Friday, April 25, 2014

1865 and 1866 Springfield, Maine documents: Eastern Express Company; Alvin Leavitt Jr.; Almon Leavitt

July 11, 1865 document written at Springfield, Maine, showing where Eastern Express Company delivered a package containing $100.75 from N. G. Hichborn to Alvin Leavitt at Drew Plantation, signed as received by Almon Leavitt.

May 17, 1866 document written at Springfield, Maine, showing where Eastern Express Company delivered a package containing $207.62 from N. G. Hitchborn to Alvin Leavitt, Jr. of Drew Plantation, signed as received by Almon Leavitt.

From online research, hopefully correct:  [corrections and additions welcome!]

Almon Leavitt was born 12 April 1837 at Turner, Maine, the son of Alvin and Susannah Leavitt.  My research shows that Alvin Leavitt was the son of Isaiah Leavitt and Lydia (Ludden) Leavitt.  I'm not sure where the use of Jr. came in.

Sometime between the enumeration of the 1850 and 1860 Census, Alvin, Susannah and their children moved north to Penobscot County in the area of the town of Springfield.  In the 1860 Census, Alvin was farming, and two of his sons, one of them Almon, were teaching school.  Alvin died in 1868 and is buried at Turner, Maine.

By 1870, son Almon was living at Independence Plantation, now Kingman Township.  Drew Plantation is adjacent to Kingman Township.

On 8 January 1870, Almon married Elsie Kyle Gordon, daughter on Alford and Elsie (Kyle) Gordon.  Elsie was born about November 1848 at Winn, Maine.  Almon and Elsie would have, I believe, three children:
  • Harold Gordon Leavitt, born 25 December 1875; married Grace M. Delaite
  • Eva Leavitt, born about February 1878; married Frederick E. Kimball at Kingman, Maine, on 25 December 1904
  • Grace Leavitt, born about 1880; I believe she died in infancy
Almon operated a tannery, a shingle mill and a steam mill and served as a town clerk at Kingman Township; it's likely that his father was also involved in these ventures.

As for N. G. Hitchborn, I'm not sure who he was, but there was a Nathan G. Hichborn who ran a store and shipyard at Stockton, Mainer.  Just before the year of this document, he was elected Treasurer of the State of Maine, but I assume his business interests carried on.  It's possible that this was a transaction with the State of Maine or perhaps it reflected an order for the store or shipyard.

If you have corrections and/or additions to the information above, please leave a comment or contact me directly.   Thanks for stopping by!

Kingman Township, Maine [A] and Drew Plantation [B]

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  1. Pam,
    I am a descendent of many families from the Prospect, Stockton Springs, Cape Jellison, and Searsport area. N.G. was Nathan Griffin Hichborn. He operated a store with his brother-in-law, Giles Carpenter Grant. Giles Grant married N.G.'s sister, Desiah Griffin Hichborn. Giles and Desiah are my 3x great grandparents. Giles took over the running of the story around 1850. N.G. Hichborn served a term as Maine State Congressman, a term as Maine State Senator, and served as Maine State Treasurer. In his younger years, N.G. was a shipbuilder, as most young men in the community were. N.G. Hichborn was the son of Henry A. Hichborn (and Desiah Griffin). Henry was the son of Robert P. Hichborn I (wife Susanna, who moved from Boston to Cape Jellison, Maine.

    1. I did a post a long time ago about the Hichborn Chronology, which I still have in my collection.
