Paris, Maine, in the 1820 Census
here to to return to the main page for the 1820 Census in Maine, which has links to the 9 Maine Counties then in existence and, from there, to the individual Towns of the County chosen.
Note: the 1820 Census lists the names of heads of households only; see the original sheets for a tally of everyone in each household by age range and gender.
Changes since 1820:
- 3 lots set off to Norway in 1859 and partially reannexed in 1861
- 2 lots annexed from Woodstock in 1825 and another in 1827, partly returned to Woodstock, with another piece, in 1841; a portion of the piece that was annexed in 1827, and subsequently returned, was again annexed in 1880
- half lot set off to Oxford in 1838
- part of Buckfield annexed in 1928
- portion set off in 1957 to form town of West Paris
Enumerated population of Paris in the 1820 Census: Free Whites - 1888; Free Blacks - 6; Total 1894; 520 engaged in agriculture
Levi Hubbard
The enumeration of Paris consists of all or parts of
Sheets 24-41 use the arrow at top left of each image to page forward.
The enumerator used phonetic spellings; be prepared to check over the entire list for the person you're researching, as different spellings may have affected alphabetization.
If you find errors or have information to share on any of the people listed below, please leave a comment.
Heads of Households; Sheet Number
Abiezer Andrews | 38-39 | |
Alpert Andrews - possibly Albert Andrews | 28-29 | |
David Andrews | 34-35 | |
Edward Andrews | 38-39 | |
John Andrews | 32-33 | |
Asa Barrows | 38-39 | |
Levi Rawson | 38-39 | |
Allen Bartlett | 34-35 | |
Amos Bartlett | 26-27 | |
Josiah Bartlett | 36-37 | |
Asa Barton | 24-25 | |
Abijah Bates | 38-39 | |
Asa Beane, Jr. | 32-33 | |
Daniel Becklar | 26-27 | |
David Bemis | 32-33 | |
Jonathan Bemis | 24-25 | |
Catharine Benson | 24-25 | |
Joseph Benson | 40-41 | |
Seth Benson | 34-35 | |
Otis Bent | 34-35 | |
William Bent | 34-35 | |
George Berry | 36-37 | |
Levi Berry | 36-37 | |
William Berry | 36-37 | |
Anthony Bessee | 32-33 | |
John Bessee | 30-31 | |
John Bessee, Jr. | 30-31 | |
Joseph Bessee | 30-31 | |
Warren Bessee | 30-31 | |
Mary Bisco | 38-39 | |
Richard Blake | 30-31 | |
Stephen Blake | 28-29 | |
Abraham Bolster | 28-29 | |
David Bolster | 32-33 | |
Isaac Bolster | 28-29 | |
Isaac Bolster | 28-29 | |
John Bonney | 28-29 | |
James Bowker | 30-31 | |
Alanson Briggs | 32-33 | |
Jessee Briggs | 32-33 | |
Simeon Briggs | 28-29 | |
Thomas Briggs | 38-39 | |
Luther Britt | 26-27 | |
Martin Britt | 26-27 | |
Rufus Britt | 30-31 | |
Josiah Brown | 24-25 | |
Amos Bryant | 30-31 | |
Aradas Bryant | 28-29 | |
Joseph Bryant | 28-29 | |
Solomon Bryant | 26-27 | |
Austin Buck | 26-27 | |
Nathaniel Bumpus | 30-31 | |
Phillip Caldwell | 28-29 | |
John Carpenter | 26-27 | |
Joshua Carpenter | 24-25 | |
Sara Carpenter | 24-25 | |
Ebenezer Cary | 40-41 | |
Benjamin Chandler | 24-25 | |
Josiah Chandler | 34-35 | |
Reuben Chandler | 34-35 | |
Peter Chase | 34-35 | |
Thomas Chase | 24-25 | |
Timothy Chase | 34-35 | |
Nicholas Chesley | 32-33 | |
Samuel Chesley | 32-33 | |
Simeon Chipman | 26-27 | |
Benjamin Chisley | 32-33 | |
Ellis Churchell | 38-39 | |
Perez Churchill | 30-31 | |
Sprague Churchill | 32-33 | |
Thomas Clerk | 24-25 | |
David Clifford | 28-29 | |
Nathan Cloutman | 28-29 | |
Solomon Cloutman | 26-27 | |
Jonathan Colbourn | 38-39 | |
