Catalogue and Circular of the Eastern State Normal School at Castine, Maine, for the Year Ending May 28, 1880. Printed at Augusta by Sprague & Son, Printers to the State, 1881. The catalogue has the name L. A. Simmons written at top. She was Lillian A. Simmons of Stockton, Maine.
See related posts:
- 1880 Examination & Graduation Exercises Program, Eastern State Normal School
- 24-page 1881 Catalogue and Circular from Eastern State Normal School
Booklet of 24 pages, approx. 9" x 5-3/4". The many names of officials and students and their residences are transcribed beneath the image of each page, below.
Gov. Daniel F. Davis, Ex officio
Nelson A. Luce, State Supt. of Common schools, Ex officio
Stephen Hinckley, Gorham
Luther G. Philbrook, Castine
Amos W. Plummer, Kenduskeag
James H. Rowell, Kittery
James B. Severy, Farmington
Board of Instruction
Roliston Woodbury, Principal
Mary E. Hughes, Assistant
Frederick W. Foster, Assistant
Jefferson R. Potter, Assistant
Fannie A. Comstock, Assistant
Ellie A. Foster, Model School
John Gray, Janitor
Fall Term, 1879
B Class
Names, P.O. Address
Cora F. Ames, North Haven
Caro M. Beals, Searsport
Angie N. Carver, Searsport
Anna C. Chandler, Portland
Sarah E. Gilmore, Holden
Carrie Gray, Stockton
George W. Green, Hurricane Island
Elmer E. Light, North Union
Cora F. Lyford, Corinna
Addie M. Parsons, East Eddington
Dora A. Stone, North Haven
Eugene P. True, Hope
C Class
Lillian C. Eaton, Deer Isle
Helen F. Emerson, North Castine
Erwin O. Fogg, East Dixmont
Ida C. Folsom, West Washington
Clifton A. Kennedy, East Jeffersonn
George H. Knowlton, East Sangerville
Alvah E. Lovett, West Washington
Wilson Y. McGown, North Ellsworth
Hattie L. Mosher, Bangor
Ella J. Mower, Dexter
Mattie J. Pendleton, Searsport
Lillian A. Simmons, Stockton
D Class
Kate S. Batty, 47 St. Lawrence St., Portland
Lilian B. Cark, Belfast
Cora K. Copeland, Holden
William O. Emery, Sullivan
Olivia E. Gould, West Searsmont
Etta S. Jack, Richmond
Nellie C. Laughlin, 45 Atlantic St., Portland
Walter F. Sayward, Thorndike Station
E Class
William A. Brady, Enfield
Fred H. Butler, Castine
Adella M. Geer, South Thomaston
Matilda B. Harriman, Orland
Ada F. Hutchings, Penobscot
Ursula W. Kent, North Haven
Byron H. Marston, Lubec
Asmond S. Meserve, East Jefferson
Annie R. Mullin, North Haven
Albert C. Plummer, West Winterport
Alice S. Pratt, Clinton
George W. Saunders, North Lubec
Fred A. Shute, Belfast
Emma L. Spencer, Albion
Henrietta E. Thomas, North Haven
George C. Wheeler, North Dixmont
F Class
Addie C. Ames, East Jefferson
Rana S. Bailey, Six Mile Falls, presumably Bangor
Charles F. Black, Sandy Point
Edward A. Boggs, North Warren
Lottie A. Brennan, Orono
Arthur W. Bryant, North Union
Flora E. Chase, Bangor
Abbie L. Grindal, Sargentville
F Class cont.
