Sunday, July 31, 2011

Undated letter from Elsie E. Leonard to Maranda C. Blood, Pittsfield and Lee, Massachusetts

Undated letter from Elsie E. Leonard to Maranda C. Blood of Lee, Massachusetts.  There are two envelopes, but sadly only one letter, which was enclosed in the larger of the two envelopes.  

I'm hoping that a philatelist or postal history buff might be able to glean a date range from the postal markings.

Elsie sent Maranda a two-page letter full of news and names that might give enough information for a Massachusetts researcher to be able to identify one or both of them.


                         Tuesday Morn
To My Dear Maranda
I have received your second letter and read the contents with much pleasure.  I am very glad you arrived there safe and found all well, and enjoy yourself so much visiting among your relatives and friends - for I would like to do so too but that privilege is in a measure denied me and I can submit to my fate very easily.  You know I must now ask pardon for not answering your first and I am confident you will grant it when you hear my reasons which are that we have had so many here and have so much house-work to-gether with all the sewing which keeps me rather busy I can assure you.  On the Fourth we had about thirty here and most of them remained during the week and Maranda you may well think we had a plenty of work to keep us all dodging and almost tired our Mother out, but she has now recovered and gets along very well.  The boys are all well.  Silas says tell Maranda I'm well - ain't married yet and am still in market.  I told him you would say well that is none of my business if he is.  Stephen calls quite often, came into the back parlor this morning about eight o'clock and was talking very sociably with Mother and I was in the bedroom combing my hair and when I saw him coming I shut the door.  I told him I was not "at home".  He laughed and said he guessed I must be abed for if I was up he was sure I would have the door open.  Is coming again this afternoon to bring Mother some balsam for her cough.  The balsams he gathered himself when in Canada.  

Mr. Morrison [?] has just come down again and surprised me by throwing chips into the window at Mother as he says to make her look up - is coming in to see us.  Remember me kindly to Uncle Clark and Aunt Ann and tell her if she gives her little babe those names you mentioned - it will have the name of my dear departed sister Mary and myself and I shall consider it another "Little Cousin".  Kiss it for me.  We have heard from California twice since you left, one from Hiram Sidonie and Augustus.  In it was enclosed a beautiful collar from Sis to me which I highly prize.  I have become acquainted with the fireman of the "North Star".  He is a fine young man, calls often, has just passed.  Ina has this morning gone to work with Frank for the RR company and will have steady work.  With love from Elsie E. Leonard.
[Off to the side of the letter is this: James says he has been to the Office every day to get his letter you promised him but can't find it yet.

I'm looking for Maranda C. Blood and Elsie E. Leonard, but it's tough going.  I found references online to a court case in California involving a Hiram and Sidonie Leonard; perhaps Hiram was Elsie's brother, and Sidonie was "Sis", her sister-in-law.  And perhaps Silas was Silas Leonard, her brother.

Whether Augustus is also a Leonard, or not, I'm not sure.  Ina may be another sister, perhaps Ina Leonard.  It sounds as though the Leonard family may have operated a hotel or boarding house.  Or that they opened their home for the Fourth of July to up to thirty relatives and friends.  The Berkshires were, and still are, a place for city folk to escape the heat.

"Uncle Clark and Aunt Ann" may be Henry Clark Blood and wife Ann Elizabeth (Merry) Clark of Pittsfield, Massachusetts.  Online references to their children don't include a Maranda; she may or may not have been related to them.

I'd love to know more about the fireman of the "North Star" - perhaps he and Elsie became a couple?

If you have any insights into any of the people mentioned in the letter, or its date range, please leave a comment or contact me directly.  Thanks!

A map of Berkshire County, Massachusetts:

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1862 Civil War Certificate for Henry Smith, Co. I, 2nd Maine Volunteers


Certificate to be Given to Volunteers at the Time of their Discharge to Enable them to Receive their Pay, etc.

