1830/1840s autograph album that belonged to Huldah, who was presumably a student at Fryville Academy at Bolton, Massachusetts.
If you have a theory as to the owner Huldah's identity, please leave a comment or contact me directly. Thanks!
The album is approximately 7-3/4" x 6-1/4" and contains 41 pages signed by Huldah's friends and fellow students at Fryville Seminary at Bolton, Massachusetts. From what I could find online, Fryville Seminary was founded by members of the Religious Society of Friends, or Quakers.
Most signers made use of the entire page for their sentiments. An alphabetical list of the students appears at the end of this post.
The album was printed by J. C. Riker at 15 Ann Street, New York City, and contains five illustrations interspersed throughout. See images of them after the list of signers.
Two items were enclosed in the album.
One signer, "C.", made use of the illustration "Death of Hassan" by quoting Shakespeare on the left facing page. The illustration was based on the painting by Emile Jean-Horace Vernet and was engraved by George B. Ellis.
The album has a note on the first end paper indicating the name of artist Mary Blood Mellen, who studied with Fitz Hugh Lane. I found evidence where Mary Blood Mellen attended Fryville Seminary, but she didn't sign a page in the album as Mary Blood or Mary Blood Mellen, and it doesn't seem likely that her nickname was Huldah. Perhaps the person who left the note was simply connecting a well-known person to Fryville Seminary.
Two signers had the surname Fry: Sarah and John E. They may have been siblings Sarah Congden Fry and John Eddy Fry, children of Thomas and Mary (Eddy) Fry of Bolton, Massachusetts, of which Fryville is a village.
One page was signed by Susan Almy at Fryville Seminary, and another looked to be Susan Almy Jr., also at Fryville. Their handwriting is similar, so they may be the same person. Perhaps what appears on one page to be "Jr." is not that at all. I wasn't able to find a Susan Almy with a mother named Susan, but may have missed someone.
A few pages presented names that were hard to decipher. If you have a suggestion for any of the names shown in the image below, please leave a comment. The name below looks like Santa Andrew of Waltham, Massachusetts, but I didn't find any references to such a person. Perhaps the "Santa" was referring to a person whose first name was Andrew.
The name below looks like Ect Richards, but could be Ed Richards or something else entirely.
The name below has me stumped. Looks like "A. bexan" but could be "A Texan" or "Alexan" or ?
List of signers: [Note: given names within a specific surname may not be in alphabetical order.]
- Huldah, album owner
- Catharine G., signed at Manville [presumably Manville, Rhode Island}, on August 8, 1841
- George W. B., signed at Lonsdale [presumably Rhode Island], on November 23, 1839
- Louise or Louisa, signed at Fryville Seminary at Bolton, Massachusetts, in November 1838 [looks like 1828 but album was printed in 1835]
- Santa Andrew of Waltham, Massachusetts, signed on August 25, 1838
- C, signed on November 4, 1839; wrote "Death of Hassan" from Shakespeare, with the right facing page being an engraving by George B. Ellis of the Vernet painting "The Death of Hassan"
- Looks like "Written by A. bexan" or "Written by Alexan" or "Written by A Texan" or ?
- Susan Almy, Jr., signed at Fryville Seminary at Bolton, Massachusetts; not sure of "Jr." or given name; either this person or another named Susan Almy signed a page
- Susan Almy, written at Fryville Seminary at Bolton, Massachusetts, on July 2, 1838; could be the same person as Susan Almy Jr. who signed another page.
- Roby Smith Bellows of Burrillville, Rhode Island, presumably the daughter of William and Martha (Mowry) Bellows
- Mary Ann Bentley of Holden, Massachusetts, signed at Fryville Seminary at Bolton, Massachusetts, on July 2, 1838
- Lewis W. Briggs, signed at Mansville [presumably Rhode Island], on April 12, 1840
- Cyrel Bullock, Jr., of Pawtucket, Rhode Island, signed at Fryville [presumably Fryville Seminary at Bolton, Massachusetts] on December 5, 1838
- John Carter of Boston, Massachusetts, signed at Fryville Seminary at Bolton, Massachusetts
- F. L. Cook, or F. L. Cooke, signed at Lonsdale [presumably Rhode Island] on November 1, 1839; not sure of initials
- John S. Crooks of Hopkinton, Massachusetts, presumably the son of Samuel and Emeline Crooks
- Sarah Darling of Millville
- Eliza A. Darling of Millville, signed at Fryville Seminary at Bolton, Massachusetts
- Sarah C. Fry
- John E. Fry, perhaps John Eddy Fry of Bolton, Massachusetts, son of Thomas and Mary (Eddy) Fry
- Martha Gulley, signed at Smithfield [presumably Rhode Island], on January 12, 1841; can't decipher middle initial
- Freeman Hurd of Smithfield [no state given, but presumably Rhode Island], signed at Bolton, Massachusetts, on December 8, 1838
- Lucy Jones
- Clarissa Jones, signed in 1838