Everard E. Hatch, Liberty
Sidney F. Hodge, North Dixmont
Jeannette E. Hooke, Castine
Herbert L. Jackson, Jefferson
Carrie E. Jaquith, Clinton
Evelyn Kenney, 60 Lime St., Bangor
Minnie D. Leland, Trenton
John O. Linscott, East Jefferson
Lizzie S. Maxcy, 56 St. Lawrence St., Portland
Celia McFarland, Bangor
Eugene A. Mower, Bangor
Sarah J. Nash, Isleboro
William S. Payson, Hope
George S. Perkins, Sandy Point
Flora B. Rowe, Newport
Jeannie M. C. Russ, Deer Isle
Belle G. Safford, Camden
Ellsworth E. Shaw, Hermon Pond
Olive A. Stevens, Bangor
Albert W. Torrey, Ashland
Mary W. Webster, Castine
Martinetta Wright, Addison
Winter Term, 1879-80
A Class
Names, P.O. Address
Anna C. Chandler, 51 Danforth St., Portland
Carrie Gray, Stockton
B Class
Laura R. Andrews, West Camden
Lillian C. Eaton, Green's Landing
Helen F. Emerson, North Castine
Ida C. Folsom, West Washington
Rose W. Leland, Woodford's, presumably Woodford's Corner, Portland
Hattie L. Mosher, Bangor
Ella J. Mower, Dexter
Mattie J. Pendleton, Searsport
Nancy A. Robinson, South Hope
Lillian A. Simmons, Stockton
C Class
Kate S. Batty, 47 St. Lawrence St., Portland
Ada F. Hutchings, Penobscot
Etta S. Jack, Richmond
Nellie C. Laughlin, 45 Atlantic St., Portland
Lettie T. Phipps, East Orrington
D Class
Margaret M. Adams, Castine
Judith L. Babson, Mt. Desert
Fred H. Butler, Castine
Willard E. Dinsmore, Whiting
Elvie G. French, Sandy Point
Herbert H. Jordan, Mariaville
Alice S. Pratt, Clinton
D Class cont.
Edith Putnam, West Harrington
Emma A. Wise, Belfast
Lillian M. Wise, Belfast
E Class
Nellie R. Andrews, Rockport
Rana S. Bailey, Six Mile Falls, presumably Bangor
Flora E. Chase, Bangor
Joanna S. Evelyth, North Bangor
Frank L. Gilpatrick, Mt. Desert
Jeannette E. Hooke, Castine
Lizzie S. Maxcy, 56 St. Lawrence St., Portland
Eugene A. Mower, East Bangor
William S. Payson, Hope
John W. Perkins, Castine
Ellsworth E. Shaw, Hermon Pond
Olive A. Stevens, Bangor
F Class
Susan M. Adams, Cherryfield
James N. Ashby, Fort Fairfield
Lottie A. Brennan, Orono
Samuel M. Gardner, Castine
Nellie W. Putnam, West Harrington
Nellie F. Shepherd, Castine
Evalyn Strout, Milbridge [spelled Millbridge]
Fannie F. Tabbut, Castine
Hattie M. Webb, Castine
Agnes S. Wescott, Castine
Carrie B. Whipple, Rockport
Spring Term
A Class
Cora F. Ames, North Haven
Laura R. Andrews, West Camden
Kate S. Batty, 47 St. Lawrence St., Portland
Caro M. Beals, Searsport
Fremont Beverage, North Haven
Fannie L. Brackett, Dexter
Angie N. Carver, Searsport
Lyman R. Damon, North Monroe
C. Lillian Eaton, Green's Landing
Helen F. Emerson, North Castine
Ida C. Folsom, West Washington
Alice P. Grey, Castine
Timothy E. Ham, Cambridge
Ada F. Hutchings, Penobscot
Etta S. Jack, Richmond
James E. Kelley, Unity
Nellie C. Laughlin, 45 Atlantic St., Portland
Rose W. Leland, Woodford's, presumably Portland
Elmer E. Light, North Union
Cora F. Lyford, Corinna
Hattie L. Mosher, Bangor
Ella J. Mower, Dexter
Mattie J. Pendleton, Searsport
Nancy A. Robinson, South Hope
Carrie I. Sherman, Lincolnville
Lillian A. Simmons, Stockton
Dora A. Stone, North Haven
B Class
Clifton A. Kennedy, East Jefferson
George H. Knowlton, East Sangerville
Walter F. Sayward, Thorndike Station
C Class
Lillian B. Clark, Belfast
Willard E. Dinsmore, Whiting
Olivia E. Gould, West Searsport
Edwin S. Jordan, Mariaville
Herbert H. Jordan, Mariaville
Alice S. Pratt, Clinton
Emma A. Wise, Belfast
Lillian M. Wise, Belfast
D Class
William A. Brady, Enfield
Flora E. Chase, Bangor
Cora K. Copeland, Holden
Lizzie H. Crosby, Detroit
Luere B. Deasy, Prospect Harbor
Nellie F. Ford, Belfast
Jeannette E. Hooke, Castine
Helen M. Jennys, Monroe
Ursula W. Kent, North Haven
Lizzie S. Maxcy, 56 St. Lawrence St., Portland
Asmond S. Meserve, East Jefferson
Annie R. Mullin, North Haven
John W. Perkins, Castine
Ellsworth E. Shaw, Hermon Pond
Henrietta E. Thomas, North Haven
E Class
Susan M. Adams, Cherryfield
James N. Ashby, Fort Fairfield
Charles F. Black, Sandy Point
E Class cont.
