Friday, December 17, 2010

1911/1912 Alumnae Register of Rockford College, Rockford, Illinois, names from 1854 to 1911; Classes 1854-1860

1911/1912 booklet, Volume 1-2, Number 58 of the Alumnae Register of Rockford College, Rockford, Illinois. Alumnae from the Classes of 1854 to 1911 are listed, with the names, occupations or husbands' names, and addresses.   This may not be a complete listing, as it may have depended upon whether or not the alumna (or relative or friend) took steps to update the college of her status.

There's a separate section at the end of the Register for the Graduates of the Music Department from 1862 to 1911 - check future posts.

In this issue, I'll list the alumnae from Classes 1854 to 1860.  Stayed tuned as I work my way through the booklet of 24 pages to the Class of 1911.

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The Alumnae will confer a favor by sending corrections to the Secretary of the college.  The college does not hold itself responsible for corrections sent in any other way.

Name; Occupation or Husband's Name; Address                        
†Anna C. Allen; †Rev. F. Arthur Douglas
L. Louise Farnham; †P. E. Kent, 918 E. Boulder St, Colorado Springs, Colorado
Jennie Palmer; Hon. Frank Buckbee; Geneva, Wisconsin
†S. Adeline Potter; †Hon. William Lathrop
Amanda J. Silsby; †Milton T. Moore; Oakford
Marion M. Silsby; Albert Walker; Petersburg
Abby C. Spare; †D. R. Mead; 603 N. Second St., Rockford

†Kate F. Brown; Prof. Alex. Kerr
†Helen E. Brown; †John Carlton, M. D.
†Mary E. Clark;
†Marietta Cleveland; William Dewson
†Lucy A. Danley; Griffith Beynon
†Mary P. Green; †Joseph Blount, M.D.
Caroline A. Potter, M.A.; †Col. C. M. Brazee; 314 S. Second St., Rockford
†Mary W. Town; †Isaac Claflin

†Anna M. Burrell; †Hon. W. M. Buckley
†Abbey E. Gates; †John Kendig, Esq;
Sarah A. Grady; Teacher; 518 Walnut St., Rockford
Celestia Johnson; Rev. D. J. Jones; 164 42nd Place, Chicago
†Olive M. Johnson; †S. M. Benedict
†Susan M. Johnson; Alex McIntosh
†*Martha C. Lathrop; Missionary
†Josephine Moffatt
†Mary E. Morrill
Sarah E. Nichols; Levi D. Collins; Chicago
†Cornelia C. Paine; N. H. Thomas
†Mary E. Preston
†Rosetta Price; †Capt. James W. Anthony
Lila A. Sabin; †B. T. Buckley, M.D.; Glasco, Kansas
Henrietta Topliff; †C. H. Chadbourne; 2628 Humboldt Ave., Minneapolis, Minnesota
Isabelle M. Twogood; †James F. Hervey; 2953 Michigan Ave., Chicago

This includes graduates of Rockford Seminary up to 1884, inclusive.
*Returned Missionary from India

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Marion Y. Chamberlain; †John Loop; Bridgman, Michigan
Julia M. Clark; †David B. Brooks; 16 Huntington St., Hartford, Connecticut
Lucy Depue; †J. B. Lyman, M. D.; 92 Washington Sq., Salem, Massachusetts
†Mary L. Ferry; †Galen Eastman
Fannie Hooker; †G. H. Hollister; 128 Duluth Ave., Sioux Falls, South Dakota
†Julia J. Paine; William Hyde
Marian A. Sackett; †Samuel Skemp; 4826 Indiana Ave., Chicago
†Cordelia Sherman
†Elizabeth Strunk; Mark Ripley
†Julia F. Wheat; †M. Correll


†Sarah Blood; †Rev. H. G. McArthur, D.D.
Jennie L. Gorham; †Rev. H. C. Forbes; Tucson, Arizona
Marie S. Montague; †Rev. J. M. Woodman; San Leandro, California
†Lavinia N. Norton; †Rev. W. W. DeWolf; 3101 N. 30th St., Tacoma, Washington
†Angelina I. Paine; Rev. Adam Pinkerton
Hannah Paine; †Dwight H. Moffatt; Corning, Iowa
Margaret Paine; John H. Wells; Fairfield, Iowa
Hattie E. Parker; John Doughty; Fayette, Iowa
†Sarah Price; John M. Center
†Eliza W. Rose; E. T. Cleveland
†Mary J. Southworth; A. D. Southworth


Ellen M. Abbe; J. N. Adams; 2135 W. Adams St., Chicago
Mary Blodgett; †J. W. Goodard; 516 Adams St., Ypsilanti, Michigan
†Urania E. Coe; †O. Payne; 423 N. State St., Chicago
Celia C. Culver; Rev. S. Gilbert
†Mary F. Gilbert
Belle L. Pettigrew; Preceptress; Sioux Falls, South Dakota
Harriet A. M. Reed, M. A.; Teacher; Hebron
Fannie W. Rowland; Teacher; 748 S. Leavitt St., Chicago
*Alvira L. Stevens, Missionary; 618 Oak St., Rockford
Clara Winter; †Prof. Arthur Everett; 182 East Irving St., Oshkosh, Wisconsin


†Julia O. Avery; †Rev/ Warren Taplin
Libbie Dupue; †Charles D. Sprague; 514 Baker St., Longmont, Colorado
Elizabeth Earhart; Robert D. Anderson; Address unknown
Abbie S. Goodrich; Teacher; address unknown
†Sarah P. Hall; George A. Pratt
Carrie P. Hatch; A. Barrows; Address unknown
†Lucy L. Heath; †Henry Plant; Address unknown
Fannie C. Jones, M. A.; †William A. Talcott; 839 N. Main St., Rockford
Mary J. Kent; Edward P. Thomas; 503 N. Church St., Rockford
†Hanna E. Parsons
Eliza T. Spare; †Rev. David W. Evans; 10527 Amor St., Cleveland, Ohio

*Returned from Bassien, Burmah

If you have any insights into the genealogy of any of the people listed above, please leave a comment or contact me directly.

Thanks for stopping by!


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