Approximately 173 documents, the vast majority pertaining to Joseph Clark, Jr. (1818-1883) of Caratunk, Maine, postmaster, hotelier, merchant, trader, caretaker of a portion of the Canada Road, railroad and steamship investor.
A few of the documents have no mention of Joseph Clark, Jr. but rather people he presumably employed or knew, including:
- William Blackden (several) - perhaps William Blackden (1810-1881)
- John T. Henderson
- Joseph Spaulding, Jr., Postmaster of Caratunk, Maine; 1852 document - perhaps Joseph Spaulding (1798-1885), son of Joseph Spaulding and Sarah (Whitman) Spaulding. Joseph Clark, Sr., bought the hotel at Caratunk from Joseph Spaulding, Jr., and eventually Joseph Clark, Jr., would run it.
Read more about Joseph Clark, Jr. here - if you click on his name, you'll be taken to a photograph of him as an older man.
Joseph Clark, Jr. (1818-1883) was the son of Joseph Clark (1785-1870) and Sarah (Hunt) Clark (1789-1862), "Sally". Joseph, Jr., married Esther B. Moore (1820-1910) in 1841. Their hotel stayed in the family for several generations, until about 1988.
Document types
- postal documents
- express documents - steamship, rail
- bills, invoices
- land, tax and road repair documents
- business correspondence
- recruiting correspondence
Parties to the documents - multiples in many cases
- ? Blank log driving work tally
- ?; presumably Somerset County, Maine
- L. C. Andrews; Bingham, Maine; dry goods and groceries
- Arnold [& Baker, crossed out]; Skowhegan, Maine - English, American & Domestic Dry Goods
- Arnold & Baker; Skowhegan, Maine - English, American & Domestic Dry Goods
- S. J. Ballou, Augusta, Maine - for subscription to Gospel Banner
- Bartlett & Wood; Gardiner, Maine - Grain, Flour, Meal and Feed
- Bartlett, Dennis & Co., Gardiner, Maine - Grain, Flour, Meal and Feed
- Bixby & Phillips; Skowhegan, Maine - Drugs, Medicines, Dye-Stuffs, Patent Medicines
- C. Bosworth; Skowhegan, Maine - Bakers and Dealers in Flour & Bread
- Burrill [C. Tuttle & Co. crossed out], Skowhegan, Maine - Flour, Wheat, Corn, Rye, Oats, Barley Buckwheat, Shorts, Bran, Ground Plaster
- Burrill [ & Green crossed out]; Skowhegan, Maine - Flour, Wheat, Corn, Rye, Oats, Barley Buckwheat, Shorts, Bran, Ground Plaster, Shingles, Clapboards
- Burrill, Green & Co.; Skowhegan, Maine - Flour, Wheat, Corn, Rye, Oats, Barley, Buckwheat, Shorts, Bran, Ground Plaster, Shingles, Clapboards
- H. Burrill & Co.; Skowhegan, Maine - Flour, Wheat, Corn, Rye, Oats, Barley, Buckwheat, Shorts, Bran, Ground Plaster
- Chisam & Cobb, Augusta, Maine - Merchant Tailors and Dealers in Cloths, Clothing and Furnishing Goods
- Clark & Webster
- Joseph Clark, Jr., Caratunk, Maine
- Coffin & Pitman; Skowhegan, Maine - Hardware, Iron, Steel, Nails, Glass; Paints, Oils Paints, Oils, Varnishes, etc.
