Boundary changes since 1820: part of Topsham annexed in 1830; Richmond set off in 1823
Note: the 1820 Census lists the names of heads of households only; see the original sheets for a tally of everyone in each household by age range and gender.
Enumerated population of Bowdoinham in the 1820 Census: 2259 inhabitants.
Enumerator: Luke Lambard
The enumeration of Bowdoinham appears on Sheets 164-182; use the arrow at top left of each image to page forward.
The enumerator used phonetic spellings, which may have affected alphabetization of the list below.
If you find errors or have information to share on any of the people listed below, please leave a comment.
Heads of Households; Sheet Numbers
John Adams | 164 |
Jedediah Adams | 164 |
John Adderton | 164 |
Campbell Alexander | 164 |
Hugh Alexander | 164 |
James Alexander | 164 |
Benjamin Allen | 164 |
James Andrews | 164 |
Joseph Appleby | 164 |
Elihu Baker | 165 |
Zenas Baker | 165 |
Benjamin Barnes | 166 |
Abner Bassett | 165 |
Alexander Bates | 165 |
Frederic Bates | 166 |
James Bates | 165 |
Eben Beal | 165 |
Joshua Beal | 165 |
Joshua Beal, Jr, | 165 |
Zaccheus Beal | 165 |
John Bickford | 165 |
James Blanchard | 165 |
Samuel Blanchard | 166 |
Solomon Blanchard | 165 |
Benjamin Bloomer | 164 |
William Bowker | 164 |
Daniel Brown | 165 |
Jacob Brown | 165 |
Jonathan Brown | 164 |
Jonathan Brown | 166 |
Loyalist Brown | 165 |
William Brown | 165 |
Caleb Buker | 165 |
James Buker, Jr. | 165 |
John Buker | 165 |
Nicolas Buker | 166 |
James Bunker | 165 |
Joel Card | 166 |
Joel Card, Jr. | 167 |
Simeon Card | 167 |
Samuel Center | 166 |
Abiel Cobb | 167 |
Robert Cobb | 166 |
William Coburn | 166 |
Joseph Colman or Colinan | 166 |
Joseph Conant | 166 |
Joseph Coombs | 166 |
Richard Coombs | 166 |
Samuel Coombs | 166 |
William Corliss | 166 |
Joshua Cornish | 167 |
Barstow Curtis | 166 |
Bathsheba Curtis | 166 |
Charles Curtis | 166 |
Ebenezer Curtis | 167 |
Levi Curtis | 167 |
Michael Curtis | 167 |
Obadiah Curtis | 167 |
Obadiah L. Curtis | 167 |
Stephen Curtis | 166 |
William Curtis | 167 |
Andrew Cushman | 166 |
Nathan Dawes | 168 |
Peter Deal | 168 |
Samuel Dean | 168 |
William Decker | 167 |
John Dingley | 168 |
Abel Dinslow | 168 |
Joseph Dinslow | 168 |
Andrew Dinsmore | 168 |
Charles Dinsmore | 168 |
John Dinsmore | 167 |
Samuel Dinsmore | 167 |
Thomas Dinsmore | 167 |
William Dinsmore | 167 |
Aaron Dow | 167 |
James Dow | 168 |
Cornelius Drew | 167 |
Josiah Drew | 168 |
James Dunham | 167 |
James Dunham, Jr. | 167 |
William Dunham | 167 |
Clement Eaton | 168 |
Enoch Eaton | 168 |
Leonard Eaton | 168 |
Warren Eaton | 168 |
William Edes | 168 |
Stephen Elliot | 168 |
Eunice Farnham | 169 |
Wanton Farnham | 168 |
Rebecca Farnsworth | 169 |
Henry Fisher | 168 |
John Fisher | 168 |
James Flanders | 169 |
George Frees | 168 |
John Gaghan | 169 |
Isaiah Gardner | 169 |
Syms Gardner | 169 |
Mary Gatchell | 169 |
John Gaubert | 169 |
Nicolas Gaubert | 169 |
Samuel George | 169 |
Mary Given | 169 |
