August 1915 issue of Our Mission Work, Devoted to the Interests of the Maine Children's Home Society, Volume XVI, No. 7, published at August, Maine. The handwritten name Mrs. J. B. Thomas appears in the upper right corner of the cover.
Any names contained in pages are transcribed in a list under or adjacent to the applicable image.
Names on the page above:
W. C. Hawes, Superintendent Willis C. Hawes
State Board of Examiners: George E. Gay; Joseph E. Briggs; Mrs. C. S. Fogg; Willis C. Hawes; O. R. Wellman; Dr. W. S. Thompson; Mrs. Mabel G. Bailey; Rev. C. G. Mosher; Eleanor Hamlen; Mrs. Hiram Rockwood; Mrs. A. M. Drummond; George A. Allen; Matilda W. Atkinson; J. P. Henderson; Miss Nellie Moore; A. W. Fowles; George L. Crosman; H. E. Coolidge; Keith Ryan
Officers of the Board: President George E. Day; 1st Vice President O. R. Wellman; 2d Vice President Dr. W. S. Thompson; Secretary Mrs. Caroline Fogg; Treasurer Joseph E. Briggs; Auditor Mrs. Annie E. Drummond
Executive Committee: W. C. Hawes; Miss Nellie Moore; J. F. Briggs
Trustees: Rev. C. G. Mosher; W. C. Hawes; Dr. W. S. Thompson
State Superintendent: W. C. Hawes, Augusta, Maine
District Superintendents: Miss Gertrude E. Frye, Augusta, Maine; Miss S. Louise Rounds, South Paris; Miss M. Elizabeth Arnts, Augusta, Maine
Papa and Mamma Perkins
Neighbor Richards
Miss Edna Bigelow and Mrs. Welch of Saint Albans, Maine
Hilda M. George; James and Florence Pendleton; Julia A. Graves; Hugh Daley; Mrs. Frank L. Robinson; W. D. Trask; Louise D. Mayhew; Mrs. J. M. Libby; Mary L. Grovenor; Mrs. Nettie A. Burdon; Anna Larrabee; Mrs. Angie Crosby; Sarah O. Cook; Harry W. Cook; E. H. Albee; Virginia Small; Isabel A. Small; Alfred B. Small, Jr., Hortense B. Marsh; H. F. Blake; Warren Duran; Mrs. D. G. Hall; Mrs. W. A. Harlow; Mrs. Bertice S. Morse; Mrs. Mary H. Bates; Hattie Harding; Mrs. Horace K. Richardson; Mrs. J. W. Haskell; Mrs. F. W. Gorham
Asticou, Maine - Mrs. C. S. Tyson, Jr.
Augusta, Maine
Miss Etta Morrill; Mrs. Kling; Mrs. M. W. Birch; Mary L. Grovenor; Mrs. C. M. Raynes; Mrs. Angie Crosby; Miss Margaret Nason
Boothbay Harbor, Maine
Mr. and Mrs. N. H. Hussey; F. H. Harris; Dr. F. H. Stevens; Mrs. William M. Smith; Mrs. W. H. Hodgdon; W. M. Simpson; Anna B. Kendrick; B. E. Matthews; S. T. Maddocks; G. B. Keniston; I. C. Keniston; O. W. Baker; H. C. Barrows; H. S. Perkins; W. T. Marr; W. T. Holton; M. A. Perkins; H. T. Thurston; E. A. Sprague; C. E. Sherman; Mrs. H. D. Maxwell; Mrs. J. A. Labbie; W. E. Sawyer; Miss E. E. McKown; E. L. Porter Company; Mrs. I. W. Reed; Mrs. P. S. Patten; B. E. Hume Company; A. R. Nickerson; Mrs. A. M. Nickerson; Miss Millicent Maddocks; Pierce and Hartung; J. W. Brackett; H. W. Bishop; Mrs. B. E. Pinkham; Mrs. H. F. Pinkham; E. T. Lewis; L. A. Dunton; H. H. Selig; C. E. McKown; Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Giles
