May, 1881, issue of The Hebron Semester, published at Hebron Academy at Hebron, Maine. Volume 1, No. 2. The editors were F. B. Shackford and O. R. Phillips, who were Flavius B. Shackford and Orland R. Phillips.
See links to more posts about more issues of The Hebron Semester and other Hebron Academy memorabilia here.
An alphabetical list of the people mentioned in this publication, with additional information about them gleaned throughout the issue, appears later in this post.
The issue measures approximately 8-1/2" by 6" and contains 28 numbered pages, plus several others. Images of all of the pages appear at the end of this post.
Included in the issue:
- essays and poetry, including an essay about President Franklin Pierce, by R. Elton Attwood of West Minot, Maine
- editorial notes, including information about lectures; "coasting", an athletic sport; books donated to the Hamlin Library - pages 26-28
- closing exercises of the Fall term held on November 18 and upcoming closing exercises of the Spring term to be held May 5, including a play put on by the students - pages 27-28
- Board of Trustees - page 29
- Board of Instructors - page 30
- List of Students - pages 31-32
- Students in the College Preparatory Department - page 33
- School Information, including tuition, books, important dates, room and board - last page
- Advertisements:
- Wheeler & Shurtleff Fire Insurance Agency of South Paris, Maine
- W. J. Wheeler, Pianos, Organs, Melodeons, of South Paris, Maine
- F. A. Thomas, Druggist and Apothecary of Mechanic Falls, Maine
- D. B. Perry's, Furniture and Carpeting of Mechanic Falls, Maine
Alphabetical list of names that appear in this issue, and the pages on which they appear - given names within a surname may not be in alphabetical order
- David F. Adamson of Rumford Corner, Maine; student; page 31; College Preparatory Department, Class of 1881, page 33
- Lizzie L. Allen of Buckfield, Maine; student, page 32
- George M. Atwood, instructor in the Commercial Department; page 30
- R. Elton Attwood of West Minot, Maine; student, page 31; College Preparatory Department, Class of 1881, page 33; declamation "Franklin Pierce"; inside front cover; pages 1-5; page 27
- W. H. Atwood, Esq., of Buckfield, Maine; member of the Board of Trustees; page 29
- Miss Hattie P. Bailey, instructor in Music; page 30
- Mabel L. Bailey of Upper Gloucester, Maine; student, page 32
- Rilla M. Bard of Turner Center, Maine; student, page 32; a subsequent issue spells her name as Rilla Baird and Rillia Baird
- Eva M. Barrows of Hebron, Maine; student, page 32
- Harry M. Barrows of Hebron, Maine; student, page 31
- Sherman Bearce of East Hebron, Maine; student, page 31
- Winfield S. Bearce of Hebron, Maine; student, page 31
- George H. Berry of North Livermore, Maine; student, page 31
- George R. Berry of Sumner, Maine; student, page 31
- Villa L. Berry of West Sumner, Maine; student, page 32; College Preparatory Department, Class of 1883, page 33
- Hon. Percival Bonney of Portland, Maine; member of the Board of Trustees; page 29
- W. L. Bonney, Esq., of Turner, Maine; member of the Board of Trustees; page 29
- Edward M. Boothby of Mechanic Falls, Maine; student, page 31
- Belle A. Boynton of Oxford, Maine; student, page 32
- Mary F. Bridgham of Buckfield, Maine; student, page 32
- George L. Briggs of Mechanic Falls, Maine; student, page 31
- Mrs. W. B. Bucknam, instructor in Drawing and Painting; page 30
- Corry A. Bumpus of Auburn, Maine; student, page 31
- Horatio A. Bumpus of Paris, Maine; student, page 31; College Preparatory Department, Class of 1883, page 33
- T. Stow Crocker of Paris, Maine; student, page 31
- Hartley F. Cushman of Hebron, Maine; student, page 31; College Preparatory Department, Class of 1881, page 33
- Herman Cushman of Buckfield, Maine; student, page 31
- Mae F. Cushman of Canton, Maine; student, page 32
