Foxcroft merged with Dover in 1922 to create Dover-Foxcroft, Maine.
Note: the 1820 Census lists the names of heads of households only, with a tally of everyone in the household by age range and gender.
The enumeration of Foxcroft appears on Sheets 24 to 26. Use the arrow at top left of the image to page forward.
Note: The list of heads of households below contains several cases of what appears to be phonetic spelling and misspelling; you may need to check the entire list.
If you notice errors or if you have information to share on any of the people listed below, please leave a comment.
Head of Household, Number of People in the Household
Samuel Beal, 4 |
John Bradbury, 4 |
Peter Brawn, 9 |
Daniel Buck, 7 |
Nathaniel Buck, 11 |
Nathan Carpenter, 9 |
Samuel Chamberlain, 10 |
Abel Chandler, 2 |
John F. Chandler, 6 |
Phineas Chandler, 1 |
Jacob Cotton, 3 |
Lewis Delaittre, 3 |
Michael Delaittre, 4 |
William Dwelly, 5 |
John Fowle or Towle, 3 |
Elisha Gibbs, 3 |
Daniel Greely, 6 |
Bela Harmond, 6 |
Benjamin Hearsey, 8 |
James Howe, 7 |
William Lane, 2 |
William Merrill, 10 |
Joseph Morse, 5 |
Joel Pratt, 11 |
John Stedman, 5 |
William Thayer, 6 |
James Thompson, 10 |
John Towle or Fowle, 3 |
Moses Towne, 9 |
Aaron Tucker, 4 |
Abel Turner, 9 |
Eliphalet Washburn, 7 |
Jesse Washburn, 5 |
Thomas Wentworth, 4 |
Peleg Western, 8 |
Isaac Weston, 5 |
The Piscataquis River separates the Dover and Foxcroft portions of town, with Foxcroft in the more northerly portion.
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