- E. G. Coffin, Skowhegan, Maine - Hardware, Iron, Steel, Nails, Glass; Cutlery, Paints, Oils, Varnishes
- Deering, Holway & Co.; Augusta, Maine - Flour, Grain & Groceries
- S. A. & A. Dinsmore; Bingham, Maine - Dry & Fancy Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Country Produce, Lumber, Wool, etc
- William Doran; Skowhegan, Maine - Stoves & Plows, Tin Ware, Tin, Sheet Iron and Cooper Worker
- Dunn Edge Tool Co.; West Waterville, Maine - Scythes & Axes
- Eastern Express Company; Bath, Maine
- Emery & Folsom & Allen; Skowhegan, Maine - Dry Goods, Groceries, Paints, Oils, crockery & Glass Ware, Flour, Grain, Provisions, Lime, Cement
- Emery & Folsom; Skowhegan, Maine - Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockery & Glass Ware, Kerosene Oil, Kerosene Lamps, etc. All Kinds of Country Produce Wanted
- W. R. Estes; Skowhegan, Maine
- J. R. Farwell; Skowhegan, Maine
- First National Bank at Skowhegan, Maine
- D. L. Fogg; Skowhegan, Maine - Boots, Shoes & Leather
- Henry D. Frost; Skowhegan, Maine - Merchant Tailor; Cloths, Clothing and Gents Furnishing Goods
- Harris Brothers; Portland, Maine - Wholesale Groceries
- Thomas Hersey & Co.; Bangor, Maine - Boots, Shoes, Moccasins, Leather, Hats, Caps, Furns, Furnishing Goods
- Homan & Badger; Augusta, Maine - subscription to Maine Farmer
- Kennebec Log Driving Company
- H. Warren Lancey & Co.; Portland, Maine - Importers & Wholesale Dealers in Hard Ware & Cutlery
- Lane & Little; Portland, Maine [Peter Lane, Albion Little]
- Lawton & Prescott
- J. Lord 2d & Co.; Skowhegan, Maine - Flour, Corn, Pork, Lard, Fish, Salt, Lime, Cement, Groceries, Paints & Oils, Dry Goods
- Thomas Lynch & Co.; Portland, Maine - Wholesale Grocers & Flour Dealers
- State of Maine Land Office; Bangor, Maine
- State of Maine Treasury Office; Augusta, Maine
- Maine Central R.R. Co.
- J. J. & C. F. McClellan; Skowhegan, Maine - Pork, Lard, Butter, Cheese, Fish, Salt, Lime, Cement, Flour, Corn, Wool, Dry Goods
- E.W. McFadden
- L. L. Morrison; Skowhegan, Maine - Corn, Grass Seeds, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Coal, Lime, Cement, Building and Carriage Materials, Fertilizers
- Morrison & Drew; Skowhegan, Maine - Flour, Corn, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Coal, Lime, Cement, Salt, Plaster, Nails, Glass, Grass Seed, Carriages & Trimmings, Wheels, Hubs & Spokes
- Neil & Wentworth; Skowhegan, Maine - Wholesale Goods, Groceries, Corn, Flour, Pork, Fish, Salt, Mowing Machies, Hay Cutters, Plows, Harrows Scythes, Horse Rakes, Hand Rakes, Grind Stones, Grind Stone Fixtures, Lime, Cement, Guano, Phosphate of Lime, Grass Seed
- James Patten & Co.; Boston, Massachusetts - Wine and Spirits
- Portland & Kennebec R.R. Co./Steamer Eastern Queen
- Post Office; Caratunk, Maine
- Postmaster; Caratunk, Maine
- Provost Marshall, Third District, State of Maine
- Enos Robbins; Skowhegan, Maine - Manufacturer of Boots, Shoes, Leather
- George W. Robinson; Skowhegan, Maine - Boots, Shoes and Leather, Calf, Goat and Lining Skins
- H. J. Robinson; Boston, Massachusetts - Wines, Liquors & Cigars
- S. F. Robinson; Augusta, Maine - Wholesale Dealer in Flour and Groceries
- S. D. Sayward & Co.; Skowhegan, Maine - Stoves, Fire Frames, Copper, Cast Iron, Chain Pumps, Tin, Britannia, Japanned, Brass, Copper, Hollow Ware
- Somerset & Kennebec R.R. Co.
- Somerset Mutual Fire Insurance Company
- Steward & White; Skowhegan, Maine - Flour, Corn & Salt
- Chandler Tuttle & Co.; Skowhegan, Maine - Flour, Wheat, Corn, Rye, Oats, Barley, Buckwheat, Shorts, Bran, Ground Plaster
- Tuttle & Kidder & Co.; Skowhegan, Maine - Flour, Wheat, Corn, Rye, Oats, Barley, Buckwheat, Shorts, Bran, Corn Cob Meal, Chicken Feed, Ground Plaster
- C. D. Warren & Co.; Portland, Maine - Wholesale, Retail Drugs & Medicines
- Sumner Webb; Solon, Maine - an IOU to him signed by Thomas Doyle
- A. L. White & Co.; Boston, Massachusetts - Sole Leather and French Calf Skins
- F. A. Williams & Co.; Skowhegan, Maine - Hard Ware, Iron, Steel, Nails, Glass, Plows, CaStings, Carriage Trimmings, Paints, Oils, Varnishes
- Reuel Williams, Agent
- March 25, 1862 promise to pay $100 to ? by John T. Henderson
- October 15, 1874; check from account of Joseph Clark at First National Bank at Skowhegan, Maine, to L. C. Andrews; signed by Joseph Clark
- November 15, 1874; check from account of Joseph Clark at First National Bank, Skowhegan, Maine, to Augustin Vallier; signed by Joseph Clark; perhaps Augustus Vallier (1828-1903)
- December 28, 1874; check from account of Joseph Clark at First National Bank, Skowhegan,Maine, to Frank ?, perhaps Frank Heber or Frank Sh*er; signed by Joseph Clark
- 2 empty envelopes addressed to Joseph Clark at Carratunk, Maine
- 1852. Quarterly returns from Joseph Spaulding, Jr., Postmaster of Carratunk from July 1 to September 30, 1852. Spaulding was postmaster at Caratunk from 1831 to 1855.
