Total population enumerated at Eastport: 1937.
Enumerator: George S. Smith
The enumeration of Eastport consists of 8 sheets of names, from sheets 241-251. Use the arrow at the top left of the sheet to page forward.
If you notice errors or have information to share on any of the people listed below, please leave a comment.
Be aware that the enumerator may have used phonetic spelling and that some names were faint or smeared and may have been intrepreted incorrectly. If necessary, scan the entire list looking for a head of household in Eastport in 1820.
Heads of Households; Sheet Number
A | |
Thomas ? - surname faint; perhaps Thomas Hunt | 248 |
Ebenezer Adams | 242 |
Samuel Adams | 242 |
James Aikins | 246 |
Barna Allan | 244 |
Joseph Anderson | 245 |
Ebenezer Andrews | 248 |
Henry Andrews | 250 |
Sylvanus Appleby | 242 |
David Aymar | 244 |
John Aymar | 251 |
B |
John Babcock | 249 |
Moses Bailey | 243 |
Edward Baker | 241 |
Josiah Baker | 241 |
Baldwin - blank space for given name | 245 |
Samuel Baldwin | 246 |
Sarah Barrett | 245 |
Jonathan Bartlett | 241 |
Richard M. Bartlett | 246 |
Elias Bates | 242 |
Henry Bates | 250 |
Richard V. Bates | 242 |
Mary Beckwith | 247 |
George Bell, Jr. | 249 |
George Bell, Sr. | 249 |
Jacob Bell | 250 |
Phillip Y. Bell | 245 |
Samuel Bell | 250 |
William Bell | 242 |
William P. Berry | 247 |
Thomas Bibber | 242 |
George Billings | 243 |
William Billings | 247 |
Henry Biram | 242 |
Augustine Blake | 248 |
John Bowman - middle initial L or C. or ? | 242 |
Rachael Bowman | 242 |
Amos Boyd | 250 |
William Bradbury | 241 |
James Brandon | 246 |
Anthony Brooks | 242 |
John Brown | 241 |
Samuel Brown | 246 |
Eliphalet Buck | 243 |
Samuel Buck | 247 |
? T Bucknam - first initial P or E or C or ? | 242 |
Benjamin Bucknam | 247 |
Seward Bucknam | 247 |
Joseph Budon or Beedon | 244 |
Johnson Burbank | 250 |
Jerey Burgin | 246 |
John Burns ? - surname faint | 241 |
C |
John Cain | 250 |
John Campbell | 245 |
Alexander Capen | 250 |
Charles C. Carlton | 242 |
Anthony W. Carpenter | 244 |
Charles S. Carpenter | 245 |
Lucy Carter | 244 |
Emily Chase | 241 |
Shadrach Chase | 250 |
Amasa Cheney | 242 |
Betsey Clark | 249 |
Jacob Clark | 249 |
John Clark | 246 |
Joseph Clark | 249 |
Nathaniel Clark | 250 |
Williams Clark | 249 |
George Cline | 247 |
John Coates | 248 |
Mary Cochran | 246 |
Robert Cochran | 244 |
Josiah Coffin | 247 |
Patrick Collins | 241 |
Cornelius Condlan | 241 |
Joseph Coney | 248 |
William Coney | 247 |
Joseph Corlew - variant of Carlow ? | 242 |
William Coulter | 241 |
Archibald Courtnay | 241 |
William Cousins | 241 |
Richard Crail | 249 |
William Cropper | 241 |
Edmund Crowell, Jr. | 241 |
Andrew Currie | 245 |
Cadwallson Curry | 245 |
William Cutter or Cutler | 243 |
D |
John Day | 243 |
Sarah Deforest | 245 |
Henry Delancy | 250 |
Dominick Donahue | 241 |
Thomas Dougherty | 242 |
William Douglass | 248 |
Daniel Drew | 245 |
? Drury - blank line for given name, possibly to reflect Levi, name above | 241 |
Patrick Duffee | 248 |
John C. Dutch ? - surname very faint | 250 |
Robert Dutch | 241 |
Charles Dyer | 241 |
E |
Hiram Earl | 246 |
Mary Earl | 245 |
Noah Edgcomb | 247 |
William Egan | 244 |
Henry T. Emery | 244 |
Moses Esty | 241 |
F |
John Farris | 241 |
John Farris | 248 |
Josiah Fickett | 247 |
Noah Fifield | 246 |
Simon Finch | 243 |
David Fletcher | 241 |
Benjamin Folsom | 251 |
Joseph Folsom | 249 |
