Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Cabinet Photo Young Woman, Helen Cheney or Chunny; Augusta, Maine studio

Cabinet photograph of a young woman identified on reverse as Hellen Chunny or Hellen Cheenny; could very well be Helen Cheney; photograph taken by Ayer studio, Corner Bridge & Water Streets, Augusta, Maine.

If you have a different idea on her name, please let me know. 

I did find a Helen Clark Cheney, the wife of Henry George Cheney, in Randolph, Maine, not far from Augusta.  This Helen was born in May 1868 in Vassalboro, Maine, the daughter of William Bicknell Austin and his wife Sarah Joy (Clark) Austin.  As for Henry George Cheney, I found two sources online which had him listed alternatively as George Henry Cheney.  He was born in Whitefield, Maine, in July 1964, the son of Isaac and Harriet Frances (Yeaton) Cheney.

If you recognize this woman from your family albums or if the name is familiar to you from genealogical or historical research, I would most appreciate hearing from you.

Thanks for stopping by!

Wonderful 1913 RPPC of 4th of July float, likely Harmony, Maine

Just in time for 4th of July 2010, here's a memento from an earlier time - a horse-drawn float that participated in the 4th of July parade at Harmony, Maine, or nearby, in 1913.  

The card, postmarked July 21, 1913, Harmony, Maine, was addressed to Miss Lizzie Tufts, Stetson, Maine.  Sadly, I can't quite decipher the name of the sender, whether male or female.  


"Dear Lizzie,

I got home last Wed.  Had a great old time.  The folks are trying to hay but the weather won't let them.  I am going to begin teaching August 4th.  You can think of me then.  I dread the starting.  This is a card of one of the floats here July 4th.  [Signed: name illegible, but possibly Alma or Allie or Abbie perhaps a man's name]."

I'm looking for a listing of teachers in Harmony and neighboring towns for the year 1913.

There was an Alfreda Ann Hatch, born in 1878 in Harmony, quite a bit older than Lizzie.  She was involved in the Kingdom movement at Durham, Maine and was a teacher.  She was the daughter of Stedman & Julia Ann (Macomber) Hatch, but I believe the Hatch family had moved from Harmony to Durham in 1901.  Not a likely candidate perhaps.  

Lizzie Tufts was born in 1894 in Etna, Maine, which abuts Stetson; she was the daughter of Edward and Nella or Nellie or Ella Tufts.  They apparently married before 1892 as they are not in the Maine Marriages database.  I believe that Edward was the son of Elias and Nancy Tufts. 

I was hoping to get a better handle on the genealogy in order, perhaps, to find a cousin to Lizzie who lived in Harmony.   If you have any thoughts as to the identity of the writer, given his or her friend or relative Lizzie Tufts, I would love to hear from you.   

In the meantime, enjoy this memento of the 4th of July, rural style.  Thanks for stopping by!

Email: Heirlooms.Reunited@gmail.com
Twitter ID: ToddHouse
Google Buzz: ToddHouse Genealogy

Cabinet Photo of Six Month Old Effie Mary or May Brackett; studio of Alvin F. Bradley, Boston, Massachusetts

Cabinet photo of a six month old Effie Mary Brackett or Effie May Brackett; taken by the studio of Alvin F. Bradley, Boston, Massachusetts.

I'm drawing a blank on either name configuration.  Entering the name, either way, into several search engines, even without any additional information, brings up no results.  That doesn't happen often.

If you can shed any light on Effie, I would most appreciate hearing from you.  Thanks for stopping by!

Email: Heirlooms.Reunited@gmail.com
Twitter ID: ToddHouse
Google Buzz: ToddHouse Genealogy

Cabinet Photo of Samuel Fish; taken by Singhi, Rockland, Maine

Cabinet photograph of a bearded man identified on reverse as Samuel Fish.  The photograph was taken by Singhi studio of Rockland, Maine.  The identification hints that this photo was once accompanied by another of Samuel's mother, which might have provided a clue as to which Samuel Fish this is; there are several possibilities.


If you recognize this fellow from your family albums or from genealogy work you have done for someone else, I would most appreciate hearing from you.