Abraham Grant | 169 |
Daniel Graves | 169 |
Johnson Graves | 169 |
Thomas Graves | 169 |
Galen Gray | 169 |
Samuel Gray | 169 |
Joseph Green | 169 |
William Green | 169 |
Stephen Gustin | 169 |
Joseph Hall | 170 |
Avery Hallet | 170 |
James B. Hanson | 170 |
Samuel Harlow | 171 |
William Harmon | 171 |
Otis Harward - perhaps meant Howard | 170 |
Clark Hatch | 171 |
Ebenezer Hatch | 170 |
Elihu Hatch | 170 |
Ephraim Hatch | 170 |
John Hatch | 170 |
Nathan Hatch | 170 |
Samuel Hatch | 170 |
Zenas Hatch | 170 |
James Hathorn | 171 |
James Hathorn, Jr. | 170 |
George Hayden | 170 |
John Headden | 171 |
George Henry | 170 |
John Henry | 171 |
Eben Herrick | 170 |
Joanna Hewlet | 170 |
Jeremiah Higgins | 170 |
Joseph Holmes | 170 |
Samuel Huff | 171 |
John Hunt | 170 |
Arthur Hunter | 170 |
Robert Hunter | 171 |
Uriah Huntingdon | 170 |
David Jack | 171 |
Joseph Jack | 171 |
Robert Jack | 171 |
Robert Jack, 2d | 171 |
Samuel Jack | 171 |
George Jackson | 171 |
Job Jelerson | 171 |
Nathaniel Jelerson | 171 |
Chapman Jennings | 171 |
Asa Keith | 171 |
John Knight | 172 |
Benjamin Knowlton | 171 |
Daniel Lancaster | 172 |
Elijah Lancaster | 172 |
Joseph Lancaster | 172 |
Stephen Lancaster | 172 |
Joseph Langdon | 172 |
Nathaniel Langdon | 172 |
Enoch Libby | 172 |
Shubael Libby | 172 |
Simon Libby | 172 |
David Linen - perhaps variant of Lining | 172 |
Thomas Lumbard | 172 |
William Lunt | 172 |
Southard Macomber | 172 |
Abraham Maloon | 173 |
Isaac Maloon | 172 |
Solomon Maloon | 173 |
Ephraim Mariner | 173 |
John Martin | 173 |
Joseph Mathews | 173 |
George Maxwell | 173 |
James Maxwell | 173 |
Robert Maxwell | 173 |
John McFadden | 173 |
William McFrederick or McFredericks | 173 |
Elihu McLellan | 173 |
Edward McNeilly | 173 |
Moses Merrill | 172 |
William Meservy | 173 |
Abigail Millea | 173 |
James Millea | 173 |
Isreal Millet | 173 |
Edward Milliken | 173 |
Asa Mitchell | 172 |
Dummer Mitchell | 173 |
Esther Mitchell | 172 |
Josiah Morrow | 172 |
Paul Morse | 173 |
Amos Nickerson | 173 |
John Orr | 174 |
Ann Osborn | 174 |
John Page | 174 |
Daniel Parks | 175 |
James Parks | 175 |
Jethro Parks | 175 |
Richard Parks | 175 |
Samuel Pattee | 175 |
William Patten | 175 |
Fitz A. Pennington | 175 |
Charles Perry | 175 |
David Perry | 176 |
Gideon Perry | 175 |
Daniel Pierson | 174 |
Aaron Plummer | 176 |
Isaac Plummer | 176 |
John Potter | 174 |
David Pottle, Jr. | 175 |
William Pottle | 175 |
Benjamin Pratt | 174 |
Elisha Pratt | 175 |
Nathaniel Pratt | 175 |
Abraham Preble | 174 |
Abraham Preble, 2d | 176 |
Alexander Preble | 175 |
David Preble | 174 |
James Preble | 175 |
John Preble | 174 |
John Preble, 2d | 174 |
Joseph Preble | 175 |
Richard Preble | 175 |
Samuel Preble | 175 |
Stephen Preble | 174 |
Thomas Preble | 174 |
William Preble | 174 |
Zebulon Preble | 175 |
Zebulon Preble, 2d | 174 |
Isaac Purington | 175 |
Abraham Purinton | 174 |
Elihu Purinton | 174 |
Hezekiah Purinton | 174 |
Hezekiah Purinton, Jr. | 174 |
Joshua Purinton | 176 |
