Click here to to return to the main page for the 1820 Census in Maine, which has links to the 9 Maine Counties then in existence and, from there, to the individual Towns of the County chosen.
Note: The 1820 Census lists only the names of heads of households, with an accompanying tally of everyone in the household by age range and gender.
The enumeration of Sullivan appears on Sheets 649-653; use the arrows in the top left of each image to page forward.
If you find errors or have additional information on any of the people listed below, please leave a comment.
Head of Household
John Abbot |
Moses Abbot |
Reuben Abbot |
Samuel Abbot |
Shimuel Abbot |
William Abbot |
Mary Ames |
Thomas Ash |
John Ashley |
Sally Ball |
Samuel Ball |
Thomas Barnet |
Barney Bean |
Ebenezer Bean |
James Bean |
John Bean |
Samuel Bean |
Samuel Bean, Jr. |
Abner Blasdel - Blaisdell ? |
Paul Blasdel - Blaisdell ? |
Ebenezer Bragdon |
James Bragdon |
John Bragdon |
Joseph Bragdon |
Jotham Bragdon |
Mary Bragdon |
John Buckley |
Isaac Bunker |
Jeremiah Bunker |
Nahum Bunker |
William Bunker |
James Butler |
Benjamin Candel |
Richard Clark |
Philip Clines |
Charles Coates |
Agrenn Crabtree |
Daniel Crabtree |
George Crabtree |
Joseph Crabtree |
Lemuel Crabtree |
Lemuel W Crabtree |
Reuben Crabtree |
Richard Downing |
Ephraim Dyer |
Joshua Dyer |
Hiram Emery |
John Ford |
William Foss |
Nathaniel French |
Hannah Goodwin |
John Goodwin |
George Gookins |
John Gookins |
Patrick Gookins |
George Gordon |
Robert Gordon |
Thomas Gordon |
Henry Grant |
Isaiah Hall |
Wiley Hall |
Enoch Hill |
Green Hill |
Nahum Hill |
Samuel Hill |
George Hinman |
Gee Hodgkins |
James Hodgkins |
Moses Hodgkins |
Moses Hodgkins Jr |
Philip Hodgkins |
Samuel Hodgkins |
Samuel Hodgkins |
William Hodgkins |
Samuel Ingals |
William Ingalls |
William Jellison |
Abner Johnson |
Benjamin Johnson |
Stephen Johnson |
Joseph Lancaster |
Silas Lancaster |
James Leister |
Daniel Martin |
John Martin |
Philip Martin, Jr. [or Sr.] |
Rowland Martin |
Samuel Martin |
Daniel McMasters |
Robert Mercer |
Reuben Merchant |
James Miller |
Christopher Moon |
Jane Moon |
Joseph Moon |
Joseph Moon, Jr. |
Samuel Moon |
Betsey Mosely |
Atherton Oakes |
Edward Pettingell |
Eliphalet Pettingell |
John Pomroy |
Samuel Pomroy |
William Pomroy |
John Preble |
Lydia Preble |
Samuel Preble |
Francis Salter |
John Sargent |
Paul D. Sargent |
Henry Sawyer |
Warren Stanhope |
Jaber Simpson |
James Simpson |
James Simpson; middle initial I or L ? |
Paul Simpson |
Richard Simpson |
Samuel Simpson |
Elliott Smith |
James Smith |
John Smith |
William Smith |
John Springer |
Elijah Stratton |
Samuel Stratton |
James Sullivan |
John Urann |
Paul Urann |
Thomas Waterman |
Joseph Webster |
Benjamin Weld |
William Weld |
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