I certify, on honor, that Henry Smith, a Private of Captain White's Company I of the 2nd Regiment of Maine Volunteers of the State of Maine, born in England, State of Great Britain, aged 33 years; 5 feet 9 inches high; fair complexion, blue eyes, brown hair, and by occupation a Laborer, having joined the company on its original organization...mustered in service as a recruit by Captain Boyce, at Bangor, Maine, on the 2nd day of May, 1861, to serve in the Regiment for the term of 3 years; and having served honestly and faithfully with his Company in ................... to the present date, is now entitled to a discharge by reason of Chronic Rheumatism.
The said Henry Smith was last paid by Paymaster to include the 28th day of February, 1861,and he is entitled to pay and subsistence for traveling to place of enrolment and whatever other allowances are authorized to volunteer soldiers, or militia, so discharged.  He has received $21.16 dollars advanced by the United States on account of clothing.  There is to be stopped from him, on account of the State of Maine, or other authorities, for clothing, &c, received on entering service.  $16.31 dollars; also, for expenses of subsistence for traveling from place of enrolment to the place of rendezvous, amounting to             dollars; and on account of the United States for extra clothing received in kind from .......
and for other stoppages, viz: The Said Henry Smith has no account of either pay or clothing, amounting to               dollars; and he has been subsisted for traveling to his place of enrolment, up to the               186 .  He is indebted to                           , Sutler, No dollars.  
Given in duplicate, at Georgetown, D.C., this 16th day of April, 1862.
                                                         A. N. McLaren, Surgeon, USA, in charge of Union Hospital

Note - two of these certificates, (or duplicates) are to be given to each volunteer soldier who may be discharged previously to the discharge of his company, that he may at once receive from the Paymaster the pay, &c, due him, and the captain or other officer commanding the company, will certify to the act of the delivery of the duplicate certificates: on these certificates the Soldier is "entitled to" his discharge, and should also present his discharge to the Paymaster to have the payment endorsed on it.  The discharge is to be given back to the Soldier, by the Paymaster; - the latter only retaining as his voucher the duplicate certificates.

There's a Henry Smith, born in England, living at Milford, Maine, listed on an 1863 registration form of men eligible to serve in Penobscot, Piscataquis and Aroostook Counties.  He was a Laborer, as the Henry Smith of the document also indicated.  This Henry was born in England, as well, so there's a good chance it's our Henry, but I can't be sure.  Perhaps the Henry above was listed here, even though he had earlier been discharged for medical reasons.

I couldn't find him in Penobscot County in the 1860 or 1870 US Censuses.   Naturally, there are Henry Smiths galore in Maine, but most of them indicated they were born in Maine, not that mistaken information doesn't find its way on the Census form.

If you have any information on the Henry Smith who is the subject of this Certificate, please leave a comment.

 Thanks to reader Ed, we now know that A. N. McLaren was Adam Neill McLaren, born in Scotland in 1805, who entered the US Army Medical Service in 1833.  In the 1860 Census of West Roxbury, Massachusetts, he was living in the household of Dr. George Faulkner of Faulkner Hospital fame.  He died 1 August 1874.  Ed also provided a link to a photograph of Dr. McLaren:

Thanks, Ed!

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1919 issue of Our Mission Work, Maine Children's Home Society

Our Mission Work, Devoted to the Interests of the Maine Children's Home Society.  "Whoso shall receive one such little child in My name receiveth Me"

Volume XX, No. 8, Augusta, Maine.  Price Per Year, 50 Cents, November, 1919.

Many names inside.  If you feel that one or more of your relatives might have worked with or contributed to this charity, check the listing below.  Some people are outside the State of Maine, but likely have a relationship to Maine.

Scans of the other pages follow the listing of names.

