Durham, Maine, in Cumberland County, in the 1820 Federal Census.
Enumerator: Robert D. Dunning
Enumerated population of Durham in the 1820 Census: 1560 - also on the recap sheet
Enumeration of Durham consists of all or parts of Sheets 409-422; use the arrow at top left of each image to page forward. Note: there are two sheets numbered 358 - the second one has the information.
Note: the 1820 Federal Census lists the names of heads of households only; people in a household are tracked by age range and gender to determine the total population.
See the list of heads of households at the end of this post.
Boundary changes to Durham since 1820:
- parts of Danville annexed in 1821 and 1823
- boundary with Pownal redefined in 1999
Note: Spelling of the names of heads of households has been left as it appears in the enumerator’s hand; in some cases, for clarity, an optional spelling has been added. Your corrections and additional information are requested; please comment for the benefit of fellow researchers.
For the following reasons, be prepared to search the entire list for the object of your search:
Many people were not sure of the spelling of their names
Name spelling may have evolved throughout the person’s life
The enumerator may not have heard the person correctly
The enumerator may have interviewed someone not certain of the name of the head of household or how it was spelled
The enumerator may have used phonetic spellings.
Some enumerators grouped heads of households together by the first letter of their surname, giving an additional clue on a surname difficult to read.
Note: lists by first letter of surname are not alphabetical within that letter.
Some enumerators apparently grouped the names by walking through neighborhoods; in these cases, the first letter of the surname may sometimes be in error, but the information on neighboring households is valuable.
Names of Heads of Households | Sheet # |
Thomas Austin | 409 |
Andrew Adams | 409 |
Stephen Bailey | 409 |
Jacob Bibber | 409 |
Stephen Bailey | 409 |
Ephraim Bragdon | 409 |
Jonathan Bragdon, Jr. | 409 |
Gideon Bragdon | 409 |
John Bragdon | 409 |
George Boye - perhaps George Bowe | 409 |
Jeremiah Bragdon | 409 |
Josiah Bragdon | 409 |
Jonathan Bragdon | 409 |
Josiah Byram | 409 |
George Bragdon | 409 |
Joseph Beal | 409 |
Jonathan Beal, Jr. | 409 |
William Beal | 409 |
John Bliffin - perhaps John Blethen | 409 |
Reuben Bliffin - perhaps Reuben Blethen | 409 |
Nothing written on Sheet 410 | 410 |
Daniel Bowker | 411 |
James Booker | 411 |
Abner Bishop | 411 |
Levi Bragdon | 411 |
Josiah Burnham | 411 |
Aaron S. Benson | 411 |
Joshua Barstow | 411 |
Gideon Curtis | 411 |
Seth Chandler | 411 |
H. Allen Cobb | 411 |
John Cushing | 411 |
David Crosman | 411 |
Jesse Crosman | 411 |
Solomon Crosman | 411 |
Adam Cushing | 411 |
James Cushing | 411 |
Solomon Crosman, Jr. | 411 |
John Collins | 411 |
Abijah Collins | 411 |
Joseph Estes | 411 |
Thomas Estes | 411 |
Caleb Estes | 412 |
Mathew Estes | 412 |
Silas Estes | 412 |
Isreal Estes - presumably Israel Estes | 412 |
Richard Dyer | 412 |
John D? - possibly Deering, During, Dening or ? | 412 |
Isaac Davis | 412 |
Micah Dyer - not sure of given name, struck-over | 412 |
James Doubty | 412 |
Moses Dyer | 412 |
Josiah Day, Jr. | 412 |
Jesse Day | 412 |
Josiah Day | 412 |
John Duglass 3d | 412 |
Joseph Duglass | 412 |
James Day | 412 |
Cornelius Duglass | 412 |
Cornelius Duglass, Jr. or Cornelius J. Duglass | 412 |
Jonathan Demerit | 412 |
Mathew D? - - possibly During, Duning, Dening or ? | 412 |
Stephen H. Davis | 413 |
Richard Done - perhaps Richard Doane or Richard Dunn | 413 |
Henry Farr | 413 |
Reuben Farr | 413 |
Thomas Ficket | 413 |
Mary Ficket | 413 |
Rushworth Ficket | 413 |
William Forester | 413 |
Abel Fog | 413 |
George Fengerson - perhaps George Ferguson | 413 |
Ammi Fergerson | 413 |
Thomas Freeman | 413 |
William Garish | 413 |
Samuel Gray | 413 |
Samuel Gooding | 413 |
Benjamin Garish | 413 |
James Garish | 413 |
George Garish | 413 |
James Garish 2d | 413 |
John Garish | 413 |
Jeremiah Garish | 413 |
Sarah Gatchell | 414 |
