harbor on September 20, 1885
  • George E. Bridgham of Boston, Massachusetts
  • Theodore L. Brown, signed on October 26, 1885 at Boston, Massachusetts. E.C.I., presumably Essex Classical Institute.
  • J. F. Brown of Essex, Vermont, signed on February 23, 1883
  • J. D. Buker of Pleasant Valley, Vermont, signed January 23, 1884. He also stamped the page: "Z. D. Buker, P.M." Hide merchant Zenas D. Buker, who was postmaster as Pleasant valley, Vermont, in 1884. His sister Aura E. Buker also signed a page.
  • Aura E. Buker of Pleasant Valley, Vermont, signed on January 22, 1884. Sister of signer Zenas D. Buker.
  • Frank P. Butler of Pleasant Valley, Vermont, signed on February 18, 1884
  • Willie M. Byrnes of Boston, Massachsuetts, signed on February 11, 1886
  • L. H. Chapin of Underhill, Vermont, signed on September 27, 1884
  • C. H. Chapman, signed on January 7, 1886
  • Harry Cleary of Boston, Massachusetts, signed on February 12, 1886
  • J. F. Cole, signed at Underhill, Vermont, on February 27, 1883
  • Charles S. Cornell of Burlington, Vermont, signed on May 7, 1886
  • Fannie Day of Colchester, Vermont, signed on February 22, 1883 at E.C.I., presumably Essex Classical Institute
  • Addie L. Day of Colchester, Vermont, signed on February 22, 1882 at E.C.I., presumably Essex Classical Institute; Allie's schoolmate
  • Orren M. Donaldson, signed at E.C.I. on "2-8-83", presumably Essex Classical Institute
  • Carrie S. Donaldson of Essex Centre, Vermont, signed at E.C.I. on February 8, 1883; presumably Essex Classical Institute
  • Laura Duffey of Pleasant Valley, Vermont, signed on "1-2-1884"
  • Ella E. Eastman of Underhill, Vermont, signed on April 7, 1884
  • Sadie L. Eastman of Underhill, Vermont, signed on March 3, 1884
  • Charles Edwards or Charles Edward ?, signed at Thompson Island in Boston Harbor on February 12, 1886.
  • Frederick A. Edwards of Port Henry, New York, signed on August 18, 1883
  • Hattie A. Edwards of Port Henry, New York, signed on August 20, 1883
  • Walter H. Ellsworth: "Be careful of your dress when you ride down hill"  Shared the page with his grandmother Amelia (Chapman) Ellsworth.  His grandfather Martin Ellsworth signed the right facing page
  • Amelia Ellsworth, signed on February 22, 1884; shared the page with Walter H. Ellsworth. Amelia was Amelia (Chapman) Ellsworth, Walter's paternal grandmother. Her husband Martin Ellsworth signed the right facing page.
  • Martin Ellsworth of Cambridge, Vermont, signed on February 22, 1884. His wife, Amelia (Chapman) Ellsworth, and grandson, Walter Haynes Ellsworth, signed the left facing page.
  • Sadie M. Elrick of West Berkshire, Vermont, signed at E.C.I. on November 10, 1888. Presumably Essex Classical Institute.
  • Fred N. Frasier of Boston, Massachusetts, signed on February 13, 1883
  • Mr. Benjamin Gibbs, R.W.T., signed on Fast Day 1886
  • Stephen Grover of Thompson's Isle, Farm School, Massachusetts
  • H. B. Hall of Jericho, Vermont, signed on January 23, 1885
  • Chauncey H. Hayden of Underhill, Vermont, signed on April 7, 1883. Chauncey Hoyt Hayden would become Allie's husband on November 25, 1886 at Jericho, Vermont.
  • Allen Hazen of Jericho Centre, Vermont, signed at E.C.I. on February 14, 1883. Presumably Essex Classical Institute
  • Carleton Hazen of Jericho Centre, Vermont, signed on February 14, 1883
  • Frank Hazen of Jericho Centre, Vermont, signed at E.C.I. on February 15, 1883; presumably Essex Classical Institute
  • Nellie P. Jackson of Underhill, Vermont, signed on March 2, 1883
  • Frank Jackson of Underhill, Vermont, signed on March 3, 1883; middle initial might be S or L or ?
  • Frank L. Johnson, signed at Boston [no state written]
  • Charles Jones of Boston, Massachusetts, signed on January 7, 1886. "You're a dumpling"
  • William P. Jordan of the Farm School, Thompson Island, Boston, Massachusetts, signed on June 2, 1885
  • M. Allie Lane, [she wrote My Allie Lane]signed on February 4, 1883. She was Mary Alice Lane, "Allie", owner of the album. She's requesting friends to leave a token of remembrance in her album.
  • Asa L. Lane, signed at Underhill, Vermont, on April 20, 1884; "your Father". In addition to his sentiment, Asa Liscum Lane wrote: "Born at Jericho, Vt., July 24th 1817".  His wife Mary Auretta (Lee) Lane signed the right facing page.
  • Mary A. Lane of Underhill, Vermont, signed on April 19, 1885; "your mother". Mary Auretta (Lee) Lane added her birthdate: "Oct 8th 1816". Her husband Asa Liscum Lane signed the left facing page.
  • Olive L. Lane of Underhill, Vermont, signed at Boston Harbor on June 19, 1885. Olive Lovina Lane, Allie's sister. Their brother Edmund Conde Lane signed the right facing page.