- Earl Joslin of Douglas, Massachusetts, signed at Fryville Seminary at Bolton, Massachusetts, on December 5, 1838
- Alfred Knight of Manville [presumably Rhode Island], signed on March 28, 1841. Possibly the son of Richard and Rebecca (Brayton) Knight
- George C. Lawton of Watertown, Massachusetts, signed at Fryville Seminary at Bolton, Massachusetts, on December 9, 1838
- Artemas Longley, signed at Fryville Seminary at Bolton, Massachusetts, on December 2, 1838
- S. C. Maxfield
- C. H. Merriam of Fitchburg, Massachusetts, signed at Fryville Seminary at Bolton, Massachusetts, on October 30, 1838. Perhaps the Charles Henry Merriam born in Vermont and later a resident of Leominster, Massachusetts
- Isaac Nelson of Upton, Massachusetts
- Abigail J. Newton, signed July 4, 1838. Possibly Abigail Jackson Newton of Boston, Massachusetts, daughter of John and Abigail Newton
- Moses Nichols of Fall River, Massachusetts
- Fidelia G. Owen of Gloucester, Rhode Island, written at Lonsdale, Rhode Island, on April 7, [1837 or 1839]
- Sarah D. Peirce of West Boylston, Massachusetts
- ? Richards; looks like Ed Richards or Ect Richards
- Willard Southwick of Berlin, Massachusetts, signed at Fryville Seminary at Bolton, Massachusetts
- Electa J. Stoddard, written at Fryville Seminary at Bolton, Massachusetts, in 1838
- Sarah Sweetser
- Velorous Taft of Upton, Massachusetts
- ? Weston, signed at Lonsdale [presumably Rhode Island] on December 8, 183x [could be 1837, 1838 or 1839]
- Alexander H. Young of Manville, Rhode Island

Fryville in Bolton, Massachusetts
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1880s and 1890s autograph album of Maud E. Brown of Portland, Maine. During this time, she married George William Hunter, a Boston Massachusetts, native, who may have signed a page in the album using his initials.
The album is approximately 7" x 4-1/4" and contains pages signed by 69 of Maud's relatives and friends. An alphabetical list of the signers appears at the end of this post.
As you can see, the covers have suffered major damage, and the spine is nonexistent. It's interesting, though, to see the process the printer used to give the covers some depth, by incorporating several plies of cardboard and felt.
From online research, hopefully correct: [corrections and additions welcome!]
Maud E. Brown was born 29 March 1871 at Raymond, Maine, the daughter of Joseph and Phoebe Ann Jackson (Harris) Brown, who were born at Raymond, Maine, and New Gloucester, Maine, respectively.
I found two birth records for a Joseph W. Brown born at Standish, Maine, to parents Jordan and Catherine Brown. It appears that an earlier son, born in October 1844, died in infancy, and Maud's father was given the same name when he was born on 5 December 1847.
There are several birth records with different dates for Phoebe Ann Jackson Harris, so it appears that she also had a predecessor sibling, or two, who died.
Most of the autographs were collected while Maud's family was living at Portland, Maine, where her father worked as a carpenter. I believe the family lived on Brackett Street, assuming the Joseph W. Brown I found in an 1885 directory of Portland was the correct Joseph.
As far as I can tell, Maud's parents and siblings did not sign pages in her album. On 25 June 1889, Maud married George William Hunter, son of Needham Cook Hunter and Catherine J. (O'Connor) Hunter. George was born 22 February 1866 at Boston, Massachusetts.
There's a page in the album signed by G. W. H. of Portland, Maine, signed on August 21, 1888. I wonder if this was a page signed by George William Hunter who perhaps had moved to Portland for work and met Maud there.
Maud and George had, I believe, two children, a daughter, Helen Longfellow Hunter, and a son, Joseph Harold Hunter. They were living at Wakefield, Massachusetts, at the time of the 1900 Census.
Helen Longfellow Hunter signed a page in the album.
Two of George William Hunter's siblings signed pages in the album. Younger brother Joseph Steven Hunter, signed a page on December 18, 1895 when he was living at Wakefield, Massachusetts. He was living with Maud and George and their children at the time of the 1900 Census of Wakefield.
Younger sister Mary C. Hunter of Wakefield, Massachusetts, signed a page on November 4, 1890.
It appears that Maud and George divorced, after 1900. On 14 December 1903, Maud married Gilbert Wright, son of James W. and Sarah (Jones) Wright. The 1910 Census shows Maud and Gilbert living at Yarmouth, Maine, with their son Louis and Maud's daughter Helen Longfellow Hunter. Maud and Gilbert were still at Yarmouth, Maine, up through the time of the 1940 Census.
If you have corrections and/or additions to the information above, or information on any of the signers listed below, please leave a comment or contact me directly. Thanks!
Alphabetical list of signers: [Note: given names within a specific surname may not be in alphabetical order.]