People involved in the organization:

Superintendent, W. C. Hawes, Augusta, Maine
State Board of Managers:
George E. Gay; Joseph E. Briggs; Mrs. C. S. Fogg; Dr. W. S. Thompson; Mrs. Mabel G. Bailey; Mrs. A. E.   Drummond; Miss Nellie Moore; A. W. Fowles; George L. Crosman; H. E. Coolidge; Alton C. Wheeler; Walter M. Sanborn; Herbert L. Emery; George E. Macomber; Arthur A. Heald; Rev. W. J. Layton; Rev. A. Francis Walch; Rev. E. S. Philbrook; Rev. Victor O. Anderson; Rev. William R. Wood; Rev. C. D. Boothby; Mrs. Lillian I. Swift; Alfred W. Hawkes

Officers of the Board:
Pres/ George E. Gay; 1st Vice Pres., George E. Macomber; 2nd Vice Pres., Dr. W. S. Thompson; Secy., Caroline S. Fogg; Treas., Joseph E. Briggs; Auditor, Mrs. Amie E. Drummond

Walter M. Sanborn

Executive Committee:
J. E. Briggs; Walter M. Sanborn; Miss Nelie Moore

Dr. W. S. Thompson; George E. Macomber; Joseph E. Briggs

State Superintendent:
W. C. Hawes, Augusta, Maine

District Superintendents:
Miss Gertrude E. Frye, Augusta, Maine
Miss M. Elizabeth Arnts, Augusta, Maine
Miss Grace R. Chapman, Augusta, Maine
Miss S. Louise Rounds, South Paris, Maine

Auburn: A. W. Fowles; Ira W. Fitz

Augusta: Guy P. Gannett (Special Case); Dr. L. D. Bristol; Irving B. Packard; Mrs. W. T. Allen; S. N. Tobey; Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Waite; Mrs. O. R. Wellman; C. H. Ames; Mrs. F. R. Carter; Mrs. A. M. Chadwick; Miss Etta Bagley; Dr. F. E. Rowe; Mrs. Abbie M. Paulsen; A. H. Higgins
Baring: Edward Chase; C. G. Chase; W. L. Chase; H. H. Waters; Mrs. Elizabeth McGlauflin; Mrs. Sarah Redman; Mrs. Mary Phinney; Mrs. Thaxter Downs

Bernard: Mrs. W. Watson

Blue Hill: Mrs. Sadie L. Snowman

Boothbay Harbor: Mrs. W. S. Pierce

Boston, Massachusetts: Mrs. George S. Silsbee; Cornelius P. Hatch

Bowdoinham: W. H. Gould

Brookline, Massachusetts: Mrs. Susan B. Bartlett

Brooklyn, New York: Miss Julia Latimer

Brookton:  A. K. P. Dakin; L. O. Dudley; Mrs. Carrie A. Gibson; Mrs. Winghart

Brownville Junction: Mrs. J. H. Adair; Mrs. J. Humphreys, R. R. Johnson; Mrs. Kenneth McLeod; R. R. McClain & Son; Mrs. Walter McKenzie; Mrs. Everett W. Shaw; Mrs. T. Grimshaw; Mrs. P. M. Jones; Mrs. Frank Foley; Dr. D. L. Harden; Mrs. Wallace Tufts; Mrs. John Higgins; C. S. Davis; Mrs. A. E. McDougall; Charles L. Kinney; Mrs. L. A. Ryder; Mrs. C. A. Wood; C. E. Trafton; C. W. Basford; Mrs. A. A. Barker; A. Mersereau; Mrs. A. Mersereau; Mrs. H. L. Everett; Mrs. J. M. Harris; Mrs. H. . Wansink; Mrs. Byron Chase; Mrs. John Williams; Mrs. H. E. Rogers; Mrs. James Chapter; Mrs. Marion Farnham; Mrs. J. A. Ross; Mrs. G. E. Little; Mrs. Thomas Coburn; Mrs. Harry A. Graves; Mrs. W. C. Stickney; Mrs. J. A. Tye; Mrs. W. D. McKenzie; Mrs. J. K. McLeod; Mrs. James Beaton; Mrs. W. E. Browne; Mrs. M. L. Berry; Mrs. M. Reilly; Mrs. F. McCann; George P. Dickinson; Mrs. W. R. Howard; Mrs. Ellis A. Wilson; Mrs. B. S. Hodgman; Sara Prescott; Mrs. A. J. Lay; G. S. Allen; Mrs. Richard Jones; Mrs. J. H. Greenway; Mrs. P. F. Thombs; Louis Perri; Mrs. R A. Dubay; Mrs. C. H. Stiles; Mrs. H. Miller; Mrs. P. S. Grosvenor; Mrs. J. H. Elliott; Mrs. J. H. Greaney; Mrs. F. N. Haskell; Mrs. A. E. Griggs; Mrs. A. O. Wolff; Mrs. M. G. Tufts; Mrs. H. V. Harshaw; Mrs. D. E. Washburn; G. A. E. Howard

