Hartford, Maine, in the 1820 Census
here to to return to the main page for the 1820 Census in Maine, which has links to the 9 Maine Counties then in existence and, from there, to the individual Towns of the County chosen.
Note: the 1820 Census lists the names of heads of households only; see the original sheets for a tally of everyone in each household by age range and gender.
Changes since 1820:
- part of Chandler's Gore annexed in 1834
- land set off in 1838, 1839 and 1850 to Canton
- 8 estates in "The Gore" set off in 1856 to Buckfield
- more land set off to Buckfield in 1862
Enumerated population of Hartford in the 1820 Census: 1133 inhabitants
Timothy Howe
The enumeration of Hartford consists of
Sheets 74-83; use the arrow at top left to page forward.
The enumerator used phonetic spellings; be prepared to check over the entire list for the person you're researching, as different spellings may have affected alphabetization.
If you find errors or have information to share on any of the people listed below, please leave a comment.
Heads of Households; Sheet Number
Daniel or David ? - surname possibly Burton, Barton or Baston | 75 |
Samuel Ferris or Farrow or ? | 76 |
Nathaniel Gammon - not sure of either name, very faint | 76 |
Solomon Shaw - not sure of surname, possibly Sloan | 81 |
Benjamin Allen | 74 |
Edmun Allen | 74 |
Nathaniel Allen | 74 |
Thomas Allen | 74 |
Thomas Allen, Jr. | 74 |
Samuel Alley or Samuel Allen | 74 |
Abel Ames | 74 |
John Ames, Jr. | 74 |
Joseph Ames | 74 |
William Banks | 75 |
Andrew Barrows | 74 |
? Barrows - given name very faint | 74 |
Reuben Bartlett | 74 |
? Bartlett - possibly Ira Bartlett or Ora Bartlett | 75 |
John Bartlett | 74 |
John Bartlett, Jr. | 74 |
Joseph Bartlett | 74 |
Nathaniel Bartlett | 74 |
Daniel or David ? - surname possibly Burton, Barton or Baston | 75 |
Robert Bates | 75 |
William Beard | 74 |
? Bicknell - given name faint; possibly Noah Bicknell | 75 |
James Bicknell | 75 |
Nathaniel Bicknell | 75 |
William Bicknell | 75 |
Hopestill Bisbee | 74 |
Edward Blake | 74 |
Noah Bosworth | 74 |
Solomon Briggs | 74 |
Simeon Brown | 74 |
Abijah Bryent | 75 |
James Bryent | 75 |
Daniel or David ? - surname possibly Burton, Barton or Baston | 75 |
George O. Chickering | 75 |
Joseph Child | 76 |
Christian Christianson | 75 |
Jabez Churchell | 75 |
Joab Churchell | 75 |
Joseph Churchell | 75 |
William Clark | 75 |
Jacob Cobb | 75 |
Lemuel Cole | 75 |
Edward Cox | 75 |
Moses Craft | 75 |
Josiah Cushman | 75 |
Wiliam Cushman | 75 |
Benjamin Dearborn | 76 |
Richard Dearborn | 76 |
Chandler Decoster | 76 |
Leonard Delano | 76 |
Paul Doton | 76 |
Silas Doton | 76 |
Cornelius Dunham | 76 |
Moses Dunham | 76 |
James Edgecomb | 76 |
Benjamin Ellis | 76 |
Perez Ellis | 76 |
Isaac Elwell - not sure of given name | 76 |
Samuel Ferris or Farrow or ? | 76 |
Samuel Ferris or Farrow or ? | 76 |
Moses Fletcher | 76 |
Nathaniel Fogg | 76 |
Harvey Fuller | 76 |
Isaac Fuller | 76 |
Isaac Fuller, Jr. | 76 |
Joseph Gammon | 77 |
Nathaniel Gammon - not sure of either name, very faint | 76 |
Samuel Gammon | 77 |
Thomas Gammon | 76 |
Joshua Glover | 77 |
