Sunday, September 1, 2019

Columbia, Maine, in the 1820 Census

Note: the 1820 Census lists the names of heads of households only, with a tally of everyone in the household by age range and gender.  See an alphabetical list of the heads of households farther below.

Note: Some online resources erroneously show Columbia indexed in 1820 as Columbia Falls, but Columbia Falls, initially a village in a part of Columbia, did not become its own town until 1863. Consequently, researchers may be led to believe that their ancestors lived in 1820 in the Columbia Falls section of Columbia, when they may well have lived in another part of town.

Total enumerated population of Columbia, Maine: 537

The enumeration of Columbia appears on Sheets 307-310.  Use the arrow at top left of the image to page forward.

Enumerator: John Cooper

The enumerator may have used phonetic spellings; be prepared to check over the entire list for the person you're researching, as different spellings may have affected alphabetization.  If you find errors or have information to share on any of the people listed below, please leave a comment.

Name                           Number in Household
Abraham Allen 6
Amos Allen 1
Benjamin Allen 8
Gideon Allen 5
Isaac Allen 2
Nicholas Allen 3
Robert Allen 9
Ichabod Bucknam 8
John Bucknam 1
Nathan Bucknam 1
Robert P. Bucknam 6
Samuel Bucknam 6
Wiliam Bucknam 11
James Baily 9
Daniel Bussell 5
Elisha Brown 3
Joseph Brown 1
Mary Barney 3
Ambrose Coffin 1
Benjamin C. Coffin 3
Elisha Coffin 5
Matthew Coffin 4
Richard Coffin 12
Edward Cox 7
Emma Carlton 9
Stephen Choate 1
Benjamin Doar 4
Jonathan Dorr, Jr. 11
Amasa Drisko 1
Samuel Drisko 4
Samuel Drisko, Jr. 5
Robert Foster 8
Isaac Gubtail 2
Edward Grant 6
Nathaniel Ingersoll 10
William Ingersoll 10
James Jordan 1
Brier Joy 7
David Joy 1
Ephraim Keen 8
Isaac Leighton 7
Levi Leighton 1
Moses Leighton 5
Samuel Leighton 5
Daniel Low 3
Enoch Low 8
Jonathan Low 5
Ambrose D. McKinsey 1
Daniel McKinsey 9
Owen McKinsey 8
Alexander McKaslin 4
David McKaslin 1
John McKaslin, Jr. 7
Shepherd McKaslin 5
John Magee 4
Peter Magee 3
Thomas Mansfield 2
John Merit 6
John Nichols 5
Abraham Nash 7
Abraham Nash 7
Daniel Nash 3
Duncan W. Call Nash 2
Ebenezer Nash 7
Hepsibah Nash 7
Isaac Nash 5
Isaac Nash, Jr. 2
Joseph Nash, 3rd 4
Joseph Nash, Jr. 9
Mowry W. Nash 3
Samuel Nash 4
Samuel Nash, 2nd 1
Wilmot Nash 1
Stephen Osgood 4
William Price 3
Thomas Ruggles 17
George W. Randall 1
Thomas Sinclair 10
Samuel Smith 9
Bucknam Shirburn 9
David Tinney 5
Edmund Tinney 1
George Tinney 1
Samuel Tinney 8
Silas Tinney 9
Edward Tomkins 6
Daniel Townsley 3
Asa Tucker 1
Mark B. Tucker 2
Samuel Tucker 6
Thomas R. Tucker 1
David Wass 6
Levi Wass 2
William Wass 10
Amos Worcester 3
Joseph Worcester 7
Leonard Worcester 2
Moses Worcester 9
Gowen Wilson 8
Joseph Wilson 8
Joseph Wilson, Jr. 5
Nathaniel Wilson 10
Noyes Wilson 1
Wilmot Wilson 1
John Woodward 1
Ichabod White 6
Jeremiah Whitney 1
Edward Webb 5

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