Thanks for stopping by!

Email: Heirlooms.Reunited@gmail.com
Twitter ID: ToddHouse
Google Buzz: ToddHouse Genealogy

Monday, June 28, 2010

RPPC of baby Rachel Alice Prescott, I believe b. 1913, Milo, Maine

Real Photo Postcard of 4 month old Rachel Alice Prescott, who I believe is the Rachel Alice Prescott born April 18, 1913, the daughter of Edward P. Prescott and Martha E. (Jones) Prescott of Milo, Maine.  

See other posts that feature:
I found a reference online that indicates Rachel became a teacher at the Derby School; there's a scholarship named in her honor at Penquis Valley High School at Milo, Maine.  I don't believe Rachel married.  

If you have corrections and/or additions to the information above, please leave a comment or contact me directly.

2 Photos of Young Girl IDed as Alice Carter (1878-1959)

Two reprint photographs of a girl named Alice Carter (1878-1959).  Unfortunately, the identification does not mention a location, nor whether Carter is her birth name or married name.  The identifications are made in a trembling hand and are inked onto the reprint, not part of the reprint.  The photographs were acquired in Maine, but that may be a red herring.

The identification information on the reverse of the headshot has an incorrect life span, as you can see.


If you recognize Alice Carter from your family albums, I would most appreciate hearing from you.

Thanks for stopping by!

Email: Heirlooms.Reunited@gmail.com
Twitter ID: ToddHouse
Google Buzz: ToddHouse Genealogy

Poem to Betsey Kingman Fillebrown (1786-1866) on her 80th birthday

I found this mimeographed copy of an 1866 poem in an envelope postmarked 1950 from a Cambridge, Massachusetts, woman to a couple in Auburn, Maine.   The poem was written by Henry King Lawrence on the occasion of the 80th birthday of his wife's mother, Betsey Kingman Fillebrown (1786-1866).

Betsey Kingman, according to [hopefully correct] information I found online, was born in 1786, the daughter of John and Anna (French) Kingman.  She married James Fillebrown, the son of John and Elizabeth (Gould) Fillebrown.  Betsey and James had three children: James, Elizabeth and Frances Louisa.  Daughter Elizabeth  married the poem's author, Henry King Lawrence.