- G. W. H. of Portland, Maine, signed on August 21, 1888; perhaps Maud's future husband George William Hunter
- Hattie F. Allen of Deering, Maine, signed on June 3, 1889
- Percy L. Barker of Portland, Maine, signed on January 13, 1887
- Maybelle Barss of Wakefield, Massachusetts; schoolmate of Maud's daughte
- Henry R. Batcheller of Portland, Maine, signed on January 24, 1887
- Maud E. Brown; album owner
- Minnie P. Clay, signed in 1887
- Jacob H. Cole, signed on January 26, 1887
- Bessie M. Cosman of Wakefield, Massachusetts, signed December 5, 1896. Called herself Maud's daughter, Bessie's mother was Sarah A. (Stack) Cosman, so there must have been another "mother" relationship
- John A. Daly of Portland, Maine, signed in 1887
- Lula G. Doten of Portland, Maine, signed on January 14, 1887
- Harry W. Dyer of Portland, Maine, signed on January 20, 1887
- C. F. Edson of Portland, Maine, signed, I think, on Washington's Birthday, which he wrote in calligraphy. He also sketched a coastal scene from Tennyson.
- Mary Field, signed in January 1887
- Clinton T. Fisher of South Portland, Maine, signed on July 30, 1888; "Harrison Guards"
- Harold B. Fobes o Portland, Maine, signed on January 20, 1887
- Gertie C. Fuller, signed in 1887
- Bessie B. Furlong, signed in 1887
- Julia C. Gammon of Portland, Maine, signed on May 25, 1888
- Thomas E. Glynn of Portland, Maine, signed on Sunday, May 10, 1896
- Edith A. Goold of Portland, Maine, signed on January 25, 1887
- Marland Griffin of Wakefield, Massachusetts, signed on October 19, 1896
- Willie Haggett of Portland, Maine, signed on January 26, 1887
- W. A. Henley
- R. Henry Hinkley, signed in 1887
- May R. Hobbs, signed in 1887
- Helen L. Hunter; Helen Longfellow Hunter, Maud's daughter with husband George William Hunter.
- Joseph S. Hunter of Wakefield, Massachusetts, signed on December 18, 1895. He was Joseph Steven Hunter, younger brother of Maud's husband George William Hunter.
- Mary C. Hunter of Wakefield, Massachusetts, signed on November 4, 1890. She was a sister of George William Hunter, Maud's husband.
- Frank S. Jones, signed on June 25, 1889
- Richard D. Joy of Wakefield, Massachusetts, signed on December 5, 1896
- Frank W. Joy, signed at Portland, Maine, on April 17, 1888' drew an intricate sketch of a bird
- John T. Kavanagh, signed on January 12, 1887
- Emma E. Lamson of Portland, Maine, signed on January 5, 1887; Maud's schoolmate
- Thaddie S. Lewis of Portland, Maine, signed in January 1887. Thaddeus S. Lewis
- L. Maud Lewis of Portland, Maine, signed on January 26, 1887
- F. M. Lovering of Portland, Maine, signed on June 3, 1889
- May E. Lovering of Portland, Maine, signed on June 4, 1889
- Henry Melaugh, signed on January 27, 1887
- Mattie C. Melcher of Portland, Maine, signed on February 4, 1887
- Frank Nichols of Malden, Massachusetts
- Charles E. Noyes, signed in 1887
- Bessie M. Pennell of Portland, Maine
- Alice S. Raymond, signed on January 21, 1887
- Mildred V. Rodgers of Portland, Maine, signed on January 6, 1887
- Fred C. Scott of Reading, Massachusetts, signed on December 13, 1896
- H. Woodie Shaylor of Portland, Maine, signed on January 4, 1887. He was Horace Woodbury Shaylor, probably the son Horace Woodbury Shaylor, Jr. (1870-1952
- Luella Shaylor, signed on January 4, 1887
- Richard D. Small of Portland, Maine, signed on January 5, 1867 [not sure if he meant to write 1867 as that would be much earlier than any of the other dated pages.]
- Arthur E. Soule, signed in 1887
- Eva L. Taylor of Portland, Maine, signed on January 12, 1887
- Willie W. Thomas of Portland, Maine, signed on January 7, 1887
- Ottie L. Thompson of Portland, Maine, signed in January 1887
- Willie O. Thompson, signed in 1887
- James Thompson of Portland, Maine, signed on January 25, 1887
- Frank E. Totman of Portland, Maine, signed on January 20, 1887
- William H. Usher of Portland, Maine, signed on 6/3/89
- Frank B. W. Welch of Portland, Maine
- Mary E. White of Portland, Maine, signed on January 6, 1887
- Apollonia Wiechmann of Portland, Maine, signed on April 8, 1887. She was Apollonia (Hergenroder) Wiechmann, the wife of signer Gustav Adolf Wiechmann and mother of signer Katie Wiechmann. A Gussie Wiechmann, perhaps a son, also signed a page. Gustav Adolf Wiechmann died 26 July 1897 at Boston, Massachusetts.