Nathaniel Purinton | 174 |
Nathaniel Purinton, 2d | 174 |
William Purinton | 176 |
Benjamin Randall | 177 |
James Raymond | 176 |
John Raymond | 176 |
Thomas Read | 176 |
Benjamin Reed | 176 |
Stephen Reed | 176 |
Caleb Rich | 176 |
Benjamin Rideout | 176 |
Martha Ridley | 177 |
William Ridley | 177 |
Enoch Riggs | 176 |
Charles Ring | 177 |
Joseph Ring | 176 |
David Robinson | 177 |
Joseph Robinson | 176 |
William Robinson | 177 |
David Rollins | 177 |
Ebenezer Rollins | 176 |
Lydia Ross | 176 |
Thomas Ross | 176 |
George G. Russell | 176 |
William Sally | 179 |
Henry Sampson | 177 |
Ira Sampson | 178 |
Thomas Sampson | 177 |
William Sampson | 177 |
Josiah Sandford | 179 |
Thomas Sandford | 179 |
William Sandford | 178 |
Dependent Sedgely | 178 |
John Sedgely | 178 |
Joseph Sedgely | 178 |
Robert Sedgely | 178 |
Stephen Sedgely | 178 |
Benjamin Shaw | 179 |
Thomas Shaw | 179 |
Amos Small | 178 |
Ephraim Small | 178 |
Francis Small | 177 |
Isaac Small | 178 |
John Small | 179 |
Joshua Small | 178 |
Robert Small | 179 |
Allen Smith | 178 |
Asa Smith | 178 |
John Smith | 178 |
Joshua Smith | 179 |
John Southard, Jr. | 179 |
James Sparks | 180 |
James Sparks, Jr. | 179 |
Samuel Sparks | 178 |
George Spear | 177 |
Robert Spear | 177 |
Thomas Spear | 179 |
Elisha Springer | 178 |
John Springer | 179 |
Stephen Springer | 178 |
Thomas Springer | 178 |
William Springer | 178 |
Robert Staple | 177 |
John Stevens | 179 |
Simon Stewart | 178 |
Thomas Stewart | 178 |
Abiel Stinson | 179 |
David Stinson | 177 |
James Stinson | 179 |
Job Stinson | 179 |
John Stinson | 179 |
Robert Stinson | 179 |
William Stinson | 179 |
William Stinson, Jr. | 177 |
David Storer | 177 |
Jonathan Sturtevant | 179 |
Davis Sumner | 177 |
Seth Sumner | 177 |
John Swett | 179 |
Cyrus Tarbox | 180 |
Philip Tarbox | 180 |
Daniel Tarr | 180 |
Abijah Temple | 180 |
John Temple | 180 |
Charles Thomas | 180 |
John Thomas | 180 |
Henry Totman | 180 |
Joseph Towns | 180 |
Abigail Townsend | 180 |
Charles Umberhand - presumably meant Charles Umberhind | 180 |
Hannah Walker | 181 |
Benjamin Waterhouse | 181 |
James Waterhouse | 180 |
Zenas Waterhouse | 181 |
John Watson | 181 |
George Webber | 181 |
Joseph Webber | 181 |
Loring Webber | 181 |
Lucy Webber | 181 |
Richard Webber | 182 |
William Welch | 181 |
Stephen Weston | 181 |
Benjamin Weymouth | 181 |
John Weymouth | 181 |
Joseph Wheeler | 181 |
Baizillai White - perhaps first dot is a mistake and name is Barzillai | 181 |
John White | 182 |
William White | 182 |
Benjamin Whitmore | 180 |
John Whitmore | 182 |
Mary Whitmore | 182 |
Stephen Whitmore | 180 |
William Whitmore | 182 |
Jonathan Whitney | 180 |
Mehitable Wiggins | 180 |
Samuel Williams | 182 |
William Williams | 181 |
Robert Wilson | 181 |
Samuel Wilson | 180 |
Samuel Wilson | 181 |
Thomas Wing | 181 |
Samuel Woodward | 181 |
Stephen Woodward | 181 |
James Woodworth | 181 |
Ichabod Yeaton | 182 |
Samuel Yeaton | 182 |
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