Brunswick: Mrs. W. H. Davis

Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania: J. Henry Longmaid

Camden: Mrs. Mertie B. Crowley; Mrs. W. C. Howe

Castine:  Dorothy T. Blake; Mrs. A. L. K. Volkman; William D. Hall; Ida J. Crawford; Mrs. Alfred Cope; Mrs. D. W. Rollins; Lucy P. Gray; A. F. Richardson; Mrs. A. F. Richardson; Hattie A. Wiggin; Beth M. Jellison [She may be the Maribeth Maria "Beth" Jellison whose graduation photo is featured here.]; Nellie F. Harvey; Mrs. E. E. Philbrook; Mrs. Fred Connor; Beatrice and Carrie Spurling; Mrs. Ardell Morgrage; Mrs. W. A. Ricker; Mary D. Devereux; Mrs. E. P. Johnson; Kate S. Russell; Ethel S. Noyes; W. A. Walker; Mrs. L. W. Coombs; Bessie S. Clark; Mrs. Edna C. Harquail; Mary B. Bills; Mrs. Myra A. Ferguson; C. E. McCluskey

Columbia Falls: C. F. Wilson; R. M. Allen; Mrs. Seth H. Allen; Mrs. J. P. Crandon; Bernice E. Allen [See Bernice's autograph book from the 1880s]; Mrs. W. E. Bailey; Mabel E. Hollis; Mrs. Frank H. Tabbutt; Maude Bucknam; F. G. Kirkpatrick; E. P. Donald

Damariscotta: Mrs. D. M. Jacobs

Dark Harbor: Mrs. D. H. Smith; Mrs. Clarence Nevells; Mrs. W. O. Hall; Mrs. C. R. Pendleton; Mrs. Mary G. McLeod; Mrs. W. E. Hatch; Mrs. Malcolm McLeod; Mrs. A. P. Gilkey; Mrs. F. W. Hatch; Mrs. F. A Lee; Mrs. L. F. Pendleton; Mrs. A. P. Hatch; Mrs. J. W. Pendleton; Mrs. Louise Ames; Mrs. John Fairfield; Mrs. E. D. Hatch; Emily Pendleton; 

East Blue Hill: Mrs. Fannie A. Long; Mrs. Laura E. Sheofe

East Milton, Massachusetts: Mrs. W. L. Rowell

Friendship: Mrs. Albion Wotton; Mrs. Ethel Davis; Mrs. G. S. Winchenpaw; O. C. Cook; M. E. Stanley; 

Hallowell: Effie M. Morse, R.N.