- October 1, 1858, transportation for 2 boxes of axes from Kendalls Mills to Skowhegan; signed by John Kerswell
- May 29, 1859, transportation for 1 box of axes from Kendalls Mills to Skowhegan; signed by John Kerswell
- October 12, 1859, transportation for 2 boxes of axes from Kendalls Mills to Skowhegan; signed by John Kerswell
- October 21, 1858, transportation for 21 barrels of flour, 1 barrel of syrup and 1 barrel of flour from Portland to Skowhegan; signed by John Kerswell
- January 6, 1860, transportationfor 2 boxes of axes from Kendalls Mills to Skowhegan; signed by John Kerswell
- March 5, 1860, transportation for 24 barrels of flour from Gardiner to Skowhegan; signed by John Kerswell
- September 27, 1860, transportation for 2 boxes from Kendalls Mills to Skowhegan; signed by John Kerswell
- June 11, 1861, transportation for barrels of scythes from Waterville to Skowhegan; signed by John Kerswell
- June 28, 1862, transportation for 2 dozen scythes from Kendalls Mills to Skowhegan; signed by John Kerswell
- January 2, 1863, transportation for 36 barrels of flour from Kendalls Mills to Skowhegan; signed by John Kerswell
- March 11, 1863, transportation for ? from Portland to Skowhegan
- March 10, 1863, transportation for 30 barrels of flour from Gardiner to Skowhegan; signed by John Kerswell
- April 25, 1863, transportation for 2 barrels from Portland to Skowhegan; signed by John Kerswell
- April 23, 1863, transportation on Steamer Lewiston for 2 barrels from Caratunk to SkowheganJohn Kerswell
- September 19, 1863, transportation for various items from Portland to Skowhegan; signed by John Kerswell
- September 22, 1863, transportation for 6 barrels Bows, 1 Box Hass, from Portland to Skowhegan
- March 14, 1864, transportation on Steamer Lewiston for 2 barrels and 2 kegs from Carratunk to Skowhegan; signed by L. Billings and John Kerswell
- March 19, 1864, transportion from Portand to Skowhegan for 2 barrels and 2 kegs;
- September 14, 1867, Caratunk, Maine. Certification that Joseph Clark, Jr., has subscribed for forty shares in the Somerset Rail Road. Signed by B. F. Tefft for Somerset RailRoad Company. Perhaps Rev. Dr. Benjamin Franklin Tefft (1813-1885)
- September 6, 1858, transportation of 2 barrels from Gardiner to Skowhegan; signed by John Kerswell
- September 3, 1858, transportation of 2 barrels from Carratunk to Steamer Eastern Queen by way of Skowhegan
- September 6, 1858, transportation of 2 barrels from Gardiner to Skowhegan; signed by John Kerswell
- March 3, 1865, transportation of 25 barrels of flour from Gardiner to Skowhegan; signed by John Kerswell
- August 14, 1865, transportation of 2 barrels of shooks from Kendalls Mills to Skowhegan; signed by John Kerswell
- July 18, 1867, transportation of 2 barrels of flour from Gardiner to Skowhegan; signed by R. F. Eaton
- April 28, 1870, transportation of 1 dozen hoes and 1 barrel of forks from Gardiner to Skowhegan; signed by Charles ? Bates
- January 23, 1873, transportation from Augusta to Skowhegan; signed by S. Ward
- February 8, 1873, transportation from Augusta to Skowhegan; signed by S. Ward
- February 10, 1873, transportation of 5 barrels of flour, 4 barrels of beef, 1 barrel of cheese, from Portland to Skowhegan; signed by S. Ward
- February 21, 1873, transportation of 2 barrels of beef from Augusta to Skowhegan; signed by S. Ward
- October 14, 1874, transportation of items from Augusta to Skowhegan
- October 28, 1874, transportation of one case from Portland to Skowhegan
- November 7, 1874, transportation of items from Augusta to Skowhegan