  • Edmund C. Lane, signed on August 27, 1883. Allie's brother Edmund Conde Lane. Their sister Olive Lovina Lane signed the left facing page. He later lived at Omaha, Nebraska, where he had a law practice.
  • Lucia, signed at Underhill, Vermont, on May 5-7, 1884; "your loving Sister". She was Andalucia Orrilla Lane
  • Lizzie A. MacGibbon of Essex, Vermont, signed on February 23, 1883 at E.C.I., presumably Essex Classical Institute. "Lemons are good for the voice - Lyceum Evening Feb 7"
  • Edwin L. Marshall, Farm School, Boston, Massachusetts, signed on February 11, 1886; presumably the Farm School at Thompson Island in Boston harbor.
  • Agustus L. Morse of Thompson's Isle in Boston Harbor, Massachusetts, signed on August 14, 1885. He drew a sketch of the vessel "Puritan".  His parents and siblings also signed in the album.
  • Norman Morse, signed on August 14, 1885; shared the page with his sisters Ruth J. Morse and Mabel S. Morse.  Their father was a principal, teacher and band leader at the Boston Farm and Trade School
  • Ruth J. Morse of Thompson's Island, Boston, Massachusetts, G.H.S. '86; shared the page with her brother Norman Morse and sister Mabel S. Morse.  Their father was a principal, teacher and band leader at the Boston Farm and Trade School.
  • Mabel S. Morse, signed on August 14, 1885; shared the page with her brother Norman Morse and her sister Ruth J. Morse.  Their father was a principal, teacher and band leader at the Boston Farm and Trade School.
  • Sarah J. Morse; shared the page with her husband John R. Morse.
  • John R. Morse.  Signed at Thompson's Island in Boston Harbor, on August 13, 1885. John R. Morse was a principal, teacher and bandleader at the Boston Farm School on Thompson Island. He also wrote the "History of the Farm School Band"  He shared the page with his wife Sarah J. Morse.
  • Julia E. Moulton of Jericho, Vermont. Someone later wrote: "1837, 1904 Feb. 19". She may have been Julia E. (Morse) Moulton, wife of William F. Moulton, whom she married in 1861.
  • Minnie M. Munson of Colchester, Vermont
  • J. Partridge of Sebago, Maine, signed on "5-3-1885". He may have been Joseph Partridge, as an Abbie F. Partridge of Sebago signed another page, and she was presumably Abbie F. (Whitney) Partridge, married to Joseph Partridge.
  • Abbie F. Partridge of Sebago, Maine, signed on December 26, 1885. Presumably Abbie F. (Whitney) Partridge, wife of Joseph Partridge, who may have been the J. Partridge of Sebago, Maine, who signed another page in the album.
  • Theron H. Porter of Hyde Park, Vermont, signed on "3/11/83"; Allie's brother-in-law Theron Howard Porter, married to her sister Phebe Sophia (Lane) Porter.
  • W. ? Rockwood of Underhill, Vermont, signed on February 14, 1885. Drew a sketch of an apothecary; "Drugs". Middle name might be Homer. There was a Homer Wilkins Rockwood, born July 15, 1861 at Jericho, Vermont, who went into the apothecary business, so this must be a case of switched first and middle names.
  • Addie F. Rogers, signed at Underhill, Vermont, on February 27, 1883
  • Marcia M. Rogers, signed at Underhill, Vermont, on February 27, 1883
  • George W. Russell of Somerville, Massachusetts, signed on January 7, 1886
  • Bertha Safford, signed at Underhill, Vermont, on March 5, 1883
  • David B. Safford of Pleasant Valley, Vermont, signed on February 19, 1884
  • Lilla M. Scott of Cambridge, Vermont, signed on March 12, 1883
  • William Sewall, signed at Underhill, Vermont, on October 4, 1883
  • Clara Smith of Pleasant Valley, Vermont
  • Albert Edson Spencer at the Farm School on Thompson Island at Boston, Massachusetts, signed on "2-8-1886"
  • Fred E. Terrill of Underhill, Vermont, signed on March 5, 1883
  • Nelie Thomas of North Fayston, Vermont, signed on November 23, 1885
  • Anna H. Tracy of Essex, Vermont, signed on February 16, 1883
  • Ralph W. Trim, signed at Boston [no state written] on November 9, 1885
  • F. B. Turner of London, England, signed on June 15, 1885
  • Elmer E. Vaughan of Hyde Park, Vermont, signed on "2/7/85"
  • J. B. Walker, signed at Boston [no state written] on February 11, 1886
  • Charles Wallace of Boston, Massachusetts, signed in 1886
  • Lizzie Warner of Essex, Vermont, signed on April 25, 1883
  • Mary J. Warner of Essex, Vermont, signed on March 17, 1883 at E.C.I., presumably Essex Classical Institute
  • A. W. Waters of Cambridge, Vermont, signed on November 4, 1884
  • Edward T. Welch, signed on February 9, 1886
  • Lettie Whitcomb of Underhill, Vermont, signed on April 8, 1885; middle initial could be P or C or ?
  • Florence Wilcox of Jeffersonville, Vermont, signed on February 19, 1883 at E.C.I., presumably Essex Classical Institute

