Sunday, September 1, 2019

Gardiner, Maine, in the 1820 Census

Gardiner, Maine, in Kennebec County, in the 1820 Census.  See a list of the names of heads of households farther below.

Boundary changes since 1820: part of Hallowell annexed in 1834; land set off to form West Gardiner in 1850 and Farmingdale in 1852.

Enumerated population of Gardiner in the 1820 Census: 2053 inhabitants, a gain of 1024 over the aggregate enumerated in 1810.

Note: the 1820 Census lists the names of heads of households only; see the original sheets for a tally of everyone in each household by age range and gender.

The enumeration of Gardiner consists of all or parts of Sheets 521-535; use the arrow at top left of each image to page forward.

Enumerator: Abijah Smith

The enumerator used phonetic spellings; be prepared to check over the entire list for the person you're researching, as different spellings may have affected alphabetization.

If you find errors or have information to share on any of the people listed below, please leave a comment.

Heads of Households; Sheet Numbers
A Peter Adams 521
Silas Alden 534
Frederick Allen 524
Samuel Amey 527
Joseph Andrews 531
John Atkins 529
Joseph Atkins 528
Edward Austin 525
B Jonathan Babb 531
Abraham Bachelder 527
Daniel Ball 524
William Bartlet 530
John Beedle 527
John Berry 531
Mary Berry, Widow 535
Nathaniel Berry 522
Ebenezer Biram 535
John Blanchard 523
William Blanchard 523
Jeremiah Blasdell 523
John W. Blount 534
Joseph Bowman 532
Earl O. Boyle or Earl O'Boyle 534
Charles Boyles 534
Joseph Bradstreet 532
Simon Bradstreet 527
William Bradstreet 535
John Bran 526
Michael Bran 533
Moses Bran 533
Aaron Brann 526
James Brann 526
Edward Brewer 531
Daniel Brown 529
Joseph Brown 521
Moses Brown 521
Moses Brown, Jr. 521
Sewall Brown 535
Thomas Brown 533
Joseph Brownell 526
Anne Buker, Widow 530
Beniah Buker 530
Jacob Buker 529
James Buker 529
Nicholas Buker 530
Michael Burns 535
C Thomas Cain 531
John Cannard 528
James Capen 528
Joseph Carleton 527
Abner Cheevers 532
Mary Clarke, Widow 523
Peter Clarke 525
William M. Clarke 525
Daniel Clay 521
Richard Clay 521
Samuel Clay 521
Nathaniel Colcord 528
Abel Cole 533
Benjamin Cook 534
Benjamin Copps 533
James Costelow 529
George Cox 521
Robert Crawford 523
William Crawford 531
Elisha Crowell 533
Nathaniel Currier 527
D Mason Damman 528
Israel Dammon 535
Jacob Davis 535
Rebekah Davis, Widow 526
Enoch Dill 524
Josiah Dill 531
William Dill 532
William R. Dill 531
Joshua Doe 523
Simon Doe 523
Daniel Dorr 524
Elizabeth Dorr 524
Thomas Doyle 533
William Durant 521
Paul Dyer 526
E Samuel Easterbrook 535
Martin Eastman 534
Samuel Eastman 529
William Eastman 529
Edward C. Eaton 534
Eliphalet Edgcomb 524
Joseph Edgcomb 531
Gibbens Edgecomb 531
Thomas Edgecomb 532
Johnson Edwards 526
Joshua Edwards 526
Samuel Elwell 521
George Evans 524
James P. Evans 522
F Elias Fairbanks 523
Noah Farr 526
Benjamin H. Field 524
Phebe Fitch, Widow 533
Abraham Fitz 528
David Flagg 534
Joseph Flitney - might refer to Joseph Flitner 529
Moses Foster 533
Anthony G. Freeman 528
John Freeman 527
Enoch French 525
David Fuller 526
William Fuller 526
William Fuller, Jr. 526
G Phebe Gardiner, Widow 534
Robert H. Gardiner 527
Harvey Gay 534
Seth Gay 535
George Getchell 532
Hugh Getchell 526
Thomas Gilpartrick 524
Nathaniel Godding 521
Ebenezer Goodwin 534
Jonathan K. Goodwin 533
Levi Goodwin 529
Robert Gould 524
John Grace 534
William B. Grant 535
James Gray 530
Joseph Y. Gray 524
Pardon Gray 530
Reuben Griffin 528
Joseph Grover 530
H Mary Hamilton, Widow 528
Isaiah Hamlen 534
Henry Hanscomb 526
Harlow Harding 534
Robert Harmon 530
Aaron Haskell 525
Joseph Haskell 525
William Haskell 525
John Hazeltine 535
Hannah Hazen, Widow 533
Daniel Herrick 525
