Wednesday, July 20, 2022

1849 Avon, Maine, Document: Joseph B. Grover; Major Phillips; J. E. Thompson; Moses Wells; William Kennedy; Sampson Soule

March 17, 1849 document where the Selectmen of Avon, Maine, direct Joseph B. Grover to keep roads in repair in District # 10 for the coming year.

To Joseph  B. Grover, one of the surveyors of highways in the town of Avon, the division and limits of district No. 10 in the town of Avon which are to be kept in repair by you for the present year are as follows,, Beginning at the town line of Phillips near Moses Wells, thence by William Kennada Mills to the county road near Sampson Soules.
Given under our hands 17th day of March 1849
Major Phillips    )  Selectmen of
J. E. Thompson   )  Avon

If you have alternate identities for any of these men, please leave a comment for the benefit of other researchers.

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