Sunday, July 15, 2012

1898 Annual Report of Thorndike, Maine

1898 Annual Report of the Selectmen, Treasurer and Superintendent of Schools of the Town of Thorndike, for the Municipal Year, Ending March 3rd, 1898.

Printed by the Press of the Belfast Age Publishing Company, Belfast, Maine.

Names appearing on pages are transcribed below the page.  Names appearing multiple times may be listed only once or more.

Names on the page above:

Charles Cook and family
Nellie Hunt
Mary Sparrow
J. O. Leary

Names on the page above:

Levi Walker
Edgar Waning
Harry Waning
Hason Littlefield and family
Harry Waning
Jason Littlefield
Mrs. W. S. Littlefield
Charles Cook
W. S. Dolloff

Names on the page above:

Charles Parsons, selectman
V. N. Higgins, selectman
J. H. Sayward, selectman
J. C. Whitney, board of health
A. H. Higgins, board of health
E. G. Lander
J. N. Tilton
Fred Hasty
R. S. Wa4rd
C. B. Cox, Supt.
Pane Dyer
C. B. Cox, Supt.
E. Cornforth
Nellie Hunt
E. G. Lander
A. S. Higgins
Joseph Higgins
Benjamin Ames, moderator in 1896
H. M. Higgins
A. S. Higgins
B. C. Higgins
Robert Patterson
D. A. McManus
Edward Cornforth
Nellie Hunt
Robert Patterson
Joseph Gordon
D. A. McManus
Willis Philbrick
Peter Harmon
T. P. Larrabee
Peter Harmon
J. O. Leary

Names on page above:

A. S. Higgins
A. S. Higgins
Nellie Hunt (her burial expenses)
Mary K. Shibles
Mrs. Sparrow
Henry Stevens
Peter Harmon
Levi Walker
W. D. Hogan
Mary Sparrow
Peter Harmon
Harry Waning
Edgar Waning
E. G. Lander
H. M. Bryant
G. S. Small
E. G. Lander
W. S. Dollogg
Edward Cornforth
A. R. Murch
Dana Higgins
Gus Cates
Burton Dyer
A. L. Ward
E. H. Littlefield
Henry Stevens
Mary Sparrow

Names on the page above:

Paris Dyer
V. N. Higgins
H. M. Small
Gardner Philbrick
W. I. Hunt
A. S. Higgins
Charles Parsons
H. M. small
Harry Waning
Dr. Sam Johnson
H. M. Higgins
V. N. Higgins
Henry Parsons
E. H. Ward
Elden A. Ward
Henry Stevens
H. V. Ward
Benjamin Ames
A. W. Ward
S. W. Ward
Nelson Gordon
George Cilley
Peter Harmon
J. H. Sayward
W. S. Dolloff
E. G. Lander

Names on the page above:

F. N. Vose
H. Waning
J. C. Whitney, recording births and deaths
H. L. Wing
Peter Harmon
Charles Cook
Mary Sparrow
A. L. Ward
F. L. Philbrick
E. W. Dyer
Peter Harmon
Newell Bagtley
H. M. Bryant
George P. Higgins
A. S. Higgins
Gardner Philbrick
George P. Ward
H. L. Wing
Peter Harmon
H. M. small
S. C. Files

School Orders Drawn

W. S. Dolloff, wood 1896
A. H. Higgins, wood
Grace E. Dow, teaching
Jennie Ware, teaching
Pearl M. Blethen, teaching
E. L. Hasty, teaching

Names on the page above:

Lucy E. Hunt, teaching
Newell Bagley, carrying scholars
H. M. Bryant
A. L. Ward
Nelson D. Blethen, carring scholars in 1896
Nelson D. Blethen, carrying scholars in 1897
W. I. Hunt, wood
W. I.  Hunt, carrying scholars
W. L. Pullen, teaching
J. S. Cates, carrying scholars
Robert Cates, carrying scholars
E. L. Hasty, teaching
Sadie L. Ward, carrying scholars
George P. Ward, wood
Truman P. Larrabee, carrying scholars
A. L. Ward, teaching
E. H. Littlefield, carrying scholars
H. V. Ward, conveying scholars
Harry Rich, teaching
Fred Cates, conveying scholars
R. W. Towle, teaching
W. S. Dolloff, carrying scholars
Nelson Gordon, carrying scholars
Daniel Gordon, teaching
R. W. Ward, carrying scholars
Fred Patterson, wood
T. H. Parsons, carrying scholars
C. B. Cox, free high school

Names on the page above:

Edwin Cornforth, Treasurer
B. F. Woods
E. G. Lander
E. H. Littlefield
G. E. Bryant 
S. G. Tilton
B. F. Wards [could he be B. F. Woods, above, or vice versa?]
E. G. Lander

Names on the page above:

E. G. Lander, collector
Jason Littlefield and family
J. O. Leary
B. F. Ward
E. G. Lander
S. W. Ward
J. O. Leacy [Leary?]
Selectmen of Thorndike: A. S. Higgins; Peter Harmon; A. L. Ward

At the first meeting of your Committee, March 27th, they elected a Superintendent and to maintain five schools, viz. at the North, South, East, Files and Station school houses, and to suspend the schools in other districts for the ensuing year.  Voted for spring term to commence May 3rd, and empowered the Superintendent to employ, examine and certify teachers, procure necessary fuel, books and appliances, and superintend repairs.  In accordance with these instructions, five schools were maintained in summer, and conveyance provided for all pupils in remote places.  Number of pupils attending these schools 99, average number, 85.

Again at a meeting called August 14th, voted that the winter terms commence December 1st, except the Files school, which owing to the open condition of the house, recommended it commence Sept. 1st, also to maintain an eight weeks term at the Station.  These two, and a private school at the south, maintained by the public spirit of its citizens gave instruction to about 100 pupils.  The four winter terms had an attendance of 116.  Whole number of weeks of school for the year, 104.  Whole number of scholars in town April 1st, 173.  Number of different pupils attending school, 142.

We have endeavored to employ teachers whose experience, or recent work in the class room, has given them tact to interest, skill to instruct, and power to stimulate pupils to their best work.

But the success of our schools does not depend on teachers alone.  To derive the greatest benefit the people, the teachers, and the pupils must work together.  Where this has been done, the schools speak for themselves.

The registers returned showed a good attendance, and after a careful examination at the close of each term, I deem the 

year's work progressive and profitable.

As showing briefly and specifically the resources for our schools for the year, and expenditures of the same, I submit the following:...

Names on the page above:

Samuel Tilton of Knox
A. W. Fletcher of Knox
A. W. Ward, Superintendent

Municipal website of the town of Thorndike, Maine

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