Lottie A. Brennan, Orono
Arthur W. Bryant, North Union
Julien Emery, Salisbury Cove, now spelled Salsbury Cove
Sidney F. Hodge, North Dixmont
Herman J. Hooper, West Ellsworth
Carrie E. Jaquith, Clinton
Evelyn B. Kenney, 60 Lime St., Bangor
Will R. Mason, Swanville
Dora E. Rand, Winter Harbor
Parker G. Ricker, Perry
Annie M. Rowe, Newport
Belle G. Safford, Camden
Byron W. Stevens, Steuben
Hattie M. Webb, Castine
Mary W. Webster, Castine
Carrie B. Whipple, Rockport
F Class
Mary L. Beverage, North Haven
Rose E. Bowden, Goodale's Corner
Lottie B. Chesley, Winn
Etta M. Currier, Mechanic Falls
Henry E. Decker, Clinton
Carrie E. Dennen, Mt. Kineo, Moosehead Lake
Mary L. Doane, Vinalhaven
John R. Dunton, North Appleton
Burton S. Elmes, Searsmont
Kate S. Foye, Montville
Lewis A. Frohock, Lincolnville
Caroline M. Ham, West Winterport
Sarah C. Ham, West Winterport
Ida C. Hersey, Stetson
S. Maurice Hewes, Hermon Pond
Herbert G. Hodgkins, Lamoine
Hollis L. Hooper, West Ellsworth
Carrie M. Howe, Lincolnville
C. Fred Jones, Rockport
Nellie F. Keene, Frankfort
F Class cont.
Anna I. Knowlton, East Sangerville
George A. Leavitt, Pishon's Ferry, Fairfield
Bertha A. Lewis, North Haven
Fred L. Lewis, Clinton
James M. Linscott, Bunker Hill, Lincoln County, presumably Jefferson
Sherman J. Littlefield, Penobscot
Mary L. Lowell, Montville
Ida Mansell, Greenville
Phebe McKinnon, Castine
Susie L. Moore, Prospect Harbor
Ida O. Moulton, Kittery Depot
Annie S. Noyes, Jonesboro
Charles F. Paine, Salisbury Cove, Salsbury Cove
Florence M. Robinson, Richmond
George A. Shuman, Rockport
Nellie W. Sibley, Hope
Alice M. Smart, Dexter
Lottie H. Smith, North Haven
Maria Snow, Brooksville
Bedford E. Tracy, South Gouldsboro
Agnes L. Wadlin, Belfast
Alice M. Wadlin, Belfast
Laura E. Wasgatt, Swan's Island
Agnes S. Wescott, Castine
Ernest L. White, North Beflast
Georgie E. Whittier, Lincoln
John W. Whittier, Lincoln
Lottie P. Young, Hope
The intervening pages on the history of the school, admission and curriculum will appear at the end of this post.
Names, present address and occupation
Class of 1869
Thomas N. Lord, Foxcroft, druggist
Eliza C. Lufkin, Castine, teacher
Mary Lufkin, Mrs. Lucius Perkins, Foxcroft
Mercy P. Shepardson, Mrs. George Adams, Alton, Illinois
Ellen M. Stevens, (married name unknown), deceased
Zilpha J. Williams., North Isleboro, teacher
Agnes Wood, deceased
Class of 1870
Sarah A. Brophy, Castine, teacher
Martha W. Coggins, Mrs. George B. Long, deceased
Annie S. Devereux, Mrs. Thayer, Meriden, Connecticut
Wiliam A. Dresser, Castine
Henry E. Gray, deceased
Ella F. Gulliver, Oregon, teacher
Fred H. Hinckley, Eureka, Nevada
Mary W. Hooke, Castine, teacher
Margaret Hunter, Cherryfield, teacher
Augustus N. Jewett, North Searsmont, teacher
Roderick E. Joyce, Castine, seaman
Samuel P. Kane, North Bucksport, sea-captain
George B. Long
Olive K. Longfellow, Mrs. Schoppee, Beddington
Alfred J. McGown, Orono, Clergyman
Julia C. McLaughlin, Mrs. Arey, Owl's Head
Addie F. Matthews
Fannie S. Murch, Mrs. Coombs; Castine
Isabel M. Rea, Mrs. Ripley, Boston
Edward J. Stevens, Brockton, Massachusetts
Minnie P. Stevens, Blue Hill
Delia A. Thomas, Sedgwick, teacher
John G. Thomas, Camden, teacher
Sarah J. Thomas, Mrs. A. J. McGown, Orono
Flora A. Wescott, Castine, teacher.