Bristol, Maine - Dr. J. W. Goudy
Brooklin, Maine; Mrs. A. E. Farnsworth; Mrs. F. G. Staples; Mrs. M. L. Carter; David H. Cole; Mrs. Etta Kane and daughters; Dorothy Staples; Mrs. R. A. Herrick; Mrs. W. P. McFarland; Mrs. L. G. McFarland; Mrs. Phoebe M. Bray; Mrs. D. A. Bent; Mrs. E. I. Hill; Mrs. Susan Cole; Jennie H. Cole; Fred S. Herrick; Edna Clay; Lizzie P.Mayo; Julia B. Jackson; H. E. Heald; G. F. Gott; Mrs. A. J. Cousins; Lizzie J. Cole; Mrs. Laura York; Mrs. F. A. Alden; Mrs. R. F. Wells; Mrs. J. H. Smith; B. C. Bridges; Musa B. Dollard; Mrs. J. J. Bridges; B. O. Dollard; Mrs. F. A. Bridges; Mrs. R. E. Bent
Brookline, Massachusetts - Susan M. Bartlett
Cambridge, Massachusetts - Mrs. Kate R. Morrow
Chesterville, Maine - Mrs. Bertice Morse
Dark Harbor, Maine
Emily Pendleton; Mrs. E. D. Hatch; Mrs. Mary G. McLeod; Mrs. David H. Smith; Mrs. E. S. Preble; Mrs. John W. Pendleton; Mrs. Everett P. Ames; Mrs. Lura W. Hatch; Mrs. A. A. Pendleton; Mrs. L. F. Pendleton; Mrs. H. A. Babbidge; Mrs. L. M. Kimball; Mrs. F. W. Hatch; Edythe Gilbert; Mrs. W. E. Hatch; Mrs. Charles R. Pendleton; Mrs. Walter O. Hall.
Deer Isle, Maine
Mrs. G. H. Spofford; Mrs. E. P. Spofford; J. M. Richardson; Mrs. A. B. Greenlaw; Orville J. Guptill; Mrs. Philip D. Haskell; Mrs. L. T. Green; Mrs. Melville Thompson; Mrs. J. W. Haskell; Mrs. E. P. Greenlaw; Mrs. M. D. Joyce; Mrs. Lillian Small; George L. Beck; D. W. Rollins; Mrs. E. W. Pickering; D. W. Torrey; C. E. Weed; E. M. Haskell; Mrs. H. W. Small
East Boothbay, Maine
Mrs. E. Ella Reed; Mrs. Eva A. Race; Mrs. Henry W. Rice; Mrs. H. E. Fernald; Dan Race; A. O. McDougal; Mrs. W. S. Gilpatrick; Mrs. Lyman McDougal; Mrs. Melvin H. Hodgdon; Mrs. Rodney Tibbetts; Mrs. Mary Jones; Mrs. Will Rice; Mrs. Frank Rice; Miss Hilda Hodgdon
East Winthrop, Maine
Mrs. A. M. Hunt; Mrs. S. E. Packard; Mrs. M. E. Kilbreth; E. A. Whiting; Miss M. S. Robbins
Franklin, Massachusetts - Mrs. W. F. Cobb
Friendship, Maine - Mrs. Patience Murphy
Hartland, Maine - Mrs. John Richards
Islesboro, Maine
Mrs. H. A. Dodge; Mrs. E. L. Sprague; Mrs. Etta Fairfield; Robert H. Carey; Mrs. Arthur Crosby; Mrs. Inez Pendleton; Mrs. Thomas H. Carter; M. Alice Pitcher; Kathlene H. Tuttle; Beulah F. Philbrook; Mrs. G. D. Pendleton; Mrs. Alfred P. Hatch
Islesford, Maine - Mrs. Eunice Stanley
Jefferson, Maine - Mrs. Turner
Kennebunk, Maine
Charles Bowden; Anna Larrabee
Kent's Hill, Maine
Mrs. C. J. Cole; Mrs. E. J. Beal; A. C. Russell; B. V. Smith; Mrs. J. O. Newten; Mrs. L. H. Strout; Miss F. A. Davis
Limerick, Maine
M. B. Mason; Allie J. Libby; Mrs. Fannie M. Pease; Mrs. Lorie Johnston; Ethel E. Brown; G. A. Carpenter; Mrs. Martha Hayes; E. T. Dole; A. C. Dole; Margaret Illsey; Mrs. Clara Woodsum; Mrs. Mildred B. Johnston; Mrs. Hugo Miller; Mrs. Arthur Hayes