Calvin Cole | 32-33 | |
Gasham Cole | 30-31 | |
Jonathan Con | 36-37 | |
Benjamin Cooper | 32-33 | |
John G. Crafford; presumably John G. Crawford | 38-39 | |
Thomas Crocker | 24-25 | |
Daniel Cummings | 32-33 | |
Isaac Cummings | 36-37 | |
Jesse Cummings | 24-25 | |
Jonas Cummings | 24-25 | |
Jonathan Cummings | 24-25 | |
Simeon Cummings | 24-25 | |
Daniel Curtis | 36-37 | |
Bartholomy Cushman | 30-31 | |
Caleb Cushman | 36-37 | |
Ebenezer Cushman | 30-31 | |
Ebenezer Cushman | 38-39 | |
Levi Cushman | 30-31 | |
David Daniels | 28-29 | |
Ebenezer Daniels | 28-29 | |
James Daniels | 28-29 | |
John Daniels | 28-29 | |
John Daniels, Jr. | 28-29 | |
Joseph Daniels | 32-33 | |
Edmond Dean | 34-35 | |
Edmond Dean, Jr. | 36-37 | |
Noah Dean | 36-37 | |
John Deering | 36-37 | |
Samuel Deering | 36-37 | |
Ebenezer Drake | 34-35 | |
David Dudley | 36-37 | |
Asa Dunham | 34-35 | |
Eleazer Dunham | 36-37 | |
Sebre Dunham | 36-37 | |
Daniel Dunn | 38-39 | |
David Durall | 28-29 | |
Peter Durall | 32-33 | |
Barzilla Dwelly | 32-33 | |
Stephen Emory | 24-25 | |
Isaac Estis | 36-37 | |
Thomas Farrar | 32-33 | |
Barnabas Faunce | 38-39 | |
Galan Field | 34-35 | |
Zebeon Fields | 34-35 | |
Reuben Flavour | 32-33 | |
Billing Fobes | 26-27 | |
Daniel Fobes | 26-27 | |
John Fogg | 34-35 | |
Lewis Follet | 38-39 | |
Jacob French | 38-39 | |
Aaron Fuller | 34-35 | |
Aaron Fuller, Jr. | 34-35 | |
Caleb Fuller | 34-35 | |
Isaiah Fuller | 40-41 | |
Mark Furnal | 38-39 | |
Moses Gammon | 28-29 | |
Alpert Gates or Algert Gates, but perhaps Albert Gates | 28-29 | |
Ebenezer A. Goss | 36-37 | |
Gustavus A. Goss | 36-37 | |
Abel Gossom | 34-35 | |
John Gray | 38-39 | |
Nathaniel Green | 26-27 | |
Richard Green | 24-25 | |
Ozen Gurney | 34-35 | |
Samuel Gurney | 28-29 | |
Abijah Hall | 28-29 | |
Abijah Hall, Jr. | 26-27 | |
Cyprian Hall | 26-27 | |
Fradrick Hall | 28-29 | |
Haven Hall | 30-31 | |
Solomon Hall | 24-25 | |
Cyrus Hamblin | 24-25 | |
Benjamin Hammon | 30-31 | |
Joseph Hammon | 30-31 | |
Moses Hammon | 24-25 | |
Samuel Hammon | 38-39 | |
James Hanna | 40-41 | |
Amariah Harris | 34-35 | |
Hiram Hathaway | 26-27 | |
Lazarus Hathaway | 32-33 | |
Lazarus Hathway, Jr. | 34-35 | |
Elexander Hill | 32-33 | |
Henry Hill | 32-33 | |
Thomas Hill | 26-27 | |
Thomas Hill, Jr. | 28-29 | |
Moses Hodgdon | 26-27 | |
James Hooper | 26-27 | |
Joseph Horsley | 34-35 | |
Jacob Howe | 38-39 | |
Levi Hubbard | 24-25 | |
Russell Hubbard | 24-25 | |
Joseph Irish | 36-37 | |
Benjamin Jackson | 36-37 | |
Calvin Jackson | 30-31 | |
Jacob Jackson | 30-31 | |
Joseph Jackson | 24-25 | |
Josiah Jackson | 28-29 | |
Lemuel Jackson | 36-37 | |
Susan Jackson | 24-25 | |
Sylvanas Jackson | 36-37 | |
Tammy Jackson | 24-25 | |
George King or George Ring | 26-27 | |
Samuel King | 30-31 | |
Asahel Kinsley | 30-31 | |
Asaph Kittredge | 24-25 | |
Edmond Knight | 28-29 | |
Isaac Knight | 28-29 | |
Isaac Knight, 2nd | 32-33 | |
James Labarron | 32-33 | |
Jacob Labroke | 38-39 | |
Luther Lambert | 32-33 | |
Francis Lane - not sure of given name | 40-41 | |
Isaac Lane | 34-35 | |
Samuel Larrabee | 36-37 | |
Stephen Latham | 32-33 | |
William Lethbridge | 30-31 | |
Mary Libey | 38-39 | |
Joseph Linsey | 24-25 | |
Isaac Mann | 24-25 | |
Nathan Marshal | 34-35 | |
Silas Maxwell | 30-31 | |
Daniel Maycumber | 24-25 | |
McAllester - apparently no given name or MC Allester | 38-39 | |