Nathaniel Gatchell | 414 |
Daniel Gould | 414 |
Hugh Gatchell | 414 |
And Herrington - possibly Andrew Herrington or Ana Herrington | 414 |
Nathan Hawks | 414 |
John Hoyt | 414 |
James Hibberd | 414 |
Joseph Hoyt | 414 |
Jacob Herrick, Jr. | 414 |
Jacob Herrick | 414 |
Francis Hammond | 414 |
Sylvanus Harrington | 414 |
Daniel Hammond | 414 |
Andrew Hunnewell | 414 |
Nathan Hawks | 414 |
Seecomb Jorden - presumably Secomb Jordan | 414 |
Apollus Jorden | 414 |
Samuel Jorden | 414 |
James Jorden | 414 |
Joshua Jones | 415 |
Joshua Jones, Jr. | 415 |
Isreal Jones - presumably Israel Jones | 415 |
Jotham Johnson | 415 |
William Johnson | 415 |
Amos Knight | 415 |
Fenber Kemp - possibly Feuber or Ferber | 415 |
Charles Kelley | 415 |
John Kelley | 415 |
Peter Kelley | 415 |
Mark Knight | 415 |
Parker Knight | 415 |
Hannah Knight | 415 |
Silas Kemp | 415 |
Abner Knight | 415 |
George Littlefield | 415 |
Elijah Littlefield | 415 |
Isaac Lambert | 415 |
Thomas Larrabee | 415 |
John Larrabee | 415 |
Jonathan Libby | 416 |
Sewall Libbey | 416 |
Walter Libby | 416 |
Jonathan Larrabee | 416 |
William Larrabee | 416 |
Enoch Lake | 416 |
Joseph Lufkin | 416 |
John Lincoln | 416 |
David Lincoln | 416 |
Jonathan Merrill | 416 |
Orlando Merrill | 416 |
Sally Moody | 416 |
Elijah Macumber | 416 |
Samuel Mitchell | 416 |
David Miller | 416 |
Joshua Miller, Jr. | 416 |
Edward McRobert | 416 |
William Mitchell | 416 |
Henry McKinny | 416 |
Joshua Miller | 416 |
Peter Mitchell | 417 |
Ezekiel McIntosh | 417 |
John McIntosh | 417 |
Lucy Merrill | 417 |
Jabez Merrill | 417 |
Rufus Moses | 417 |
Benjamin Moses | 417 |
Ebenezer Newhall | 417 |
James Newhall | 417 |
Samuel Nichols | 417 |
Thomas Nichols | 417 |
John Nason | 417 |
William Newhall | 417 |
James Nichols | 417 |
John Newhall | 417 |
Enoch Newhall | 417 |
Hugh Nevens | 417 |
Benjamin Osgood | 418 |
David Osgood | 418 |
Clemont Orr | 418 |
Samuel G. Osgood | 418 |
John Orr | 418 |
Aaron Osgood | 418 |
Joseph Osgood | 418 |
Nathaniel Parker | 418 |
Henry Plummer | 418 |
Peter Parker | 418 |
Andrew Pinkham | 418 |
Robert Plummer | 418 |
Joseph Philbrook | 418 |
Thomas Pierce | 418 |
William Porterfield | 418 |
John Ricker | 418 |
Alvan Robinson | 418 |
Samuel Robinson | 418 |
Daniel Robinson | 419 |
Magnas Ridley | 419 |
George Rice | 419 |
James Rice | 419 |
Moses Rice | 419 |
William Roak | 419 |
John Roak | 419 |
John Robertson | 419 |
John Richards | 419 |
Obed Reid | 419 |
Benjamin Roberts | 419 |
John Robertson, Jr. | 419 |
John Rogers | 419 |
Joseph Reid | 419 |
Barzilla Richards | 419 |
Thomas Roberts | 419 |
Davis Randall | 419 |
Joseph Richardson | 419 |
Joshua Snow | 420 |
Barnabas Strout | 420 |
Ebenezer Strout | 420 |
Ebenezer Sylvester | 420 |
Daniel Sutherland | 420 |
James Strout | 420 |
Jonathan Strout | 420 |
William Stoddard | 420 |
Ebenezer Stinson - not sure of surname | 420 |
John Stacpole - presumably John Stackpole | 420 |
John Stacpole, Jr. - presumably John Stackpole, Jr. | 420 |
Samuel Sawyer | 420 |
Jacob Sawher | 420 |
Daniel Seargent | 420 |
Samuel Sawyer | 420 |
Joseph Sylvester | 420 |
Job Sylvester, Jr. or Joseph Sylvester, Jr. | 420 |
John Sydleman | 420 |
Elijah Stutson | 420 |
Joseph Spaulding | 420 |
John Sawyer | 421 |
Isaac Turner | 421 |
Ezekiel Turner | 421 |
Lemuel Turner | 421 |
Theophilus Thomas | 421 |
James Thomas | 421 |
Samuel Tracy | 421 |
Daniel Tracy | 421 |
Christopher Tracy | 421 |
Jedediah Varney | 421 |
Benjamin Vining | 421 |
Bela Vining | 421 |
William Vining | 421 |
John Vining | 421 |
David Wyer or David Wyes | 421 |
Ruben Weston | 421 |
William Webster | 421 |
John Willoughby | 421 |
Nathaniel Willoughby | 421 |
Benjamin Weeks | 422 |
David Wilbour | 422 |
Joseph Weeman | 422 |
Joseph Weeman, Jr. | 422 |
Samuel Witham | 422 |
Martin Woodard | 422 |
Stephen Weston | 422 |
Thomas Winslow | 422 |
David Wilson | 422 |
Ebenezer Woodbury | 422 |
James Woodbury | 422 |
Waitstill Webber | 422 |
Ebenezer Warren | 422 |
George D. Welch | 422 |
Rufus Warren | 422 |
Durham, Maine, Today
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