Hampden:  A. W. Braitwaite; Mrs. Frank Whitmore; Mrs. A. W. Emery; Rev. T. P. Humphrey; 

Jonesport: D. A. Wheeler

Lisbon Center: James Armstrong

Lisbon Falls: Hon. H. E. Coolidge

Mapleton: Marion Delano

Mars Hill: Mrs. Frank Jones

Maysville: Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Giberson; Charles E. Hussey; Mrs. L. A. Ramsdell; H. W. Kitchen; F. T. Keirstead; Mrs. M. B. Hayford; Mrs. W. R. Christie; Mrs. W. B. Long; Mrs. Ida Smith; C. Hayford; H. W. Keirstead; Fred L. Urquhart; Agnes I. Londo, R.N.; Mrs. Leland H. Clark; Mrs. A. . McPherson; Mrs. Emery Pyle; Mrs. Jane Keirstead; Mrs. L. A. Ramsdell

Monmouth: Fred E. Ames

Mount Desert Ferry:  Mrs. Laura A. Colby [No doubt related to some of the Colby family members who signed pages in the autograph book of Ora Spratt Jordan]

New York City: Mrs. T. W. Lamont

Alfred: William Anthony

North Islesboro: Mrs. E. L. Nash; Mrs. Elmer Pendleton; Mrs. Arthur Crosby

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Miss F. F. Caldwell

Pittsfield - E. E. Moon

Princeton: C. F. Eaton; I. F. Furbish; Mrs. C. A. Rolfe; Mrs. H. G. Robinson; C. E. Johnson; H. R. DePue; Mrs. F. A. Bates; Mrs. S. Jennie Smith; Jason Greenlaw; Mrs. Bessie Belmore; Mrs. J. C. Horsman; Mrs. James Swan; C. G. Elsmore; Mrs. W. E. Dodge; Morrison & Horsman; Mrs. Ruth Yates; Mrs. Charles Mercier; Mrs. Richard Lawler; Mrs. Guy Swan; Mrs. W. F. James; Miss Nellie M. Mercier; George B. McKechnie

Pripet: Mrs. Roy E. Webster; Mrs. M. R. Trim; M Veazie; Mrs. H. M. Coombs; Mrs. E. S. Preble

South Eliot: Mrs. Clara Beal

South Thomaston: Joshua Thorndike; Mrs. George Green; J. A. Lester; Mrs. Cleveland Sleeper; Mrs. U. G. Calderwood; Mrs. Samuel Holwood; Mrs. W. S. Clark; Mrs. A. V. Bradbury; Mrs. I. N. Morgan; Mrs. Rebecca Morgan

Sunset:  R. W. Knowlton

Topsfield: Mrs. P. G Getchell; Mrs. P. T. Pineo; Mrs. F. L. Houghton

Vinalhaven: F. Hermann

Waldoboro:  Mrs. Fannie Wyman

Waltham, Massachusetts: Manda L. Carter

Waverly, New York:  Miss Caroline Tuthill

Winthrop: E. A. Bailey, Wadsworth and Woodman; J. H. McIlroy; Mrs. W. J. Laughlin; Mrs. S. V. Winslow; Wilson Schwartz; Mrs. L. H. Millspaugh; George F. Wilson; Mrs. Fred Q. Williams; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cummings; Dr. Taggart; Mrs. A. B. Adams; N. L. Hannaford; E. S. Norcross; L. E. Jones; Mrs. W. H. Davis; Mrs. . P. Whitney; G. V. Goding; Jennette Bailey; Miss Lillian Jones; Mrs. S. A. Hayward; Rev. Robert J. Keenan; E. P. Libby; Mrs. F. H. Badger; Mrs. E. D. Kimball; J. A. Foster; Mrs. Cora Parkman; Mrs. Lydia Moody; Dr. G. W. Bates; H. C. Miller; H. E. Foster; Miss H. A. Woodward; F. H. Horne; Mrs. E. W. Wentworth; Mrs. L. T. Carleton; Mrs. G. C. Parker; George W. Garland; D. H. Maxim Estate; Mrs. N. R. Caron; Mrs. Clara F. Stanton

Winthrop Center: Mrs. Hannah J. Bailey; Mrs. C. I. Bailey; Mrs. A. W. Bachelder; Mrs. F. A. Gilman; Mrs. E. A. Schwartz