AUGUST 29, 1866

We come our dear mother, to give you a gentle surprise,
Your children and grandchildren with their husbands and wives.
Your little great-grandchild, although well and hearty,
Can not be expected to be one of the party.
She sends her respects, and hopes you'll excuse her
Being a stranger in the city her ma feared she would lose her.
We come to cheer you along on your way,
To have a reunion upon your birthday.
We rejoice your health is so good as it appears,
Though you bend to the weight of eighty long years.
Seventy years is the length of the span
That God has prescribed for the age of a man.
But you have o'errun it by years half a score,
And you may be permitted to live half a score more.
Though time your poor body refuses to spare,
And you feel that his burdens are grievous to bear,
There is one consolation beyond his control
Time has no power to cripple the soul.
Your friends and companions must be nearly all gone
Who started life's journey at the time you were born.
Eighty years is a long, very long, race to run
Which not many reach before the set of their sun
What an age it has been your good fortune to live in!
Such strange new inventions we can scarcely believe in!
In your day the girls learned to card and to spin
But now they would laugh to think of such a thing.
They dress up in silks, with new bonnets and veil,
Step into a car and take a ride on the rail.
They also were taught to stitch and to sew,
But they've bravely got over that folly you know.
The machines, now-a-days, are far more expert,
The poor seamstress no more sings "The Song of the Shirt".
They hem, stitch and gather and make button-holes,
Stitch all the shoes and sew on the soles.
Make all kinds of garments so rapid and fine
That out of the seamstresses they have taken the shine.
The new married wife thinks it awful mean
If her husband don't give her a sewing machine.
The sun in the sky paints pictures most rare
With the aid and assistance of one Monsieur Daguerre;
You can have a photograph of wife, mother or daughter,
And if tintypes you want you get twelve for a quarter.
We used to think to have one tooth out was awful,
But now we sit down and have out a whole jaw full.
You inhale the ether, your fears all dismissing
And when you awake your grinders are missing.
The farmer has no longer to reap and to mow, 
He is only required to plow and to sow.
Then he mounts his machine, bids the horses to go,
And the grass falls around as he rides to and fro.
Gold and silver were once thought fit to be seen,
But now all our money's decidedly green.
For the tinder-box we now have the Lucifer match
And now they use steam the chicken to hatch.
Hoopskirts are the rage, some longer, some shorter,
And a waterfall now doesn't mean falling water.
But the wonder of wonders, to understand it who is able?
The mystery of mysteries is the Atlantic's great cable!
A rope, made of wire, away down in the ocean,
A thing without life yet full of emotion.
Each day as we sit at our fireside hearth
It brings us the news from the ends of the earth.
If you have a friend travelling in Europe, far away,
He can at once tell you now he's spending the day.
If he chance to be sick, and you feel anxious, quite,
In the morning you can hear if he had a comfortable night.
Those fast going steamers, once the newsmonger's glory.
The news they bring now is quite an old story.
The cable, reclining on its soft, muddy pillows, 
Looks up and laughs at the free-bounding billows.
Miles above it sees vessels go by steam and by sail
But the news that they carry is all very stale.
You see you have lived in a more wonderful age
Than any recorded on history's page.
By time and your patience I am only prevented
From enlarging the list of what man has invented.
Oh, if man was as good as he is knowing and wise,
This world might be Heaven, the earth paradise.
But frail man oft forgets Heaven's own inspired word
"The beginning of wisdom is the fear of the Lord."
In your years that remain, be they many or less
May you each day have reason the good God to bless.
When called may you go without fear or alarm,
Supported by His omnipotent arm.
Remember true believers in Christ never die,
But pass on at once to their home in the sky.
The bodies they leave grow cold and decay
But new bodies are given that are not made of clay.
Incorruptible, pure, and with raiment like snow,
Through the golden-paved streets of high Heaven they go,
And there in the light of the great I am,
They sing the song of God and the Lamb.
And now if we've cheered your dear heart we are glad
May you ever be joyful and never feel sad;
And ever hold in remembrance dear,
The day that completed your eightieth year.

           Henry King Lawrence.
  Written for Betsey Kingman Fillebrown, 1786-1866.

I found some references online to a later death date than 1866 for Betsey (Kingman) Fillebrown.  I'm not sure if she actually died in 1866, as this poem seems to indicate, or if the author was showing the range of her life at her 80th birthday.

Hopefully you will find this poem not only charming, but personally meaningful as well.  Thanks for stopping by!

Email: Heirlooms.Reunited@gmail.com
Twitter ID: ToddHouse
Google Buzz: ToddHouse Genealogy

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Baby Photo of Leverett Ernest Carter, b 1905 Connecticut d Michigan

Photograph of Leverett Ernest Carter at five months of age; he was born 14 May 1905 in Connecticut, the son of Erwin Earnest and Elsada Carter.  His father spelled his middle name as Earnest on his World War I Draft Registration Card.  It's possible that Leverett's middle name was Earnest, too, but I haven't verified that.  

Erwin Earnest Carter was born in October 1874, the son of Charles Edgar and Julia Jerusha (Stannard) Carter.  I've been unable so far to determine the parents of Erwin's wife Elsada or her maiden name.  

From research online, it appears that Leverett Ernest Carter graduated from Wesleyan University in Connecticut.  After graduation, he made his life in Michigan.  In the 1930 Census, he was living in Detroit and working as a teacher.  He wrote "Connecticut Shorelines" and "In a Family Way: Artifacts and Primitives and Half Told Tales".   

Whether he married and raised a family, I do not know.  He died in Michigan in 1988.

Hopefully a reader will recognize this family and share some insights.    Thanks for stopping by!

Email: Heirlooms.Reunited@gmail.com
Twitter ID: ToddHouse
Google Buzz: ToddHouse Genealogy

Tintype of Middle-aged Man, First Name Possibly Arlise or Arliss, Moberly, Missouri

Tintype of a middle-aged man with some identification information on reverse.  The original handwriting looks like "Arlise" or "Arliss" or even "Artist" and "Moberly, Mo."  Someone has written a more contemporary interpretation of "Arlise, Moberly Mo."

