Saturday, January 26, 2013

Cabinet Photograph of George Simond Colton of Easthampton, Massachusetts

Cabinet photograph of a middle aged man identified on the front as George Colton.  

The photograph was taken by the Richardson studio of Easthampton, Massachusetts.

From online research, hopefully correct: [corrections welcome!]

George Colton was likely George Simond Colton, born 10 December 1843 at Sherburne, Vermont, son of Elisha and Martha (Hastings) Colton, who were born at Rowe, Massachusetts, and in Vermont, respectively.

George's paternal grandparents were Silas and Mary (Hines) Colton.  I found conflicting facts on George's maternal grandparents.   They may have been Nathaniel and Zipha (Hodgman) Hastings.  Perhaps a reader has the definitive answer. 

According to A Genealogical Record of the Descendants of Quartermaster George Colton, published by George Woolworth Colton in 1912, George Simond Colton was a manufacturer of garter, loom, suspender, frill and truss webs.

George married at least twice:

  1. Susan H. Calef, daughter of Nehemiah and Lucy (Nutting) Calef, whom George married on 9 September 1869.  Susan was born 24 January 1844 at Washington, Vermont, and died 31 January 1900 at Holyoke, Massachusetts.  No children.
  2. Clara Louise Sutherland, daughter of  Peter and Elizabeth Osborne (Doane) Sutherland, Massachusetts natives.  Clara was born 1 June 1868 at Gibsonville, California.  I'd like to know how Clara's parents happened to be in California when she was born.  No children.
If you have corrections to the information above, or additional information to share, please leave a comment or contact me directly.  Thanks!

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. I wonder if this George Colton was related to the George Colton that ran a stone crushing factory/quarry at the base of Mt. Tom in the late 1800s early 1900s.

  2. Might have been a relative, a completely different family, or might even have been this George himself if he was a silent partner in it, as he was probably quite busy in his manufacture of rubber and plastic items. Interesting!