Peter Folsom | 241 |
Thomas Ford | 247 |
Ira Foster | 242 |
G |
Daniel Garland | 244 |
Thomas Gaskill | 245 |
George Gilche | 248 |
Warren Gilman | 241 |
Josiah Gilpatrick | 247 |
Jesse Gleason | 248 |
Jonas Gleason | 241 |
William Gowdy | 251 |
Jabez Graves | 241 |
Jonathan B. Greenlow | 244 |
Thomas Griffis | 251 |
Joseph Gunnison | 243 |
H |
Rebecca Hackett | 242 |
Joshua Haines | 243 |
James Harper | 241 |
Andrew Harrington | 249 |
Elijah Harrington | 250 |
Eli Harris | 247 |
Gilbert Harris | 244 |
William Harris | 249 |
Nathaniel Hatch | 250 |
Micajah Hawks | 243 |
Thomas Haycock | 245 |
Aaron Hayden | 251 |
Joseph Henderson | 245 |
John Hendrie | 245 |
Nathan Higgins | 243 |
Nathan Higgins | 248 |
Joshua Hinkley | 243 |
George Hobbs | 241 |
Isaac Hobbs | 241 |
Robert Holmes | 250 |
John Holt | 243 |
George Homan | 247 |
John Homan | 246 |
Persus Homan | 247 |
Arthur Howard | 245 |
Abner Huff | 250 |
Jacob Hughson | 241 |
George Hume | 247 |
William Hume | 244 |
I |
Levi Ingalls | 241 |
Robert Irving | 241 |
J |
Elias Jacobs | 241 |
James - blank in place of given name, perhaps reflecting name Alexander above. | 243 |
John Johnson | 243 |
Johnson - blank for given name, perhaps reflecting the name Barna above | 244 |
Paul Johnson | 248 |
Paul Johnson | 250 |
Thomas Johnson | 250 |
Stephen Jones | 241 |
K |
Frank Kelly | 249 |
Owen Kelly | 249 |
John Kendall | 248 |
Jonas T. Keys | 244 |
Daniel Kilby | 241 |
James Kilton | 247 |
James Kimbal | 241 |
Benjamin King | 246 |
Christopher Knowland | 241 |
L |
Pheneas Laighton | 249 |
John Lane | 250 |
John Lawler | 241 |
Benjamin Leavitt | 247 |
Mrs Lefevere | 248 |
Samuel Leighton | 246 |
Thomas Lesure | 248 |
Jacob Lincoln | 248 |
John C. Lincoln | 243 |
Thomas Lincoln | 243 |
John Lingley | 241 |
Josiah Long | 250 |
Daniel Low | 248 |
Jeremiah Low | 246 |
Daniel Lunt | 247 |
Joseph G. Lunt | 247 |
Nathan Lunt | 242 |
M |
William Marks | 242 |
Daniel Martin | 251 |
Silas Mason | 246 |
Charles Matthews | 246 |
Jacob Maybee | 249 |
Solomon Maybee | 249 |
William Maybee | 242 |
Robert McCawley | 245 |
John McCourt | 242 |
Phillip McCurl | 248 |
Widow McDaniel | 243 |
David McGloufflin | 251 |
Thomas McGregory | 246 |
Samuel McKee | 244 |
James McKenny | 243 |
John McLellan | 244 |
Thomas McPheland | 242 |
John Meryman | 248 |
James Michionor | 242 |
John Millikin | 246 |
Seth Mitchel | 241 |
Thomas Mitchell | 243 |
Polly Moholland | 241 |
John Moody | 249 |
Alfred B. Moreton | 248 |
James Morrison | 249 |
John Morrison | 249 |
Mary Murphy | 250 |
N |
Zenas Nash | 243 |
Henry Newcomb | 250 |
George Newell | 242 |
John Nickerson | 249 |
Samuel Nickson | 249 |
Elizabeth Norton | 242 |
John Norton | 242 |
Moses Norwood | 249 |
Moses Norwood, Jr. | 248 |
William Norwood | 248 |
O |
Thomas Odel | 242 |
Darius Olmstead | 244 |
Ethell Olmstead | 244 |
Jesse Olmstead | 242 |
William Osborn | 249 |
P |
John Palmer | 251 |
Robinson Palmer | 241 |
Nathan Palmeter | 244 |
Parker - blank line for given name, possibly to reflect Elias, name above | 241 |
Perley Parker | 243 |
Thomas Parker | 245 |
Thomas Parrit | 250 |
David Parsons | 248 |
Charles Peavey | 246 |
Humphrey Peavy | 245 |
Jacob Penniman | 244 |
William Phillips | 243 |
Darius Pierce | 244 |
Leonard Pierce | 245 |
Thomas Pierce | 241 |
? Pike - blank line for given name, possibly to reflect Edmund, name above | 241 |
Elisha Pike | 249 |
James Pike | 249 |
