Autograph album with inscriptions acquired at Eastman National Business College at Poughkeepsie, New York by a student, presumably Allen Tibbits Cook of Warsaw, Indiana. His initials and surname appear in the upper right corner of the page shown below.
The album measures approximately 7" by 4" and is thicker than usual, with nearly 150 pages inscribed by Allen's relatives and fellow students, though some of them inscribed more than one page. An alphabetical surname list and an alphabetical list of the inscribers, together with any personal information they offered, appear at the end of this post.
The album contains an engraving of the residence of Harvey Gridley Eastman, founder of the college, as well as an inscription by him.
Clues to the identity of the owner, presumably Allen Tibbits Cook:
- The initials A. T. Cook on the first end paper, though the middle initial could be another letter
- The page inscribed by the owner's mother, who called him Allen
- Two pages inscribed by an Annie Cook, who called herself the owner's sister - Allen Tibbits Cook had a younger sister named Annie Elizabeth Cook
- A page inscribed by J. W. Cook - Allen Tibbits Cook's father was John Woolson Cook
- A page inscribed by P. S. Cook of Mount ?, Ohio [possibly Mount Union or Mount Vernon - see an image of the page farther below], who inscribed "Remember you have Friends at home". He may have been Peter Sylvester Cook, older brother of Allen Tibbits Cook
- A page inscribed by Cowgill Wilson of Portland, Indiana, who implied that Allen was a fellow resident of Indiana
- The stamp of the Kosciusko County Historical Society of Warsaw, Indiana, on the inside back cover. The album was apparently deaccessioned, as the number is crossed out, and the album subsequently sold online, where I purchased it several years ago.
From brief online research, hopefully correct - corrections and additions requested:
Allen Tibbits Cook was born September 22, 1849, the son of John Woolson Cook and Ann (Pittenger) Cook. Ann inscribed the first page in the album; John inscribed a page near the middle of the album.
Allen's younger sister Annie Cook, presumably Annie Elizabeth Cook, inscribed two pages in the album:
The page inscribed by the aforementioned P. S. Cook, possibly Peter Sylvester Cook, older brother of Allen Tibbits Cook; P. S. Cook was living at Mount ?, Ohio, possibly Mount Union or Mount Vernon:
About 1877 Allen Tibbits Cook married Cora Belle Irwin, daughter of Thomas and Mary (Smith) Irwin. By 1880, Allen and Cora were farming at Warsaw, Indiana; they raised several children. Cora died in 1927 and Allen in 1934. They're buried with many family members in the Oakwood Cemetery at Warsaw, Indiana.
If you have corrections and/or additions to the information above, or comments on any of the inscribers listed below, please leave a comment or contact me directly.
Surnames in the Album
? [3] | D | Daniel | G | Gallup | K | Kiersted | Q | Quigley | W | Weatherby | |
A | Abney | Davis | Geise | L | Lassiter | Quinn [2] | Weber | ||||
Acker | Day [3] | Gilbert | Lizano | R | Rafferty | White | |||||
Adams | de Villa | Gortari | Lookinland [2] | Reed | Whitney | ||||||
Amerman | Delmonte | Graham | Lovell | Renoud | Wiese | ||||||
Anderson | Dewees | Gustin | Lovett | Rice | Wilbur | ||||||
Atwater | Dickerman | H | H ? | Lyon | Rivas | Willard | |||||
Atwell | Dorland [2] | Hannah | M | Martinez [2] | Rosenbaum | Williams | |||||
B | Baldwin | Douglass | Hayman | McCarthy | Ross | Wilson | |||||
Berger | Downs | Hercy | McCurdy | S | Serillis | Woodworth | |||||
Blades | Dudley [2] | Hill [2] | Mersereau | Shelton | Z | Zimmerman | |||||
Bowen | Dunkle [2] | Hill | Mooney | Sisson | |||||||
Boyd | E | Eastman | Holmes | Moulds | Sloan | ||||||
Boyer | Eichelberger [2] | Houghton | Murchison | Smith [2] | |||||||
Brinkley | Eshizawa | Hubbard | N | Nissley | Solomon [2] | ||||||
Bryan | F | Ferst [2] | Hunt | O | Odell | Stevenson | |||||
Bull | Folger | Hurst | Orr | T | Tanguy [2] | ||||||
C | Cahoon | Francis | I | Ingram | P | Perry | Tompkins [2] | ||||
Carrasco | Fraser | J | Jackett | Phelps | Trimble | ||||||
Cass | Freeman [2] | Jackson | Philes | U | Unger | ||||||
Clark | Joiner | Powell | |||||||||
Cook [6] | Jones [2] | Powers | |||||||||
Crippen [2] | Prince | ||||||||||
Prouty |
Inscribers in the Album - Some People Inscribed Multiple Pages - given names not necessarily in alphabetical order
- ? of Selma, Alabama, inscribed at Eastman National Business College on July 2, 1872. Possibly J. J. Fellows, which might be Jonathan J. Fellows of Selma, Alabama, but could also be Bellows or ?