I'm hoping that someone familiar with Missouri genealogy will recognize this fellow's name, which I assume is his first name, but I could be wrong.  And, again, the word could even be "artist".

Moberly, Missouri was founded in 1866 when the site was chosen for the junction of two railways, the Chariton and Randolph Railroad and the North Missouri Railroad.  When the Wabash Railroad Shops located there in 1873, the new town grew so explosively, it became known as the "Magic City".   This fellow may have been one of the men who poured into the new settlement of Moberly to work for the railroad.

If you have any insights into this tintype, I would welcome your comments.  Thanks for stopping by!

Email: Heirlooms.Reunited@gmail.com
Twitter ID: ToddHouse
Google Buzz: ToddHouse Genealogy

Saturday, June 26, 2010

c. 1910 RPPC of Frank & Edith (Tracy) Winslow and Edgar & Sybil (Wilson) Leighton, Cherryfield, Maine

Circa 1910 Real Photo Postcard of two couples from Cherryfield, Maine: Frank and Edith (Tracy) Winslow and Edgar and Sybil (Wilson) Leighton.

What do you think Frank Winslow is pulling? Something attached to the shutter?

I'm guessing the 1910 date because this postcard was found with another one of Edith's father, Daniel Tracy, that was dated 1910. (See a previous post about Daniel Tracy).

Note that Tracy is often spelled Tracey, within siblings of the same family.

The Maine Marriages database shows an Edith E. Tracey of Cherryfield who married Frank H. Winslow of Rockland on 22 Aug 1901. The next record I could find of Edith, the 1930 Census, shows her living in the household of Albert Tracy. The Maine Marriages database shows that an Edith E. Winslow and Alford L. Tracy married on 17 Jun 1930. What had happened to Frank, I do not know. At least we have this photograph, a reminder of happier times.

As to Frank H. Winslow's background, he was enumerated on the 1880 Census of Rockland, Maine, living in the household of his grandmother Elmira or Almira Winslow and her sons Henry and Ezekiel and daughter Mary. Whether any of these three is Frank's parent, I don't know. It's possible that Mary could have been Elmira's stepdaughter. Hopefully a reader will solve the mystery.

Frank's wife Edith E. Tracy was the daughter of Daniel and Julia (Higgins, or perhaps the surname of a previous husband) Tracy. Daniel was born in Cherryfield in 1853. Some sources point to an 1850 birth year in Cooper, Maine, for Julia. One source names Julia's father as Nathan Cooper.

Edgar D. Leighton was born in March 1870 in Maine, the son of Truman W. and Sarah Eliza Leighton. I don't have information on Truman and Sarah Eliza's parents; the 1860 Census may point to Truman's father as Daniel; his mother or stepmother may have been Abbie.

Edgar's wife Sybil Wilson ties in with the Tracy family. She was born in Maine in Cherryfield about 1875, the daughter of George W. and Laura (Tracy) Wilson. Sybil's mother Laura (Tracy) Wilson and Edith's father Daniel Tracy were siblings, the offspring of Eli S. and Diadama (Smith) Tracy.

If you have information to share on the Winslow, Tracy/Tracey, Higgins, Leighton and Wilson families, I would very much appreciate hearing from you.

1910 RPPC of Daniel Tracy, Cherryfield, Maine

Note of December 23, 2016 - see the comments section for information on the Winslow Edith (Tracy) Winslow and husband Frank

This real photo postcard of Daniel Tracy was found with another that shows his daughter Edith and her husband Frank Winslow and friends Edgar and Sybil Leighton. That photo is the subject of a another post.

Researching online, I found the following information on Daniel Tracy and his family. I hope what I've found is correct, and I'd welcome any corrections or additions you might have. The Tracy name is sometimes spelled Tracey.

Daniel Tracy was born in Cherryfield, Maine, on 12 May 1853, the son of Eli S. and Diadama E. (Smith) Tracy. He married Julia S. Higgins in 1878. I haven't been able to find the parents of Julia S. Higgins. One online source says she was born in Cooper, Maine, but no parents are given. Another source claims that her father was Nathan Cooper.

