Jay, Maine, in the 1820 Census; then in Oxford County; as of 1838 in Franklin County
here to to return to the main page for the 1820 Census in Maine, which has links to the 9 Maine Counties then in existence and, from there, to the individual Towns of the County chosen.
Note: the 1820 Census lists the names of heads of households only; see the original sheets for a tally of everyone in each household by age range and gender.
Changes since 1820:
- land set off to form Canton in 1821; part of that returned to Jay in 1823 and then returned to Canton in 1825
- other parts of Canton annexed in 1824 and 1831
Enumerated population of Jay in the 1820 Census: 1614 inhabitants
Enumerator: Timothy Howe
The enumeration of
Jay consists of
Sheets 84-96; use the arrow at top left to page forward. Two sheets were not scanned properly; names of heads of households on those sheets were obtained from a subscription site.
The enumerator used phonetic spellings; be prepared to check over the entire list for the person you're researching, as different spellings may have affected alphabetization.
If you find errors or have information to share on any of the people listed below, please leave a comment.
Heads of Households; Sheet Number
John Abbot | 84 |
Abraham Adams | 84 |
Joseph Adams | 84 |
Alexander Alden | 84 |
Joseph Alden | 84 |
Silas Alden | 84 |
Aron Allen | 84 |
Stephen Allen | 84 |
Thomas Allen | 84 |
Thomas Allen, Jr. | 84 |
Abiathar Austin | 84 |
Abiathar Austin, 2nd | 84 |
Daniel Austin | 84 |
Joel Austin | 84 |
Peter Austin | 84 |
John Axtell | 84 |
Josiah Bacon | 85 |
Peter Bartlett | 85 |
Solomon Bartlett | 85 |
Ebenezer Basford | 85 |
Benjamin Bean | 85 |
Israel Bean | 85 |
James Bean | 85 |
Jeremy Bean | 85 |
Mehetable Bean | 84 |
Reuben Bean | 85 |
Sally Bean | 84 |
Samuel Bean | 85 |
Henry Bell | 86 |
Josiah Bennet | 84 |
Asa Benson | 85 |
Hosea Benson | 84 |
Daniel Blasdell | 85 |
Daniel Blasdell, Jr. | 85 |
Ivri Blasdell - presumably Ivory Blasdell (abt 1794-1859) | 85 |
John D. Blasdell | 85 |
Mehetable Blasdell | 85 |
Ralph Blasdell | 85 |
Joshua Bond | 85 |
Simeon Bret | 85 |
Aron Brown | 84 |
Joseph Brown | 85 |
Lewis Bryent | 86 |
Timothy Bryent | 86 |
Uriah Capen | 86 |
James Carver | 86 |
Alanson Cary | 86 |
Jacob Chandler | 86 |
William Chase | 86 |
William Chenery | 86 |
Daniel Child or Childs | 86 |
Daniel Child | 86 |
Howland Child | 86 |
Thadeus Churchell | 87 |
Hannah Clark | 87 |
John Clark | 87 |
Samuel Cole | 87 |
Martin Conant | 87 |
Jesse Cooledge | 87 |
Joseph Cooledge | 86 |
Joseph Cooledge, Jr. | 86 |
Hadasah Crafts | 86 |
John Crafts | 86 |
Joseph Crafts | 86 |
Nathan Crafts | 86 |
Rhoda Crafts | 86 |
Samuel Crafts | 86 |
John Darling | 87 |
Alexander Dascomb | 87 |
Thomas Dascomb | 87 |
Caleb Delano | 87 |
Fuller Dike | 87 |
Nathaniel Dike | 87 |
Joshua Dunn | 87 |
Timothy Eastman | 87 |
Zephaniah Edy | 87 |
Philip Ellis | 87 |
Martin Ellis | 88 |
George Washington Eustice | 87 |
Samuel W. Eustice | 87 |
William Eustice | 87 |
Mercy Fenno | 88 |
Jabez Ferrington | 88 |
Ithemar Finney | 88 |
Samuel Foss | 88 |
John Foster | 88 |
Bethiah Freeman | 88 |
Nancy French | 88 |
William French | 88 |
William French, Jr. | 88 |
Charles Fuller | 88 |
Ezra Fuller | 88 |
Hilton Fuller | 88 |
John Fuller | 88 |
Joseph Fuller | 88 |
Oliver Fuller | 88 |
Thomas Fuller | 88 |
Thomas Fuller, Jr. | 88 |
William G? - possibly William Goding | 89 |
Palatiah Gibbs | 89 |
Isaac Goding | 89 |
Jonas Goding | 88 |
Jonas Goding, 2nd | 88 |
Peter Goding | 89 |
William G?, possibly William Goding; | 89 |
Uriah H. Gray | 89 |
Reuben Gross | 89 |
William Gross | 89 |
David Hagar | 89 |
Keziah Hammond; very faint | 89 |
Thomas Hanniford | 89 |
Ivri Harlow - presumably Ivory Harlow | 89 |
William Harlow | 89 |
Abial Harris | 90 |
Gilbert Hathaway | 89 |
Henery Hawkins | 90 |
Elisha Hayden | 89 |
Gustavus Hayford | 90 |
Zeri Hayford | 90 |
James Hill | 90 |
Samuel Hill | 90 |
Ruel Hinkley | 90 |
Cornelius Holand | 89 |