- S. P. Cushman, Treasurer of the Board of Trustees, of Hebron, Maine; page 29
- Edwin A. Daniels, A.B., Principal and instructor in Latin and Greek and Teachers' Class; page 30; presumably the E. A. D., who recited portion of the Schiller poem "Erlking"; inside front cover and pages 10-11
- Viola A. Daniels of Hebron, Maine; student, page 32; College Preparatory Department, Class of 1881, page 33
- Charles S. Dudley of Paris, Maine; student, page 31
- Nelson G. Elder of South Paris, Maine; student, page 31
- H. Louise Ellis of Canton, Maine; student, page 32; College Preparatory Department, Class of 1881, page 33; author of the essay "Stairs" and presumably the essay, by H. L. E., "The End Crowns the Work", inside front cover ; page 27
- Rev. H. C. Estes, D.D. of Paris, Maine; gave lecture entitled "Egypt"
- Susan S. Evans of Fryeburg, Maine; student, page 32
- A. Bertha Everett of Hebron, Maine; student, page 32; College Preparatory Department, Class of 1881, page 33
- Minnie Everett of Hebron, Maine; student, page 32
- Ada E. Farris of West Minot, Maine; student, page 32
- Arthur R. Farris of Mechanic Falls, Maine; student, page 31
- Dorrillous P. Foye of Canton, Maine; student, page 31; College Preparatory Department, Class of 1882, page 33
- Arthur E. George of Hebron, Maine; student in the English Department (Mathematics, Sciences, etc.), page 20
- Benjamin E. Gerrish of Buckfield, Maine; student, page 31
- Emery B. Gibbs of North Livermore, Maine; student, page 31; College Preparatory Department, Class of 1882, page 33
- Charles S. Gilbert of East Turner, Maine; student, page 31; College Preparatory Department, Class of 1881, page 33; discussion with H. L. Swift, "Immigration"; pages 14-16; page 27; played Captain Dandelion, a city flower, in drama "Down by the Sea"; page 28
- Nellie M. Glover of Hebron, Maine; student, page 32
- Herbert S. Griffin of Haverhill, Massachusetts; student, page 31
- Mr. Lemuel Gurney; invited the students to his home for maple syrup; page 27
- Lizzie P. Hammond of Paris, Maine; student, page 32; essay "Beauty Everywhere"; inside front cover; pages 11-13; page 27
- Charles B. Haskell of Oxford, Maine; student, page 31; College Preparatory Department, Class of 1883, page 33
- William B. Haskell of Oxford, Maine; student, page 31; College Preparatory Department, Class of 1881, Page 33
- O. A. Hayford, Esq., of Canton, Maine; member of the Board of Trustees; page 29
- John K. Hooper of Franklin, Maine; student, page 31
- Clinton Howe of West Sumner, Maine; student, page 31
- Rev. G. B. Illsley of Lewiston, Maine; gave lecture entitled "Decision of Character"
- Rev. G. L. Lewis of Canton, Maine; gave lecture entitled "Carelessness"
- Alberta Libby of West Minot, Maine; student, page 32
- Henry I. Libby of West Minot, Maine; student, page 31
- A. Louis Marshall of New Gloucester, Maine; student, page 31
- Bertrand F. Marshall of New Gloucester, Maine; student, page 31; College Preparatory Department, Class of 1882, page 33
- Miss Lizzie E. Marshall of West Paris, Maine; student, page 32; played Mrs. John Gale in drama "Down by the Sea"; 28
- Alice C. Merrill of Hebron, Maine; student, page 32
- Sophia D. Morgan of Upper Gloucester, Maine; student, page 32
- Gertrude B. Morse of Turner, Maine; student, page 32; College Preparatory Department, Class of 1881, page 33; essay "True Heroism", inside front cover, pages 17-20, 27; played Kittie Gale in drama "Down by the Sea"; page 28
- Herbert F. W. Morse, A.B., Assistant Principal and instructor in Sciences and Higher Mathematics; page 30
- Joseph Morton of Mechanic Falls, Maine; student, page 31
- Julia P. Morton of Paris, Maine; student, page 32; College Preparatory Department, Class of 1883, page 33
- Walter E. Morton of Paris, Maine; student, page 31; College Preparatory Department, Class of 1883, page 33
- William P. Morton of Paris, Maine; student, page 31
