Total enumerated population of Steuben, Maine: 780
The enumeration of Steuben appears on Sheets 320-324. Use the arrow at top left of the image to page forward.
Enumerator: John Cooper
The enumerator may have used phonetic spellings; be prepared to check over the entire list for the person you're researching, as different spellings may have affected alphabetization. If you find errors or have information to share on any of the people listed below, please leave a comment.
Heads of Households; Number in Household
F. Eli Baker | 9 |
William Bracy | 6 |
George Burk | 5 |
Samuel Campbell | 8 |
William Campbell | 8 |
Thomas Clark | 6 |
Joshua Cleves | 1 |
Jane Cobb | 7 |
Richard Collins | 6 |
James Colson | 7 |
Moses Colson | 6 |
Allen Downs | 9 |
Caleb Dunbar | 8 |
Humphrey Dunbar | 6 |
Obed Dunbar | 2 |
Peter Dunbar | 8 |
Asa Dyer | 7 |
Ebenezer Dyer | 9 |
Reuben Dyer | 14 |
Walter Dyer | 3 |
Benjamin Farrington | 1 |
Plyny Fisher | 5 |
Stephen Fosdick | 1 |
James Foster | 8 |
Henry Fritz | 1 |
Benjamin Godfrey | 9 |
Daniel Godfrey | 8 |
Frederick Godfrey | 1 |
Nathan Godfrey | 2 |
Otis Godfrey | 1 |
Samuel Godfrey |
nothing ticked but must be at least 1
Wilson Godfrey | 1 |
Simon Guile | 10 |
Ebenezer Handy | 9 |
William Handy | 10 |
John Hanna | 6 |
William Haskell | 1 |
Zebulon Haskell | 8 |
George Hawkins | 1 |
Moses Hinkley | 11 |
Joseph Hutchins | 7 |
Obediah Hutchins | 5 |
Charles Ingalls | 6 |
John James | 2 |
Thomas Jones | 9 |
John Kelly | 7 |
James Kinsley | 8 |
Alexander Leighton | 10 |
Asa Leighton | 6 |
Benjamin Leighton | 8 |
Eleazer Leighton | 6 |
Elisha Leighton | 1 |
Gideon Leighton | 10 |
Hatevil Leighton | 10 |
Henry Leighton | 1 |
Israel Leighton | 8 |
Jonathan Leighton | 12 |
Jonathan Leighton, Jr. | 5 |
Mark Leighton | 12 |
William Leighton | 1 |
Birdsey Lewis | 5 |
Philo Lewis | 6 |
Alexander McCaleb | 6 |
Moses McCaleb | 5 |
William McKay | 7 |
B. Samuel Merrill | 3 |
James Moore | 8 |
Robert Moore | 5 |
Samuel Moore | 4 |
N. William Nash | 5 |
Alexander Nickels | 10 |
Jeremiah Nickels | 1 |
William Nickels | 3 |
Archibald Parker | 1 |
Ezra Parker | 1 |
J. James Parker | 1 |
William Parker | 12 |
Isaac Parrot | 3 |
Samuel Parrot | 9 |
Thomas Parrot | 1 |
John Patten | 9 |
Jesse Perry | 4 |
John Perry | 1 |
Lewis Perry | 3 |
Nathan Perry | 1 |
Benjamin Pinkham | 10 |
James Pinkham | 1 |
Richard Pinkham | 5 |
Richard Pinkham, 2nd | 1 |
Robert Pinkham | 5 |
Thomas Pinkham | 5 |
Tristram Pinkham | 4 |
Tristram Pinkham, Jr. | 6 |
William Pinkham | 7 |
Amaziah Ricker | 8 |
Nathaniel Robinson | 6 |
John Royal | 7 |
Benjamin Sanborn | 5 |
Joseph Sawyer | 7 |
Josiah Sawyer, Jr. | 8 |
N. William Shaw | 7 |
John Small | 13 |
John Small, Jr. | 2 |
Larkin Small | 3 |
Thomas Small | 5 |
Barnabus Smith | 1 |
Benjamin Smith | 8 |
James Smith | 3 |
Job Smith | 5 |
Job Smith, Jr. | 8 |
Justus Smith | 9 |
Reuben Smith | 4 |
Stephen Smith | 6 |
William Smith | 1 |
Ambrose Snow | 1 |
William Snow | 1 |
Jonathan Stevens, Jr. | 10 |
Joseph Stevens | 11 |
Manning Stevens | 3 |
Samuel Stevens | 11 |
Barnabus Strout | 4 |
Elisha Strout | 9 |
Joseph Strout | 6 |
Jacob Townsley | 6 |
Samuel Tucker | 5 |
John Upton | 1 |
Zeduthan Upton | 8 |
Benjamin Wakefield | 11 |
Dudley Wakefield | 4 |
Samuel Wakefield | 6 |
Robert Wallace | 17 |
Thomas West | 5 |
Joel Wilson | 16 |
Mark Wilson | 16 |
William Yates | 1 |
James Yeaton | 6 |
Lemuel Yeaton | 7 |
Lyman Yeaton | 6 |
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