Daniel and Julia had three daughters, Edith E., Edna Martha and Etta B.

I can't find Daniel and Julia in the 1880 Census. In the 1900 Census, Daniel listed his occupation as woodsman. In the 1910 Census he listed his occupation is listed as laborer, woods and river. Information online shows that Daniel died in 1920, perhaps before the Census for that year was enumerated.

The Maine Marriages database shows that an Edith E. Tracey of Cherryfield married Frank H. Winslow of Rockland on 22 Aug 1901. The next record I could find of Edith, the 1930 Census, shows her living in the household of Albert Tracy. The Maine Marriages database shows that an Edith E. Winslow and Alford L. Tracy married on 17 Jun 1930. What had happened to Frank, I do not know. Check a subsequent post for a photograph of Edith and Frank in happier times.

Also on the Maine Marriages database is a 29 March 1904 marriage between Etta B. Tracey and Frank C. Clark of Cherryfield. By the 1920 Census, Etta indicated that she is a widow, with 6 daughters. She wasn't able to care for all of her daughters, and some were placed out. I had a heartwarming note from an in-law who is working to connect Etta's descendants.

If you have corrections and/or additions to the information above, please leave a comment or contact me directly.

Friday, June 25, 2010

c. 1895 Group Photograph of Identified Students, Dexter, Maine

Circa 1895 photograph of a group of students that I believe attended school in Dexter, Maine.   

Thankfully, the students are identified, but the rows are uneven, making fitting the ID to the student a bit difficult in some cases.  

In order to date the photo, I checked the 1900 Census for Dexter, Maine, for the boys in the front row at extreme left and extreme right.  The boy at left is Brett Morse, shown with a birth date of April 1888.  The boy at right is Harold Small, shown with a birth date of August 1887.  

Front Row [I'm assuming from left to right] -  Brett Morse, Norman Brown, Earl Parsons, Karl Morse, Charles Dustin, Arthur Small, Harold Small

Second Row - Gertrude Burns, Edna Carr, Angie Ryan, June Parsons, Charles Ryan, Morris Dustin, George Potter, Bill Haines, Marion Small

Third Row - Louise Hatch, Hattie Young, Ola Bailey, Inez Dustin, Minnie Thompson, Grace Moore, Edith Hall, Maude Kimball

Fourth Row - Clara Hughes, Emma Giles, Mamie Gove, Eva Witherell, Susan Eldridge, Ethel Pooler, Mamie Wheeler

From the Maine Marriages database:
  • Earl F. Parson, Dexter to Minnie Gilbert, Dexter, 24 Dec 1913; Earl F. Parsons, Dexter, to Gladys N. Hamilton, Dexter, 12 Jan 1920
  • Harold F. Small, Dexter, to Doris D. Blethen, Foxcroft, 3 Apr 1920
  • Edna A. Carr, Dexter, to James W. Clark, Garland, 25 Nov 1915
  • Angie G. Ryan, Dexter, to Archie C. Moore, Corinna, 14 Jan 1915
  • June M. Parsons, Dexter, to Harry W. Young, Dexter, 25 Jun 1913
  • Charles L. Ryan, Dexter,  to Agnes E. Chisholm, Dexter, 10 Nov 1915
  • Bill Haines - there's a listing for a Frank W. Haines, Dexter, who married Winifred B. Beverly of Machias, 22 Sep 1919.  Could this be Bill?
  • Marion Small, Dexter, to Willis G. Haseltine, Dexter, 15 Nov 1905
  • Louise Hatch, Newport, to Clifford A. Stevens, Dexter, 18 Aug 1926
  • Hattie V. Young, North Newport, to Frank B. Arnold, Dexter, 7 Nov 1906
  • Ola F. Bailey, Old Town, to Ralph H. Fifield, 17 Mar 1908
  • Inez W. Dustin, Dexter, to Ernest D. Blaisdell, Dexter, 27 Jun 1906
  • Minnie G. Thompson, Dexter, to Charles N. Marsh, Ripley, 31 Dec 1901
  • Grace L. Moore, Dexter, to Arthur P. Weymouth, Somerville, Massachusetts, 16 Sep 1908
  • Maude M. Kimball, Dexter, to Harold M. Wilson, Brunswick, 23 Feb 1912
  • Clara Hayden, Dexter, to Harry M. Crossland, Dexter, 6 Jun 1906
  • Emma M. Giles, Dexter, to Charles J. Clukey, Dexter, 7 Aug 1905
  • Eva Witherell, Dexter, to Pearl H. Randall, Dexter, 20 May 1901
  • Ethel Pooler, Dexter, to George S. Lincoln, Dexter, 7 Jun 1927