- November 16, 1874, transportation of 400 bushels of corn from Danville Junction to Skowhegan
- December 19, 1874, transportation of items from Augusta to Skowhegan
- December 19, 1874, transportation of 21 barrels of Ker Oil [kerosene ?] items from Augusta to Skowhegan
- July 21, 1857; freight on Steamer Eastern Queen; signed by B. A. Neal
- July 22, 1857, transportation from Gadiner to Skowhegan for 10 barrels of sugar; signed by Samuel Smith
- August 13, 1857, transportation on Steamer Lewiston of 1 keg to Caratunk; signed by ? Billings
- August 19, 1857; transportation from Portland to Skowhegan for 1 keg; signed by Samuel Smith
- November 25, 1857; frieght on Steamer Montreal to Carratunk; signed by ? Billings
- November 27, 1857; transportation from Portland to Skowhegan for 1 Barrel and 1 Keg; signed by John Kerswell
- 9 January 1856; pay order to William Blackden; signed by Chandler Baker; mail route 28, received by Joseph Clark, Postmaster; signed by William Blackden
- April 10, 1856; pay order to William Blackden; signed by Chandler Baker; mail route 28, received by Joseph Clark, Postmaster; signed by William Blackden
- January 1, 1857; pay order to William Blackden; signed by Chandler Baker; mail route 28, received by Joseph Clark, Postmaster; signed by William Blackden
- July 29, 1857; pay order to C. C. Arnold; signed by Chandler Baker; received by Joseph Clark, Postmaster; signed by C. C. Arnold
- October 9, 1847; pay order to, presumably, William Blackden, not signed; mail route 28; received by Joseph Clark, Postmaster; signed by William Blackden
- October 10, 1857, pay order, presumably to William Blackden; mail route 25; received by Joseph Clark, Postmaster; signed by William Blackden
- January 4, 1862, pay order, presumably to William Blackden; mail route 28, received by Joseph Clark, Postmaster; signed by William Blackden
- October 6, 1865; pay order to Mark H. Hilton; signed by William S. Young; mail route 27; received by Joseph Clark, Postmaster; signed by Mark H. Hilton
- October 8, 1867, pay order to Mark H. Hilton; mail route 27, Joseph Clark, Postmaster; signed by Mark H. Hilton
- June 4, 1869, pay order to, presumably, Mark H. Hilton, signed by William S. Young; mail route 27, Joseph Clark, Postmaster; signed by Mark H. Hilton
- May 21, 1867 letter from Finance Office of the Post Office Department to Postmaster at Carritunk, Maine; regarding the ordering of stamps and stamped envelopes; signed by A. N. Zevely, 3rd Asst Postmaster Geneal
- June 1, 1870 letter from the Appointment Office of the Post Office Department, from J. W. Marshall, to the Postmaster at Carritunk, Maine, fixing the Postmaster's annual salary as $21.
- November 1863 receipt signed by Joseph Clark of $25 cash bounty paid to Nehemiah Durgin, as part of the $40 due; of $35 cash bounty paid to Cavin Holway, as part of the $163 due, part of which was paid by 1 yoke of steers; of $75 paid to Charles Durgin
- November 1864 to March 31, 1865 account from Clark & Webster to A. D. Murray
- July 6, 1855; note telling purchaser the enclosed bill did not contain a date
- February 27, 1856; note telling purchaser the enclosed bill did not contain a date
- February 26, 1857, bill for clothing; signed by Mr. Symonds for W. G. Estes of Skowhegan, Maine
- December 6, 1861; letter from E. W. McFadden at Kendalls Mills, regarding the arrearages of Mr. Baker's paper; partial tear
- November 1, 1865 bill from Lawton & Prescott to Joseph Clark; signed by Lawton & Prescott as paid.