- Katie Wiechmann of Portland, Maine, signed on April 8, 1887. Her mother Apollonia (Hergenroder) Wiechmann and father Gustav Adolf Wiechmann also signed a page, as did a Gussie Wiechmann, perhaps Katie's brother.
- Gussie A. Wiechmann of Portland, Maine, signed on April 7, 1887. He/she may have been the son or daughter of signers Apollonia (Hergenroder) Wiechmann and Gustav Adolf Wiechmann. Sister Katie Wiechmann also signed a page.
- Gustav Adolf Wiechmann of Portland, Maine, signed on April 7, 1887. His wife Apollonia (Hergenroder) Wiechmann and daughter Katie and child Gussie also signed pages. Gustav Adolf Wiechmann died 26 July 1897 at Boston, Massachusetts.
- Abbie D. Wiggin of No. 8 Cushman St., Portland, Maine, signed on June 4, 1889
- Mabel L. Wiggin of Portland, Maine, signed on June 4, 1889
- Alma I. Wiggin of Portland, Maine, signed on February 12, 1888. "T.T.U.R.C."
- Nellie Gertrude Wiggin, signed on May 25, 1889
- Frank Wiggins of Portland, Maine, signed in 1888
- Ellen C. Williams, signed on January 7, 1887
- Elsie Wilson of Portland, Maine, signed on January 12, 1887
Autograph album presented to student Harry Lewis of Springfield, Maine, by Ernest H. Pratt, for Harry's "excellent work done in his spelling class."
The album is missing its covers and spine. The interior measures approximately 7-3/4" x 4-3/4" and contains 13 pages signed by Harry's relatives and friends, in addition to the page above.
Another post features the 1880s+ autograph album of Harry's older sister Lura Vella Lewis.
From online research, hopefully correct: [corrections and additions welcome!]
Harry Abner Lewis was born 8 November 1885 at Springfield, Maine, the son of Henry Blanchard Lewis and Florence Anna (Berry) Lewis.
Harry's sister Lura was long out of the household and married to Edward Whittier Deuplisea by the time of this album, but two of Harry's siblings signed pages. Albion Bayard Lewis of Caribou, Maine, signed a page on December 26, 1899.
Harry's sister Aria Estelle Lewis of Springfield, Maine, signed a page on "12-11-99".
Harry's aunt Lucy or Susie signed a page. Notice the reader's comment below that identifies Aunt Susie as Helena Estelle Lewis, nicknamed "Susie."
On 9 December 1905 at Springfield, Maine, Maine, Harry Abner Lewis married Anna Louise Ardron, daughter of Joseph and Edith Amanda (Averill) Ardron. Anna Louise was born in the Dakota Territories on 25 October 1887.
Harry and Anna Louise farmed at Springfield, Maine. They raised, I believe, 7 children, all but one of whom, according to information I found online, graduated from the University of Maine.
Harry died in 1976.
If you have corrections and/or additions to the information above, or information on any of the signers below, please leave a comment or contact me directly. Thanks!
List of signers: [Note: given names within a specific surname may not be in alphabetical order.]
- Aunt Lucie or Aunt Susie
- Idona M. Cole of Springfield, Maine, signed on November 12, 1897 [She also signed in Harry's sister Lura's album.]
- David E. Grindell of Lakeville, Maine, signed on 2-9-1902
- Florence E. Hanscom of Lakeville, Maine, signed on December 26, 1899
- Presented to Harry Lewis for excellent work done in his spelling class during the term closing February 7th, 1896. Ernest H. Pratt
- Albion Lewis of Caribou, Maine, signed on December 26, 1899. Harry's "loving brother" Albion Bayard Lewis
- Aria E. Lewis of Springfield, Maine, signed on 12-11-99. She was Aria Estelle Lewis, Harry's older sister.
- Lula Lombard of Springfield, Maine, signed on November 12, 1897
- Flora A. Mason of Milford, New Hampshire, signed on November 12, 1897
- Ernest H. Pratt; he presented the album to Harry Lewis for excellence in his spelling work, on February 7, 1896
- Emma A. Snow
- Anna J. Snow, signed on August 24, 1896; perhaps Anna Josephine Snow, born 24 March 1885 at Winn, Maine
- Madge Weick of Springfield, Maine, signed on November 12, 1897
- Percy F. Williams of Fairfield, Maine, signed on 11-12-97
Springfield, Maine
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Autograph album that belonged to Miss Lura Lewiss of Springfield, Maine, dated 1886. All official records I found of Lura and her family refer to the surname as Lewis.
See another post that features the 1890s autograph album of Lura's youngest sibling, Harry Abner Lewis.
Many of the signers in Lura's album were students and possibly some educators at Springfield Normal Academy and Springfield Normal School.
The album is puffy red velvet, approximately 7" x 4-1/4" and contains the sentiments of 48 of Lura's relatives, friends, schoolmates and future husband, Edward Whittier Deuplisea/Duplisea, and includes pages inscribed by their children in the early 1900s.