Daniel Holand or Daniel Hoband | 90 |
Joseph Holand | 89 |
Samuel Holand | 90 |
Daniel Howard | 90 |
Joel Howard | 89 |
Beriah Howland; middle initial G or J | 90 |
Ebenezer Humphrey | 89 |
Israel Humphrey | 90 |
Timothy Huntress | 90 |
Joseph Hyde | 89 |
Sebes Hyde | 89 |
Nathaniel Jackson | 90 |
Nathaniel Jackson, Jr. | 90 |
Samuel Jackson | 90 |
Samuel Jewet | 90 |
Richard ? - possibly Richard Knock | 90 |
Ebenezer Keyes | 90 |
Elisha Keyes | 90 |
James Knock | 90 |
Richard Knock - not sure of surname, but there was a Richard Knock | 90 |
Luke Leach - very faint so not sure of either name | 91 |
John Lake - not sure of surname; smeared, but there was a John Lake | 91 |
Ariel Lamkin - not sure of surname | 91 |
Elijah Lathrop | 91 |
Jacob Lathrop | 91 |
Peter Laurence | 91 |
Joseph Lawrence | 91 |
Jacob Leach | 91 |
Luke Leach - very faint so not sure of either name, but there was a Luke Leach | 91 |
Margerete Leach | 91 |
Royal Leach | 91 |
Henry Leeman | 91 |
Moses Loker - not sure of surname | 91 |
Jacob Ludden | 91 |
John B. Ludden | 91 |
Joseph Macumber | 91 |
Thomas Macumber | 91 |
Winchester Macumber | 91 |
Thomas McColister | 91 |
Isaac Mehuren | 92 |
Daniel Merrill or Merritt | 92 |
Moses Meserve | 91 |
Asa Moore | 92 |
John Morse | 92 |
Nathan Morse | 92 |
Solomon Nash | 92 |
Nehemiah Noles | 92 |
Silas Noles or Noyse | 92 |
Enoch Noyse | 92 |
Silas Noyse or Silas Noles | 92 |
Stillman Noyse | 92 |
Zachariah ? - possibly Zachariah Pike | 93 |
Moses Pain | 92 |
Solomon Pain | 92 |
Sylvanue Pain - not sure of surname | 92 |
Thatcher Pain | 92 |
Thatcher Pain, Jr. | 92 |
Thomas Pain | 92 |
Hannah Parker - not sure of surname | 92 |
Isaac Parkhurst | 92 |
John Parsons | 93 |
Richard Peabody | 92 |
? Peterson - possibly Patience Peterson or Patrick Peterson | 93 |
Benjamin Peterson | 93 |
John Peterson | 93 |
Hezekiah Pike | 93 |
John Pike | 93 |
Zachariah ? - possibly Zachariah Pike | 93 |
Betsey Porter | 92 |
Moor Powers - presumably Moore Powers | 93 |
Timothy Pratt | 92 |
John ? - surname smeared, but starts with R | 93 |
? R? - both given name and surname are smeared; given name ends in "n" | 94 |
Daniel Reynolds | 93 |
Simeon Reynolds | 93 |
? Richardson; perhaps Jona for Jonathan Richardson | 93 |
Edward Richardson | 93 |
Edward Richardson, Jr. | 93 |
Ezekiel Richardson - surname smeared | 93 |
John Roach | 93 |
Isaac Robertson | 93 |
Stephen Rollings | 93 |
Luther Ross - not sure of surname | 93 |
Daniel Rowell | 93 |
? - given name perhaps Allen; surname appears to start with "Sta" | 94 |
Daniel Shackley | 94 |
Susanna Shackley | 94 |
John Simmons | 94 |
Samuel Simmons | 94 |
Samuel Small | 94 |
Elijah Soul | 94 |
James Starr | 94 |
James Starr, Jr. | 94 |
Jeremiah Stephens | 94 |
Jeremiah Stephens, Jr. | 94 |
Elijah Stone | 94 |
Moses Stone | 94 |
Jacob Strout | 94 |
Joseph Strout | 94 |
Joshua Strout | 94 |
Bela Townsend - not sure of surname | 94 |
Ezekiel ?; surname starts with T | 94 |
James Tailor | 95 |
Benjamin Tainter - not sure of surname | 95 |
Samuel Tainter | 95 |
Elisha Thomas | 94 |
Alexander Thompson | 95 |
Galen Thompson | 95 |
Ira Thompson | 95 |
Thomas Thorn | 94 |
Bela Townsend - not sure of surname | 94 |
Enos Turner | 95 |
Jonathan Walton | 96 |
Benjamin Warner | 95 |
Jonathan Warner | 95 |
Marshall Warren | 96 |
Moses Warren | 95 |
Ebenezer West | 96 |
Isaac West | 95 |
Timothy West | 95 |
Dominicus Weymouth | 96 |
Francis White | 96 |
Jedediah White | 95 |
Jedediah White, Jr. | 95 |
Joel White | 96 |
Arnold Whitemore | 96 |
Martin Whitemore | 96 |
Sophia Whitney | 95 |
Goan Willson | 95 |
Mark Willson | 95 |
Samuel Winslow | 95 |
Thomas Winslow | 96 |
Thomas Winthrop | 96 |
Abel Wood | 95 |
Timothy Wood | 96 |
Oliver Wright | 95 |
Robert Wyley | 96 |
William Wyman | 96 |
Benjamin York | 96 |
Jay, Maine, in 2019; has been in Franklin County since 1838
Bela Townsend is correct. He is one of my connections for the DAR.
ReplyDeleteGood to know! Much appreciated.