Justus Pike | 250 |
Robert Pike | 249 |
Timothy Pillsbury | 247 |
Alpheus Pine | 245 |
Stephen Pine | 249 |
David Pomroy | 248 |
Henry Pote | 241 |
James Pote | 247 |
Jeremiah Pote | 244 |
James Presley | 241 |
Benjamin D. Prince | 246 |
John Punton | 244 |
Francis E. Putnam | 248 |
R |
William Radkin | 244 |
Samuel Rice | 246 |
Solomon Rice | 244 |
Erastus Richardson | 246 |
W. Ripley | 241 |
Reuben D. Roberts | 245 |
William Rood | 241 |
Robert Rowe | 245 |
Christopher Rubert | 247 |
John Ryan | 241 |
John Ryan | 241 |
S |
Joseph Sadler | 250 |
William Sadler | 250 |
John Sanborn | 241 |
Isaac Seely | 248 |
Robert Settle ? | 244 |
Jacob Shackford | 243 |
John Shackford | 243 |
John Shackford, Jr. | 243 |
Samuel Shackford | 243 |
William Shackford | 243 |
John Shahon | 246 |
Samuel M. Shepard | 244 |
James Sloan | 246 |
? Smith - blank line for given name, possibly to reflect Levi, name above | 241 |
Benjamin Smith | 245 |
Henry Smith | 246 |
John H. Smith | 247 |
Nicholas Smith | 250 |
Deborah C. Snow | 241 |
George Sovereign | 248 |
Ebenezer Starboard | 242 |
Samuel Starboard | 244 |
Ebenezer Steele | 245 |
Robert Sterling | 245 |
Gideon Stetson | 241 |
Joseph Stetson | 246 |
Abel Stevens | 245 |
Samuel Stevens | 246 |
Gieon W. Stickney | 244 |
Jame Stoll ? | 247 |
Jedadiah Storer | 246 |
John L. Storey | 247 |
Allan Stuart | 241 |
Charles Stuart | 249 |
Michael Stuart | 241 |
Michael Stuart | 241 |
Henry Sunt - not the same L as in another Lunt | 247 |
John Swett | 247 |
T |
Thomas Tabbut | 247 |
William Taylor | 248 |
Robert Tetherley | 244 |
Silas Thayer | 246 |
William Thompson | 242 |
John C. Todd | 250 |
John N. Todd | 250 |
Mercy Todd | 241 |
Ire Tole | 248 |
Daniel Towing or Fowing | 248 |
Elisabeth Trask | 243 |
? True - blank line for given name, possibly to reflect Elias, name above | 241 |
? Tucker - blank line for given name, possibly to reflect Polly, name above | 241 |
Pendance Tucker | 249 |
Zebadiah Tucker | 247 |
Ebenezer B. Tuttle | 244 |
Worster Tuttle | 245 |
V |
Enos Varney | 249 |
Joshua Veazie | 243 |
Sarah Veazie | 246 |
W |
Henry Waid | 250 |
Ralph Waid | 248 |
Ezra Waldron | 243 |
James Walker | 250 |
William Walker | 248 |
John Webster | 244 |
? Wells - blank line for given name, possibly to reflect Edmund, name above | 241 |
Jonathan D. Weston | 241 |
Alexander Wetherberg | 243 |
Samuel Wheeler | 241 |
Joseph Whelpley | 243 |
James Whipple | 241 |
Ezra Whitney | 247 |
Joseph Whitton - blank space for given name, perhaps reflecting name Joseph above | 245 |
Nancy Wilder | 245 |
Edward Williams | 246 |
Samuel Woodbury | 246 |
Enoch Woodward | 245 |
James Woodworth | 242 |
Samuel Woodworth | 241 |
Y |
John Yeaton | 250 |
Nathan Yeaton | 245 |
Hannah Young | 249 |
The romantic in me likes to think that one or two of those names were deserters from the 102nd Foot!
ReplyDeleteTell more! You probably already know that two British officers, neither a deserter, are buried in Eastport - Lt. Walter St. John (1786-1814), in the 102nd, already ill when arriving with the fleet that captured Eastport in 1814, and Lt. Thomas Raymond (1782-1815), Royal Navy, who died on Deer Island, I think. Canadian military historians Bob Dallison, Gary Campbell and John Boileau spoke at a ceremony honoring these men in 2014. A bagpipe band from NB and re-enactors from the Citadel at Halifax were also in attendance at this ceremony. Very moving!