Class of 1871
Ellen M. Andrews, Mrs. Wetherell, Chicago, Illinois
Lizzie Beane, Concord, teacher
George H. Buker, Presque Isle, druggist
Leonora A. Coffin, Mrs. Bellamy, deceased
Mary L. Flood, Burnham, telegrapher
Fannie S. Guptill, Minneapolist, teacher
Alexander C. Hagerthy, Sedgwick, physician
Sarah C. Hutchinson, Castine, teacher
Edward S. Ingraham, Seattle, Washington Territory
Emma R. Jarvis, Castine, teacher
George W. Johnson, Colby University, student
George E. Kimball, Etna, teacher
Fannie A. Little
Dexter D. Roberts
Annie E. Shepardson, West Brooksville, teacher
Eunice J. Simpson, Sullivan, teacher
Joseph B. Simpson, Sullivan
Fannie M. Smart, Rockland, teacher
Charles W. Springer, Red Cloud, Nebraska, teacher and editor
Eliza P. Wescott, North Castine, teacher
Class of 1872
Lelia F. Aymar, Mrs. Smith, Dedham
Esther O. Bates, Brooksville
Nellie C. Chapin, Goodale's Corner, teacher
Fred W. Foster, Castine, teacher
Maria H. Friend, Mrs. Capt. Hall, Calais
Martha E. Gallison, Mrs. Shaw, Chicopee Falls, Massachusetts
Mary B. Grant, Matinicus Isle, teacher
John F. Grey, deceased
Oliver W. Laine, Beverly, Massachusetts, teacher
Abbie S. McDowell, Washington, teacher
Daniel N. Nash, deceased
Annie Perkins, Mrs. Lewis, Castine
Amos W. Plummer, Kenduskeag, physician
Susan C. Starrett, Belfast, teacher
William H. Stone, Plum Creek, Nebraska, cattle dealer
Arthur B. Wilder, deceased
Class of 1873
Reuel S. Bartlett, Midland, Michigan, teacher
Mattie C. Black, Sandy Point, teacher
Rosa M. Brown, Castine, teacher
Eloise S. Butler, Minneapolis, teacher
Annie G. Byrne, Mrs. Harvell, Robbinston
Mary C. Durgin, Lawrence, Massachusetts, teacher
Abbie S. Emery, South Thomaston, teacher
Laura L. Jennys, Mrs. Capt. Lamson, Jonesport
Georgia S. Laurence, Mrs. Bowman, Minneapolis, teacher
Elvira S. Lenfest, Mrs. J. Pemberton, Minneapolis
Ida M. sawyer, Mrs. Howland, Cedar Falls, Iowa
Nettie S. Walker, Mrs. O. W. Laine, Beverly, Massachusetts
Class of 1874
Laura E. H. Arey, Orrington, teacher
Emma D. Averill, Fort Fairfield, teacher
David Bartlett, Midland, Michigan
Ralph S. Bragg, physician
George C. Emery, Boston, Massachusetts
Mary J. Gale, Bangor, teacher
Etta M. Gould, deceased
Lizzie M. Jarvis, Castine, teacher
Winfield S. Laton, Fort Concho, Texas
Isabel R. Lattie, Rockland, teacher
Bessie Leach, deceased
James S. Moore, Steuben, physician
Lavenia E. Pendleton, Mrs. Lewis, Brooklyn, Long Island
Edna L. Piper, deceased
David S. Plummer, Searsport
Ellen R. Read, Belfast, teacher
John E. Simpson, Sullivan
Teresa Taney, deceased
Fred O. Young, Lincolnville, teacher
Class of 1875
Silas N. Adams, Castine, physician
Charles F. Atwood, Monroe, physician
Nellie L. Bayard, Mrs. George Buker, Presque Isle
William C. Curtis, Boston University, student
Carrie A. Dolloff, Monroe
Carrie B. Durham, Mrs. Dolloff, Monroe
Nathaniel S. French, Boston University, student
Manning E. Perkins, Brooksville, farmer
Edward E. Philbrook, Boston University, student
Mellie A. Trask, Mrs. ?