Woodland [I checked a couple of the following people to see whether they lived in the "Woodland", actually Baileyville, in Washington County or in the town of Woodland in Aroostook County - these folks are from Baileyville in Washington County.]: Mrs. Harry P. Townsend; Mrs. Emery Taylor; Mrs. Harry S. Brown; Arnold Brown; Mrs. Harold Hill; Dr. B. P. Cook; Mrs. P. W. Davis; Mrs. A. B. Jenkins; Mrs. P. Talbot; W. H. Stewart; Mrs. T. J. Wahl; James H. Finley; Mrs. William Cox, Jr.; Mrs. J. W. McClure; A. L. Sylvester; B. A. Babcock; E. C. Hamilton; C. B. Chapman; Mrs. B. Pomeroy; N. Barker

Wytopitlock: George S. Inch; LaForest R. Bennett; G. Weatherbee; . H. Crowell; Mrs. N. C. Hillman; Mrs. F. F. McLaughlin; L. W. Dyer; H. A. Prouty; I. M. Wortman; Florence McKay; Mrs. D. E. Huff; S. W. Dyer; Fred Bubar; Frank Weir; H. E. McKay; J. A. McKinnon; James Crawford; Olyn Patchell; J. C. Patchell; Mrs. Greta Murphy; Mrs. J. A. McKinnon; Mrs. W. F. Reed; Mrs. Joseph Rosebud

Names of people who donated for October:

Mrs. Martha Bucknam; Mrs. George H. Eaton; Mrs. P. B. Day; Mrs. E. S. Small; C. B. Chapman; Mrs. Jennie Kneeland; Mrs. Robie Brown; Mrs. C. W. Grendell; Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Kitchen; Mrs. John Horsman; Mrs. Amos Lay; Mrs. M. Spalding; Mrs. Maurice Snow; Mrs. A. W. Fowles; Dr. and Mrs. Biley; Mrs. Eliza Tibbetts; Mrs. Reginald Clement; Mrs. D. M. Jacobs; Mrs. E. D. Kimball; Mrs. Margie O'Neil; Mrs. E. S. Preble; Mrs. Fred M. Robins; Mr. Stinniford

Augusta: Dr. George A. Coombs, medical services for the month; Dr. S. J. Beach, examination of two children; Dr. E. J. Roberts, extracting and filling teeth for 2 children; Mrs. G. R. Goodridge, shoes, coat, skirt and dress; Mrs. W. B. Stebbins, 2 children's coats; Mrs. Chester A. Messer, sweater, caps, mittens and shoes; Joseph Wight, new suit for one of our boys

Brownville Junction: Mrs. J. M. Harris, 2 caps, scarf, 2 union suits; A. J. Lay, 4 caps

East Winthrop: Mrs. M. E. Kilbreth, 1 girl's coat

Garland: Mrs. D. H. Robinson, 3 prs hand-knit mittens

Maysville: Mrs. H. W. Kitchen, 1 pr shoes

Mexico: Mrs. John Foley, 2 prs mittens, cap

Sargentville: Mrs. W. H. Simmons, 3 little dresses

Sidney: Mrs. Elizabeth Frye, knitting 2 prs mittens

Southwest Harbor: Mrs. E. S. Thurston, 3 small puffs

Wilton: Mrs. L. F. Adams, nice coat and cap, 1 shirt

Winthrop: Mrs. R. L. Wellman, 2 hats, 2 caps, hair ribbons; Mrs. H. B. Maxfield, 1 pr shoes; Mrs. Cora Parkman, underwear, 2 waists, 1 skirt

Wytopitlock: Mrs. Clarence Inch, clothing

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Saturday, July 30, 2011

1874 Photograph of Charles B. Cooper in uniform, possibly West Point

1874 photograph of Charles B. Cooper, in uniform, for presentation to Thomas F. Walsh.  I'm assuming Thomas F. Walsh is the T. F. Walsh who was presented a photograph by Edwin McCormick in the previous post.  Possibly these two men graduated or were attending the US Military Academy at West Point, though I haven't yet found evidence. 