- Bertha L. Packard of Hebron, Maine; student, page 32
- Edith L. Packard of Hebron, Maine; student, page 32
- Ida E. Packard of Hebron, Maine; student, page 32
- Zibeon L. Packard, Esq., of Hebron, Maine; Secretary of the Board of Trustees, of Hebron, Maine, page 29 and page 34
- Lula A. Penley of South Paris, Maine; student, page 32; College Preparatory Department, Class of 1883, page 33; presumably the L. A. P. who wrote essay "A Good Name is Better Than Riches", inside front cover; page 21
- Charles L. Perry of East Hebron, Maine; student, page 31
- Orland R. Phillips of Carthage, Maine; student, page 31; College Preparatory Department, Class of 1882, page 33; Editor of The Hebron Semester
- Frank S. Pike of Hebron, Maine; student, page 31
- Harry C. Prince of Buckfield, Maine; student, page 31
- Florrie Reynolds of Canton, Maine; student, page 32; College Preparatory Department, Class of 1882, page 33; presumably the F. R. who wrote the essay "Resolution", inside front cover, pages 13-14
- Albert M. Richardson of Hebron, Maine; student, page 31; College Preparatory Department, Class of 1881, page 33
- Rev. S. D. Richardson, President of the Board of Trustees, of Hebron, Maine; page 29
- Sadie F. Richardson of Paris, Maine; student, page 32
- Miss Abbie S. Russell, Preceptress and instructor in English and Modern Languages; page 30
- Flavius B. Shackford of West Gloucester, Maine; student, page 31; College Preparatory Department, Class of 1882, page 33; Editor of The Hebron Semester; played John Gale, a fisherman, in drama "Down the the Sea", page 28
- Rev. W. H. Shailer, D.D. of Portland, Maine [deceased]; member of the Board of Trustees; page 29
- Newton Stanley of Paris, Maine; student, page 31
- George B. Staples of Carthage, Maine; student, page 32
- John S. Staples of Carthage, Maine; student, page 32
- Austin P. Stearns of Paris, Maine; student, page 32
- Frank P. Stearns of Paris, Maine; student, page 32; College Preparatory Department, Class of 1882, page 33; declamation "Progress Arising From Liberty", inside front cover, pages 21-15, 27; played September Bale, a protege of John Gale, in drama "Down by the Sea", page 28
- Henry K. Stearns of Paris, Maine; student, page 32; College Preparatory Department, Class of 1883, page 33; played March Gale, protege of John Gale, in drama "Down by the Sea", page 28
- Joseph B. Sturtevant of Scarborough, Maine; student, page 32; College Preparatory Department, Class of 1883, page 33; played Jean Grapeau, an old French Peddlar, in drama "Down by the Sea", page 28
- Herbert L. Swift of Paris, Maine; student, page 32; Editor of The Hebron Semester; discussion with Charles S. Gilbert "Immigration", inside front cover; pages 14-16, page 27; played merchant in drama "Down by the Sea", page 28
- Cora E. Thayer of New Gloucester, Maine; student, page 32; College Preparatory Department, Class of 1883, page 33
- Helen A. Thayer of New Gloucester, Maine; student, page 32
- Rossie O. Tilton of Buckfield, Maine; student, page 32
- Henry T. Tirrell of Canton, Maine; student, page 32; College Preparatory Department, Class of 1882, page 33; presumably the H. T. T. who wrote the essay "Thought", inside front cover, pages 9-10
- Daniel P. Tuttle of Buckfield, Maine; student , page 32
- Mary P. Waldron of Buckfield, Maine; student, page 32; College Preparatory Department, Class of 1882, page 33
- Lizzie M. Washburn of Minot, Maine; student, page 32; College Preparatory Department, Class of 1883, page 33; played Kate Raymond, a city belle, in drama "Down by the Sea"; page 28
- Miss Nellie L. Whitman, Spring Term; page 30
- G. P. Whitney, Esq., of Oxford, Maine; member of the Board of Trustees; page 29
- P. Benson Wing of North Livermore, Maine; student, page 32
- Florence E. Wyman of Peru, Maine; student, page 32
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