- June 14, 1859 bill of Kennebec Log Drving Co. at Solon, Maine, to Joseph Clark; blank slip; noting how many days of log driving and at what rate, presumably to accompany a paycheck
- Blank slip; noting how many days of log driving and at what rate, presumably to accompany a paycheck
- July 31, 1862 letter from Nathan Dane/William Caldwell at the State of Maine Treasury Office to Joseph Clark, acknowledging receipt of township taxes
- June 8, 1863 letter from Augustus P. Davis, Captain Provost Marshall, Third District, State of Maine, to Joseph Clark of Caratunk, ordering Clark to give his whole time and energy to enrollment in his sub-district, presumably for enlistees to the Union Army
- July 15, 1869 letter from Parker P. Burleigh, Land Agent in Bangor, Maine, to Joseph Clark at Caratunk Plantation, regarding upkeep of the portion of Canada Road from Moscow to the Canada line; Clark was to receive $300 for the section of the Canada Road from Moscow and The Forks. Clark was to return the bond application and, when the project was complete, a full accounting of what was expended, including for his own services. Burleigh was a brother of Maine Governor Edwin C. Burleigh.
- October 11, 1870 letter containing a bill for items purchased by Joseph Clark, from February 12 to July 30; in addition to items purchased, Andrews paid T. Doyle; T. S. Doyle; Henry Sands; John Love, by order of Webster & Moore; Albert Burke; James Pooler; Luther Temple, by order of A. Burke; Luther Temple, by order of C. C. Young. L. C. Andrews was presumaby Levi Chalice Andrews (1837-1911). Said he hoped to leave for Portland and needed this bill paid for traveling money.
- March 27, 1861, invoice from Arnold [& Baker, with Baker crossed out], Skowhegan, Maine, agent for sewing machines, to Joseph Clark, Jr.
- March 30, 1861, invoice from Arnold & Baker, Skowhegan, Maine, agent for sewing machines, to Joseph Clark,. Jr.
- July 2, 1861 invoice from Arnold [& Baker, with Baker crossed out], Skowhegan, Maine, agent for sewing machines, to Joseph Clark, Jr.
- September 30, 1862 receipt of payment by Joseph Clark, Jr. for the "Gospel Banner", from August 11, 1858 to August 11, 1863, paid to August 11, 1863; signed by S. W. ?, possibly Turner, for S. J. Ballou & Co. of Augusta, Maine. Stephen Jefferson Ballou (1832-1878)
- September 4, 1867, Gardiner, Maine; invoice of Bartlett, Dennis & Co., Grain, Flour, Meal, Feed, to Joseph Clark, $244.48
- September 19, 1867, Gardiner, Maine; invoice of Bartlett, Dennis & Co., Grain, Flour, Meal and Feed, to Joseph Clark, $302
- January 17, 1868, Gardiner, Maine, invoice of Bartlett, Dennis & Co., Grain Flour, Meal and Feed, to Joseph Clark, $360
- March 5, 1868, Gardiner, Maine, invoice of Bartlett, Dennis & Co., Grain, Flour, Meal and Feed, to Joseph Clark, $638.30
- July 9, 1868, Gardiner, Maine, invoice of Bartlett, Dennis & Co., Grain, Flour, Meal and Feed, to Joseph Clark, $340.30
- July 19, 1868, Gardiner, Maine, invoice of Bartlett, Dennis & Co., Grain, Flour, Meal and Feed, to Joseph Clark, $690.47, shipments on August 8, August 15, and August 26
- August 15, 1868, Gardiner, Maine, invoice of Bartlett, Dennis & Co., Grain, Flour, Meal and Feed, to Joseph Clark, sent to Skowhegan, $41.40
- October 20, 1868, Gardiner, Maine, invoice of Bartlett, Dennis & Co., Grain, Flour, Meal and Feed, to Joseph Clark, $130.10
- February 16, 1869, Gardiner, Maine, invoice of Bartlett, Dennis & Co., Grain Flour, Meal and Feed, to Joseph Clark, $308.36
- November 12, 1869, Gardiner, Maine, invoice of Bartlett & Wood, Grain, Flour, Meal and Feed, to Joseph Clark, $217.56