- J. C. ? of Poughkeepsie, New York, inscribed on July 14, 1872
- A line of characters
- O. Abney of Marshall, Texas, inscribed at Eastern National Business College on July 16, 1872; middle initial looks like S, but if L, could be Dr. Olin L. Abney (1852-1923)
- D. Acker of Yonkers, New York
- S. A. Adams of Swanton, Vermont, inscribed at Eastman National Business College on June 21, 1872
- Alonzo Amerman of Mansfield, Pennsylvania
- A. A. Anderson of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, inscribed at Eastman College on October 10, 1872
- S. H. Atwater of Windham, New York, inscribed on August 1, 1872, C.C.
- J. Atwell of Stellaville, Georgia, inscribed on October 10, 1872
- Frank Baldwin of Weston, Ohio, in Wood County, inscribed at Eastman's on June 5, 1872
- H. W. Berger of Cressona, Pennsylvania, inscribed on July 27, 1872, at Eastman National Business College
- James B. Blades of Bishopville, Maryland, in Worcester County
- J. H. Bowen of Warrensburgh, New York, inscribed at Eastman National Business College on May 16, 1872
- C. Boyd of Parkers Landing, Pennsylvania, inscribed at Eastman National Business College, on October 10, 1872; middle initial possibly M. or W.
- G. M. Boyer of Memphis, Tennessee, inscribed at Eastman National Business College on July 5, 1872
- J. T. Brinkley of Scotland Neck, North Carolina; not sure of surname
- W. M. Bryan of Haywood, North Carolina, inscribed on October 9, 1872
- ? J. Bull of Saranac, New York, inscribed on July 30, 1872; possibly H. J. Bull or A. J. Bull
- D. G. Cahoon of Watertown, New York, inscribed on August 24, 1872
- J. Carrasco of Remedirez, Cuba, inscribed at Poughkeepsie, New York, on October 10, 1872
- Cass of East Troy, Wisconsin; initials too ornate to determine, but possibly A. J.
- T. N. Clark of Kingston, Tennessee, in East Tennessee; inscribed on June 5, 1872
- A. T. Cook, album owner, presumably Allen Tibbits Cook of Warsaw, Indiana
- Ann Cook, Allen's mother, presumably Ann (Pittenger) Cook (1822-1902)
- Annie Cook, Allen's sister, presumably Annie Elizabeth Cook (1851-1881)
- Annie C., "Your Sister", presumably Annie Elizabeth Cook (1851-1881)
- J. W. Cook, inscribed on July 30, 1874. Presumably John Woolson Cook (1814-1886), father of album owner Allen Tibbits Cook.
- P. S. Cook of Mount ?, Ohio, possibly Mount Union or Mount Vernon
- O. D. Crippen of Seward, New York, inscribed on June 1, 1872; perhaps Orlando D. Crippen
- ? D. Crippen of Seward, New York, inscribed on October 11, 1872. Could be the O. D. Crippen of Seward, New York, inscribed another page.
- Arthur K. Daniel of Warsaw, Alabama
- ? Davis; initials very ornate, but possibly C. D. Davis or G. D. Davis
- H. C. Day of Auburn, Maine, inscribed at Eastman National Business College at Poughkeepsie, New Jersey
- Joseph W. Day of Rockland, Delaware, inscribed on October 10, 1872; not sure of middle initial
- Joseph W. Day of Rockland, Delaware, inscribed on October 10, 1872
- Francisco de Villa of Medellin, Colombia, inscribed at Eastman College on July 10, 1872
- R. Delmonte of C Matanzas, Cuba, inscribed on June 22, 1872
- W. B. Dewees of Fleetwood, Pennsylvania, inscribed at Eastman National Business College in 1872
- F. C. Dickerman of New Haven, Connecticut, inscribed on October 10, 1872
- J. E. Dorland of Poughkeepsie, New York
- J. E. Dorland of Poughkeepsie, New York
- ? Douglass of Oneida, New York, possibly H. H. Douglass
- O. P. Downs of Warsaw, Indiana; presumably Oliver P. Downs (1833-1888)
- Henry I. Dudley, or Henry J. Dudley, of North Leverett, Massachusetts, inscribed on October 4, 1872, C.C. & C. of L.