An alphabetical list of the signers appears at the end of this post.
From online research, hopefully correct: [corrections and additions welcome!]
Lura Vella Lewis was born 10 May 1864 at Springfield, Maine, the daughter of Henry Blanchard Lewis and Florence Anna (Berry) Lewis, both Springfield, Maine, natives.
On 12 October 1887 at Springfield, Maine, Lura Vella Lewis married Edward Whittier Deuplisea, son of Andrew John Deuplisea/Duplisea and Hannah Delilah (Byers) Deuplisea/Duplisea. Edward was born 11 November 1865 at Princeton, Maine.
Edward signed the page after Lura's ownership page on October 5, 1886. His signing the first page in the album after Lura's page perhaps indicates that they were already more than just acquaintances.
Lura and Edward lived at Springfield, Maine, at least until the time of the 1900 Census, but moved to nearby Mattawamkeag, Maine, soon after. Three of their six children signed pages in Lura's album in the early 1900s; the others, Elsie May Duplisea; Carl Thompson Duplisea and Lee Greenwood Duplisea, were too young at that time.
Their first child, Elton Bruce Deuplisea, of Mattawamkeag, Maine, signed a page on August 27, 1903. He gave his birth place and date, though he wrote the incorrect year: "Born in Springfield, May 7, 1882" [he meant 1888].
Their son Arthur Francis Duplisea signed two pages, one during the 1906 winter term at M.G.S., which I presume was Mattawamkeag Grammar School. He wrote "Born in Springfield, Me., Dec. 23, 1892".
Their daughter, Elene F. Deuplisea, of Mattawamkeag, Maine, signed a page. She wrote: "Born in Springfield, Me., Sept. 7, 1895".
Sadly, Lura didn't live long after her children wrote in her album. She died 16 May 1907.
If you have corrections and/or additions to the information above, or information on any of the signers listed below, please leave a comment or contact me directly. Thanks!
List of signers: [Note: given names within a specific surname may not be in alphabetical order.]
- Painting of pansies done by E. T.
- M. D. Barnes, signed at Springfield, Maine, on October 12, 1886. He was Marcellus D. Barnes; his wife Susie L. (Hall) Barnes, signed the right facing page.
- Susie L. Barnes, signed at Springfield, Maine, on October 12, 1886. She was Susie L. (Hall) Barnes, married to Marcellus D. Barnes, who signed the left facing page.
- Laura Bartlett of Orient, Maine, signed at Springfield Normal Academy on May 4, 1887
- Josiah M. Bearce of Springfield, Maine, signed on May 5, 1887
- Philo Bearce of Springfield, Maine, signed on April 5, 1887.
- Emma Belden of Prentiss, Maine, signed on April 28, 1887
- Jennie W. Bishop of Carroll, Maine, signed on December 29, 1886
- The name W. H. H. Briggs is incorporated into a very intricate sketch of a quill pen done on September 3, 1886. He was presumably Dr. William Henry Harrison Briggs, son of Samuel and Matilda B. (Cookson) Briggs of Freedom, Maine. I don't know whether he was attending Springfield Normal School in 1886 or teaching there. He graduated from Bowdoin College in 1887. On 25 November 1887, he married Mina Chase, who signed the left facing page; they later divorced.
- Eva Brown of Springfield, Maine, signed at Springfield Normal School on October 26, 1886
- James W. Butterfield of Springfield, Maine, signed on October 20, 1886 at Springfield Normal School
- Janet Butterfield, signed at Springfield, Maine, on October 19, 1886
- Purley C. Butterfield of Springfield, Maine, signed during the Fall Term of Springfiel
- Mina Chase of Springfield, Maine, signed during the Fall Term of Springfield Normal School in 1886. Her future husband, whom she would marry on 25 November 1887, inscribed the right facing page with an intricate sketch that included his name, W. H. H. Briggs. He was future doctor William Henry Harrison Briggs of Freedom, Maine.
- Idona M. Cole of Springfield, Maine, signed at Springfield Normal School, on May 3, 1887
- L. V. Cooper of Prentiss, Maine, signed during the Spring Term of S. N. A., on April 5, 1887. Presumably Springfield Normal Academy, another name for Springfield Normal School or associated with it.
- E. Cossar of Carroll, Maine. Perhaps Edwin Cossar, signed of D. H. Cossar, who was presumably Daniel H. Cossar.
- D. H. Cossar of Carroll, Maine, signed at Springfield Normal School on April 4, 1887; Lura's schoolmate. Presumably Daniel H. Cossar, perhaps brother of signer E. Cossar, who was possibly Edwin Cossar.
- Edd W. Deuplisea of Princeton, Maine, signed on October 5, 1886. He was Edward Whittier Deuplisea/Duplisea [the spelling of the surname that his family apparently settled on], who would marry album owner Lura Vella Lewis just over a year later, on 12 October 1887.
