Sunday, December 19, 2010

1911/1912 Alumnae Register of Rockford College, Rockford, Illinois, names from 1854 to 1911: Classes of 1886 to 1894

1911/1912 booklet, Volume 1-2, Number 58 of the Alumnae Register of Rockford College, Rockford, Illinois. Alumnae from the Classes of 1854 to 1911 are listed, with the names, occupations or husbands' names, and addresses.   This may not be a complete listing, as it may have depended upon whether or not the alumna (or relative or friend) took steps to update the college of her status.

There's a separate section at the end of the Register for the Graduates of the Music Department from 1862 to 1911 - check future posts.

In this issue, I'll list the alumnae from Classes 1886 to 1894.    

Stayed tuned as I work my way through the booklet of 24 pages to the Class of 1911.  This is the fifth installment.  The first installment dealt with the Classes 1854 to 1860; the second with Classes 1861 to 1868 ; the third with Classes 1868 to 1876; the fourth with classes 1877 to 1884 - check the blog archives.


Name; Occupation or Husband's Name; Address

Emily Shoemaker Barber; Packwaukee, Wisconsin
Florence Eva Helm, B. A.; Charles McGlashan; 628 Mulberry St., Rockford
Mary Electra Lowry, B. A.; Librarian; 625 Peach St., Rockford
Anna Eliza Nicoles; Neighborhood House, 6710 May St., Chicago
Flora Alice Reed, B. A., M.D., Fond du Lac, Wisconsin
Kate Clarentine Rising; Teacher; 733 Addison St., Chicago
Mabel Hurd Walker, M. A.; Charles E. Herrick; 3735 Ellis Ave., Chicago
May Louise Williams, B. A.; Charles R. Smith; 922 Oakwood Ave, Wilmette


Helen Stoddard Chamberlain; Charles Ives, M.D.; Pecatonica
Alma Simmons Crouse; Rev. H. M. Herrick; Kingfisher, Oklahoma
†Emma Lincoln Warner, B. A.


Lizzie Sarah Blake; George Rice; 1522 A Ave., Cedar Rapids, Iowa
Katherine E. Dickerman, B. A.; 529 N. Main St., Rockford
Emily Brewster Hillard; Jerry Lincoln Fenn; 291 Collins St., Hartford, Connecticut
Mary Anetta Hough; William Trescott; 5324 S. Park Ave., Chicago
†Bertha Anna Jackson, B. A.
Susan Annetta Leonard; Dr. Arthur Leonard; Lewiston, Maine
Martha Waldo Nye, B. A.; Teacher; Rockford College
Mary Roxy Wilkins, B. A.; George N. Holt; 4427 Berkeley Ave., Chicago


Maud Alma Bryant; Harry Nott; 4019 Farnum St., Omaha, Nebraska
Sarah Burton; O. H. Wright; Belvidere
Emma Lyman Bushnell, B. A.; Teacher; Stowell Cottage, Beloit, Wisconsin
Cordelia Marie Hills; 554 S. Ninth St., San Jose, California
Catherine Margaret McQueen; Librarian; Elgin
Adeline Morehouse; Eugene D. Holmes; 74 Allen St., Albany, New York
†Adelaide Marie Olmstead, B. A.
Stella E. Palmer; †Sidney A. Sabin; 641 Marion St., Denver, Colorado
Adda Louise Randall; Charles A. Hutchins; RR No. 4, Madison, Wisconsin
Mary Hopkins Royce, B. A.; Charles W. Merriman, M.D.; Beloit, Wisconsin
Mary Asenath Sabin, B. A.; Fred K. Houston; 1119 Hinman Ave., Evanston
Lois Ellen Smith; Echo, Oregon
Ama Sears Taylor, B. A.; 729 N. Church St., Rockford


CLASS OF 1889 cont.

Charlotte Elizabeth Wood, B. A.; John Theodore Montgomery, M.D.; Charleston
Eleanor Fraley Woodruff, B. A.; 703 N. Church St., Rockford


Estella Dillon; Address unknown
Alice May Dobson, B. A.; Teacher; 312 N. Avon St., Rockford
Alice Belle Foltz, B. A.; Dr George Y. Wilson; Colorado Springs, Colorado
Mary Ferguson Howie, B. A.; 521 S. Third St., Rockford
Laura Sarah Lee; Edwin L. Waugh; 1120 Chase Ave., Chicago
Louise Surre May, B. A. (Vassar); Teacher; Rochelle
Edith Alice Sherman, B. A.; Glenn Mark Averill; 213 S. 12th St., Cedar Rapids, Iowa
†Allene M. Skinner, B. A.
Helen May Taylor; Teacher; Alden, Iowa


Ella Eliza Bort; Dr. Clare S. Bradley; Beloit, Wisconsin
Florence Lucinda Holbrook; Barent G. Poucher; Glencoe
Luella May Lewis; O. J. Leu; Grand Rapids, Wisconsin
†Alice J. McQueen, B. A.; Robert A. Harper
Mabel Thomas, B. A.; Matthew Whelan; RFD No. 2, Billings, Oklahoma
Grace DeWitt Welty, B. A.; E. State St., Rockford
Mary Talcott Westake; F. H. Cooper; Portsmouth, Iowa


Helen Lockwood Carpenter, B. A. (Chicago); Monticello, Iowa
Catherine Covell; Dr. Emerton Bayley; Lake City, Minnesota
Bertha Brown Early; Rev. Perley Powers; Blackfoot, Idaho
Gertrude Felker, B. A., M. D.; Physician; The Calvert, Dayton, Ohio
Rose Marie Gyles, B. A.; Resident; Hull House, Chicago
Jean MacMillan, B. A.; 1347 2nd Ave., Los Angeles, California
Nellie M. Parker, B. A.; Teacher; 175 N. Marengo Ave., Pasadena, California
Estella May Stevens; M. Dewitt Martin; Address unnknown
Genevieve Lenhart Welty, B. A.; 2604 E. State St., Rockford


Myrtle Atkins; Olin Funston Smith; 5606 Michigan Ave., Chicago
Josie Porter; Monroe


Susanne Orton, B.A., M.D.; Physician; Darlington, Wisconsin


If you have any insights into the genealogy of any of the people listed above, please leave a comment or contact me directly.

Thanks for stopping by!


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