Note: the 1820 Census lists heads of households only, with a tally of everyone in the household by age range and gender. See an alphabetical list of heads of households farther below.
Total enumerated population of Plantation 16 in 1820: 114
Enumerator: George S. Smith
The enumeration of Plantation 16 appears on Sheets 272 and 273.
The enumerator used phonetic spellings; be prepared to check over the entire list for the person you're researching, as different spellings may have affected alphabetization. If you find errors or have information to share on any of the people listed below, please leave a comment.
Heads of Households; Sheet number
John Babcock | 272 |
Nathaniel Bailey | 272 |
Ananiah Bohannon | 272 |
William Cornick | 272 |
Samuel Cottle ? | 273 |
William Crockett | 272 |
Joseph Davis | 272 |
Nathaniel Davis | 272 |
Samuel Dunn | 272 |
Jesse Fenlason | 272 |
Mark Fenlason | 272 |
Wallace Fenlason | 272 |
Peter Flood | 272 |
Jacob Frost | 272 |
Ebenezer Gooch | 272 |
John Moore | 272 |
Solomon Perkins | 273 |
Samuel Scribner | 272 |
Jesse Stephenson | 272 |
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