- December 10, 1869, Gardiner, Maine, invoice of Bartlett & Wood, Grain, Flour, Meal and Feed, to Joseph Clark, $173.25
- March 4, 1870, Gardiner, Maine, bill from Bartlett & Wood, Grain, Flour, Meal and Feed, to Joseph Clark, $1316.69
- January 5, 1871, Gardiner, Maine, invoice from Bartlett & Wood, Grain, Flour, Meal and Feed, to Joseph Clark, for a car of corn, $376.27
- April 26, 1867, Skowhegan, Maine, invoice of Bixby & Phillips to Joseph Clark; payment received
- June 6, 1865, Skowhegan, Maine; invoice of C. Bosworth, Bakers and Dealers in Flour & All Kinds of Bread, to Joseph Clark in Carritunk
- December 7, 1868, Skowhegan, Maine; invoice of H. Burrill & Co. [C. Tuttle & Co. scratched out]; flour, etc. $85.00
- December 15,1868, Skowhegan, Maine; invoice of H. Burrill & Co. [C. Tuttle & Co. scratched out] to Joseph Clark, Jr., corn meal and pork $166.80
- January 24, 1871, Skowhegan, Maine; invoice of Burrill, Green & Co. to Joseph Clark
- March 18, 1872, Skowhegan, Maine, invoice of Burrill [ & Green & Co. crossed out] to Joseph Clark
- March 6, 1861, Augusta, Maine; invoice of Chisam & Cobb, Merchant Tailors, to Joseph Clark, Jr., $113.75
- March 8, 1861, Augusta, Maine; receipt by Chisam & Cobb of payment of Joseph Clark
- May 27, 1861, Augusta, Maine; invoice of Chisam & Cobb to Joseph Clark, $68.13
- November 17, 1868, Skowhegan, Maine; invoice of E. G. Coffin to Joseph Clark; $63.50
- November 18, 1868, Skowhegan, Maine; invoice of E. G. Coffin [& Pitman crossed out] to Joseph Clark
- February 25, 1867, Skowhegan, Maine; invoice of Coffin & Pitman, Hardware, Iron, Steel, Nails, Glass, to Joseph Clark
- January 21, 1870, Augusta, Maine; invoice of Deering, Holway & Co., Flour, Grain, Groceries, to Moseph Clark, for beef, soap and flour
- June 22, 1869, Augusta, Maine; invoice of Deering, Holway & Co. to Joseph Clark, for pork backs
- February 5, 1872, Augusta, Maine; invoice of Deering, Holway & Co., to Joseph Clark, for pork, $106.75
- March 6, 1873, Augusta, Maine; invoice of Deering, Holway & Co., to Joseph Clark, for various items totaling $592.83
- August 6, 1868, Bingham, Maine; receipt by S. A. & A. Dinsmore of the $97 payment made by Oliver Moulton on behalf of Joseph Clark. The receipt has a 2 cent stamp on it.
- May 1, 1873, Bingham, Maine; invoice of S. A. & A. Dinsmore, Dry & Fancy Goods, Groceries, Hardware, etc., to Joseph Clark, items purchased in 1872 and 1873 - a substantial amount of business; periodic payments during this time. Mentions various people, presumably working for Clark
- October 16, 1873, Bingham, Maine; Joseph Clark promises to pay George Goff $25 at store of S. A. & A. Dinsmore
- November 28, 1865, Skowhegan, Maine; invoice of William Doran to Joseph Clark, Jr., sheet iron tea kettles, $5
- August 22, 1866, Skowhegan, Maine; invoice of William Doran to Joseph Clark, Jr., several items $20.75. Please remit as I am ___ hard up.
- October 11, 1859, West Waterville, Maine; invoice of Dun Edge Tool Co., to Joseph Clark, Jr., Caratunk, Maine; for items sent to Skowhegan Station
- January 9, 1861, West Waterville, Maine; invoice of Dunn Edge Tool Co., to Joseph Clark, Jr., Caratunk, Maine; 2 dozen Best ?S Axes, $22.00, sent to Skowhegan Station
- March 13, 1861, West Waterville, Maine; statement from Dunn Edge Tool Co., to Joseph Clark, Jr., Caratunk, Maine; payment settled, signed by G. W. Hubbard for Dunn Edge Tool Co.
- January 24, 1862, West Waterville, Maine; invoice of Dunn Edge Tool Co., to J. Clark, Jr., Caratunk, Maine; one broad axe, $2.00, sent by Express to Skowhegan Station. "We are sending you the only Broad Axe on hand. Shall commence making more next week. Will then fill your order.