- Elene F. Deuplisea of Mattawamkeag, Maine, "Born in Springfield, Me. Sept. 7, 1895". Daughter of album owner Lura Lewis and husband Edward Whittier Deuplisea/Duplisea
- E. B. Deuplisea of Mattawamkeag, Maine, signed on August 27, 1903. "Born in Springfield, May 7, 1882" [he meant 1888]. First born of Lura Vella (Lewis) and Edward Whittier Duplisea/Deuplisea
- Madge W. Drake of Springfield, Maine, signed on December 29, 1886
- Arthur F. Duplisea of Mattawamkeag, Maine, "Born in Springfield, Me., Dec 23, 1892". He was Lura's son with husband Edward Whittier Deuplisea/Duplisea.
- Frank Duplisea of Boston, Massachusetts. He may have the Franklin Andrew Duplisea, younger brother of signer Edward Whittier Duplisea, Lura's future husband
- Arthur F. Duplisea of Mattawamkeag, Maine, signed during the Winter Term of M.G.S. in 1906, presumably Mattawamkeag Grammar School
- Flora A. Gradie of Mattawamkeag, Maine, "Born in May 1895". Daughter of Larkin E. Gradie, born in New Brunswick, and Charlotte L. (Davis) Gradie, born at Mattawamkeag.
- Alice U. Graves of Springfield, Maine, signed at Springfield Normal Academy on April 27, 1887
- H. Willard Johnson of Springfield, Maine, signed on October 27, 1886
- Willie Johnson of Springfield, Maine, signed on April 26, 1887
- Miss Lura Lewiss of Springfield, Maine, signed in 1886. She was Lura Vella Lewis; album owner. All official records show her maiden name as Lewis, not Lewiss
- Amanda L. Lombard of Springfield, Maine, signed on November 18, 1886
- Fred H. Lothrop of Carroll, Maine, signed at Springfield Normal School, at Springfield, Maine, on October 21, 1886, during the "First term of the Springfield Normal High School Bell"
- Will E. Mahar, signed at Springfield, Maine, on November 21, 1886
- Clinton H. Mahar of Norridgewock, Maine, signed on November 17, 1886
- Nellie McKay of Wytopitlock, Maie, signed at Springfield Normal Academy during the fall term on November 10, 1886; Lura's schoolmate
- Dora E. Moors of Carroll, Maine, signed during the Spring Term at Springfield Normal Academy, perhaps another name for Springfield Normal School or associated with it, on April 27, 1887
- Helena E. Pillsbury of Springfield, Maine, signed on April 5, 1887
- Clyde Prouty of Wytopitlock, Maine, signed at Springfield Normal Academy on April 27, 1887
- Winnie A. Richardson of Carroll, Maine, signed on April 27, 1887
- Blanche Russell of Danforth, Maine, signed at Springfield, Maine, on March 18, 1888, perhaps while she was a student at Springfield Normal School
- R. L. Snowe of Springfield, Maine, signed on September 26, 1886
- Belle Spencer of Carroll, Maine, signed at Springfield Normal School on November 14 [no year written]
- Herbert O. Spencer of Carroll, Maine, signed at Springfield Normal School on November 7, 1886
- Howard Spencer of Carroll, Maine, signed on November 7, 1886
- Bert Trask of Springfield, Maine, signed at Springfield Normal Academy on May 3, 1887
- David F. Wallace of Carroll, Maine, signed on April 26, 1887
- Nancy A. White of Springfield, Maine, signed at S. N. A. on November 16, 1886; Lura's schoolmate. S.N.A. was perhaps Springfield Normal Academy, another name or part of Springfield Normal School.
- Grace Whitney of Lakeville, Maine, signed on December 26, 1886.
- James Worster, signed on April 29, 1887
Springfield, Maine [A] and Mattawamkeag, Maine [B]
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1860s autograph album of Flora Etta Goodnow of Worcester, Massachusetts. The album was presented to her at Christmas in 1863 by M. J. M, perhaps her paternal aunt Mary Jane Goodnow.
The album is a small one, approximately 3-1/2" x 2-1/4", but relatively thick, with the sentiments of 79 of Flora's relatives and friends.
From online research, hopefully correct: [corrections and additions welcome!'
Flora Etta Goodnow was born 28 November 1853 at Worcester, Massachusetts, the daughter of Lyman Harrison Goodnow and Hannah L. (Simonds) Goodnow.
One record shows her middle name indexed as Ella, but I believe I see an errant cross of the "tt". If a reader has information on whether Flora's middle name was Etta or Ella, I'd appreciate a clarification.
Flora's father, Lyman Harrison Goodnow of Worcester, Massachusetts, signed a page in her album on January 23, 1868.
Flora's younger sister Lilla Florence Goodnow, born 6 March 1866 at Worcester, Massachusetts, signed two pages in the album.
Flora grandfather Goodnow, who was Harrison Dexter Goodnow, signed a page upside down at Worcester, Massachusetts, in January 1864. He was born about 1800 at Boylston, Massachusetts and married Annis Eddy (Hudson) about 1825.