- M. C. Dudley of Montague, Massachusetts, inscribed on October 10, 1872
- S. L. Dunkle of Shoemakersville, Pennsylvania, inscribed on October 10, 1872
- Samuel L. Dunkle of Shoemakersville, Pennsylvania, inscribed on September 17, 1872
- H. G. Eastman; presumably Harvey Gridley Eastman, founder of Eastman Business College [or Eastman National Business College] at Poughkeepsie, New York. Cousin of George Eastman.
- E. Eichelberger of Lewistown, Illinois, inscribed on October 10, 1872
- E. Eichelberger of Lewistown, Illinois, inscribed on October 10, 1872
- Gansky Eshizawa of Yokohama, Japan, inscribed at Eastman National Business College. He also wrote two lines in Japanese.
- J. Ferst of Savannah, Georgia
- Joe Ferst of Savannah, Georgia
- J. Frank Folger of Pickens C.H., South Carolina
- C. C. Francis of Sterling, Minnesota, inscribed on June 22, 1872
- R. Fraser of Mongaup Valley, New York, in Sullivan County, inscribed on July 30, 1872
- W. B. Freeman of North Port, Alabama in Tuscaloosa County, inscribed in July 1872
- William B. Freeman of North Port, Alabama, inscribed at Eastman National Business College
- C. H. Gallup
- Owen N. Geise of Dawson, Georgia, inscribed at Eastman National Business College on July 20, 1872
- S. E. Gilbert of Susquehanna, Pennsylvania, inscribed at Poughkeepsie, New York, on October 11, 1872
- F. Gortari of Monterey, Mexico, inscribed on May 18, 1872
- H. W. Graham, inscribed on February 6, 1878
- H. H. Gustin of Bay City, Michigan, inscribed on September 12, 1872
- W. S. H? of Dayton, Alabama
- T. R. Hannah of Dawson, Georgia, inscribed at Eastman College on July 20, 1872; not sure of middle initial.
- S. S. Hayman
- ? Hercy of Freemansburg, Pennsylvania in Northampton County; not sure of surname
- David B. Hill of Powers, Georgia in Terrell County
- E. A. Hill of Windham Center, can't read initials for state, possibly New York or New Jersey or New Hampshire or ?
- A. Holmes, Jr., of New York City
- J. "Sid" Houghton of New York, written in a humorous Dutch way
- L. R. Hubbard of Middletown, Connecticut, inscribed at Eastman National Business College on July 18, 1872
- E. Hunt of Poughkeepsie, New York, inscribed at Eastman National Business College, on October 9, 1872; middle initial might be L. Might also be E. Hurst
- E. D. Hurst of Poughkeepsie, New York, inscribed on the page upside down, at Eastman National Business College in 1872; not sure of surname
- T. B. Ingram of Florence, Alabama, inscribed at Eastman Business College, Poughkeepsie, New York on August 28, 1872
- H. R. Jackett of Eddyville, New York, inscribed at Eastman National Business College on June 21, 1872
- J. J. Jackson of Cleaveland, Ohio, inscribed at Poughkeepsie, New York
- F. E. Joiner, or T. E. Joiner, of Starkville, Mississippi; not sure of first initial
- F. A. Jones of Savannah, Georgia, inscribed on July 5, 1872
- James W. Jones of Gainesville, Florida
- J. M. Kiersted of Mongaup Valley, New York, in Sullivan County
- R. C. Lassiter of Winton, North Carolina
- P. Lizano of Costa Rica, Central America
- J. A. Lookinland of Highgate Centre, Vermont
- J. A. Lookinland of Highgate Centre, Vermont
- R. P. Lovell of Savannah, Georgia, inscribed at Eastman National Business College on October 10, 1872
- William Lovett of Tarrytown, New York, inscribed on October 10, 1872
- N. N. Lyon of Saranac, New York; not sure of initials
- F. U. Martinez, or T. U. Martinez, of Habana, Cuba, inscribed at Poughkeepsie, New York, on July 6, 1872; not sure of initials
- J. J. Martinez of Habana, Cuba
- M. McCarthy of Rosendale, New York
- Cary McCurdy of Van Wert, Ohio
- J. F. Mersereau of Owego, New York, inscribed at Eastman's on July 27, 1872
- F. A. Mooney of Middletown, Connecticut, inscribed at Eastman National Business College on October 11, 1872
- Nelson D. Moulds of Bennington, Vermont, inscribed on August 20, 1872
- J. A. Murchison of Fayetteville, North Carolina; not sure of middle initial
- J. A. Nissley of Middletown, Pennsylvania; not sure of middle initial
- C. E. Odell of Freehold, New Jersey
- W. L. Orr of Sandersville, Georgia, inscribed on Eastman National Business College on June 22, 1872
- ? Perry of Union, West Virginia, inscribed on July 15, 1872; not sure of initials but possibly F M. or J. M.
