Greenwood, Maine, in the 1820 Census.
here to to return to the main page for the 1820 Census in Maine, which has links to the 9 Maine Counties then in existence and, from there, to the individual Towns of the County chosen.
Note: the 1820 Census lists the names of heads of households only; see the original sheets for a tally of everyone in each household by age range and gender.
Changes since 1820: a piece set off to Woodstock in 1893
Enumerated population of Greenwood in the 1820 Census:
509 inhabitants, with 159 engaged in agriculture
Russell Hubbard
The enumeration of Greenwood consists of all or parts of
Sheets 12-15; use the arrow at top left of each image to page forward.
The enumerator used phonetic spellings; be prepared to check over the entire list for the person you're researching, as different spellings may have affected alphabetization. If you find errors or have information to share on any of the people listed below, please leave a comment.
Some entries show added information uncovered during efforts to interpret their names.
Heads of Households; Sheet Number
Benjamin Arnold | 12 and 13 |
Benjamin Bacon | 12 and 13 |
Robert Bearce | 14 and 15 |
Francis Beckler | 14 and 15 |
Francis Bennett - not sure of surname, but possibly Francis Bennett, Jr. (abt 1780-1848) | 12 and 13 |
Christopher Bryant | 14 and 15 |
Christopher Bryant, Jr. | 14 and 15 |
Daniel Buck or Daniel Burk | 12 and 13 |
Humphrey Cleaves | 12 and 13 |
Frederic Coburn | 14 and 15 |
Calvin Cole | 14 and 15 |
Consider Cole | 14 and 15 |
Cyprien Cole | 14 and 15 |
Daniel Cole or David Cole | 14 and 15 |
Eleazer Cole | 14 and 15 |
Levi Cole | 14 and 15 |
Luther Cole | 14 and 15 |
Francis Cordwell | 14 and 15 |
William Cordwell | 14 and 15 |
Samuel Cross | 14 and 15 |
Elisha Cummings | 12 and 13 |
John Cummings | 12 and 13 |
Edward Fifield | 12 and 13 |
John Fifield | 14 and 15 |
O. Israel B. Fifield, presumably Orlando Israel Bagley Fifield (1787-1863) | 12 and 13 |
Isaac Flint | 12 and 13 |
Thomas Furlong | 14 and 15 |
Samuel B. Gurney | 12 and 13 |
Israel Herrick | 14 and 15 |
Joseph Herrick | 14 and 15 |
Benjamin Hix | 12 and 13 |
John Hix | 14 and 15 |
Isaac Howe | 14 and 15 |
Isaac Howe, Jr. | 14 and 15 |
Moses Judkins | 14 and 15 |
Daniel Knight or Knights | 12 and 13 |
James Lebroke, possibly James LeBroke (abt 1784-1867) | 14 and 15 |
John McAllaster | 12 and 13 |
Charles McKenny | 12 and 13 |
Luke Morgan | 12 and 13 |
Samuel D. Morgan | 12 and 13 |
John Needham | 14 and 15 |
Amos Noble | 12 and 13 |
Jeremiah Noble | 12 and 13 |
John Noyes | 12 and 13 |
William Noyes | 12 and 13 |
James Nutting | 14 and 15 |
Asa Packard | 12 and 13 |
Ephraim Packard | 12 and 13 |
James Packard | 12 and 13 |
Davis Paine | 12 and 13 |
Jacob Paine | 12 and 13 |
Isaac Patch | 14 and 15 |
Joshua Pool | 12 and 13 |
Melvin Pool | 12 and 13 |
Amos Richardson | 14 and 15 |
John Richardson | 12 and 13 |
Rufus Richardson | 14 and 15 |
John Robards | 12 and 13 |
Moses Robards | 12 and 13 |
Simeon Sanborn or Simon Sanborn | 14 and 15 |
Stephen Sanborn | 14 and 15 |
John Small | 14 and 15 |
Amos Stevens | 14 and 15 |
Jonas Stevens | 12 and 13 |
Noah Tobin | 14 and 15 |
Anger Tubbs - presumably Angier Tubbs (abt 1782-1864) | 12 and 13 |
Eleazer Twitchell | 14 and 15 |
Daniel Verill - presumably Daniel Verrill (1781-1852) | 14 and 15 |
Paul Wentworth | 14 and 15 |
Edward Whittle | 12 and 13 |
William Work | 12 and 13 |
William Yates | 14 and 15 |
Amos Young | 12 and 13 |
Asa Young | 12 and 13 |
Charles Young | 12 and 13 |
Joshua Young | 12 and 13 |
Greenwood, Maine, in 2019
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