Frank W. York, Winterport
Class of 1876
Nellie Bragg, Licolnville, teacher
Lizzie A. Conley, Castine, teacher
Sarah D. Delano, Abbot, teacher
Zelynda J. Dow, Seal Cove, teacher
Annie M. Fletcher, Odell, Illinois, teacher
Herbert E. Frohock, Belfast, teacher
Henry B. Hall, Colby University, student
Henry W. Harrub, Scituate Harbor, Massachusetts, teacher
Nancy M. Hopkins, Hope, teacher
Deborah P. Lord, West Brooksville, teacher
Mary L. Loring, Guilford, teacher
George C. Morrow, Searsport, teacher
Emily D. Norton, Winterport, teacher
Mary Nowland, Ashland, teacher
Wilbur H. Paul, deceased
Dora E. Perkins, Penobscot
Myra T. Putnam, Lawrence, Massachusetts, teacher
Arthur B. Redman, deceased
Florence M. Staples, Mrs. ?
Melville Stone, Plum Creek, Nebraska, lawyer
J. Fred Towle, Brooksville
Charles M. Ward, Harrington
Class of 1877
Lula E. Atwood, Monroe, teacher
Annie P. Black, Mrs. D. Stevens, Houlton
Fred W. Brown, Belfast, teacher
Flora A. Burgess, Belfast, teacher
Maggie E. Chatto, South Brooksville, teacher
Annie L. Clapp, Bangor, teacher
Sarah D. Emerson, North Castine, teacher
Joshua M. Frost, Castine
Charles E. Hasey, Minneapolis, Minnesota, clerk
Walter G. Hatch, Belfast, teacher
Willis S. Hatch, Belfast, teacher
Grace J. Haynes, Gorham, teacher
Susie M. Haynes, Ellsworth, teacher
Tina R. Hobart, Mrs. ?
Elizabeth M. Hosmer, Camden, teacher
Storer P. Hutchinson, Castine
Nancy J. Ingraham, Rockport, teacher
Alton A. Jackson, Cambridge, student
Larkin L. Jewett, North Searsmont, teacher
Augusta M. Lord, Detroit, teacher
Eva J. Lufkin, Castine, teacher
Julia R. Mahoney, South Molunkus, teacher
Adella A. Mower, Mrs. Dr. Foster, Lisbon
Mattie A. Noyes, Castine, teacher
Hattie A. Oliver, Mrs. E. E. Philbrook, Boston, Massachusetts
William R. Perkins, Penobscot, clerk
Warren C. Philbrook, Colby University, student
Hester M. Pierce, Ellsworth, teacher
George A. Sampson, Caribou
Carrie E. Simpson, Machias, teacher
William C. Small, Stockton, teacher
Fannie A. Wade, Montville, teacher
Ada L. York, Winterport, teacher
Class of 1878
George J. Babson, Brooksville
Fannie E. Banks, Belfast, teacher
Minnie C. Barrett, Hope, teacher
Class of 1878 cont.
Joseph A. Byrne, Newport, teacher
Alice A. Crane, Hope, teacher
Charles P. DeLailtre, Ellsworth, teacher
Lizzie L. Gardner, Castine, teacher
Rufus P. Gardner, Bucksport, teacher
Melvin E. Gilmore, Castine, teacher
Henry H. Gray, Wesley, teacher
Lottie R. Hale, Castine, teacher
George A. Lord, Boston University, student
Walter E. Luce, South Newburgh, teacher
Sarah L. Miles, Patten
W. True Moulton, Kittery Depot, teacher
Irving B. Mower, Belfast, teacher
Fred L. Payson, Hope, teacher
Etta E. Piper, Belfast, teacher
Charles B. Pineo, Cherryfield, clerk
Evelyn S. Smith, Columbia, teacher
Ida Snow, Mrs. Perkins, Medford, teacher
Class of 1879
Rodney Beverage, North Haven, teacher
Fred H. Daniels, Union, teacher
Osmond Emery, Salisbury Cove, teacher, Salsbury Cove
Laura M. Frost, Boston, Massachusetts, teacher
Seth C. Ham, Alpena, Michigan, teacher
Lois M. Hooper, Portland, teacher
Emma A. Morrow, Searsport, teacher
Zilpha S. Prince, South Turner, teacher
Ira L. Snow, Medford, teacher
Chester M. Walker, Union
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