- W. E. Phelps of Poughkeepsie, New York
- W. ? of Madison, Ohio, inscribed on September 30, 1872; possibly W. H. Philes
- W. J. Powell of Tuskaloosa, Alabama, inscribed on July 24, 1872
- Virgil Powers of Macon, Georgia; not sure of surname
- W. S. Prince of Charleston, South Carolina, inscribed at Eastman National Business College on October 10, 1872
- J. W. Prouty of Wilmington, Vermont, inscribed on May 24, 1872, C.C. & C. of L.
- W. G. Quigley of Brockwayville, Pennsylvania, inscribed on July 27, 1872, C.C. & C. of L.; not sure of middle initial
- J. H. Quinn; not positive of first initial
- J. A. Quinn of Buck Mountain, Pennsylvania, inscribed at E.P.D. on "6-5-72"
- Lawrence Rafferty of Columbus, Georgia, inscribed at Eastman National Business College on August 31, 1872
- F. A. Reed of Fitzwilliam, New Hampshire, inscribed on May 30, 1872; not sure of initials
- C. Renoud of New Rochelle, New York; not sure of initials
- J. W. Rice of Heathsville, Virginia
- Luis Rivas of Colombia, South America
- ? Rosenbaum of Poughkeepsie, New York, inscribed on May 28, 1872; possibly J. C. Rosenbaum
- Floyd Ross of Macon, Georgia
- ? Serillis of Monterey, Mexico
- J. C. Shelton of Bridgeport, Connecticut, inscribed on "8.3.72", C.C.
- George W. Sisson of Pattens Mills, New York, in Washington County
- C. A. Sloan of Savannah, Georgia
- Thomas Smith of Sandersville, Georgia, inscribed at Eastman National Business College on June 22, 1872. Middle initial might be N
- ? O. Smith of York Springs, Pennsylvania; possibly J. O. Smith
- S. M. Solomon of Macon, Georgia; not sure of surname but if Solomon, he may have been Steven M. Solomon
- S. M. Solomon of Macon, Georgia
- E. L. B. A. Stevenson of Lewiston and Chicago, Illinois, inscribed at Eastman National Business College on October 10, 1872
- George B. Tanguy of Logansport, Indiana
- George B. Tanguy of Logansport, Indiana, inscribed at Eastman National Business College on July 28, 1872. C.C. and C. of L.
- J. G. Tompkins of Edgefield, South Carolina
- J. G. Tompkins of Edgefield, South Carolina
- J. E. Trimble of Cross Keys, Alabama, inscribed at Eastman National Business College on May 29, 1872
- Unger of Shoemakersville, Pennsylvania, inscribed on May 16, 1872; not sure of initials, but possibly A. F.
- B. B. Weatherby of Pedricktown, New Jersey
- John W. Weber of Rondout, New York, inscribed on August 28, 1872
- E. White of Poughkeepsie, New York, inscribed on May 14, 1872
- C. E. Whitney of Petaluma, California, inscribed at Eastman National Business College on July 16, 1872
- B. ? of Rondout, New York, inscribed in August 1872; surname is possibly Wiese
- W. J. Wilbur of Ferrona, New York
- Haskel Willard of Charlestown, New Hampshire, inscribed at Eastman National Business College on June 1, 1872
- E. Williams of Poultney, Vermont, inscribed on July 10, 1872 at Eastman National Business College
- Cowgill Wilson of Portland, Indiana, inscribed at Eastman National Business College on June 27, 1872. "As From One State We Came, As Friends We Shall Remain"
- Harry Woodworth of Pekin, New York, inscribed at Eastman National Business College on July 31, 1872; mentions something about Bed Bugs
- Harry Zimmerman of Union Deposit, Pennsylvania, inscribed at Eastman's on July 23, 1872
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