An overview of Maine in the 1820 Census, with links to the 9 counties then existing and from there to the towns then existing, appears here.
The enumerated population of Belmont, Maine, in 1820, was 744; see names of heads of households below.
If you notice errors or have information to share on any of the people mentioned below, please leave a comment.
Note: The 1820 Census lists the names of heads of households only. See the original document for a tally of people within a household by age range and gender.
The enumeration of Belmont consists of Sheets 552-557; use the arrows at the top left of each page to arrow forward or back.
Heads of Households
Jonathan Alexander
Robert Alexander
Samuel Arnold
Benjamin Bachelder
George Bachelder
Frederick Bartlete - presumably a variant of Bartlett
Elisha Belcher
James Bicknell
Samuel Boynton
Eleazer Brown
Robert Campbell
Ephraim Cary
Ignatius Cashman
John Cashman
Jesse Child
Jonathan Cookson
Benjamin Cooper
David Crockett
Joseph W. Cross - looks like Gross but there's a strikeover; presumably Deacon Joseph Warren Cross (1782-1862)
Joshua S. Cross
Martha Cross
Robert Cross
William W. Cross
Samuel Cunningham
William Cunningham
John Cushman
Nathaniel Cushman
Abigail Cutler or Cutter
Jacob Dolliff
Jonathan P. Dolliff
Joseph Dolliff
Noah Dolliff
Thomas W. Dolliff
Jonathan Drew
Joseph Drew
Kingsbury Duncan
Isaac Dunton
Josiah Dunton
John Eason
Daniel Edgecomb
Robert Fletcher
William Furbush
Daniel Gin
Benjamin Gordon
Ignatius Gordon
Calvin Gray
Luther Gray
Robert Gray
James Green
John Green
Amos Greer ?
Eben Hall
Paul Hanson
Christopher Harvey
Edward Hawks
Daniel Hibberd
James Higgins
Seth Hunt
Isaac Jackson
Nathaniel Jackson
Samuel Jackson, Jr.
Jesse Jenkins
Richard Kimball
Benjamin Ladd
David Ladd
John Ladd
Jacob Libbey
Samuel Littlefield
Cornelius Lyon
Matthew Merriam - middle initial F or T
George S. Mixer
Thomas Moore
John Morey
Elijah Morrill
William Morrill
Walter Morse
William Morton
Isaac Neal
John Neal
Johnson Neal
Silas Neal
Eben Newell
David Ordway
Jonathan Ordway
Josiah Parker
Daniel ? - smudged - possibly Pearcy, Peasley, Pentley
Samuel Pearse
John Poor
Thomas Randal
William Rice
William Rice
Stephen Robinson
Benjamin Severance
Benjamin Smith
Benjamin Smith, 2nd.
Benjamin Smith, Jr.
Isaac Smith
Otis Smith
Dudley Stickney
Jonathan Thurston
Elihu Tilden
Nathaniel Tilden
Seth Tilden
Godfrey Trim
Oliver Trim
George Ulmer
William Walker
Simon Ward
George Warren
Christopher Watson
James Weymouth
William Whalley
Asa White
Asa White, 2nd
Charles White
Charles White, Jr.
John White
Mathew White
William White
William White, 2nd
Samuel Whitney
Ezra Woodman
John Wotton
Belmont, Maine, in 2019; it was larger in 1820, as land was set off to form the town of Morrill in 1855
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