- August 26, 1862, Bath, Maine; receipt by Benjamin Riggs of package of John B. Adams of $200 directed to the Bank of Somerset, Skowhegan, Maine
- July 1, 1862, Skowhegan, Maine; invoice of Emery & Folsom [?] to Joseph Clark, Jr., for various items, $116.31
- March 16, 1863, Skowhegan, Maine; invoice of Emery & Folsom & Allen to Joseph Clark; 1 box candles, $4.50
- 1862, Skowhegan, Maine, invoice of Emery & Folsom to Joseph Clark, various items; payment received, acknowledged by Willard, per J. R. Farwell, perhaps Jacob Reed Farwell (1809-1880)
- May 6, 1872, Skowhegan, Maine; invoice of J. R. Farwell, presumably to Joseph Clark of Caratunk, but only the top portion of the invoice still exists
- November 13, 1867, Skowhegan, Maine; invoice of D. L. Fogg to Joseph Clark, for one case of thick boots, $50
- June 26, 1860, Skowhegan, Maine; invoice of Henry D. Frost to Joseph Clark, Jr., for coats, pants, hats, etc.
- June 29, 1860, Skowhegan, Maine; invoice of Henry D. Frost to Joseph Clark, Jr., for various items of clothing
- June 5, 1866, Portland, Maine; bill for past merchandise from Harris Brothers, Wholesale Grocers, to Joseph Clark, $98.74
- June 5, 1866, Portland, Maine; invoice from Harris Brothers to Joseph Clark for 1 box of Grant's tobacco and carting
- December 8, 1871, Bangor, Maine; invoice of Thomas Hersey & Co., to T. Wyman for 12 pairs of Charm Shoe Mocs, $15.00
- June 6, 1865, Augusta, Maine; receipt by E. C. Warren, agent for Homan & Badger, the Maine Farmer, for payment of subscription from December 23, 1862 to December 23, 1865, $7.00
- February 13, 1868, Augusta, Maine; receipt by S. Small for Homan & Badger, the Maine Farmer, for payment of subscription from December 23, 1866 to December 23, 1868, $4.00
- October 25, 1864, Portland, Maine; invoice of H. Warren Lancey & Co. to Joseph Clark for various items $147.87
- December 15, 1869, Portland, Maine; bill of Lane & Little to Joseph Clark, Jr.
- January 3, 1859, Skowhegan, Maine; invoice of J. Lord 2d & Co. to Joseph Clark, $5.11
- February 1873, Portland, Maine; invoice of Thomas Lynch & Co. to Joseph Clark, cheese, flour, beef, $119.30
- August 21, 1857, Skowhegan, Maine; invoice of J. J. & C. F. McClellan to Joseph Clark, molasses, fish, flour, $54.63
- November 3, 1857, Skowhegan, Maine; invoice of J. J. & C. F. McClellan to Joseph Clark, various items, $158.18
- March 24, 1858, Skowhegan, Maine; invoice of J. J. & C. F. McClellan to Joseph Clark, Jr., tobacco, sugar, feathers, nails
- November 12, 1864, Skowhegan, Maine; invoice of L. L. Morrison to Joseph Clark, many items, $91.00; signed paid by L. L. Morrison
- November 2, 186?, Skowhegan, Maine; invoice of L. L. Morrison to Joseph Clark, for oil, $28.45
- September 26, 1865, Skowhegan, Maine; invoice of Morrison & Drew to J. Clark, various items
- October 15, 1866, Skowhegan, Maine; invoice of Morrison & drew to J. Clark, many items, $420.19
- June 4, 1861, Skowhegan, Maine; invoice of Neil & Wentworth to Joseph Clark, salt, mackerel, herring, axes, $30.70
- 1859, Boston, Massachusetts; bought of James Patten & Co. by Joseph Clark, $70.36, received by William Smith on behalf of James Patten
- November 21, 1859, Boston, Massachusetts; invoice of James Patten & Co. to Joseph Clark in Cartatunk via Skowhegan; rum, bourbon, carting, $65.56
- 1860, receipt by William Smith of James Patten & Co. of Boston, Massachusetts, of payment by Joseph Clark on September 25, 1860
- May 15, 1860, Boston, Massachcusetts; invoice of James Patten & Co. of Boston, Massachusetts, to Joseph Clark of Caratunk by way of Skowhegan; rum, whiskey and carting, $47.15
- 1861, Boston, Massachusetts; bill of James Patten & Co., to Joseph Clark, payment by Joseph Clark received by William Smith for James Patten on Januiary 31, 1862
- January 5, 1860, Skowhegan, Maine; bill for 3 pairs moccasins and 3 pairs moccasins with soles purchased by Joseph Clark, $14.52
- March 1, 1860, Skowhegan, Maine; bill for 1 case of boots purchased by Joseph Clark, $36.00
- May 14, 1860, Skowhegan, Maine; bill for 2 pairs of boots, 6 pairs of women's shoes and 1 pair of men's thick shoes, purchased by Joseph Clark for $11.93
- June 29, 1858, Skowhegan, Maine; invoice of George W. Robinson to Joseph Clark; boots, shoes and child's shoes, $6.32
- October 16, 1863, Boston, Massachusetts; invoice of H. J. Robinson to Joseph Clark, Jr.; rum, whiskey and carting; payment received by H. J. Robinson on May 24, 1864
- October 24, 1865 to July 19, 1866 bill of H. J. Robinson to Joseph Clark; receipt of payment dated January 19
- August 28, 1867, Augusta, Maine; bill of S. F. Robinson to Joseph Clark; "I have enclosed statement of account with note for 60 days. Am buying flour now and want to use all the money I can raise. Please sign it and return it here as soon as convenient and oblige. Yours truly, S. F. Robinson."