Monday, August 25, 2014

1888-1901 Autograph Album with Signers Mostly from Hooksett, New Hampshire

1888-1901 autograph album with signers mostly from Hooksett, New Hampshire.  Many members of the Rowell and Crooker families signed pages in the album.  It's likely that the album belonged to one of them.

The album measures approximately 7-1/4" x 4" and contains the sentiments of 30 people.  An alphabetical surname list and an alphabetical list of the signers, together with any information they offered, appear at the end of this post.

One signer, Jennie Crooker, called herself the album owner's sister, which could have meant sister or sister-in-law.  Jennie was Jane (Russell) Rowell, married to Charles H. Rowell, son of Amos and Mary Edith (Davis) Rowell.  It's possible that Jennie was the daughter of William and Sarah (Shannon) Russell of Andover, Massachusetts, but I'd like confirmation of that.  I don't know if Jennie had siblings.  Charles had 7 siblings, one of whom may have been the album owner.

Charles and Jennie of Hooksett, New Hampshire, inscribed facing page son December 1, 1886.

Another signer, C. Bell Rowell of Hooksett, New Hampshire, signed a page on November 7, 1886 and called herself the album owner's niece.  Fittingly, Charles H. Rowell and Jennie (Russell) Rowell had a daughter Clara Bell Rowell.  Bell mentioned Hackett Hill in Hooksett, which is presumably where Charles and Jennie and family lived.

Following up on the possibility that a sibling of Charles H. Rowell was the album owner:

Charles' sister Frances S. (Rowell) Crooker, first wife of Philip E. Crooker, signed the first page in the album, on January 23, 1886.  Whether she was indicating ownership of the album or just happened to be the first person to sign in it, I don't know, but the album continued on until 1901.  If it had belonged to Frances, who died in 1894, then someone else must have taken it over.

Charles' sister Ida May (Rowell) Gage, wife of Horace Putney Gage, did not sign a page in the album, but her two children, Mary Gage and Arthur Horace Gage, did.  Perhaps the album belonged to Ida, though neither child mentioned a relationship.

Charles' sister Annie Bell Rowell, who married Leroy H. Elliott in 1873, did not sign a page in the album.  She lived until 1917 and could have been the album owner.

Charles' brother Clinton M. Rowell did not sign a page in the album, so it's possible the album belonged to him.

Charles' sister Myrtie G. Rowell of Hooksett, New Hampshire, signed a page on March 27, 1886, so it would seem the album was not hers.  She would marry Arthur Dennison Brown.

I'm presuming that the S. B. Rowell of Hooksett, New Hampshire, who signed a page on June 27, 1887, was Charles' brother Simeon B. Rowell, so it would seem the album was not his.

Charles' sister Nellie M. Rowell did not sign a page in the album, but her husband, Howard W. Wommack of Hooksett, New Hampshire, signed a page on January 27, 1900.  Nellie lived until 1911, so it's possible the album belonged to her.

If you have a theory as to the owner of the album, please leave a comment or contact me directly.  Thanks!

Frances S. (Rowell) Crooker's husband Philip E. Crooker of Hooksett, New Hampshire, a Civil War veteran, signed a page in the album on January 24, 1886, a day after his wife signed.

