Cabinet photograph of a baby identified on reverse as Lynn McPherson, born March 6, 1904. No photographer's marking, so if the birth date hadn't been included on reverse, I wouldn't have been able to research young Lynn.
From online research, hopefully correct [corrections welcome, especially since it appears that some online sources have the lines of Absalom McPherson and wife Mabel Louise (McPherson) McPherson combined/confused]:
Lynn John McPherson was born in Minnesota on 6 March 1904, son of Absalom Kimball McPherson and Mabel Louise (McPherson) McPherson, who were born at Mars Hill, Maine, and Brownville, Maine, respectively.
Lynn's paternal grandparents were John Leonard McPherson and Jane L. (Pamphrey) McPherson, New Brunswick natives who moved to Maine. His maternal grandparents were William Henry McPherson and Sarah Eliza (Perry) McPherson, born in New Brunswick and Maine respectively; they later moved to Minnesota.
When I was lucky enough to identify young Lynn from his birth date so conveniently provided and saw that he was born in Minnesota, I wondered how I came to have his photograph. Could it be another case of Mainers and New Brunswickers who moved to Minnesota and sent photographs back home, especially of children the folks back home had never seen. After research, I think the possibility is even more likely.
I can't quite make out the top line on the reverse of the photograph, except that it looks to have the word McPherson at the end. Perhaps the photograph was sent to Lynn's paternal grandparents, who lived at Mars Hill, Maine.
If you have any information on the later life of Lynn John McPherson, who died in 1978 in Minnesota, please leave a comment or contact me directly.
Thanks for stopping by!
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