Lubec, Maine - Mrs. Eliza Case
Mount Vernon, Maine
Mrs. A. B. Carson; B. R. Cram; Joseph Allen; Horace Carson; Mrs. James North; W. E. Carson; J. A. Rundlette; Mrs. J. P. Carson; Mrs. M. B. Gilman; Mertie E. Robinson
New Harbor, Maine
M. L. Carroll; E. W. Fossett; F. A. Fossett; Dr. L. O. Whitman; Mrs. J. F. Hanna; Mrs. N. J. Hanna; S. W. Hanna; Mrs. Ida Murray; Frank P. Munsey, Jr.; A. W. Geyer; C. B. Meserve; Francis J. Penniman
North Haven, Maine
Etta F. Smith; Mrs. Frank Beverage; Mrs. J. H. Beverage; Mr. and Mrs. G. T. Foss; Mrs. Isadore Young; C. S. Staples; W. S. Hopkins; Mrs. H. D. Deane; Mrs. C. G. Perham; Mrs. A. B. Cooper; Herman Crockett; Dr. Mansfield; Mrs. Beulah V. Bray; F. H. Smith
North Lamoine, Maine - Mrs. Julia A. Graves
Pemaquid Beach, Maine
H. C. Partridge; J. E. Partridge; Mrs. C. M. Kennedy; Mrs. Emma Partridge; Mrs. Ada Partridge; Mrs. Hilda Wells; H. H. Cartland
Presque Isle, Maine - Mrs. Susan G. Murphy
Prospect Harbor, Maine
Mrs. Alfred Hamilton; Mrs. A. R. Welch; J. F. Perry; G. A. Perry; B. M. Moore; Mrs. Charles Blance; Mrs. John Stinson
Readfield, Maine
Dr. and Mrs. W. A. Wright; Mrs. Mary Gordon; Nelson Gordon; Mrs. Ruth Jones; Mrs. C. A. Collins; Mrs. G. A. Lawrence; Mrs. L. B. Wright; Mrs. J. E. Denton; Mrs. D. W. Kensell; C. R. Rice; John W. Williams; B. E. Leighton; C. S. Brown; F. I. Brown; F. A. Hunton; Mrs. Rose Philbrook; Mrs. Sophronia Giles; Samuel Smith
Round Pond, Maine
Mrs. H. S. Wright; Mrs. E. D. Munroe; H. H. Chamberlain; Mrs. Clara Smith; Mrs. F. W. Gorham; Mrs. William C. Thompson
Sargentville, Maine
C. P. Latimer; J. H. Sweet; Mrs. Lee; Henry W. Sargent; Paul S. Lymburner; Lida Harkness; Mrs. F. J. Sargent; Arthur H. Sargent; Mrs. Arthur H. Sargent; Mrs. C. E. Bayard; Hattie Harding; Mrs. Milliken and daughter; Mrs. J. H. Bennett; Mrs. Flora Sargent; F. H. Harding; Mrs. C. K. Foster; George W. Grindal; Mrs. M. E. Spooner; Bessie G. Eaton; Emily L. Eaton; Mrs. Betsy Billings; Mrs. Emma Grant
Sedgwick, Maine
C. N. Rhodes; Mrs. A. M. Torrey; Laura D. Eaton; J. W. Allen; A. C. Holden; Mrs. T. D. Husband; Mrs. Mary C. Wiley; Mrs. William Means; J. A. Closson; John W. Paris; Mrs. D. W. Kimball; Mrs. R. E. Hagerthy; Mrs. Theo A. Smith; B. M. Buckminster
South Berwick, Maine
Helen Sewall; Jane Sewall; Mary Libby; Mrs. Mary Walker; B. F. Davis; Mrs. L. A. Willard; Elizabeth Tobie; Dr. Frank Ross; Mrs. C. K. Wentworth
South Bristol, Maine
D. G. Berry; Albertine C. French; Mrs. Annette Gamage; Mrs. O. T. Gamage; Mrs. O. W. Wickstrom; M. E. Thompson; Mrs. Warren Gamage; Nelson W. Gamage; S. A. McFarland
South Harpswell, Maine - Macedonian Circle King's Daughters
South Paris, Maine
Mrs. Charles Elder; Mrs. Alice Knight
Springvale, Maine
Stonington, Maine
