Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Scarborough, Maine, in the 1820 Census

Scarborough, Maine, in Cumberland County, in the 1820 Federal Census

Note: the true Scarborough, Maine, not the one that some online indexes show as Scarborough, Hancock County, Maine - resulting from a misreading of Gouldsbough.

Enumerated population of Scarborough in the 1820 Census: possibly 2232

Enumerator: Asa Heath - on bottom half of image

Enumeration of Scarborough consists of all or parts of Sheets 344-358; use the arrow at top left of each image to page forward. Note: there are two sheets numbered 358 - the second one has the information.

Note: the 1820 Federal Census lists the names of heads of households only; people in a household are tracked by age range and gender to determine the total population.

See the
list of heads of households at the end of this post.

Boundary changes to Scarborough since 1820:

  • land set off to Saco in 1841
  • land set off to Gorham in 1864
  • Stratton Island and Bluff Island set off to what is now Old Orchard Beach; year or years not known

Note: Spelling of the names of heads of households has been left as it appears in the enumerator’s hand; in some cases, for clarity, an optional spelling has been added. Your corrections and additional information are requested; please comment for the benefit of fellow researchers.

For the following reasons, be prepared to search the entire list for the object of your search:

  • Many people were not sure of the spelling of their names

  • Name spelling may have evolved throughout the person’s life

  • The enumerator may not have heard the person correctly

  • The enumerator may have interviewed someone not certain of the name of the head of household or how it was spelled

  • The enumerator may have used phonetic spellings.

  • Some enumerators grouped heads of households together by the first letter of their surname, giving an additional clue on a surname difficult to read.  Note: lists by first letter of surname are not alphabetical within that letter.

  • Some enumerators apparently grouped the names by walking through neighborhoods; in these cases, the first letter of the surname may sometimes be in error, but the information on neighboring households is valuable.