Other people with the surname Goodnow who signed in the album included M. Jennie Goodnow of Worcester, Massachusetts, who signed the first page after the presentation page, on 7 February 1867. Flora's paternal aunt Mary Jane Goodnow had married John M. Cheney in 1866, so this was apparently another M. Jennie Goodnow, and whoever it was may have been the M. J. G. who presented the album to Flora in 1863, in the image second from the top.
Ella W. Goodrow wrote on a page upside down at Worcester, Massachusetts, on January 1, 1864. There's another word under her name, which could have been a place name or a married name. Comments welcome!
Abby G. Goodrow of Worcester, Massachusetts, signed a page on February 12, 1865.
Flora's maternals, siblings Mary D. Simonds and Octavus Waldo Simonds signed pages in her album. Mary of Worcester, Massachusetts, signed a page on January 2, 1864.
On 9 December 1874 at Worcester, Massachusetts, Flora married Charles A. Foster, son of Charles O. and Lucy H. (Ayres) Foster. I found records where Charles' surname was listed as Fisher and where his parents' name was Fister.
Charles and Flora lived for a time at Brooklyn, New York and had a son Charles Harrison Foster, who was born 10 November 1877 at Brooklyn, New York. They moved back to Massachusetts at some point. Charles A. Foster died at Fitchburg, Massachusetts, on 26 September 1908.
Sadly, his son with Flora, Charles Harrison Foster, died 21 August 1913 at Leominster, Massachusetts; he left a wife, Anna May (Dennis) Foster and four children, who made their home, at least for a time, with Flora, as noted in the 1920 Census of Leominster, Massachusetts.
If you have corrections and/or additions to the information above, or information on any of the signers listed below, please leave a comment or contact me directly. Thanks!
List of signers: [Note: given names within a specific surname may not be in alphabetical order.]
- Harry
- Ella, 1868; she drew a leaf and colored it in all colors. Possibly Flora's older sister Ella Goodnow.
- Alice of Worcester, Massachusetts; shared the page with Fanny S. Tucker, who dated her page October 31, 1865. In top right corner of page: initials H.D.C.I.A.
- Inez L. Adams of Worcester, Massachusetts, signed on January 25, 1864
- Fannie L. Ballard of Worcester, Massachusetts, signed in 1865
- George M. Bemis of Worcester, Massachusetts, signed on March 8, 1865
- Mary E. Booth of Worcester, Massachusetts, signed on June 27, 1867
- Lizzie Childs of Worcester, Massachusetts, signed on January 15, 1864
- Eva M. Clemence of Worcester, Massachusetts. In upper left corner: V.O.A. and H.M.
- E. H. Coe, signed on January 7, 1864, at Thomas Secondary School, presumably at Worcester, Massachusetts
- Edward Comins, signed at Worcester, Massachusetts, on February 8 [no year written]; middle initial is possibly I. and there was an Edward I. Comins at Worcester
- A. S. Davis, signed on December 1, 1865; could be W. S. Davis
- Maria Dodge of Worcester, Massachusetts, signed on November 11, 1865
- Alfred C. Earle of Worcester, Massachusetts, signed on January 24, 1868 Penciled note: "Died 1868 winter"
- Amanda Fisher of Worcester, Massachusetts, signed on January 27, 1864
- Agnes G. Flagg of Worcester, Massachusetts, signed on April 28, 1864
- Alfred J. Foster of Montclair, New Jersey, signed on February 23 1893 [not sure of year]
- Eddie R. Gates of Worcester, Massachusetts, signed on November 16, 1866
- May F. Gleason of Worcester, Massachusetts, signed on January 28, 1867
- Flora E. Goodnow, album owner. The album was presented to Flora at Christmas in 1863 by her M. J. G., who may have been her paternal aunt Mary Jane Goodnow
- M. Jennie Goodnow of Worcester, Massachusetts, signed on February 7, 1867. Flora had a paternal aunt named Mary Jane Goodnow, but she had married John M. Cheney in 1866, so this was likely another M. Jennie Goodow, and perhaps it was she who presented the album to Flora.
- Lyman H. Goodnow of Worcester, Massachusetts, signed on January 23, 1868. Flora's father Lyman Harrison Goodnow.
- Abby G. Goodnow of Worcester, Massachusetts, signed on February 12, 1865. She may have been Abbie G. (Leland) Goodnow, daughter of Royal and Margaret Leland and wife of William Dexter Goodnow, brother of Flora's father Lyman Harrison Goodnow
- Lilla F. Goodnow of Worcester, Massachusetts. Flora's younger sister Lilla Florence Goodnow; she signed another page as well.