Charles B. Cooper's photograph was taken by Warren's Studio at 389 Washington Street, Boston, Massachusetts.

If you have any information on Charles B. Cooper, Edwin McCormick or Thomas F. Walsh, please leave a comment.

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West Point photo of uniformed Edwin McCormick, 1874

Photograph of West Point graduate Edwin McCormick (abt 1852-1925), with a presentation date of 21 October 1874.  The photograph was presented to T. F Walsh.  

From online research, hopefully correct - corrections requested:

Edwin McCormick was born about August 1852 in New York, the son of Edwin and Charlotte (Lyons) McCormick.  He was married twice and had children with both of his wives.  His first wife was Sophia Dennison, who was born about 1855 in New York.  

I found a source online that claimed that Sophia Dennison was Sophia A. Dennison, born 28 November 1854, the daughter of Stephen Parker Dennison, born at Machias, Maine 3 August 1824, and Keziah Turner, born in England on 10 February 1827.  

This Sophia's father Stephen was a whaler in Maine who moved his family to the Hudson River in New York, apparently before Sophia was born, if this is the correct family.  

And this Sophia, according to records in the Oakley Family Bible, was married to a James Wilson, about whom I know nothing, in 1873.  She and James were not married long, if this is our Sophia, as she died on 21 September 1892.

Edwin's children with Sophia:
  • Jessie McCormick, born about 1876 in New York
  • Stephen McCormick, born about 1880 in New York
  • Florence McCormick, born about 1890 in New York
It appears that Sophia died after the birth of Florence.  In 1893 Edwin married a Margaret Enright (1865-1931), a native of Canada.  

Children with Margaret:
  • Mary Frances McCormick, born about 1894 in New York
  • Francis Thomas McCormick, born about April 1896 in New York
  • Margaret McCormick, born about 1899 in New York
  • Edwin McCormick, born about 1902 in New York.
Edwin McCormick, from what I could gather, spent most, if not all, of his military life at West Point.  He died on 17 May 1925 and is buried in Highland Falls, New York.

If you have any corrections and/or information to share on any of the people mentioned above, please leave a comment for the benefit of other researchers.

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Friday, July 29, 2011

Early 1900s photograph of students, Eastport, Maine, partially identified

Early 1900s photograph of students at Eastport, Maine, with some names and placement numbers still legible.

Hopefully, readers will recognize some of the students and share information.  

Names appear to be: please advise of your interpretations
Ethel Greenlaw
Levereitt ?
Jerome Rutherford
Minnie Ward
John McCurdy
Forsythe Bishop
Mary Gillis
John Cheverie
Abe Hunt
Joe Ward
Della De Grasse ?
Arthur Roop
Mary McMahon

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Wednesday, July 27, 2011

1899-1902 Farmington High School, Farmington, Maine, Ephemera

Collection of ephemera, most relating to social events at Farmington High School, Farmington, Maine, between 1899 and 1902.

Item 1, dated March 10, 1899, a booklet with four interior pages

Item 2, dated February 17, 1899, folded card stock, no interior leaves.  Has printed names of Mr. Holman, Mr. Russell and Miss Small.

#3, small card

#4 and #5, folded card and little card dated February 28, 1900.  Folded card has printed names of Mr. Purington; H. Roberta Stubbs; Mr. Brown; Minnie Frost; Helen Roberta Stubbs; Edith E. Thompson; Gertrude Williams; Alice Wardwell; Chester Williams; Miss Alden's Orchestra

#6, March 28, 1901, larger card

#7, New Year's Ball, Tuesday Evening, December 31, 1901, folded card:

#8, folded card, May 14, 1902:

#9, undated, card:

#10, undated card:

#11, business card of Franklin Steam Laundry, Farmington, Maine:

#12, little notebook given by the First National Bank of Farmington to its customers, empty except that its first page has the handwritten name of Arthur Drummond:

If you have any information to share on any of the people mentioned above, please leave a comment for the benefit of other researchers.

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