- March or May 22, 1858, Skowhegan, Maine; invoice of S. D. Sayward & Co., to Joseph Clark, Jr. opf "Carrytunk", several items, plus receipt of payment of $9.30, acknowledged by S. D. Sayward
- March 5, 1858, Skowhegan, Maine; assessment to Joseph Clark of Caratunk, Maine; $5.58
- November 13, 1867, Skowhegan, Maine; invoice of Steward & White to J. Clark for 10 barrels of Excelsior and 2 barrels of Triumph, $142.50
- February 4, 1868, Skowhegan, Maine; invoice of Chandler Tuttle & Co. to Joseph Clark, Jr.; corn meal, $112.44
- March 6, 1860, Skowhegan, Maine; invoice of Tuttle & Kidder & Co. to Joseph Clark, Jr.; $153.00
- December 7, 1860, Skowhegan, Maine; invoice of Tuttle & Kidder & Co. to Joseph Clark, $53.60
- December 10, 1860, Skowhegan, Maine; invoice of Tuttle & Kidder & Co. to Joseph Clark, Jr., $53.60
- September 12, 1861, Skowhegan, Maine; invoice of Tuttle & Kidder & Co. to Joseph Clark, Jr., $57
- January 14, 1862, Skowhegan, Maine; invoice of Tuttle & Kidder & Co., to Joseph Clark, Jr., $84.50
- April 20, 1862, Skowhegan, Maine; invoice of Tuttle & Kidder & Co. to Joseph Clark, Jr., 7 barrels plaster, $7.35
- June 26, 1862, Skowhegan, Maine; invoice of Tuttle & Kidder & Co. to Joseph Clark, Jr.; 10 barrels flour, $57.50
- May 31, 1865, Skowhegan, Maine; invoice of Tuttle & Kidder & Co. to Joseph Clark, Jr.; flour and plaster, $85.25
- May 5, 1859, Portland, Maine; invoice of C. D. Warren & Co. to Joseph Clark; medicines, whiskey, keg, $36.70. "Bbl marked J. Clark, Keg marked [design]. Please excuse delays."
- September 27, 1859, Solon, Maine; promise to pay Sumner Webb $31.78 by Thomas Doyle; reverse shows several payments. Sumner Webb (1813-1894); Thomas Doyle (1806-1890)
- November 1, 1871, Boston, Massachusetts; advertisement form letter from A. L. White & Co. to Joseph Clark, Jr.; sole leather and French calf skins
- January 12, 1857, Skowhegan, Maine; invoice of F. A. Williams & Co. to Joseph Clark; $22.25; payment acknowledged by F. A. Williams Co.
- July 1, 1861, Skowhegan, Maine; invoice of F. A. Wiliams & Co. to Joseph Clark; tin and iron, $5.29
- December 23, 1861, Skowhegan, Maine; invoice from F. A. Williams to William Blackden; nails, $3.50
- March 2, 1868, Skowhegan, Maine; invoice from F. A. Williams to Joseph Clark; 53#
- Date missing, partially torn; Skowhegan, Maine; invoice from F. A. Williams & Co. to, presumably, Joseph Clark or William Blackden; various items, $3.32
Caratunk, Maine, today, is known for its several Kennebec River rafting companies and for being the east side of a canoe crossing for Appalachian Trail hikers.
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