Sunday, December 1, 2019

Sumner, Maine, in the 1820 Census

Sumner, Maine, in the 1820 Census.

Click here to to return to the main page for the 1820 Census in Maine, which has links to the 9 Maine Counties then in existence and, from there, to the individual Towns of the County chosen.

Note: the 1820 Census lists the names of heads of households only; see the original sheets for a tally of everyone in each household by age range and gender.

Changes since 1820: parts of Plantation 2 were annexed in 1838; 1844 and 1863; land set off to Buckfield in 1856.

Enumerated population of Sumner in the 1820 Census: 1048 inhabitants, with 310 engaged in agriculture

Enumerator: Russell Hubbard

The enumeration of Sumner consists of all or parts of Sheets 2 to 11; use the arrow at top left of each image to page forward.

The enumerator used phonetic spellings; be prepared to check over the entire list for the person you're researching, as different spellings may have affected alphabetization.  If you find errors or have information to share on any of the people listed below, please leave a comment.

Heads of Households; Sheet Number

Daniel Abbot8
John Allen6
Solomon Allen8
William Allen6
James Barnes2
John Barrett2
Simeon Barrett4
Simeon Barrett, Jr.4
Cyrus Bates2
Jacob Bates, Jr.2
Samuel Beard8
Leonard Benson2
Nathan Benson2
Calvin Bisbee6
Daniel Bisbee6
Eliab Bisbee10
Elisha Bisbee6
Elisha Bisbee, Jr.4
John Bisbee8
Slomon Bisbee10
Asa Bonny4
Isaac Bonny6
John Bonny8
Thomas Bonny6
William Bosworth6
Zadoc Bosworth6
Benjamin Bradford2
Ebenezer Briggs6
George Briggs6
John Briggs6
John Briggs Jr4
Nathaniel Briggs6
Samuel Briggs2
Moses Buck2
Moses Buck, Jr.2
John Butterfield4
Moses Butterfield4
Bethuel Cary6
Stephen Chandler2
Andrew Churchill4
Ezra Churchill8
Samuel Churchill8
Cutting Clark4
Stephen Cobb4
Timothy Cobb4
Hannah Coburn2
Peter Coburn2
Samuel Coburn2
Silas Coburn2
Nathan Conant2
Benjamin Cox4
John Cox10
John Creesey2
Joseph Crockett2
John Crockett, Jr.4
Oliver Cummings10
Isaiah Cushman6
Levi Cushman6
Solomon Davy2
John DeCoster4
Thomas DeCoster4
Abraham Doble4
Elijah Doble4
Mary Doble4
William Doble4
Ephraim Drake4
John Drake4
David Dutton8
Moses Elliot8
Stephen Ellis6
Gilbert Evans4
Obadiah Field8
Benjamin Fletcher10
John Fletcher8
Thomas Fletcher10
Joshua Ford10
Joshua Ford, Jr.10
Obediah Ford10
Seth Ford8
Nathaniel Foster8
Benjamin Frye8
James Frye8
Jonathan Frye8
Artemas Fuller2
Nathaniel Gerrish8
James Glover6
Charles Gowell4
Joseph Gowell8
Enoch Hall4
Calvin Harding10
Perry Harding6
Martin Harris4
Abraham Heath8
Benjamin Heald4
Benjamin Heald, Jr.8
Israel Heald8
James Hersey2
James Hersey, Jr.2
Reuben Hersey4
Samuel Hersey2
Simeon Hersey4
Joseph Higgins8
Joseph Holmes2
Jeremiah Howe2
Jesse Howe4
Andrew Keen4
Cyrus Keen2
Daniel Keen6
Francis Keen2
James Keen2
James Keen, Jr.4
Judah Keen2
Judah Keen, Jr.2
Lemuel Keen6
Meshich Keen8
Meskech Keen6
Shadrach Keen2
Zadock Keen2
Phebe Livermore8
John Marston4
Philip C. Mason2
John Matthews6
Samuel Matthews6
Valentine Matthews2
Valentine Matthews, Jr.2
William Moor2
David Morrell8
Enoch Morrell8
Levi Newell8
Daniel Oldham8
Thaddeus Oldham8
Joseph Palmer6
Almon Parlin8
Ira Parlin8
Simon Parlin8
Samuel Pennell8
James Pillsby8
Reuben Proctor2
Oliver Robbins8
Increase Robinson6
Joseph Robinson6
Joseph Robinson, Jr.6
Asa Robison6
Hannah Rowe4
Howell Ryerson4
Jacob Sampson8
Samuel Sewall4
Stephen Spaulding6
Ellis Standish10
Abel Stetson2
Ephraim Stetson8
Hezekiah Stetson6
Hezekiah Stetson, Jr.6
Zenas Stetson8
Lydia Stevens6
Silvanus Stevens6
Earl P Sturtevant4
Eliab Sturtevant6
Isaac Sturtevant6
Seth Sturtevant6
Joseph Swift, Jr.2
Ammsil Thompson - not sure of given name4
Thaddeus Thompson4
Amasa Tucker6
Anna Tucker6
Gilbert Tuell4
John Varney10
William Woodsum8

Sumner, Maine, in 2020

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