c1880s commencement program of the Maine Wesleyan Seminary and Female College, located at Kents Hill in Readfield, Maine. This institution is now known as Kents Hill School.
The commencement took place at Thursday, June 7, at 10 o'clock A.M. Music was provided by Ballard's Orchestra, with assistance from Mrs. Ada Cary Sturgis, a noted Maine contralto.
Click on the image below to enlarge it.
Names on the left pane above:
Pedro Gillot y Fernandez of Gibara, Cuba [I found that he later excelled at Wesleyan University in Connecticut and spent part of his time at Wesleyan in Heidelberg, Germany.] - Salutatory
Cora A. Wilson of North Anson, Maine - essay "War"
Herbert E. Cobb of Searsmont, Maine - essay "Independence"
May E. Godding of Windsor, Maine - essay "Do This"
John W. Farrar of Searsmont, Maine - essay "English Rule in Ireland"
Phrone S. Knowles of Augusta, Maine - essay "Where Shall We Anchor?" [Presumably Sophronia S. Knowles, born September 22, 1858, daughter of John and Sarah Ann (Wade) Knowles
Names on right pane above:
Charles W. Richards of Richmond, Maine - essay "Arthur's Administration"
Carrie L. Rogers of Belgrade, Maine - "Our Educators"
Lyman U. Cole of Livermore Falls, Maine - "Purpose in Life"
Kate E. Rollins of Vassalboro, Maine - "Triumphs of Enterprise"
Winnie F. Dutton of New Sharon, Maine - "Iconoclasts"
J. Warren Corson of New Sharon, Maine - "The Citizen" [Presumably John Warren Corson, who moved to Seattle and practiced law there.]
Cora Grahame Knight of East Rumford, Maine - "The Heritage of the Scholar" - Valedictory
College Course
Winnie F. Dutton
Cora Grahame Knight
Carrie L. Rogers
College Preparatory Course
Herbert E. Cobb
John W. Farrar
Pedro Gillot y Fernandez
Seminary Classical Course
Lyman U. Cole
J. Warren Corson
Seminary Scientific Course
Charles W. Richards
May E. Godding
Kate E. Rollins
Cora A. Wilson
Normal Course
Phrone S. Knowles
If you have information on any of the people mentioned above, please leave a comment for the benefit of fellow researchers.
Hi there - I have an autograph album from Kents Hill prep school. All dates are between 1881 and 1883. I don't make it a habit of looking up every name in my ephemera, but I did think it interesting there was a Cuban student. Decided to do a quick search, and here I am. I don't know the owner of the album. Pedro wrote: "Tu amigo verdadero. Pedro Gillot y Fernandez, Gibara Spain. Kents Hill, Jan. 22, 1883". I don't have time to look them all up, but I also noted another with the same last name as one of my friends - "Phrone S. Knowles, Augusta, Maine. Kents Hill, Oct. 18 '82". So there's a bit more to add to your history.