Names of Heads of HouseholdsSheet #
Isaac Andrews344
John Andrews344
Thomas Andrews344
Alvan Bacon344
Solomon Bragdon344
Nathaniel Blake344
Nathaniel Boothby344
Levi Boothby344
George Boothby344
Aaron Burnham, Heirs344
Thomas Burnham344
Richard Burnham344
Solomon Burnham344
Samuel Burnham344
Jonathan Burnham344
John Berry344
Joseph Berry344
Solomon Berry344
Robert Berry344
Zebulon & Nathaniel Berry344
Ebenezer Burnham344
David Burnham344
Richard Boothby345
Daniel Babb345
Libeus Blossom345
Jeremiah Berry345
John Billings345
John Babb345
Alison Brown345
Alpheus Bryant345
Eliphalet Bryant345
Reuben Jackson345
Widow Thorne or Kame or Hame or ?345
Enoch McLellen345
Abia Chamberlain345
Lemuel Coolbroth & Widow or Lemuel Coolbroth Widow345
Samuel Coolbroth345
Joseph Coolbroth345
Henry Cumston; middle initial possibly U345
Elisha Collins345
Richard Carter345
Benjamin Carter345
Ezra Carter345
Joseph Clark345
Widow Chadwick346
John Dyer346
Wentworth Dresser346
Jonathan Dresser346
Jeremiah Deering346
Isaac Deering346
John Dearborn346
John Dearborn, Jr.346
James Edgecomb346
Joseph Fogg346
Reuben Fenderson346
Joseph Foss346
Jeremiah Fulsom346
Peletiah Fenderson346
Lucy Fenderson346
Thomas Fenderson346
Jane Fenderson346
Peter Foss346
Peletiah Foss346
Ezekiel Foss346
Joshua Fabyan - not sure of surname, in the crease346
Jonathan Fogg347
Moses Fogg347
Enock Fogg347
Reuben Fogg347
Ezra Ficket347
Jonathan Foss347
Zachariah Foss347
Henry Dyer347
Benjamin Foss347
Abner Fogg347
Jeremiah Grafham347
Elias Grafham347
Thomas & Sal. Gustin - perhaps abbreviation for Solomon347
Josiah Green347
Zecharaiah Harmon 3d347
Henry Harmon347
Zachariah Harmon347
George & Z. Harmon347
Samuel Harmon347
Alison Harmon347
John Hearn347
Ephraim Holmes347
Daniel Holmes348
Elias Harmon348
Dummer Harmon348
Benjamin Harmon348
John S. Harmon348
James Harmon348
Moses Harmon348
George Harmon, Jr.348
Joseph Harmon348
Isaac Harmon348
George Hight348
Solomon Hartford, Heirs348
Samuel Haines348
William Hasty348
Nathaniel Hasty348
Robert Hasty348
Edmund Higgins348
Richard Hunnewel348
John Hunnewel348
Asa Heath [presumably the Enumerator]348
Stephen Harmon348
Levi Harmon349
James Jones349
William Jones349
John Jones349
Nathaniel Joss349
Jonathan Joss349
Joseph S. Jewet349
Richard King349
Cyrus King349
Ivory Kilborne349
William B. Leavitt349
Enos Libby349
Eliakim Libby & Moutt - not sure of name; perhaps meant Mother349
Hunkin Leavitt - presumably Hunking Leavitt349
Richard Leavitt349
Mark Leavitt349
Joseph Leavitt349
Ed. & Hannah Leavitt349
Lemuel Libby349
Samuel Libby349
Peter Libby & A.M.349
Nehemiah Libby & son349
Thomas Libby350
William B. Larabee350
Benjamin Libby350
Zebulon Libby350
Daniel Libby 4th350
Charles Libby350
William Libby350
Theophilus Libby350
Zebulon Libby350
Daniel Libby 3d350
Mark Libby350
Reuben Libby350
Nathaniel Libby350
Luke Libby350
Enock Libby350
Josiah Libby350
Daniel Libby, Jr.350
Cyrus Libby350
Dominicus Libby350
Demas Libby350
Josiah Libby, Jr.350
Lemuel Libby, Jr.351
Lucy Libby351
Thomas Libby & son Richard351
Thomas Libby, Jr.351
Benjamin Larabee & son351
Benjamin Larabee, Jr.351
Isaac Larabee351
Philip Larabee & son351
Daniel Libby & son351
Joseph Libby351
Seth Libby351
Moses Libby351
Stephen Libby351
Rufus Libby351
Nathan Libby351
Jordan Libby351
William Libby351
Joshua Libby351
Theodore Libby351
Ichabod Libby & son351
Amos Libby351
Rhoda Libby351
Luther Libby352
Samuel Libby, Jr.352
Robert Libby & son352
Amos Libby, Jr.352
Simon Libby & son352
Sewall Libby352
Samuel H. Libby352
Jonathan Margery352
Frederick Millikin352
Richard Mitchel352
Benjamin Millikin, Jr.352
Joseph Millikin352
Thomas Moulton352
Daniel Moulton352
Jonathan Moulton, Jr.352
Jonathan Moulton & son352
Jonathan Moulton 3d352
Jonathan Moulton 4th352
Joshua Moulton, Captain352
Eliphalet Merrill352
Abraham Millikin352
Abraham Millikin, Jr.353
Joshua Millikin353
Benjamin Millikin353
John Meserve, Jr.353
Thomas Millikin353
Simeon Millikin353
Robert McLoughlin353
Robert McLoughlin, Jr.353
Andrew Meserve & ? widow ?353
William Meserve & son John353
Samual & Joseph Meserve353
George Moses353
Nathaniel Moses353
Jonathan Marston353
Jonathan McKenney353
Samuel McKenny & son - not sure of given name353
Abner McKenny, Jr.353
Benjamin McKenny353
Jonathan Marshal353
Jacob Millikin353
Nathan Marshal353
Isaac Millikin353
Daniel Moulton 3d354
Jacob Mills354
Daniel Moulton 4th354
John Moody354
John Moody, Jr.354
Job Mitchel354
Robert P. Marr - not sure of middle initial354
Moses McKenny354
James H. Morris354
Samuel Matthews354
John Matthews354
John Noble354
Abraham Plumer354
John Prout354
Dominicus Prout354
Thomas Miserve354
Ai Plumer354
Jeremiah Plumer354
Robert Patten354
Joseph Pillsbury354
Jonathan Pillsbury354
David Pillsbury355
John Patterson355
Elias Moulton355
Philemon Rand355
James Randell355
James Robertson355
Phineas Rice355
Samuel Rice355
Gideon Rice355
Jonathan Richards355
Antony Richards355
Daniel Smith355
Thomas Seavey355
William Seavey355
Tim. & Sol. Steward - presumably Timothy & Solomon355
Eli Seavey355
John Seavey355
James & Samuel Shute355
Asa Seavey355
Jacob Staples355
Phares Snow355
Isaac Stone - not sure of surname355
Josiah Smith356
William Sweetser356
Robert Southgate356
Rufus & Job Seavey356
James Small356
David Small356
John Sawyer356
Enoch Skilling356
Simeon Skilling356
Benjamin Sweetser356
Dennis Skilling & ? - possibly Solomon Skilling356
Charles Smith356
John Sweetser356
Josiah Skilling356
William Stumford356
Samuel Thomson356
Ebenezer S. Thomes356
Travers & Stanwood356
Thomas & ? Thirstin356
James Thirstin356
Levi Tibbets356
Samuel Skilling356
Tilton, Revered - or Tifton, Reverend357
Lancaster, Reverend357
Henry Sawyer357
John Watson357
John Webb357
Isaac G. Walker357
Nathaniel Waterhouse357
Joseph Waterhouse357
? Woodman - perhaps Mr. or abbreviation for Abram or Abraham357
Nathaniel Waterhouse, Jr.357
John Waterhouse357
Mary Waterhouse357
Jonathan Watson357
Jeremiah Warren357
Theophilus Waterhouse357
Daniel Waterhouse357
Isaac Waterhouse357
Richard Waterhouse357
George Ward357
Zerubabel Hunnewel357
John Buggy357
Grover & Richard357
Widow Begford - perhaps variant of Bickford358
Eunice Freeman358
Joshua Begford - perhaps variant of Bickford358
Mary Moss358
Lewis Demote358
Brad. Merrill & Widow358
Elisha Whitten358
William & John Grace358

Scarborough, Maine, Today

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