James Hewins 528
David Hildrith 532
Michael Hildrith 531
Robert Hildreth 523
Thadeus Hildrith 522
Riverius Hooker 521
Ucled Houghton - presumably Euclid Houghton 521
Ucled Houghton, Jr. - presumably Euclid Houghton, Jr. 521
Martha Howard 524
John Huntington 529
J Abraham Jaquith 530
Samuel Jewett 532
Stephen Jewett 535
Andrew Johnson 529
John Johnson 525
Mehitable Jones, Widow 534
Benjamin Jourdan 529
David Jourdan 530
Jeremiah Jourdan 529
K Cyrus Kindrick 532
Sanford Kingsbury 527
Charles Kinsman 523
Joshua Knox 531
Levi Knox 530
L David Laurence 529
Meletiah Laurence 535
Simeon Laurence 529
Haines Learnard 532
Nathaniel Leighton 523
Thomas Lewis 528
Benjamin Libby 531
Joseph Libby 530
Reuben Libby 531
Richard H. Libby 530
Samuel Libby 531
Polly Lincoln, Widow 527
James Lord, Jr. 527
Joshua Lord 527
M Ephraim Mahoney 528
James Marston 535
Nathaniel Marston 522
Nathaniel Marston 526
Joseph Mathews 535
Andrew McCausland 525
Henry McCausland 533
James McCausland 525
James McCausland, 2d 524
James McCausland, 3d 525
Jeremiah McCausland 525
John McCausland 525
Robert McCausland 532
Thomas McCausland 533
Elkanah McLellan 535
Benjamin Meader 530
Henry Meader 528
John Mero 522
William Merrell 522
Samuel Merrifield 521
Daniel Merrill 523
John Merrill 523
Charles Moore 534
Ebenezer Moore 524
John Moore 535
Levi Moore 523
Thomas Moore 529
Maribah Moors, Widow 522
Ami Morgan 529
Naham Morrill 523
Owen Murray 534
Amos Mussey 524
N William Nash 527
Joseph Neal 525
Joseph Neal, Jr. 522
Ebenezer F. Newall 533
George Newall 530
Lemuel Newall 530
Nathaniel Newall 530
Samuel Newcomb 528
John Niles 529
Stephen Noble 528
William Norton 522
Samuel Noyes 535
Jerry Nudd 534
Simon Nudd 523
Daniel Nutting 534
O Earl O. Boyle or Earl O'Boyle 534
Gideon W. Olney 532
Stephen Osgood 531
P Joshua Packard, Jr. 525
Enos Palmer 531
John Palmer 527
Mary Palmer, Widow 532
Moody Palmer 521
James Parker 524
William Parks 526
William Partridge 535
Benjamin Peacock 529
Edward Peacock 529
James Peacock 531
Andrew Perkins 532
Jonathan Perkins 532
Elijah Pinkham 525
Ichobod Plaisted 532
Elijah Pope 523
Andrew Potter 522
Bailey Potter 522
Ebenezer C. Potter 522
Hugh Potter 522
Hugh Potter, Jr. 522
Simeon Potter 523
Eliphalet Pray 533
Q Henry Quincy 529
R Polly Randall, Widow 532
Samuel Reed 534
Levi Rhodes 522
Joseph Robbins 523
William Robbins 528
Daniel Robinson 526
Ezekiel Robinson 525
John Robinson 533
Joshua Robinson 531
S Chapin Sampson 527
Isaac Sargeant 527
John Savals 521
Isaac Sawyer 528
John Seaver 531
Thomas Sewall 521
George Shaw 521
Mariam Sheppard, Widow 535
Amasa Smith 530
Jesse Smith 531
Rhoda Smith, Widow 531
Israel Spear 522
Annis Spears 522
John Spears 522
Thomas Spears 522
John Sprague 527
Josiah Sprague 524
Marvel Sprague 533
Asa Stevens 533
William Stevens 527
Eliza Steward 527
John Steward 528
Richard Steward 534
John Stockbridge 528
John Stone 532
Edward Swan 535
John Sylvester 534
T Abraham Talbert 528
Eleazer Tarbox 527
James Tarbox 527
John Tarbox 530
Ryal Tarbox 530
Paul Tarr 530
Caleb Taylor 523
James Taylor 523
Daniel Tibbits 524
Caleb Towle 525
Caleb Towle, Jr. 526
Robert Towle 525
Margarett Town, Widow 522
Henry True 524
Jesse Tucker 526
W Peter Wait 528
Dominicus Wakefield 533
Dominicus Wakefield, Jr. 533
James Wakefield 533
Jeremiah Wakefield 521
Jeremiah Wakefield, Jr. 533
William Wakefield 532
Ezekiel Waterhouse 534
Samuel Webber 524
John O. Webster 521
Nathaniel Wells 535
Abigail Whidden, Widow 526
Roswell Whitemore 532
James Williams 523
Daniel Winslow 526
David Wintworth 521
Ichobod Wintworth 522
James Wintworth 525
Joseph Wise 526
Robert Withie 532
Joseph Woberton 528
Amos Woodard 524
Moses Woodbury 525
Daniel Woodward 535
Michael Woodward 532

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