November 1889 issue of "The M.C.I.", No. 1, Volume III, a student publication of Maine Central Institute at Pittsfield, Maine.
See other posts that feature the inaugural issue of June 1888 and the issue of February 1889.
Approximately 9-1/4" by 6-3/4", with 20 numbered pages, with advertisements on two of them and on the inside back and back covers. The front cover is missing, as is a possible front end paper of advertisements.
The issue is unmarked but was found with three others that bear the handwritten name of owner Lucille Osborne. I believe she was Lucelia E. Osborne (1887-1956), the daughter of Charles M. Osborne and Alice G. (Cross) Osborne of Gardiner, Maine. Lucelia married Wentworth E. Wilson on September 1, 1906 at Gardiner, Maine.
Students responsible for the issue:
- Clarence E. Frost, Class of 1890, Editor in Chief of the M.C.I.
- Alvin G. Weeks, Class of 1891, Editor of the M.C.I.
- Nathan Turner, Class of 1891, Editor of the M.C.I.
- Elmer Weymouth, Class of 1890, Editor of the M.C.I.
- Susie M. Brackett, Class of 1890, Editor of the M.C.I.
- Hattie Weiler, Class of 1890, Editor of the M.C.I.
- Mary L. Merchant, Class of 1890, Editor of the M.C.I.
- Henry H. Hathaway, Class of 1891, Business Manager
If you have stories to share about any of the people mentioned, please leave a comment or contact me directly.
Surnames Mentioned
Appleby | Farwell [2] | Jackson | Nickerson | Walker |
Bailey | Fischer | Jewett | Park | Walls |
Berry | Foss | Jose | Parsons | Waterman |
Bowden [2] | Frost | Kinney | Plumstead | Webb |
Bowman | Gardner | Libbey | Powell | Weeks [2] |
Boyd | Gilmore | Libby | Rix | Weiler |
Brackett [2] | Goff | Littlefield | Robinson | Weymouth [2] |
Brock | H ? [2] | Lothrope | Seeley | Williams |
Bryant | Hagerthy | Marden | Smith | Worthen |
Clark [2] | Harding | Marshall | Somers | |
Colcord | Hathaway | Martin | Spratt | |
Cook [2] | Hersey | McIntosh | Taylor | |
Davis | Hight | Merchant | Turner | |
Drake [2] | Holmes | Morrill [2] | ||
Dyer | Holton | Morse | ||
Emerson | Hovey | Murdock | ||
Murray |
People Mentioned (tidbits collected from throughout the issue)
- L. H. Appleby, on the executive committee of the Lucinian Society
- W. H. Bailey, married Miss Lizzie Fischer at Allston, Massachusetts. One or both was a member of the Class of 1884
- Mabel J. Berry, Secretary and Treasurer of the Lucinian Society
- C. H. Bowden, on the executive committee of the Lucinian Society.
- Josie Bowden, Class of 1887; at home at Pittsfield, Maine
- Mr. Bowman, gave a declamation at the annual public meeting of the Lucinian Society on November 20, 1889
- Miss Flora A. Boyd, Class of 1884, teaching at M.C.I.
- Susie M. Brackett, Class of 1890, Editor of the M.C.I.
- Maude E. Brackett, pianist of the M.C.I. Orchestra
- Charles Brock, Class of 1881, a physician at Clinton, Maine
- Charles E. Bryant, Class of 1881, recently visited Pittsfield
- Miss Clark, read an essay at the annual public meeting of the Lucinian Society on November 20, 1889
- Mabel Clark, Class of 1883, teaching at Abbot, Maine
- Miss Colcord, performed a duet with Miss Wright at the annual public meeting of the Lucinian Society on November 20, 1889
- J. E. Cook, scorer of the B.B. Association and leader and first violin of the M.C.I. Orchestra
- Eber Cook, Class of 1888; teaching at Troy, Maine
- Susie Davis, Class of 1889; teaching
- Prof. O. H. Drake, "delivered the opening address before the Somerset Educational Convention, held at Pittsfield October 15 and 16"
- A. May Drake, Class of 1886; married H. C. Rice, druggist at Framingham, Massachusetts
- Mr. Dyer, argued in the negative in debate on the question "there are more wonders on the land than in the sea", at the annual public meeting of the Lucinian Society on November 20, 1889
- Miss Addie Emerson, Class of 1883, teaching at Brewer, Maine
- Susie Farwell, Class of 1887; at home at Pittsfield, Maine
- Kate Farwell, Class of 1887, at home at Pittsfield, Maine
- Miss Lizzie Fischer, married W. H. Bailey at Allston, Massachusetts. One or both was a member of the Class of 1884
- Mabel Foss, played 2 parts in a play performed by the Euromathian Society on November 19, 1889
- Clarence E. Frost, Class of 1890, Editor in Chief of the M.C.I. President of the Lucinian Society
- Minnie Gardner, played a part in a play performed by the Euromathian Society on November 19, 1889
- Frank A. Gilmore, Class of 1886; attending Colby College at Waterville, Maine, and serving the Unitarian church at Winthrop, Maine
- J. W. Goff, Class of 1882, appointed vice president at a normal school in the West
- A. E. H., "An Excursion of Luray Cave", pages 5-8
- A. B. H., Class of 1891, "The Journey of John and His Two Children", pages 10 and 11
- G. R. Hagerthy, Class of 1888, studying medicine with his uncle at Sedgwick, Maine. Presumably George R. Hagerthy
- Cora Harding, Class of 1888; at Boston studying short-hand and typewriting
- Henry H. Hathaway, Class of 1891, Business Manager
- Fred W. Hersey, Class of 1885, station agent and postmaster at Redstone, New Hampshire; recently married Miss Minnie Sargent.
