Fryeburg, Maine, in the 1820 Census. Includes "Fryeburg Addition" found many Sheets later.
here to to return to the main page for the 1820 Census in Maine, which has links to the 9 Maine Counties then in existence and, from there, to the individual Towns of the County chosen.]
Changes since 1820:
- portion known as "Texas", in Fryeburg and Denmark, set off to Bridgton in 1847
Note: the 1820 Census lists the names of heads of households only; see the original sheets for a tally of everyone in each household by age range and gender.
Enumerated population of Fryeburg in the 1820 Census: 1057 inhabitants on Sheets 169-177*, with an additional 129 inhabitants tallied on Sheets 209 and 210 for Fryeburg Addition.
* The total, at the bottom of Sheet 177, is cut off in the image provided by a free online service; the figure 1057 comes from an image of the same sheet in a subscription service.]
Thomas Webster
The enumeration of
Fryeburg appears on
Sheets 169-177; with the addition of
Sheets 209 and 210 for "Fryeburg Addition"; use the arrow at top left to page forward.
If you find errors or have information to share on any of the people listed below, please leave a comment.
Just to be sure that Fryeburg and Fryeburg Addition aren't two separate communities, the two lists appear separately. Be sure to check both lists for your ancestor.
Heads of Household; Sheet Numbers 169-177
Asa Abbot | 174 |
Caleb Abbot | 174 |
Isaac Abbot | 175 |
Abraham Andrews, Jr. | 175 |
James Atwood | 173 |
Daniel Babb | 172 |
David L. Ballard | 174 |
Uriah Ballard | 169 |
John Barker | 173 |
Richard Barker | 169 |
Reuel Barrows | 175 |
Josiah Batchelder | 176 |
Joseph Bemis | 173 |
Thaddeus Bemis | 177 |
William Bennett | 172 |
David Bradley | 173 |
John Bradley | 175 |
Robert Bradley | 173 |
Joseph Butterfield | 171 |
Samuel F. Carter | 170 |
Daniel Chandler | 169 |
John Chandler | 169 |
Joseph Chandler | 177 |
Moses Chandler | 175 |
Isaac Charles | 176 |
James Charles | 175 |
John Charles | 176 |
Peter Charles | 177 |
Russell Charles | 174 |
Samuel Charles | 170 |
Simeon Charles | 174 |
John S. Chase | 173 |
Josiah Chase | 171 |
Seth Chase - middle initial appears as S; could be P or ? | 173 |
Stephen Chase | 173 |
Thomas Chase | 174 |
Daniel Clement | 176 |
Joseph Colby | 170 |
Robert Colby | 175 |
George Cole | 170 |
Amos Jones Cook | 177 |
Judah Dana | 174 |
George Davidson | 173 |
Benjamin Day | 171 |
Daniel Day | 171 |
Moses Day | 177 |
Thomas Day | 169 |
Elizabeth Dresser | 176 |
Peter Dresser | 174 |
Joshua Durgin | 175 |
Jeremiah H. Eastman | 173 |
Philip Eastman | 173 |
Solomon Eastman | 173 |
William Eaton | 177 |
Samuel Emerson | 174 |
John Evans | 171 |
William Evans | 169 |
Jacob Farrington | 171 |
John Farrington, Jr. | 177 |
Philip Farrington | 171 |
Steven Farrington | 172 |
Vear R. Farrington | 172 |
Ebenezer Fessenden | 170 |
Ebenezer Fessenden, Jr. | 170 |
Joseph Fessenden | 177 |
Nancy Fessenden | 177 |
William Fessenden | 170 |
John Fifield | 171 |
Isaac Foye or Isaac Frye | 171 |
John H. Foye or John H. Frye | 172 |
