Sunday, December 1, 2019

Albany, Maine, in the 1820 Census

Albany, Maine, in the 1820 Census.

Click here to to return to the main page for the 1820 Census in Maine, which has links to the 9 Maine Counties then in existence and, from there, to the individual Towns of the County chosen.

Changes since 1820: Albany, which was organized in 1802 as Oxford Plantation and changed its name to Albany in 1803, surrendered organization in 1937, becoming Albany Township.

Enumerated population of Albany in the 1820 Census: 288 inhabitants

Enumerator: Joseph H. Wardwell

Note: the 1820 Census lists the names of heads of households only; see the original sheets for a tally of everyone in each household by age range and gender.

The enumeration of Albany consists of all or parts of Sheets 138 to 141; use the arrow at top left of each image to page forward.

The enumerator used phonetic spellings; be prepared to check over the entire list for the person you're researching, as different spellings may have affected alphabetization.

If you find errors or have information to share on any of the people listed below, please leave a comment.

Heads of Households; Sheet Numbers
Abner Abbot139
Obed Abbot139
Stephen Abbot139
Reuben Beard139
John Bell140
John Bell, Jr.140
William Bell140
Osgood Brown139
Samuel Brown139
Benjamin Clark140
Aaron Cummings139
Asa Cummings138
Francis Cummings139
John Cummings139
Moses Danforth140
James Doughty139
Joshua Doughty139
Ephraim Flint140
Abial Frost140
James Frye140
Sally Giles140
Tabitha Green140
Benjamin Harmon140
Parsons Haskel140
Jeremiah Herriman138
Moses Hersey138
Abial Holt138
Abner Holt140
Darias Holt138
Enoch Holt138
Hannah Holt140
Mary Holt138
Louis Hutchinson or Lewis Hutchinson139
Timothy Hutchinson139
Joseph Jones139
Mary Jones140
David Jordan140
James Jordan140
Luther Jordan139
Samuel Jordan139
Timothy Jordan, Jr.140
Wales Jordan139
Bezaboel Kendal140
Samuel King139
Henry C. Lawrence139
Russel LeBarron139
William LeBarron139
Benjamin Libby138
Jacob Libby138
Reuben Libby138
John Lovjoy139
Daniel Mears140
Andrew Merril140
Humphrey Merril140
Grant Prince140
Amoes Saunders140
Joshua Saunders140
John Shead139
Ebenezer Thayer140
Joel Thayer140
William Tothely139
Samuel Towne139
Samuel Towne, Jr.139
Isaac Wardwell139

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