Wednesday, February 5, 2020

1887+ Account Book of the Charles D. Jameson GAR Post 110 at Bradford, Maine - Members' Names, some with Death Information Added

Small account book from Charles D. Jameson Post 110 of the Grand Army of the Republic, or GAR, at Bradford, Maine.  An alphabetical list of the members appears at the end of this post.

The post was named in honor of Brigadier General Charles Davis Jameson, who died of typhoid fever after the Battle of Fair Oaks in Virginia.  See his photograph here.  Sadly, his Old Town home was demolished in late 2019.

The Post had 33 members when it was listed in a booklet about the 40th Annual Encampment of 1907.

The account book has a list of members in the front, and those names are repeated again on their own pages, detailing dues, suspensions, transfers and, if applicable, death information.

First page of List of Members

Sample pages:

Individual page of John Henry Modery (1825-1916)

Individual page of Alfred P. Shute (1833-1902)

Alphabetical list of members - Most names were teased out using online sources, including FindaGrave.  if you can decode some of the remainder, please leave a comment.  Note, many of the death dates are off by a day or so, indicating, presumably, when the news was received.


  1. Replies
    1. Yes, it is. Contact info under Inquiries in right margin near top.

  2. Contact email address under inquiries doesn't work. How can I contact the seller? Thanks for help.

  3. Tried making contact as suggested. Didn't work. Is this item still for sale and how can I contact seller.

  4. Would like to purchase this book in order to present it to the Bradford, Maine historical society. Please contact me.

    1. I still have the book, and the email should work, but don't copy and paste it - you'll have to decode first.