Alanson Mellen | 24-25 | |
Isaac Merrill | 30-31 | |
Jeremiah Merrill | 34-35 | |
John Merrill | 34-35 | |
Joseph Merrill | 34-35 | |
William Merrill | 30-31 | |
William Mixter or Miseter | 28-29 | |
Seth Morse | 26-27 | |
Seth Morse, Jr. | 32-33 | |
Daniel Noble | 26-27 | |
John Noyes | 38-39 | |
Dennis Obrian | 40-41 | |
Stephen Paine | 34-35 | |
Elias Partridge | 26-27 | |
Joseph Penley | 40-41 | |
Asa Perry | 26-27 | |
Caleb Perry | 34-35 | |
Job Perry | 38-39 | |
Joseph Perry | 32-33 | |
Henry R. Persons | 26-27 | |
Simeon Pirkins | 26-27 | |
Daniel Pond | 34-35 | |
Simeon Pond | 34-35 | |
Charles Porter | 36-37 | |
John Porter | 36-37 | |
Benjamin Pratt | 32-33 | |
Calvin Pratt | 38-39 | |
Luther Pratt | 38-39 | |
Nathaniel Pratt | 38-39 | |
Abraham Pray | 24-25 | |
Caleb Prentice | 30-31 | |
Henry Prentice | 40-41 | |
Dareus Prince | 26-27 | |
David Rand | 38-39 | |
Abner Rawson | 24-25 | |
Artimus Rawson | 36-37 | |
Ebenezer Rawson or Ebenezer Dawson | 32-33 | |
Emmor Rawson | 36-37 | |
Samuel Rawson | 24-25 | |
John Rial | 32-33 | |
John Rice | 36-37 | |
Jacob Richards or Rickards or ? | 30-31 | |
George Ring or George King | 26-27 | |
Ransom Ripley | 28-29 | |
Uriah Ripley | 26-27 | |
Uriah Ripley, Jr. | 30-31 | |
Sylvanas Robins | 38-39 | |
Asa Robinson | 28-29 | |
Joel Robinson | 28-29 | |
Stephen Robinson | 28-29 | |
Susan Robinson | 36-37 | |
Jonathan Rowe | 36-37 | |
Nathaniel Russell | 30-31 | |
Abigail Ryerson | 26-27 | |
George Ryerson | 24-25 | |
Luke Ryerson | 26-27 | |
William Ryerson | 26-27 | |
Gilbert Shaw | 30-31 | |
Javis Shaw | 36-37 | |
Orin Shaw | 36-37 | |
Solomon Shaw | 30-31 | |
Alvin Shirtlief - not sure of surname | 30-31 | |
Jonathan Shirtlief | 32-33 | |
Isaac Smith | 30-31 | |
Josiah Smith | 28-29 | |
Josiah Smith, Jr. | 28-29 | |
Nicholas Smith | 24-25 | |
Nicholas Smith, Jr. | 24-25 | |
Timothy Smith | 38-39 | |
Mary Staples | 24-25 | |
Samuel Stearnes | 34-35 | |
William Stearnes | 34-35 | |
Eleazer Stephens | 34-35 | |
Cyprian Stevens | 26-27 | |
Sally Stevens - not sure of surname, partially obscured | 32-33 | |
Daniel Stowell | 28-29 | |
Daniel Stowell, Jr. | 28-29 | |
Elias Stowell | 26-27 | |
Rufus Stowell | 26-27 | |
William Stowell | 30-31 | |
Joseph Sturdavant | 30-31 | |
Joseph Sturdavant, Jr. | 30-31 | |
John Stutson | 32-33 | |
Caleb Swift | 36-37 | |
John Swift | 36-37 | |
Joseph Swift | 32-33 | |
Abiather Tewell | 40-41 | |
Ebenezer Tewell | 40-41 | |
John Thurstin | 28-29 | |
Isaac Titcomb | 40-41 | |
Adna Triboo | 30-31 | |
John Tuttle | 30-31 | |
David Twitchell | 26-27 | |
Jacob Twitchell | 32-33 | |
Moses Twitchell | 26-27 | |
John Valintine | 26-27 | |
Micah Walker | 38-39 | |
William Walker | 38-39 | |
Benjamin Walton or Watton | 32-33 | |
Simeon Walton or Watton | 38-39 | |
Abijah Warren | 38-39 | |
William Warren | 38-39 | |
Stephen Washbourn | 34-35 | |
Stephen Washbourn, Jr. | 34-35 | |
Samuel P. Weeks | 28-29 | |
John Weston | 26-27 | |
Isaiah Whitamore | 36-37 | |
John Whitehead | 32-33 | |
William Whittemore | 38-39 | |
Hannah Willis | 24-25 | |
Isaiah Willis | 36-37 | |
Patience Willis | 24-25 | |
Bela Wiman | 38-39 | |
Martha Winship | 34-35 | |
Jacob Winslow | 38-39 | |
William C. Witham | 36-37 | |
Randal York | 36-37 | |
Nathaniel Young, Jr. | 26-27 | |
Paris, Maine, in 2019
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