If you have information to share on any of the people mentioned above, please leave a comment for the benefit of other researchers.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Cabinet Photo of Young Girl Edith B. Hill, by Hevy, Spencer, Massachusetts

Cabinet photograph of Edith B. Hill, at age two and a half; taken by Hevy, Crayon Artist and Photographer, Spencer, Massachusetts.

I found an Edith B. Hill born November 1880 in the 1900 Census for Worcester, Massachusetts, not far from Spencer.  She's living with her mother Sophia and older sister Julia.  Sophia indicated that she was widowed.

I'm assuming that Henry W. Hill was the father of Edith B. Hill, as he was still living when the 1880 Census was enumerated in June of 1880; Edith, as I noted, was born in November of 1880.  Henry apparently died sometime during the long span between 1880 and 1900 Censuses.

If you have insight into the Hill family, or if you think that the Edith B. Hill in the photograph is from another family entirely, I would most appreciate hearing from you.

Thanks for stopping by!

Email: Heirlooms.Reunited@gmail.com
Twitter ID: ToddHouse
Google Buzz: ToddHouse Genealogy

Cabinet Photo of Baby; Leftwich Gallery, Sacramento, California

Cabinet photograph of a baby, taken by J. W. Leftwich, Sacramento, California.  The reverse of the photograph contains a very faint identification or comment at top, but I can't decipher it.    It might not be the name of the child, but could be a name that starts with "Mrs." with a four or five letter surname following.

Perhaps you will have better luck working out the handwriting.  If you do, I'd love to hear from you.
Thanks for stopping by!

Email: Heirlooms.Reunited@gmail.com
Twitter ID: ToddHouse
Google Buzz: ToddHouse Genealogy

1902 Photograph of Baby Mabel Kathryn Stott, Moorhead, Minnesota

1902 photograph of baby identified on reverse, I believe, as Mabel Kathryn Stott, Moorhead, Minnesota.  may be misreading the middle and surnames.  The photographer was Freeman Studio, Fargo, North Dakota.

Hopefully you can decipher the faint handwriting below.  If you feel that I have misread the name, I welcome a correction.

I've been unsuccessful in further identifying Mabel Kathryn Stott, but perhaps I've been searching under the wrong name.

Again, if you have any insights to add, please contact me.  Thanks for stopping by!

Email: Heirlooms.Reunited@gmail.com
Twitter ID: ToddHouse
Google Buzz: ToddHouse Genealogy

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Cabinet Photo of Sarah Matilda Hughes; Hansbury Studio, Philadelphia?

Cabinet photo of a young woman identified on reverse as Sarah Matilda Hughes.  The photograph was taken by Hansbury, perhaps the popular Philadelphia, Pennsylvania photographer Harry B. Hansbury who committed suicide in 1913.

If you have a Sarah Matilda Hughes in your family tree, or if you have knowledge of her, I would most appreciate hearing from you.

Thanks for stopping by!

Email: Heirlooms.Reunited@gmail.com
Twitter ID: ToddHouse
Google Buzz: ToddHouse Genealogy

Vintage Photograph of a Woman identified as Harry Cass's 2nd wife; Harrisburg, Pennsylvania studio

Vintage photograph of a young woman who is identified on reverse as "Harry Cass 2nd Wife".  The photographer was Schriver & Kibler, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.

If you can identify this woman based on her husband's name and the locale of the photographer, I would most appreciate hearing from you.

Thanks for stopping by!