Nathaniel Glover | 77 |
Solomon Goodell | 77 |
Seth Gurney | 77 |
Jonathan Harman | 78 |
Eli Hathaway | 78 |
Arvida Hayford | 77 |
Gad Hayford | 77 |
William Hayford | 77 |
William Hayford, Jr. | 77 |
Thadeus Hines | 77 |
Barzilla Hollis | 77 |
Joseph Hollis | 77 |
Nathan Hollis | 77 |
Nathan Hollis, Jr. | 77 |
Warren Hollis | 77 |
Caleb Holmes | 77 |
Eleazar Holmes | 77 |
Jonathan Holmes | 77 |
Jonathan Holmes, Jr. | 77 |
Barnebas Howard | 77 |
Daniel Hutchinson | 78 |
Edmun Irish | 78 |
Stephen Irish | 78 |
Freman Keen | 78 |
James Killbrith | 78 |
David Neland - presumably David Kneeland | 79 |
Abial Leach | 78 |
Isaac Leach | 78 |
Chisley Leighton | 78 |
Amasa Lucas | 78 |
Isaac S. Lucas | 78 |
Lazarus Lucas | 78 |
Willard Lucas | 78 |
David Marshall | 78 |
Walter Marshall | 78 |
John Mayson | 78 |
Jonathan McKenny | 78 |
Silas McKinny | 78 |
William Mellikin | 78 |
John Millet | 79 |
Zenas Mitchell - not sure of given name; smeared | 79 |
Moses Morrell | 78 |
Elisha Morton | 79 |
James Moulton | 79 |
John Moulton | 78 |
David Neland - presumably David Kneeland | 79 |
Ira Norton | 79 |
Edward Parker | 79 |
Joseph Parker | 79 |
Daniel Parsons | 79 |
David Parsons | 79 |
George Parsons | 79 |
Philmon Parsons | 79 |
Robert Pierce | 79 |
Sylvanus Poland | 79 |
Isaac Proctor | 79 |
Reuben Proctor | 79 |
Uriah Proctor | 79 |
James Putnam | 79 |
Joshua Ramsdell | 80 |
Sampson Read | 80 |
Charles Record | 80 |
Simon Record | 80 |
Adam Richardson | 80 |
Stephen Richardson | 80 |
James Ricker | 80 |
William Ripley | 79 |
Asa Robinson, Jr. | 79 |
Ephraim Russell | 80 |
James Russell | 79 |
Jeremiah Russell | 80 |
John Russell | 80 |
Solomon Russell | 80 |
Consider Sampson | 81 |
Moses Sampson | 81 |
Nathan Sampson | 81 |
Daniel Shaw | 80 |
? Shaw - possibly Joseph Shaw, Job Shaw or Joel Shaw | 80 |
Solomon Shaw - not sure of surname, possibly Sloan | 81 |
David Skinner | 81 |
Israel Smith | 81 |
Beza Soul | 80 |
Jonathan Soul | 81 |
Joseph Soul | 80 |
William Soul | 80 |
William Sparrow | 81 |
James Starbird | 80 |
James Starbird, Jr. | 80 |
Scammon Starbird | 81 |
Lemuel Stephens | 80 |
Sylvanus Stephens | 80 |
Elisha Stetson | 81 |
Tilson Stetson | 81 |
Samuel Stockwell | 80 |
Jonathan Stubbs | 81 |
Nathan Stubbs | 81 |
Josiah Swett | 81 |
Benjamin Thomas | 82 |
Daniel Thomas | 82 |
Jedediah Thomas | 82 |
Lemuel Thomas | 81 |
Nathaniel Thomas | 81 |
Samuel Thomas | 81 |
William Thomas | 82 |
Zebedee Thomas | 82 |
Cyrus Thompson | 82 |
John Thompson | 82 |
Jonathan Thompson | 82 |
Oaks Thompson | 82 |
Uzza Thompson - not sure of given name | 82 |
Stephen Thurlow | 81 |
John Tilson | 82 |
Josiah Tilson | 82 |
Ephram Tinkham | 81 |
Joseph Tobin | 82 |
Samuel Tobin | 81 |
Peter Tower | 82 |
Thomas Towne | 82 |
Osborn Trask | 82 |
Ephraim Waistcoat | 82 |
Joshua Waistcoat | 82 |
David Warren | 82 |
Ebenezer Washburn | 82 |
Martin Washburn | 83 |
Luther Whiting | 83 |
Charles Wood | 83 |
Heman Wood | 83 |
Rufus Woodsum | 83 |
Benjamin Young | 83 |
Ebenezer Young | 83 |
Isaac Young | 83 |
Job Young | 83 |
Richard Young | 83 |
Hartford, Maine, in 2019
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