Frederic Frye | 174 |
Isaac Frye or Isaac Foye | 171 |
John H. Frye or John H. Foye | 172 |
Joseph Frye | 177 |
Nathaniel Frye | 172 |
Richard Frye | 171 |
Joshua Gammage | 169 |
Joshua Gammage, Jr. | 177 |
Henry Gordon | 174 |
John Gordon | 174 |
John Gordon, Jr. | 174 |
Stephen Gordon | 174 |
Oliver Griswold | 170 |
Thomas Haley | 169 |
William Haley or William Hally | 170 |
William Halley or William Haley | 170 |
William Hapgood | 172 |
David Hardy | 170 |
Elbridge Harnden | 172 |
Barnes Hazeltine | 175 |
Bradbury Hill | 174 |
Thomas P. Hill | 173 |
William Holt, Jr. | 170 |
William Holt | 176 |
Apollo Howe | 176 |
Henry D. Hutchins | 175 |
Jeremiah Hutchins | 170 |
Nathaniel Hutchins | 175 |
Ebenezer Irish | 172 |
Stephen Irish | 172 |
William Johnston | 172 |
Eliphalet Knight | 174 |
Joseph Knight | 175 |
Moses Knight | 175 |
Oliver Knight | 174 |
Jesse Lewis | 171 |
Joseph Lewis | 176 |
Daniel McAllister | 177 |
Mary McCalley | 175 |
John McIntier | 171 |
Phinehas McIntier | 169 |
Robert McKeen | 177 |
Samuel McKeen | 169 |
Mehitable McMillan | 176 |
Moody M. Merrill | 171 |
Solomon More | 174 |
Abigail Osgood | 169 |
Henry Y. B. Osgood | 173 |
James Osgood | 169 |
Susanna Osgood | 177 |
Timothy Osgood | 173 |
Philip Page | 169 |
Robert Page | 175 |
David Pattee | 170 |
Job Pike - middle initial K or H - possibly Job Knight Pike | 172 |
John Pike | 172 |
Daniel Pilsbury | 170 |
Joseph Quimby | 176 |
James W. Ripley | 173 |
William Russell | 176 |
Joseph F. Sargent | 171 |
James Sawyer | 172 |
Samuel Sawyer | 172 |
Edmond Shirley | 172 |
Jonathan Shirley | 169 |
William Shirley | 169 |
Jacob Smith | 172 |
Thomas Smith | 175 |
Samuel Souther | 169 |
John Stanley | 173 |
Ebenezer Stevens | 176 |
John Stevens, Jr. | 170 |
Samuel Stevens | 176 |
Jeremiah Stickney | 175 |
Davis Stiles | 172 |
Joseph F. Swan | 170 |
Benjamin Walker | 175 |
Charles Walker | 170 |
James Walker | 171 |
Nathaniel Walker | 170 |
Peter Walker | 171 |
Samuel Walker | 177 |
Jonathan Ward | 169 |
Gilbert Warren | 171 |
Isaiah Warren | 169 |
Edward Weston | 176 |
Ephraim Weston | 176 |
Almon Whiting | 176 |
America Wiley | 176 |
Benjamin Wiley | 177 |
George Wiley or George Willy | 171 |
George Willy or George Wiley | 171 |
John Wiley | 176 |
Benjamin Woodman | 173 |
Abiel Wyman | 177 |
Heads of Household for "Fryeburg Addition", Sheets 209 and 210
James Abbot - a mark after his name, either Jr. or a smear | 210 |
Micah Abbot | 210 |
Moses Abbot | 210 |
Simeon Abbot | 210 |
John Farrington | 210 |
Samuel Farrington | 210 |
Stephen Farrington, Jr. | 209 |
Thomas Farrington | 210 |
Jonathan F. Fifield | 210 |
George Gordon | 209 |
William Gordon | 209 |
Amos Hastings, Jr. | 209 |
Samuel D. Huntress | 209 |
Andrew Johnson | 210 |
Andrew Johnson, Jr. | 210 |
Stephen Johnson | 210 |
John Walker, Jr. | 209 |
Samuel Walker, 3d | 210 |
Oliver Whiting | 210 |
William Wiley or William Willy | 210 |
William Willy or William Wiley | 210 |
Fryeburg, Maine, in 2020
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