Saturday, September 4, 2010

Undated Snippet from the Portland Transcript, Portland, Maine, 1860s or later

Found loose, a snippet cut from the Portland Transcript sometime from the 1860s or later [owing to a clue in the engima below], either by someone who was affiliated in some way with one of the vessels mentioned in the above image or someone interested in the enigma on the reverse side, image below:

First, a transcript of the shipping news:

                                     TUESDAY, April 2.
ARRIVED - Schs H. Prescott, Freeman, Tangier; Bertha Scudder, Wooster, Philadelphia; Susan, Sears, do; Sea Queen, Guptil, New York; Shawmut, Ricker, Boston; Sparta, Hopkins, Salem; Isis, Bullock, do; Splendid, Webber, Portsmouth; Julia Ann, Nickerson, Frankfort; Lady Woodbury, Woodbury, Rockland; J. F. Carver, Rumrill, Tremont; John H. Kennedy, Keene, Bremen; Mary S. Monson, Lewis, Boothbay; William Keene, Keene, do; Annie Harris, Harris, do; Nonpareil, Simmons, Sedgwick for Boston; Ida May, Gray, Bucksport for Boston; Nathan Clifford, Shute, Belfast for Rondout; J. P. Merriam, Clark, Belfast for Boston; Highlander, Turner, Orland for Salem; Idaho, Wescott, Rockland for Boston.
CLEARED - Ship Mount Washington, (new, of Boston, 117? tons,); M. C. Malling, Savannah, with 2118 bdls hay; barque Martin W. Brett, Thurlow, Matanzas; Fannte, Carter, Cardenas; s   ch Tilt, Eastport.
                                          WEDNESDAY, April 3

ARRIVED - Brig C. H. Kennedy, Merryman, Philadelphia; Schs Fantuzai, Wooster, do; Adriane, Eastman, [end of clipping]

The puzzle is fascinating - what a neat project for the students of today!    [Thanks, Jackie, for having a camp at that certain pond...]

Written for the Portland Transcript.
I am composed of 32 letters.
My 12 19 13 15 is a river in Maine.
My 17 22 31 13 16 11 27 is a county in Maine.
My 24 8 32 5 23 32 in a town in Maine.
My 28 7 17 10 1 12 5 1 is a pond in Maine.
My 2 26 9 29 14 is a mountain in Maine.
My 15 4 25 5 20 is an island near the coast of Maine.
My 18 3 8 21 30 6 24 is one of the chief industrial pursuits of Maine.
My Whole is an institution of learning and its location.
                                            J. W. K.

Scroll way down to leave a guess or a comment.

Good luck and thanks for stopping by!

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