Mrs. J. N. Coombs; Fred A. Torrey; Elizabeth Averill Button; Paul W. Scott; G. C. Noyes; J. F. West; Philip Crockett; Mrs. W. B. Thurlow; Mrs. C. F. Eaton; Mrs. Grace Gott; A. C. Turner; Mrs. D. J. Noyes; Mrs. F. E. Jackson; Joseph C. Harman; H. W. Colby
Togus, Maine - William Imhoff
Westbrook, Maine
Haskell Silk Company; Mrs. W. K. Dana; Joseph A. Warren; George B. Gray; Charles W. Wentworth; King Graham; A. B. Jordan; F. A. Cloudman; Mrs. L. W. Edwards; W. M. Lamb; William Lyons; Mrs. John Pickard; Mrs. H. P. Murch; Mrs. Frank Haskell; H. S. Cobb; A. F. Winslow; Dr. F. Barrett; Mrs. A. W. Ricker; Mrs. H. D. Brooks; Mrs. Hebron Mayhew; Mrs. E. A. Joy; Mrs. E. S. Brooks; W. V. Knight; F. P. Pride; R. K. Jordan; George Woodman and Charles Woodman; L. L. Hills; F. E. Webb; A. H. Porter; Mrs. H. W. Foster; W. L. Pennell; Mrs. W. B. Boothby; C. H. Cotton; Mrs. W. H. Holston
Winthrop, Maine
Charles M. Bailey; Mrs. H. J. Bailey; Mrs. Henry Winslow; Mary W. Jones; Mrs. W. R. Carron; Mrs. L. H. Millspaugh; Mrs. Cora M. Parkman; Rena L. Winslow; Mrs. Z. H. Thomas
Donations In September
Albion, Maine - Mrs. Hannah B. Crosby
Augusta, Maine - Dr. Young; Mr. Morrill; Mrs. Georgie Bates; Mrs. Etta Richards; Mrs. A. E. Drummond; Mrs. F. A. Howard; Augusta Electrotyping and Engraving Company; Dr. Beach; Dr. W. L. Smith; Dr. Campbell; Dr. H. J. Frederick; Mrs. M. W. Birch
Bridgewater, Maine - Mrs. E. E. Barrett
Bristol, Maine - Mrs. L. B. Tenney
Brooklin, Maine - Mrs. J. F. Staples
Deer Isle, Maine
Mrs. J. A. Moore; William Spofford
East Boothbay, Maine - Mrs. Mary E. Barlow; Mrs. A. W. Murray
East Winthrop, Maine - Mrs. M. B. Hewett
Hallowell, Maine - Dr. Nutting
Islesboro, Maine
Mrs. Wealtha Hatch; Mrs. Amasa Hatch
Kennebunk, Maine
Mrs. Herbert Lunge; Miss Azubah Liteonler; Ethel M. Roberts; W. H. Hay
Kent's Hill
Charles Newton; Mrs. A. H. Winters
Milo, Maine - Mrs. A. E. Rosie
Mount Vernon, Maine - Mrs. Will Carson
New Harbor, Maine
Mrs. Samuel Tibbetts; Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Poland; Mrs. Dennis McLain
Pemaquid Beach, Maine
J. E. Partridge; Mrs. C. M. Kennedy
Prospect Harbor, Maine - Mrs. Asa Stevens
Readfield, Maine
Mrs. E. A. Leeman; Mrs. Sawyer; Mrs. Arian Jones
Rockland, Maine - Mrs. Walter Marston
Round Pond, Maine
Mrs. J. E. Nichols; Mrs. J. P. Munroe; Mrs. Nellie Lawler; Mrs. Cora Hastings; Miss Lora Hastings; Mrs. William Thompson; W H. Prentice; Mr. Ethridge; Mrs. H. S. Wright
Sargentville, Maine - Mrs. A. C. Dodge
Seal Harbor, Maine - Mrs. R. E. Campbell
South Bristol, Maine - Mrs. E. G. McFarland
Stonington, Maine - Mrs. Hattie Coombs
Surry, Maine - Mrs. Hulia A. Chatto
Togus, Maine - William Imhoff
Westbrook, Maine - Mrs. J. W. Hadlock
Winthrop, Maine - Mrs. Dr. Sanborn
Winthrop Center, Maine - Mrs. F. W. Hammond
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