- Signed on the page upside down: Ella W. Goodnow, signed at Worcester, Massachusetts, on January 1, 1864. There's a word under Ella's name that could be a town or name. Looks like Leck
- Written on the page upside down: Grandpa Goodnow, signed in January 1864 at Worcester, Massachusetts. Flora's grandfather was Harrison Dexter Goodnow, born about 1800 at Boylston, Massachusetts
- Ella M. Goulding of Worcester, Massachusetts, signed on September 2, 1866
- Mary A. Harrington, signed on January 5, 1865
- Katie E. Hastings of Worcester, Massachusetts, signed on December 30, 1867
- Bertha Hathaway of West Somerville, Massachusetts, signed on July 4, 1880
- George W. Hawes of Worcester, Massachusetts, signed on January 25, 1863
- Albert R. Holland of Worcester, Massachusetts, signed on November 11, 1865
- Louisa A. Howe of Worcester, Massachusetts
- Martie E. Hubbard [or Martie E. Hufford] of Worcester, Massachusetts, signed on November 2, 1864
- Hattie B. Humphreys, signed on November 24, 1867
- Ida W. Johnson of Worcester, Massachusetts, signed on January 24, 1868
- C. M. Jordan of Worcester, Massachusetts, signed on October 29, 1866
- Henry L. Keyes of Worcester, Massachusetts, signed on January 11, 1865
- Mary L. Kinney
- Lizzie P. Knowlton of Worcester, Massachusetts, signed on January 18, 1864
- Alfred Lathe of Worcester, Massachusetts, signed on January 23, 1868
- Herbert A. Libby of Worcester, Massachusetts, signed on September 12, 1865
- Freddie A. McClure of Worcester, Massachusetts, signed on November 16, 1866
- Hard to read, but looks like Minnie Meed. There was a Minnie Mead living in the Hammond household at Worcester, Massachusetts during the album's era, according to the 1860 Census.
- Nellie Merrick
- Annie R. Merrill of Worcester, Massachusetts, signed on February 4, 1864 Penciled note: "Dead"
- Fannie A. Nichols of Worcester, Massachusetts, on January 19, 1865
- Mary Nichols of Worcester, Massachusetts, signed on January 20, 1865; middle initial could be S or L
- Alida J. Norton of Worcester, Massachusetts, signed on January 25, 1864
- Emma Orvis of Worcester, Massachusetts, signed in February 1865. Penciled note: "Died 1870" [not sure of last digit] but there was an Emma Jennie Orvis who died at Worcester, Massachusetts on 22 January 1870.
- Frank W. Parker of Worcester, Massachusetts, signed on January 7, 1864. Initials Y. T. F. P. Penciled note: "dead 1872"
- Eva W. Parker of Worcester, Massachusetts, signed in 1865
- Herbert L. Parker of Worcester, Massachusetts
- Caroline Parkinson, signed on June 25, 1867
- Nellie M. Peckham of Worcester, Massachusetts, signed in 1868
- Written on the page upside down: Frank E. Peck
- Mary E. Prouty of Worcester, Massachusetts, signed on April 29, 1865
- Lyman S. Russell, signed on November 10, 1865
- Sarah F. Sackett of Worcester, Massachusetts, signed on October 22, 1866
- Henry Sackett of Worcester, Massachusetts, signed on October 27, 1866. Penciled note: "Dead"
- Written on the page upside down: Mary D. Simonds of Worcester, Massachusetts, signed on January 2, 1864. She was the daughter of Sylvanus and Frances M. (Gibson) Simonds and sister of signer Octavus Waldo Simonds.
- Octavus Waldo Simonds, son of Sylvanus and Frances M. (Gibson) Simonds and sister of signer Mary D. Simonds.
- Ella M. Smith, signed on January 31 [no year written]
- Ida A. Smith of Worcester, Massachusetts, signed on May 26, 1864
- Theo H. Smith of Worcester, Massachusetts, signed on May 25, 1864 Initials in two corners: F.G. and E. G. Could stand for Flora Goodnow and her sister Ella
- Idella M. Smith of Worcester, Massachusetts, signed on November 21, 1867
- Eva L. Smyth
- J. Eddie Studley of Worcester, Massachusetts, signed on January 9, 1864
- Fannie Studley of Worcester, Massachusetts, signed on January 8, 1864
- Emma L. Swan of Worcester, Massachusetts, signed on January 9, 1864
- Charles E. Tainter of Worcester, Massachusetts
- Lizzie Temple of Worcester, Massachusetts, signed on March 30, 1864
- E. Thurber, signed on March 29, 1864
- Fanny S. Tucker of Worcester, Massachusetts, signed on October 31, 1865; shared the page with Alice. In top right corner of page: initials "H.D.C.I.A."
- Annie E. Vaill
- Henry Wheeler of Worcester, Massachusetts, signed on January 14, 1868
- E. M. Wheeler, signed at Thomas Grammar School on January 3, 1865
- F. T. White of Worcester, Massachusetts Penciled note: "Died Dec 1879". He was Frank T. White, who died 15 December 1879, son of Talbot and Frances White
- Catie H. White of Worcester, Massachusetts, signed in December 1866
- Laurie A. Woodcock of Worcester, Massachusetts, signed in February 1865
Worcester, Massachusetts [A] and Leominster, Massachusetts [B]
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