Friday, December 10, 2010

1882 Grand Republican Rally at Lake Maranocook, Readfield, Maine

This notice was apparently clipped from a newspaper, most likely a Maine newspaper.  I found it attached to a backing that resembles purple construction paper.

Most of the biggest names in Maine politics of the era were listed as speakers.

Lake Maranocook is also spelled as Lake Maranacook


Grand Mass Meeting
Lake Maranocook
August 30, 1882
This is to be the 
Grand Republican Rally
of the 

The following Speakers have been secured.

Hon. James G. Blaine
Hon. Eugene Hale
Hon. Warner Miller of New York
Gen. Selden Connor
Hon. George D. Robinson of Massachusetts
Hon. Seth L. Milliken
Hon. Nelson Dingley, Jr.
Hon. George R. Loring (Commissioner of Agriculture)
Hon. Thomas B. Reed
Gen. Robert P. Kennedy of Ohio
Hon. C. A. Boutelle
Gen. John L. Swift of Massachusetts

Speaking will commence at 1 o'clock p.m.
Thirty Brass Bands
From various sections of the State will be present.

A Grand Band Concert
will be given from 11 o'clock a.m. to 1 o'clock p.m. under the direction of
Prof. Frank L. Collins
Extra trains and low fares on all Railroads in Maine

Thanks for stopping by!


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