As noted above, Frances S. (Rowell) Crooker died in 1894.  On September 4, 1899, Philip married Alzada N. Locke, who signed a page in the album.  Alazda was 15 years old.

An article in the October 16, 1899 issue of the Fitchburg Sentinel mentions that Alzada's father, Fred Locke, caused a disturbance at the newlyweds' household; what precipitated this act can only be surmised.  Alzada and Philip eventually divorced.  Philip married Effie Florence (Sherman) Foote on December 5, 1910; Alzada had married Edwin Aldrich of Laconia, New Hampshire, in 1907.

Please refer to the list below for more members of the Rowell and Crooker families.  If you have a theory as to the identity of the album owner, or information on any of the signers listed below, please leave a comment or contact me directly.

Surname list

Crooker     [8 - 2 might be the same person]
Gage     [3 - 2 might be the same person]
Morgan     [2]
Rowell     [5]

List of signers     [Note: Given names within a specific surname may not be in alphabetical order.]

  • Ella E. Blaisdell of Hooksett, New Hampshire, signed on June 19, 1887
  • Horace P. Chase, signed on September 15, 1888
  • Mrs. Frances S. Crooker of Hooksett, New Hampshire, signed on January 23, 1886.  She was Frances S. (Rowell) Crooker, first wife of Philip E. Crooker; she died in 1894.
  • Frances S. Crooker of Hooksett, New Hampshire
  • Philip E. Crooker of Hooksett, New Hampshire, signed on January 24, 1886. He would marry signer Frances (Rowell) Crooker in 1869.
  • Elsie R. Crooker of Amherst, New Hampshire, signed on September 16, 1893
  • Alzada N. Crooker of Hooksett, New Hampshire. She was Alzada N. (Locke) Crooker, daughter of Fred A. and Loretta J. (Foote) Locke, who became the second wife of Philip E. Crooker in 1899. They divorced, and Alzada later married Edwin Aldrich of Laconia, New Hampshire, in 1907.
  • Angie E. Crooker of Nashua, New Hampshire
  • Mrs Hazel May Crooker of Nashua, New Hampshire, signed on September 29, 1891
  • Fannie L. Crooker of Nashua, New Hampshire, signed on September 29, 1891
  • Miss Ida M. Dickey of Hooksett, New Hampshire, signed on February 3 [no year written]
  • Arline A. Emery of Hooksett, New Hampshire, signed on January 27, 1887
  • Mary L. Gage of Hooksett, New Hampshire, signed on August 12, 1890
  • Arthur H. Gage of Hooksett, New Hampshire. Either this same Arthur H. Gage or a relative signed another page in 1900.
  • Arthur H. Gage of Hooksett, New Hampshire, signed on June 10, 1900; he may have been the Arthur H. Gage who signed another, undated, page.
  • Elsie Head of Hooksett, New Hampshire, signed on August 9, 1901
  • Mary S. Hill of Hooksett, New Hampshire, signed on June 14, 1890
  • Hattie A. Huse of Hooksett, New Hampshire, signed on December 3, 1887
  • Effie M. Megin of Hooksett, New Hampshire, signed on August 23, 1899. She would marry Willie R. Loud on 30 June 1900 at Manchester, New Hampshire.
  • J. Hollis Morgan of Hooksett, New Hampshire, signed on June 17, 1900
  • Mary J. Morgan of Hooksett, New Hampshire, signed on June 11, 1900
  • Mrs. J. B. Ordway of Hooksett, New Hampshire, signed on September 29, 1891
  • Mrs. Annie Poore of Hooksett, New Hampshire, signed on March 8, 1898
  • Miss C. Bell Rowell of Hooksett, New Hampshire, signed on November 7, 1886; album owner's niece.  She was Clara Bell Rowell, daughter of Charles H. Rowell and Jennie (Russell) Rowell.
  • S. B. Rowell of Hooksett, New Hampshire, signed on June 27, 1887. Perhaps Simeon B. Rowell
  • Charles H. Rowell of Hooksett, New Hampshire, signed on December 1, 1886. It was presumably his wife Jane (Russell) Rowell, "Jennie", who signed the right facing page.
  • Jennie Rowell of Hooksett, New Hampshire, signed on December 1, 1886. Called herself the album owner's sister. Presumably Jane (Russell) Rowell, "Jennie", wife of signer Charles H. Rowell, who signed the left facing page.
  • Myrtie G. Rowell of Hooksett, New Hampshire, signed on March 27, 1886
  • Nellie R. Wheeler of Hooksett, New Hampshire, signed on March 8, 1886
  • Mr. Howard W. Wommack of Hooksett, New Hampshire, signed at Hooksett on January 27, 1900
Hooksett, New Hampshire

Thanks for stopping by!