Sunday, December 1, 2019

Lovell, Maine, in the 1820 Census

Lovell, Maine, in the 1820 Census.

[Click here to to return to the main page for the 1820 Census in Maine, which has links to the 9 Maine Counties then in existence and, from there, to the individual Towns of the County chosen.]

Note: the 1820 Census lists the names of heads of households only; see the original sheets for a tally of everyone in each household by age range and gender.

Enumerated population of Lovell in the 1820 Census: 430 inhabitants.   

Enumerator: Thomas Webster

The enumeration of Lovell appears on Sheets 192-196; use the arrow at top left to page forward.

If you find errors or have information to share on any of the people listed below, please leave a comment.

Head of Household; Sheet Number
Amos Allen193
Abraham Andrews194
Amos Andrews194
Gibeon E. Andrews 196
Isaac S. Andrews196
Issachar Andrews196
Samuel E. Andrews195
Samuel Bailey195
Joseph W. Barker196
Stephen Barker194
William Barker196
Thaddeus Bemis, Jr.193
Jonathan Brickett192
Samuel Brigham195
Samuel Brown194
Walter L. Bryant193
Joseph Burbank195
Abel Butters195
John Butters195
Timothy Butters - middle initial S or L195
Jeremiah Chandler196
Timothy Chandler195
John Charles, Jr.192
Stephen Charles192
James Coffin194
Nathaniel Day194
Frederic O. Dresser195
Job Dresser193
Stephen Dresser193
Stephen Dresser, Jr.193
Cyrus Eastman193
James Eastman193
Jeremy Eastman192
Joseph Eastman195
Phinehas Eastman195
Jacob Evans194
John Farrington194
Jeremiah Gerry196
Josiah Heald, Jr.196
Sampson Heald194
Samuel Heald194
Stephen Heald192
Isaac Hodsdon196
Moses Hutchins194
Moses Hutchins, Jr.192
Nathaniel Hutchins, Jr.193
Philip Johnson193
Amos Kenerson195
James Kilgore193
Joseph Kilgore193
Henry Kimball195
Joseph Kimball193
William Kimball195
Ephraim Lindsay196
Benjamin McAllister194
David McAllister194
Isaac McAllister194
Joshua McAllister194
John McDaniels194
John McDaniels, Jr.193
John Merrill193
Josiah Merrill193
Samuel Patterson195
George Russell196
Isaac Senter - not sure of surname192
Amos Smith195
Benjamin Stearns195
Benjamin Stearns, Jr.195
David Stearns196
Levi Stearns192
James Sterling192
John Swain193
Daniel H. Warren194
Enoch Webster193
Samuel Whiting196

Lovell, Maine, in 2020

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