1925 Court Directory and County Officers, Washington County, Maine.
Names include:
Supreme Judicial Court
Elbridge G. Chadwick, Clerk of Courts, Machias
Doris A. Foss, Deputy Clerk, Machias
Harold H. Murchie, County Attorney, Calais
Probate Court
Lynn C. Haycock, Judge, Cherryfield
Emily G. Bradbury, Register, Machias
Lelia Mae Bridgham, Clerk, Machias
County Commissioners' Court
Herbert B. Sprague, Pembroke
Bion B. Reynolds, Lubec
Edwin Cummings, Jonesport
Geneva E. Jasper, Register of Deeds, Machiasport
Mabel S. Hutchinson, Clerk, Machias
Elmer E. Bowles, Treasurer, Machias
Grover K. Coffin, Probation Officer, Machias
James A. Cummings, Sheriff, Eastport
Bail Commissioners
Clement B. Donworth, Machias
Oscar L. Whalen, Eastport
Ernest A. Woodman, Calais
George W. Norton, Eastport
Ralph A. Berry, Janitor and Turnkey, Machias
Julius E. White, Columbia
John L. McCurdy, Lubec
John W. Whalen, Eastport
Herbert J. Rogers, Jonesport
Moses P. Kneeland, Alexander
George Gibbons, Danforth
Raymond Warren, Milbridge
Jabez Daggett, Brookton
Ralph A. Norton, Columbia Falls
Silas B. Kelsey, Calais
David H. Trafton, Vanceboro
Frank E. Smith, Robbinston
George W. Ross, Vanceboro
Winfred A. Hooper, Baileyille
Amos Taylor, Pembroke
This booklet also names the Justices of the Supreme Judicial Court of the State of Maine for 1925:
Leslie C. Cornish, Chief Justice, Augusta
Warren C. Philbrook, Waterville
Charles J. Dunn, Orono
John A. Morrill, Auburn
Scott Wilson, Portland
Luere B. Deasy, Bar Harbor
Guy H. Sturgis, Portland
Charles P. Barnes, Houlton
Active Retired Justices:
Albert M. Spear, Augusta
George E. Bird, Portland

I hope you recognize a name from this list.
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