Email: Heirlooms.Reunited@gmail.com
Twitter ID: ToddHouse
Google Buzz: ToddHouse Genealogy

CDV of fat-cheeked baby, by studio of N. E. A. McLeod, Cleveland, Ohio

Carte de Visite of a fat-cheeked baby; photograph taken by the studio of Norman E. A. McLeod, Pearl Street, Cleveland, West Side.

Sadly, no identification of the baby.   From some hints I found online, I believe that the Norman E. A. McLeod was born in Canada, may have been related to ambrotypist Daniel F. McLeod, moved to Cleveland before 1860 and died in Cleveland in 1887.

Thanks for stopping by!

Email: Heirlooms.Reunited@gmail.com
Twitter ID: ToddHouse
Google Buzz: ToddHouse Genealogy

CDV of Middle-Aged Man, possibly Ed Mears; Chateaugay, New York studio

Carte de Visite of a Middle-Aged man, taken by Buell, Chateaugay, New York.

On the reverse is some faint handwriting identifying the subject.  He is possibly Ed Mears, but I've been unable to find anything about an Ed or Edward or Edgar Mears in Chateaugay, New York or Franklin County, New York.  The original handwriting is blurred by a band of discoloration.  The first name almost looks like Eid; perhaps it's meant to be Ernest.

I'm hoping that a reader may recognize this fellow from family albums or recognize the Mears name from Chateaugay, New York or Franklin County, New York.  If so, I'd most appreciate an update.

Thanks for stopping by!

Email: Heirlooms.Reunited@gmail.com
Twitter ID: ToddHouse
Google Buzz: ToddHouse Genealogy

Vintage Brochure for Grand View Inn, Old Orchard Beach, Maine


Vintage brochure advertising the Grand View Inn, established in 1922 at the Staples Homestead, Old Orchard Beach, Maine.  The site is now occupied by a branch of the Saco & Biddeford Savings Bank, and the carriage house is the now the Harmon Museum, home of the Old Orchard Historical Society.  I'm not sure when the Grand View Inn went out of business.

THE GRAND VIEW INN, more familiarly known as "The Home Away from Home", to many thousands of tourists, is one of Old Ã“rchard Beach's most popular and best known open the year-round hotels. The hostelry located at the head of  Old Orchard Street on motor routes 5 and 9, is directly opposite the Post Office and Town Hall, and is most conveniently located to the Railroad Station, Bus Line Terminals, leading places of amusements and the finest Cafes and Restaurants. The bathing beach Ã­s only a two minutes walk from the hotel. An outside shower-bath is available for use to those not desiring ocean bathing.

The rooms at the Grand View Inn are comfortable and spacious. All beds are equipped with the latest type of Ã­nner-spring mattresses; and with the cooling breezes which come from the nearby waterfront, make it a place where one can pass a vacation with much comfort.  The hotel has a widely known reputation of having the cleanest, coolest, and most comfortable rooms that can be found anywhere at this popular summer resort. In the late Fall and Winter months, the rooms are heated by a hot-water heating system. A personal view of the location of the Grand View Inn and its rooms easily convince the tourist that it offers an ideal place to stop during a visit in Old Orchard Beach.

For the motorist ample free parking space is provided on the spacious grounds surrounding the hostelry. Golf-Links, Tennis Courts, Saddle-Riding, Boating and Fishing are availble at nearly recreational centers. 

Reservations may be made by writing or phoning Old Orchard Beach 363, or addressing communications to Mrs. Annie D. Dorr, Prop. 

$1. per person and up, per day, if two persons occupy the same room.  Should three or four persons occupy the same room the rates are $1. per person.

$1.25 and $1.50 per day, one person occupying a room alone. 

When reservations are made by two or more persons for a week, there is no charge for the occupancy of the room for the seventh day.

Reservations made for week-ends or longer periods must be accompanied by a deposit.  The money will be cheerfully refunded if cancellation is made twenty-four hours from date which room is to [be] occupied.

View from Veranda - Looking Toward Ocean

Hopefully this brochure has some meaning for you - thanks for stopping by!

Email: Heirlooms.Reunited@gmail.com
Twitter ID: ToddHouse
Google Buzz: ToddHouse Genealogy