- Ivan Hight, Class of 1889; attending Colby College at Waterville, Maine
- Anna B. Holmes, Secretary and Treasurer of the Y.P.C.A. On the executive committee of the Euromathian Society
- Prof. Holton, a new teacher at M.C.I.
- Mr. Hovey, Class of 1884, a lawyer at Pittsfield, Maine
- F. H. Jackson, Class of 1889; attending Bates College at Lewiston, Maine
- Algie Jewett, played a part in a play performed by the Euromathian Society on November 19, 1889
- Theo Jose, Class of 1888; attending normal school at Gorham, Maine
- Evelyn Kinney; Class of 1887; at home at Pittsfield, Maine
- W. C. Libbey, Class of 1887, residing at South Paris, Maine
- Miss Carrie E. Libby, Class of 1883, teaching primary school at Pittsfield, Maine
- H. W. Littlefield, manager of the B.B. Association and second violin of the M.C.I. Orchestra
- Bertel Lothrope, Class of 1889; attending Bates College at Lewiston, Maine
- Wilson C. Marden, Class of 1889; attending Bates College at Lewiston, Maine
- M. A. Marshall, President of the B.B. Association; played the part of Capt. Augustus Fitz Poole, English swell, in a play performed by the Euromathian Society on November 19, 1889
- Forest J. Martin, Class of 1886; recently admitted to the bar
- Miss Grace McIntosh. "All were saddened upon learning of the death of Miss Grace McIntosh, which occurred at her home in Milo during the summer vacation. Miss McIntosh was a most estimable young lady, beloved by all her associations, and in her death the school has lost a faithful student."
- Mary L. Merchant, Class of 1890, Editor of the M.C.I.
- James B. Morrill, on the executive committee of the Euromathian Society; secretary and treasurer of the B. B. Association; double bass player on the M.C.I. Orchestra
- Mr. and Mrs. Morrill, Class of 1880, still at Lancaster, Massachusetts, where Mr. Morrill is principal of the high school
- Oscar S. Morse, President of the Y.P.C.A.
- Percy R. Murdock, Vice President of the Y.P.C.A.
- Miss Annie Murray, Class of 1885, spending the winter with relatives in the West
- Fred H. Nickerson, Class of 1882; had been a teacher at M.C.I.; now principal of high school at Cumberland Mills
- Maggie Park, Class of 1889; taking a commercial course at M.C.I.
- Prof. J. H. Parsons, "a former principal of M.C.I., and who accepted a position as principal of the high school at Cumberland Mills, has been elected principal of the Augusta High School"
- Miss Lelia Plumstead, Class of 1883, teaching at M.C.I.
- W. H. Powell, Class of 1885, studying law at Boston Law School
- Miss Eda Rix, Class of 1888, returned from a trip to Connecticut and set to teach at Newport, Maine
- Blanche E. Robinson; Secretary and Treasurer of the Euromathian Society; played the part of Margaret Goldfoil, in a play performed by the Euromathian Society on November 19, 1889
- M. A. Seeley, played the part of Hans Von Dinglebender, a Dutch waiter at the "Jolly Fellows", in a play performed by the Euromathian Society on November 19, 1889
- Frank Smith, Class of 1889; teaching at Burnham, Maine
- C. Somers, second cornet of the M.C.I. Orchestra
- C. C. Spratt, Class of 1889; attending Bates College at Lewiston, Maine
- Prof. Taylor, head of the Commercial Department at M.C.I.
- Nathan Turner, Class of 1891, Editor of the M.C.I.. Vice President of the Lucinian Society; presumably the Mr. Turner who argued in the affirmative in debate on the question "there are more wonders on the land than in the sea", at the annual public meeting of the Lucinian Society on November 20, 1889
- Miss Mae E. Walker, played a part in a play performed by the Euromathian Society on November 19, 1889. "recently closed a successful term of school in this town, and has returned to rejoin her class"
- Frank R. Walls, played a part in a play performed by the Euromathian Society on November 19, 1889
- Mr. Waterman, Dexter's well known photographer, made a picture of the students and teachers Nov. 1, after chapel exercises. Many predict wonderful developments."
- J. W. Webb, first cornet of the M.C.I. Orchestra
- Alvin G. Weeks, Class of 1891, Editor of the M.C.I.
- Eugene Weeks, played a part in a play performed by the Euromathian Society on November 19, 1889
- Hattie X. Weiler, Class of 1890, Editor of the M.C.I.. On the executive committee of the Euromathian Society; played the part of Madeline Goldfoil, a young lady, in a play performed by the Euromathian Society on November 19, 1889
- Elmer Weymouth, Class of 1890, Editor of the M.C.I.. President of the Euromathian Society. He gave the Salutatory at the annual public meeting of the Euromathian Society on November 19, 1889. Possibly the E. Weymouth who participated in a play performed by the Euromathian Society on November 19, 1889
- E. Weymouth, played the part of Frank Playfair, a friend of Blake's, in a play performed by the Euromathian Society on November 19, 1889
- Katie Williams, cellist of the M.C.I. Orchestra
- Clarendon J. Worthen, Vice President of the Euromathian Society; played the part of bookkeeper Charlie Blake in a play performed by the Euromathian Society on November 19, 1889.
- Miss Wright, performed a duet with Miss Colcord at the annual public meeting of the Lucinian Society on November 20, 1889
- Kate E. Wright, on the executive committee of the Lucinian Society
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