Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Group Photo, Marguerite Frances Merrill, Edna L. Merrill & Orville (?) Moulton, Mechanic Falls, Maine area

Photograph of three youngsters, identfied as Marguerite Merrill, Edna Merrill and Orville (??) Moulton.

Online research shows Marguerite Frances Merrill and Edna L. Merrill were the daughters of Frederick Lincoln and Clara S. (Leighton) Merrill.  Marguerite was born in March 1896, and Edna was born Nov. 1899.  There was another sister, Caroline, born in 1908.  The family lived in Mechanic Falls, Maine.

I kept going back in the family lines to see if the name Moulton might fit in somewhere, with no success so far.   Perhaps a reader might have some insight to add.  Also, please take a look at the ID info on back and let me know if you think the boy's name is something other than Orville.

I'd appreciate any light you could shed -  enjoy!

Twitter: ToddHouse
Buzz: ToddHouse Genealogy
Downeast Maine & Maritime Canada Genealogy


  1. I think the last name of Orville may be Merlino or something of the sort. It could even be Merill, judging by the corner.

  2. I think I may be able to help -
    According to my pitiful, handwritten notes, Cyrus Leighton was my Great Grandfather of West Falmouth. Cyrus married Margaret Rohie and they five children: two sons named Edward and Willis as well as three daughters, Clara, Eva and Cora.
    Clara married Fred Merrill - they had three daughters: Edna, Margurite and Caroline.
    Eva Leighton married Fred Moulton from Onsville.
    Cora Leighton married Thomas Look and they had no children.
    If anyone has any information relating to these families please let me know. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  3. Yes, that's your family! So that explains the three children and their relationship to each other - thanks! As for Fred Moulton, there's an Orneville, Maine - wonder if it's that? You can subscribe to the comments, in case someone else with more information happens by.

  4. Thank you so much for the tip. I'm sure Orneville is the correct spelling. I will continue my research on the Leightons of Maine!
